[Asterisk-Dev] Introducing JAGIServer, a Multi-Threaded FastAGI server for Asterisk in Java.

Matt King m at orderlysoftware.com
Mon Nov 8 15:01:44 MST 2004


   I'd like to draw your attention to a new project at Sourceforge, 
called JAGIServer. It's at


   JAGIServer is a 100% Pure Java application server for Asterisk using 
the FastAGI protocol, which is a TCP/IP wrapper around the Asterisk 
Gateway Interface (AGI) protocol for call handling and processing caller 

   The idea is to open up Asterisk to the Java community, who have 
hitherto been unable to use AGI practically, due to the high machine 
overhead involved in starting a new JVM for each call dealt with.  The 
server architecture means that all calls can be handled within a single 
JVM, facilitating resource and data sharing across calls, and also 
integration with other system components such as databases, 
authentication and encryption services etc.

   JAGIServer provides a wrapper class around each incoming call, giving 
access to the context information sent from Asterisk, and wrapper 
methods around all AGI calls, which can be used by your applications to 
execute a very wide variety of business logic.

   If you are interested in using this software in your organistion, you 
can download source code and installation instructions at the above URL 
(and also please do tell us so we can stick a pin in our map!).  This is 
a pre-alpha release, and only core AGI wrapper methods have been tested 
so far, so we'd be very interested to hear about your problems or 
successes with the server at the bugs page on the sourceforge project.

   I sincerely hope you find this useful,

      Matt King, M.A. Oxon.
      Director, Orderly Software Ltd.
           7 St Olaves Mews
      Exeter, Devon, UK
      EX4 3BH

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