[Asterisk-Dev] Implementing for new hardware
Steven Critchfield
critch at basesys.com
Mon Mar 29 08:49:08 MST 2004
On Mon, 2004-03-29 at 09:35, German Viera wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to asterisk and I am a bit confused with de architecture
> of the soft. I would like to imlpement some modules to incorporate new
> hardware (telephony) to asterisk (for example NMS boards) . I would be
> very gratefull if somebody could tell me wich modules implement the
> interface between asterisk and hardware and some brief explanation of
> how they communicate.
> Hope somebody could help me,
On cursory glance at the NMS website, You will run into a legal problem
first. I do not believe they have a GPL driver or SDK. So your first
problem is in licensing of software.
As for the technical question. You need look no further than the channel
subdirectory to see where and how to write a channel driver.
Is there a reason to use their hardware over Digium Hardware? Other than
a couple of cards that Digium doesn't support yet, probably not. Digium
Hardware is most likely cheaper also as the NMS hardware has codecs
implemented onto them and asterisk won't use them.
Steven Critchfield <critch at basesys.com>
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