[Asterisk-Dev] Crash/backtrace in app_voicemail.c / res_adsi.c
Tilghman Lesher
tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com
Mon Jan 5 16:06:15 MST 2004
Looks like some memory getting overwritten in app_voicemail.c.
#0 adsi_connect_session (buf=0x492fd43c "\216", fdn=0x280 <Address 0x280 out of bounds>, ver=1)
at res_adsi.c:458
458 buf[bytes++] = fdn[x];
(gdb) bt
#0 adsi_connect_session (buf=0x492fd43c "\216", fdn=0x280 <Address 0x280 out of bounds>, ver=1)
at res_adsi.c:458
#1 0x43a1f62b in adsi_load_session (chan=0x48c03560, app=0x280 <Address 0x280 out of bounds>, ver=1, data=1)
at res_adsi.c:943
#2 0x47a7b078 in vm_execmain (chan=0x48c03560, data=0x492fd43c) at app_voicemail.c:1755
#3 0x08063b8a in pbx_exec (c=0x48c03560, app=0x80e5050, data=0x492ff26c, newstack=1) at pbx.c:396
#4 0x0806b141 in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x48c03560, context=0x48c036b8 "internal", exten=0x81572c0 "`5ÀH",
priority=2, callerid=0x48c005a8 "\"Howard White\" <101>", action=1134698732) at pbx.c:1170
#5 0x08065b4c in ast_pbx_run (c=0x43a220ec) at pbx.c:1654
#6 0x46e168a8 in ss_thread (data=0x48c03560) at chan_zap.c:4275
#7 0x40026811 in pthread_start_thread () from /lib/i686/libpthread.so.0
(gdb) bt full
#0 adsi_connect_session (buf=0x492fd43c "\216", fdn=0x280 <Address 0x280 out of bounds>, ver=1)
at res_adsi.c:458
bytes = 2
x = 0
#1 0x43a1f62b in adsi_load_session (chan=0x48c03560, app=0x280 <Address 0x280 out of bounds>, ver=1, data=1)
at res_adsi.c:943
dsp = "\216", '\0' <repeats 254 times>
bytes = 1227871292
res = 640
resp = "\0"
#2 0x47a7b078 in vm_execmain (chan=0x48c03560, data=0x492fd43c) at app_voicemail.c:1755
res = 0
valid = 0
prefix = 0
cmd = 0
u = (struct localuser *) 0xffffffff
prefixstr = '\0' <repeats 79 times>
empty = '\0' <repeats 79 times>
box = 0
useadsi = 0
skipuser = 0
tmp = "8?\024\b`\017!@\0\0\0\0P/!@Ôî/I4>\e@\215\0\0\0\226\f\025@\001\0\0\0\0@\001@\215\0\0\0\034ò/I\0\0\0\0¬7ÀH6\0\0\04$\025@`\023!@øª\f\b\004ï/Inü\024@`\023!@\0@\001@\215\0\0\0P/!@\001\0\0\0\r \v\b+ü\024 at P/!@\215\0\0\0øª\f\b$ï/I\006ü\024@`\023!@\0@\001@\215\0\0\0ðÿ\006\bÜï/I`\023!@Dï/IH\003\025@`\023!@\0@\001 at o\233\002@Øû\002@àû/I \a!@û\234\002@Øû\002@\0\0\0\0`\023!@"...
ext = 0x492fd43c "\216"
fmtc = "gsm|wav", '\0' <repeats 248 times>
password = "P/!@Ûï/Ití/I\0266\025@¬í/I\214ï40Ûï/I", '\0' <repeats 12 times>, "}¥\022 at P/!@P\0\0\0\214ï/I¤î/I4$\025@¬í/I\220x\v\bôî/I\214ï/I"
vms = {curbox = '\0' <repeats 79 times>, username = '\0' <repeats 79 times>,
curdir = '\0' <repeats 255 times>, vmbox = '\0' <repeats 255 times>, fn = '\0' <repeats 255 times>,
fn2 = '\0' <repeats 255 times>, deleted = {0 <repeats 100 times>}, heard = {0 <repeats 100 times>},
curmsg = 0, lastmsg = 0, newmessages = 0, oldmessages = 0, starting = 0, repeats = 0}
logretries = 0
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
vmu = (struct ast_vm_user *) 0x81572c0
vmus = {
context = '\0' <repeats 12 times>, "4$\025 at i", '\0' <repeats 15 times>, "P/!@kô/I$ã/IØû\002@àå\023\b 9!@\233\237\002@Øû\002@àå\023\b 9!@$ã/I¼n\002@",
mailbox = "°9!@P/!@Dã/I\023^\025@ 9!@àå\023\b}¥\022 at P/!@\002\0\0\0\003\0\0\04ä/IëÍ\024@àå\023\bàå\023\b\002\0\0\0àå\023\b\0\0\0\0lä/Ilä/Ilä/I",
password = "lä/IÇä/Ikô/I\002\0\0\0\0\200ûàå\023\bàå\023\bç\235\002@àå\023\bâå\023\bDæ\023\bàå\023\bDæ\023\b\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0àû/I", '\0' <repeats 12 times>, "\001\0\0",
fullname = '\0' <repeats 12 times>, "ç\235\002@\021", '\0' <repeats 11 times>, "ÿÿÿÿ", '\0' <repeats 12 times>, "Øû\002@Àr\025\b 9!@\233\237\002@Øû\002@Àr\025\b 9!@\024ä/I¼n\002@",
email = "°9!@P/!@4ä/I\023^\025@ 9!@Àr\025\bÛÌ\024@Àr\025\b\002\0\0\0Ì\027\016\b\233\237\002@Øû\002@\002\0\0\0Ì\027\016\bTä/I¼n\002@¼\224\f\b\0\0\0\0\204ô/I\202µ\a\b",
pager = "¬\224\f\b^\036\v\b[\0\0\0\230ô/IChannel: Zap/15-1\r\nContext: internal\r\nExtension: 8\r\nPriority: 2\r",
serveremail = "\nUniqueid: 1073335421.171\r\n\0pÑ\025\bÔÑ\025\b\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0àû/I", '\0' <repeats 12 times>, "\001", '\0' <repeats 15 times>, "ç\235\002@",
zonetag = "\021", '\0' <repeats 11 times>, "ÿÿÿÿ", '\0' <repeats 12 times>, "Øû\002@°V\024\b 9!@\233\237\002@Øû\002@°V\024\b 9!@Då/I¼n\002@°9!@P/!@då/I\023^\025@", attach = 1075919264, alloced = 135550640,
next = 0x4014ccdb}
context = 0x0
#3 0x08063b8a in pbx_exec (c=0x48c03560, app=0x80e5050, data=0x492ff26c, newstack=1) at pbx.c:396
res = 1134698732
stack = -1
execute = (int (*)(struct ast_channel *, void *)) 0x47a788e0 <vm_execmain>
#4 0x0806b141 in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x48c03560, context=0x48c036b8 "internal", exten=0x81572c0 "`5ÀH",
priority=2, callerid=0x48c005a8 "\"Howard White\" <101>", action=1134698732) at pbx.c:1170
e = (struct ast_exten *) 0x492fd43c
sw = (struct ast_switch *) 0x0
data = 0x0
newstack = 1
res = 640
status = 4
incstack = {0x8157780 "internal", 0xf9a4fbe4 <Address 0xf9a4fbe4 out of bounds>,
0xf5c4f7c4 <Address 0xf5c4f7c4 out of bounds>, 0xf444f4c4 <Address 0xf444f4c4 out of bounds>,
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
0xf544f4c4 <Address 0xf544f4c4 out of bounds>, 0xf844f6c4 <Address 0xf844f6c4 out of bounds>,
0xfcf4faa4 <Address 0xfcf4faa4 out of bounds>, 0x94feec <Address 0x94feec out of bounds>,
0x26c01cc <Address 0x26c01cc out of bounds>, 0x28c02cc <Address 0x28c02cc out of bounds>,
0x144020c <Address 0x144020c out of bounds>, 0xff2c0030 <Address 0xff2c0030 out of bounds>,
0xfdf4fe74 <Address 0xfdf4fe74 out of bounds>, 0xfdb4fd94 <Address 0xfdb4fd94 out of bounds>,
0xfe54fdb4 <Address 0xfe54fdb4 out of bounds>, 0xffd0ff0c <Address 0xffd0ff0c out of bounds>,
0x1340094 <Address 0x1340094 out of bounds>, 0x1cc01ac <Address 0x1cc01ac out of bounds>,
0x1cc01ec <Address 0x1cc01ec out of bounds>, 0x14401ac <Address 0x14401ac out of bounds>,
0x9400d4 <Address 0x9400d4 out of bounds>, 0x500060 <Address 0x500060 out of bounds>, 0x492ff42c "101",
0x8073123 "\205Àt\032F\017¶\024>\204Ò\210ÓuÞ\213EðÆ\0048", 0x80b7982 "( )-.",
0x31 <Address 0x31 out of bounds>, 0x3 <Address 0x3 out of bounds>, 0x80f5998 "1073335421.171",
0x80f56d8 "\"Howard White\" <101>", 0x80f5998 "1073335421.171", 0x492ff484 "äõ/IL[\006\b`5ÀH¸6ÀH¬7ÀH\002",
0x80753a1 "\201Ä\214", 0x80f5998 "1073335421.171", 0x48c04d0c "1073335421.171",
0x1f <Address 0x1f out of bounds>, 0x40212f50 "dþ\022", 0x402139a0 "", 0x402139a0 "", 0x492ff444 "",
0x40156a67 "\213Eð\203À\\\211EÜ\213}ð\213EÜ\213Oh\211Mä9Á\017\204\225", 0x402139a0 "",
0xff1cfd34 <Address 0xff1cfd34 out of bounds>, 0x492ff41d "Howard White", 0x492ff42c "101",
0x776f4800 <Address 0x776f4800 out of bounds>, 0x20647261 <Address 0x20647261 out of bounds>,
0x74696857 <Address 0x74696857 out of bounds>, 0x200065 <Address 0x200065 out of bounds>,
0x313031 <Address 0x313031 out of bounds>, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
0x8075bcc "\213]ø\213uü\211ì]Ã\211t$\024ÇD$\020\200\201\v\bÇD$\f±\202\v\bÇD$\b\205",
0x80f5958 "\177Ìù?x¾\b", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}
passdata = '\0' <repeats 255 times>
stacklen = 1
tmp = "\e[1;36;40mVoiceMailMain\e[0;37;40m\0m\0\020\001\0\0\0\0\0\0\020\001\0\0\0\0\0\0TB\021\b\0\0\0\0Ý:\005\b¨}\023\b\024A\021\b \0\0\0Øû\002@"
tmp2 = "\e[1;35;40mZap/15-1\e[0;37;40m", '\0' <repeats 20 times>, "\003\0\0\0\002\0\0\0\0\0\0\0ç\235\002@\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\233\237\002@Øû\002@"
tmp3 = "\e[1;35;40m\e[0;37;40m\0\0ÀHlú/I\001\0\0\0¼J\021\b\004\0\0\0¬ô/Iüñ/I\0ò/I\004ò/I\bò/IØû\002@\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$ñ/I¼n\002 at H`\f\bÈZãF4ô/Iç\235\002 at 8`\f\b", '\0' <repeats 24 times>, "àû/I", '\0' <repeats 12 times>, "\001", '\0' <repeats 47 times>, "Øû\002@`5ÀH\\n\f\b\233\237\002@Øû\002@\0\0\0\0lú/I´ñ/I¼n\002 at ln\f\b\004\0\0\0Äõ/Iô³\006\b\\n\f\b¸6ÀHlú/I\001"...
#5 0x08065b4c in ast_pbx_run (c=0x43a220ec) at pbx.c:1654
digit = 0 '\0'
exten = '\0' <repeats 255 times>
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
pos = 0
waittime = 1227871292
res = 0
#6 0x46e168a8 in ss_thread (data=0x48c03560) at chan_zap.c:4275
p = (struct zt_pvt *) 0x8113ed8
exten = "8", '\0' <repeats 78 times>
exten2 = '\0' <repeats 79 times>
buf = '\0' <repeats 255 times>
cid = '\0' <repeats 255 times>
dtmfbuf = '\0' <repeats 299 times>
cs = (struct callerid_state *) 0x0
name = 0x0
number = 0x0
flags = 0
i = 0
timeout = 0
getforward = 0
len = 1
res = 1227871292
#7 0x40026811 in pthread_start_thread () from /lib/i686/libpthread.so.0
No symbol table info available.
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