[Asterisk-Dev] cvs server routing problem

Tilghman Lesher tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com
Sun Feb 15 08:20:25 MST 2004

On Saturday 14 February 2004 11:57, Chris Wilson wrote:
> Hi Tilghman,
> > On Friday 13 February 2004 09:10, Dave Weis wrote:
> > > I'm trying to do a cvs checkout and there seems to be a routing
> > > loop:
> >
> > Are you using 'cvs.digium.com' or did you hardcode the IP address?
> > If you're using 'cvs.digium.com' and you're still getting the
> > problem, then your DNS is caching improperly.  Purge your DNS cache
> > and you should be fine.
> I don't think that's the problem. I found the whole Digium site,
> including Asterisk.org, the mailing lists, and Bugs, dropped into a
> black hole (for me) all day Friday, which was annoying because I
> wanted to post some patches on the bug tracker, and use CVS. It seems
> to be fine now.
> I think the loop was at:
>   13  hsvcore.apid.com (  104.361 ms  116.766 ms 
> 103.132 ms
> which is just before:
>   14  digium.com (  116.744 ms  117.089 ms  117.168 ms
> which I couldn't reach on Friday, but can now.

If you're using recent DNS, cvs.digium.com is not located at Digium.  It
is located at two mirror CVS servers.


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