[Asterisk-Dev] IAX2 calls fail after 60 seconds when traversing NAT

Michael Van Donselaar mvand at vandonselaar.org
Thu Feb 12 18:18:12 MST 2004

On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 19:04:24 -0600, "Steven Sokol" <ssokol at sokol-associates.com>


>This only occurs when the call traverses a NAT.  It seems to happen on both
>Linux and Win32 clients.  Michael Van Donselaar and I have been tracking
>this for several weeks.  We have run up against the wall with this.
>Could we ask for a bit of assistance from one of the project leaders.  We
>will be happy to provide you with any information and copies of our client
>code.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

I have posted fresh builds (they're still warm, so be careful) on sourceforge:


I've tested both clients, and they no longer drop connection after 65 seconds
when they're on the same side of the firewall as the asterisk server.

If there's any NATing involved, the same problem is back.

>Thanks in advance,
>Steve Sokol
>Sokol & Associates, LLC
>IaxTel: (700) 613-9004
>Phone:  (816) 822-1807

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