[Asterisk-Dev] Call-forking and cdr-patch

Freddi Hansen fh at danovation.dk
Mon Dec 20 16:41:30 MST 2004

Before creating another patch I just wanted to run this by the dev-list, 
maybe someone has a workaround/comments

exten =>  _1234,1,Dial(SIP/${phone1}@myprovider&SIP/${phone2}@myprovider)

The CDR  out channel only has 'SIP/myprovider' so I don't know which 
phone answered the call.
My thoughts are to pass the Dial argument and enumerate the possible 
destinations and then set a ChannelVar
upon connect, so ${ACHAN}='2' if phone2 answered the call in the above 
example. It's just that I am not
crazy about adding exstra ChannelVars just for this.
I have been using '*' for almost 2 years now and we have 10+ 
installations but I somehow feel like a newbie when asking
this question (which was unanswered when I tried on -users 4 month ago).

An I off-track or should I just go ahead and make the change.


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