[Asterisk-Dev] 3rd party call control / CSTA , JTAPI or TAPIinterfaces

Steve Underwood steveu at coppice.org
Mon Dec 20 07:10:32 MST 2004

Whilst I agree that simply saying "its the call manager" is flippant, I 
understand why someone would say that. There are too many so called 
standards in this area for it to be clear which is the right way to go. 
CSTA seems to require an app to be reimplemented for every target (been 
there, done that, and done that, and done that). Not everyone uses Java, 
so JTAPI hardly fits everyone's needs. Lots of people do use Java, so 
the C based APIs are equally non-generic. If I sat down to implement 
something that would keep the maximum number of people happy, I have no 
clear idea what I would choose. Do you have any ideas? (implement 
everything is not considered a sane answer to this question :-) ).


Schaefer, Mark wrote:

>This is a pretty big weakness of Asterisk to be dealt with so flippantly.  I wouldn't necessarily define the Manager API as an API.  It's more of a UI.  We have a number of projects within OnStar that require 3rd party call control, and having to custom-build an application for Asterisk that raises the overhead associated with switching is definitely not the way to go.
>If Asterisk gains any momentum, you may find a company like Genesys Labs developing adapters for it, but I doubt that will happen soon because, again, Asterisk has no real standard API for call control.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: asterisk-dev-bounces at lists.digium.com
>[mailto:asterisk-dev-bounces at lists.digium.com]On Behalf Of Nick Bachmann
>Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2004 1:59 AM
>To: Asterisk Developers Mailing List
>Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Dev] 3rd party call control / CSTA , JTAPI or
>Shahed wrote:
>>Hello all,
>>(Not sure if this is more appropriate for user or dev list)
>>Does asterisk have any sort of "standards based" api that can enable
>>an application to do call control on the switch ?
>Yes.  It's called the Manager.

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