[Asterisk-Dev] Choice of astdb backend -- questions...

Tilghman Lesher tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com
Thu Dec 9 15:35:35 MST 2004

On Thursday 09 December 2004 16:13, Andrew Thompson wrote:
> Brian West wrote:
> >>I'm talking about something that would *replace* the builtin astdb.h
> >>functions...
> >
> > Why replace it?  We have had this argument before and "some" people said
> > they would fork asterisk in 2 seconds if db1 was removed.  Just add to
> > it.. res_sqlite adds the SQL dialplan app... use it.. its great.
> OK, scratch the word *replace* and insert *modularize* or *coexist with*
> or *drop-in replace*.
> db1 can stay, if people are dead set on having it, but there should be
> an option to swap it out entirely for some other database. The problem
> here is all the apps that are hardcoded for db1. Can we get a wrapper
> put in so that the more openminded of us can use an up-to-date database?

And what's stopping you from writing this feature that you see as necessary?


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