[Asterisk-Dev] De-Bottlenecking Asterisk

Federico Alves sales at minixel.com
Mon Apr 19 08:33:40 MST 2004

 From the error capture below is obvious that the blowup is caused by the
declaration of an array, which is defined only to hold 60 h323 open calls,
and once above that number, it blows up the whole application. My question
is: can we quickly figure out where that declaration is and replace it by a
() form, which in theory will make it unlimited? Or at least define it 1024
upper limit?


I will appreciate any insight into the culprit.


-- Executing Dial("H323/ip$", "H323/19548178128 at 192

.168.85.100/19544447408") in new stack

    -- Called 19548178128 at

  0:44.093         H225 Caller:4170e280       assert.cxx(105)   PWLib

n fail: Invalid array element, file /root/pwlib/include/ptlib/array.h, line

, Error=115


<A>bort, <C>ore dump, <I>gnore? a


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