[Asterisk-Dev] Cisco 79xx XML-Push Authentication

Alexander Noack alex at aiesec.wiwi.uni-rostock.de
Fri Apr 16 14:10:45 MST 2004

Rich Adamson wrote:
> Can you give us an config example?

Sorry if I haven't been very clear ....

Assume you want to push an XML-Object to the 79xx (works for the SCCP
image, might work for the 6.x SIP image).

The Push is done by posting a "CiscoIPPhoneExecute" with the URL of
the Object you want to be loaded. The POSTing has to be directed to
the phone at the URL "/CGI/Execute" and must use HTTP Basic

Upon the request the phone contacts the Authentication service as
stated in the phone's config file (see post
). The data transmitted contains the UserID, Password and devicename
(POST data) which your script will have to decide upon what to do
next. A possible answer can be "ERROR", "UN-AUTHORIZED" or
"AUTHORIZED", printed without any headers.

After the authentication succeeds, the requested URL is pulled, and
the resulting object is displayed.

1.) create a SEP<MACADDRESS>.cnf.xml (see link above) and add an
entry to the "<authenticationURL>" pointing to your authentication
script. A simple authentication script, always allowing access, would

(This doesn't check UserID and Password)

2.) send an Execute Object to the phone, containing the URL you want
to be pulled

# This is an example of CiscoIPPhoneExecute as seen in the SDK
# Usage: Simply include in your php program and call the funtion
#        using the parameters:
#                             $ip  = IP of phone we're pushing to
#                             $uri = the URL or URI we want the phone
to execute
#                             $uid = the user id to authenticate
against to the phone
#                             $pwd = the password to authenticate
# Author: alex at aiesec.uni-rostock.de, Oct. 2003

function push2phone($ip, $uri, $uid, $pwd)
 $auth = base64_encode($uid.":".$pwd);
 $xml  = "<CiscoIPPhoneExecute><ExecuteItem Priority=\"0\"
 $xml  = "XML=".urlencode($xml);

 $post  = "POST /CGI/Execute HTTP/1.0\r\n";
 $post .= "Host: $ip\r\n";
 $post .= "Authorization: Basic $auth\r\n";
 $post .= "Connection: close\r\n";
 $post .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
 $post .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($xml)."\r\n\r\n";

 $fp = fsockopen ( $ip, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
 if(!$fp){ echo "$errstr ($errno)<br>\n"; }
  fputs($fp, $post.$xml);
  while (!feof($fp))
   $response .= fgets($fp, 128);

 return $response;


$ip  = "your.CISCO.phone.here";
$uri = "http://your.web.server.here/hello_world.php";
$uid = "test";
$pwd = "test";

echo push2phone($ip, $uri, $uid, $pwd);

You can call the above script from the command line (using php) or
whatever interface you require. Other than pulling XML-Objects from
your server, you could also initiate RTP streams as stated in the
Cisco docs.

Hope that helped :)


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