[Asterisk-Dev] <<< SPHINX INTEGRATION >>>

Steve Underwood steveu at coppice.org
Mon Apr 12 02:47:52 MST 2004

Storer, Darren wrote:

>I was beginning to think that no one was interested in speech recognition
>for Asterisk; having recently asked for a "must have" and a wish list in the
>asterisk-users mailing list, the silence was deafening.
>Tests this week have shown that speech recognition over PRI via Asterisk is
>much more accurate than via VoIP (even when compared to a 64k skinny
>connection from a Cisco VIP 30+). A rough estimate is a degradation of 20%
>(loss of accuracy) when good quality VoIP is used instead of ISDN.
>Work is progressing nicely on a commercial speech rec. add-on for Asterisk
>but the finer details of API support, size of vocabulary etc. have not yet
>been thrashed out. If anyone in the dev list has a "must have" and a "nice
>to have" features list please shout up.
If ISDN gives you noticeably different results from ulaw or alaw VoIP 
you must be going something wrong. If the packet loss is very low they 
should be essentially identical. If the packet loss is high enough to 
give 20% more failed words it must be *really* awful. :-)


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