[Asterisk-Dev] BUG: chan_skinny

Jeremy McNamara jj at nufone.net
Fri Sep 12 11:59:35 MST 2003

I sware I tested a no config file situation here and it did not fail for 
me...  Odd.

This has already been fixed by the man himself  :(



Steven Critchfield wrote:

>I'll report this here just because the bug reporting system doesn't have
>a skinny section yet. Consider that a minor thing to fix.
>Today when I did a update to my asterisk machine and picked up the
>chan_skinny driver, asterisk didn't restart properly. This was caused by
>the make upgrade/update(whichever) didn't copy the sample skinny.conf
>file over to the config directory. In my opinion, not being able to read
>the config file should not cause asterisk to fail to start. At least the
>error message was understandable enough so as to point out what I needed
>to do. 

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