[Asterisk-Dev] TRIP integration: programmer wanted

John Todd jtodd at loligo.com
Thu Jul 24 15:51:02 MST 2003

Hello -
   I have had preliminary discussions with a funding source to get 
some work done in Asterisk.  This would be GPL'd contributions.  The 
final stage in securing the funding is to obtain the programmer for 
the work, and evaluate their abilities and, of course, the level of 
actual funding that might be required.

   I need someone to implement a version of TRIP (RFC2871 and RFC3219) 
that will integrate tightly with Asterisk.  I have briefly discussed 
TRIP in previous messages, but the summary is "BGP for phones".

Your specifications:
  - reliability
  - prior experience with IP routing protocols (spanning tree, BGP, 
OSPF, whatever)
  - excellent understanding of fast-lookup data structures
  - TCP stack experience
  - reliability
  - available time for dedicated work
  - at least passing familiarity with Asterisk's internals
  - reliability
  - excellent C abilities
  - basic understanding of the SIP protocol
  - prior implementation of RFC-specified protocols
  - excellent technical English skills

Don't reply to this email if you have a million projects on your 
plate, none of which you can see finishing in the near future.  This 
will require some heads-down thinking and all of your time, and it is 
a non-trivial implementation.  I expect it will take close to a month 
to complete the core, and another month or two for much less 
intensive part-time debugging and final feature additions.

You will not be responsible for documenting the package, but you will 
be responsible for well-documented code.  Specifications will be 
presented in the form of the RFC and a set of manual pages for 
anticipated configuration files and behaviors.  You will be able to 
decide to a large degree how you wish to implement the module 
according to the configs and documents provided, and you will be 
expected to use your sharp intellect to find non-obvious feature 
enhancements and also to trap "gotchas" in methodology.  There is a 
previously-implemented, BSD-licensed TRIP stack by the Vovida 
project, from which it may be possible to copy or glean hints as to 
implementation, but that package was C++ and this new package will be 
in C.  I am not concerned with how code is developed, so long as it 
is legal, well-documented, and easily extendable.

There is not a huge amount of money in this project, but enough 
certainly to make it attractive for someone who does coding as a 
financial support to their intellectual interests.  Of course, I 
would welcome any inquiries for anyone wishing to pursue this in 
their academic advanced coursework.  There is potentially a 
significant amount of future interest in this protocol, and a 
groundbreaking effort would possibly lead to some notoriety for you 
in what promises to be a very quickly growing business environment 
for VoIP.

Full Disclosure: I have no financial interest or direct gain from my 
management of this project, and I will not be contributing anything 
other than time.  I am a consultant who merely sees the addition of 
TRIP as a solution to a huge number of problems for my CLEC/IXC 
customers, and this would greatly enhance my ability to interconnect 
those providers.  I also will admit that poking a sharp stick into 
the ILECs of the world is a pastime that I enjoy.

Please contact me for more details at jtodd at loligo.com.  I will be 
mostly unavailable between July 26 and August 2, so my response may 
be delayed if you reply in that interval.


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