[Asterisk-Dev] Commit emails & CVS Web

Armand A. Verstappen armand at nl.envida.net
Tue Aug 5 11:19:36 MST 2003


I'm following development of asterisk for a while now, and there are two
things that I'm missing dearly:

- Commit emails 
- CVS Web

These tools help me a lot in other projects to keep track of what is
going on, and to get a better feel for the source layout. 

I recall reading in the archives that there are some areas in CVS that
are not open to non-digium mortals (G.729 , dialogic?), and that that is
blocking the use of these tools.

CVS configuration (the files in CVSROOT) makes it possible to only send
commit emails for certain paths within CVS. I'd propose setting up a new
mailinglist asterisk-cvs at lists.digium.com with reply-to set to
asterisk-dev at lists.digium.com, and to setup CVS to send commit emails to
this mailinglist.

For CVS web access, I don't have a suggestion handy, but I'm willing to
investigate the possibilities if Digium is open to this, and there's
interest from the asterisk community.


Envida                     http://www.envida.net/
Armand A. Verstappen       Graadt van Roggenweg 328
armand at nl.envida.net       3531 AH Utrecht
tel: +31 (0)30 298 2255    Postbus 19127
fax: +31 (0)30 298 2111    3501 DC Utrecht
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