[asterisk-commits] Change in testsuite[master]: stasis: set a channel variable on websocket disconnect error

SVN commits to the Asterisk project asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Wed Apr 8 15:57:02 CDT 2015

Mark Michelson has submitted this change and it was merged.

Change subject: stasis: set a channel variable on websocket disconnect error

stasis: set a channel variable on websocket disconnect error

This test is to ensure Asterisk applies the correct state to the channel
variable, STASISSTATUS. STASISSTATUS was introduced as a means for Stasis
applications to have context when errors occur in Stasis that disrupt normal

The test scenarios:
1. The 'Babs' scenario:
    a. A channel is originated through ARI referencing a subscribed app (Babs)
       that was registered in Stasis during startup.
    b. After Stasis is started, the channel is then hungup.
    c. A check is made to ensure that the value of STASISSTATUS is SUCCESS.
2. The 'Bugs' scenario:
   a. A channel is originated through ARI referencing a subscribed app
      (BugsAlt) that was never registered in Stasis.
   b. A check is then made to ensure that the value of STASISSTATUS is FAILED.
3. The 'Buster' scenario:
   a. A channel is originated through ARI referencing a subscribed app
      (Buster) that was registered in Stasis during startup.
   b. While the channel from step 'a' is still active, the websocket is then
      disconnected out from underneath ARI.
   c. A new channel is originated through ARI, also referencing the subscribed
      app (Buster) that was registered in Stasis during startup.
   d. A check is then made to ensure that the value of STASISSTATUS is FAILED.

Reported By: Kevin Harwell

Change-Id: I0f7dadfd429bd30e9f07a531f47884d8c923fc13
A tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/__init__.py
A tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/ari_client.py
A tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
A tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/monitor.py
A tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/observable_object.py
A tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/run-test
A tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/test-config.yaml
A tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/test_case.py
A tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/test_scenario.py
M tests/rest_api/applications/tests.yaml
10 files changed, 1,447 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  Mark Michelson: Looks good to me, approved; Verified
  Matt Jordan: Looks good to me, but someone else must approve

diff --git a/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/__init__.py b/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/__init__.py
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/ari_client.py b/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/ari_client.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7e2eb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/ari_client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Copyright (C) 2015, Digium, Inc.
+Ashley Sanders <asanders at digium.com>
+This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
+the GNU General Public License Version 2.
+import sys
+import logging
+import uuid
+from asterisk.ari import ARI, AriClientFactory
+from stasisstatus.observable_object import ObservableObject
+from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
+LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class AriClient(ObservableObject):
+    """The ARI client.
+     This class serves as a facade for ARI and AriClientFactory. It is
+     responsible for creating and persisting the connection state needed to
+     execute a test scenario.
+     """
+    def __init__(self, host, port, credentials, name='testsuite'):
+        """Constructor.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        host                  -- The [bindaddr] of the Asterisk HTTP web
+                                 server.
+        port                  -- The [bindport] of the Asterisk HTTP web
+                                 server.
+        credentials           -- User credentials for ARI. A tuple.
+                                 E.g.: ('username', 'password').
+        name                  -- The name of the app to register in Stasis via
+                                 ARI (optional) (default 'testsuite').
+        """
+        super(AriClient, self).__init__(name, ['on_channelcreated',
+                                               'on_channeldestroyed',
+                                               'on_channelvarset',
+                                               'on_client_start',
+                                               'on_client_stop',
+                                               'on_stasisend',
+                                               'on_stasisstart',
+                                               'on_ws_open',
+                                               'on_ws_closed'])
+        self.__ari = None
+        self.__factory = None
+        self.__ws_client = None
+        self.__channels = []
+        self.__host = host
+        self.__port = port
+        self.__credentials = credentials
+    def connect_websocket(self):
+        """Creates an AriClientFactory instance and connects to it."""
+        def wait_for_it(deferred=None):
+            """Waits for the client to reset before connecting the web socket.
+            Keyword Arguments:
+            deferred              -- The twisted.defer instance to use for
+                                     chaining callbacks (optional)
+                                     (default None).
+            """
+            msg = '{0} '.format(self)
+            if not deferred:
+                deferred = defer.Deferred()
+            if not self.clean:
+                LOGGER.debug(msg + 'I\'m not so fresh so clean.')
+                reactor.callLater(1, wait_for_it, deferred)
+            else:
+                LOGGER.debug(msg + 'Connecting web socket.')
+                self.__ari = ARI(self.__host, userpass=self.__credentials)
+                self.__factory = AriClientFactory(receiver=self,
+                                                  host=self.__host,
+                                                  port=self.__port,
+                                                  apps=self.name,
+                                                  userpass=self.__credentials)
+                deferred.callback(self.__factory.connect())
+        self.__reset()
+        wait_for_it()
+        return
+    def __delete_all_channels(self):
+        """Deletes all the channels."""
+        if len(self.__channels) == 0:
+            return
+        if self.__ari is not None:
+            allow_errors = self.__ari.allow_errors
+            self.__ari.set_allow_errors(True)
+            channels = list().extend(self.__channels)
+            for channel in channels:
+                self.hangup_channel(channel)
+            self.__ari.set_allow_errors(allow_errors)
+        else:
+            del self.__channels[:]
+        return
+    def disconnect_websocket(self):
+        """Disconnects the web socket."""
+        msg = '{0} '.format(self)
+        if self.__ws_client is None:
+            info = 'Cannot disconnect; no web socket is connected.'
+            LOGGER.debug(msg + info)
+            return self
+        if self.__ari is not None:
+            warning = 'Disconnecting web socket with an active ARI connection.'
+            LOGGER.warn(msg + warning)
+        LOGGER.debug(msg + 'Disconnecting the web socket.')
+        self.__ws_client.transport.loseConnection()
+        return self
+    def hangup_channel(self, channel_id):
+        """Deletes a channel.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        channel_id            -- The id of the channel to delete.
+        Returns:
+        The JSON response object from the DELETE to ARI.
+        Raises:
+        ValueError
+        """
+        msg = '{0} '.format(self)
+        if self.__ari is None:
+            msg += 'Cannot hangup channel; ARI instance has no value.'
+            raise ValueError(msg.format(self))
+        LOGGER.debug(msg + 'Deleting channel [{0}].'.format(channel_id))
+        try:
+            self.__channels.remove(channel_id)
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+        return self.__ari.delete('channels', channel_id)
+    def on_channelcreated(self, message):
+        """Callback for the ARI 'ChannelCreated' event.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        message               -- the JSON message
+        """
+        channel = message['channel']['id']
+        if channel not in self.__channels:
+            self.__channels.append(channel)
+        self.notify_observers('on_channelcreated', message)
+    def on_channeldestroyed(self, message):
+        """Callback for the ARI 'ChannelDestroyed' event.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        message               -- the JSON message
+        """
+        channel = message['channel']['id']
+        try:
+            self.__channels.remove(channel)
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+        self.notify_observers('on_channeldestroyed', message)
+    def on_channelvarset(self, message):
+        """Callback for the ARI 'ChannelVarset' event.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        message               -- the JSON message
+        """
+        self.notify_observers('on_channelvarset', message)
+    def on_client_start(self):
+        """Notifies the observers of the 'on_client_start' event."""
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} Client is started.'.format(self))
+        self.notify_observers('on_client_start', None, True)
+    def on_client_stop(self):
+        """Notifies the observers of the 'on_client_stop' event."""
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} Client is stopped.'.format(self))
+        self.notify_observers('on_client_stop', None, True)
+    def on_stasisend(self, message):
+        """Callback for the ARI 'StasisEnd' event
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        message               -- the JSON message
+        """
+        self.notify_observers('on_stasisend', message)
+    def on_stasisstart(self, message):
+        """Callback for the ARI 'StasisEnd' event
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        message               -- the JSON message
+        """
+        self.notify_observers('on_stasisstart', message)
+    def on_ws_closed(self, ws_client):
+        """Callback for AriClientProtocol 'onClose' handler.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        ws_client             -- The AriClientProtocol object that raised
+                                 the event.
+        """
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} WebSocket connection closed.'.format(self))
+        self.__ws_client = None
+        self.notify_observers('on_ws_closed', None)
+    def on_ws_event(self, message):
+        """Callback for AriClientProtocol 'onMessage' handler.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        message               -- The event payload.
+        """
+        LOGGER.debug("{0} In on_ws_event; message={1}".format(self, message))
+        event = 'on_{0}'.format(message.get('type').lower())
+        if event == 'on_ws_open' or event == 'on_ws_closed':
+            return
+        callback = getattr(self, event, None)
+        if callback and callable(callback):
+            callback(message)
+            self.notify_observers(event, message)
+    def on_ws_open(self, ws_client):
+        """Callback for AriClientProtocol 'onOpen' handler.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        ws_client             -- The AriClientProtocol object that raised
+                                 the event.
+        """
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} WebSocket connection opened.'.format(self))
+        self.__ws_client = ws_client
+        self.notify_observers('on_ws_open', None)
+        self.on_client_start()
+    def originate(self, endpoint, app=None):
+        """Originates a channel.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        endpoint              --  The endpoint to use for the ARI request.
+        app                   --  The name of the Stasis app (optional)
+                                  (default None).
+        Returns:
+        The JSON response object from the POST to ARI.
+        Raises:
+        ValueError
+        """
+        msg = '{0} '.format(self)
+        if self.__ari is None:
+            msg += 'Cannot originate channel; ARI instance has no value.'
+            raise ValueError(msg)
+        channel = dict()
+        if app is not None:
+            channel['app'] = app
+        channel['channelId'] = str(uuid.uuid4())
+        channel['endpoint'] = endpoint
+        msg += 'Originating channel [{0}].'
+        LOGGER.debug(msg.format(channel['channelId']))
+        return self.__ari.post('channels', **channel)
+    def __reset(self):
+        """Resets the AriClient to its initial state.
+        Returns:
+        A twisted.defer instance.
+        """
+        if not self.clean:
+            LOGGER.debug('{0} About to reset my state!'.format(self))
+            self.__tear_down()
+        return
+    def start(self):
+        """Starts the client."""
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} Starting client connections.'.format(self))
+        self.connect_websocket()
+    def stop(self):
+        """Stops the client."""
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} Stopping client connections.'.format(self))
+        self.suspend()
+        self.__reset()
+    def __tear_down(self):
+        """Tears down the channels and web socket."""
+        def wait_for_it(deferred=None, run=0):
+            """Disposes each piece, one at a time.
+            The first run (run=0) initialized the deferred and kicks of
+            the process to destroy all of our channels.
+            The second run (run=1) waits for all the channels to be
+            destroyed then kicks off the process to disconnect the web socket.
+            The third run (run=2) waits for the web socket to
+            disconnect then cleans up the remaining state variables.
+            Keyword Arguments:
+            deferred              -- The twisted.defer instance to use for
+                                     chaining callbacks (optional)
+                                     (default None).
+            run                   -- The current phase of tear down:
+                                     0=Entry phase
+                                     1=Waiting for ARI to destroy all channels
+                                     2=Calls ARI to Disconnects the web socket
+                                     3=Waiting for ARI to disconnect the web
+                                       socket
+            """
+            msg = '{0} '.format(self)
+            if not deferred:
+                deferred = defer.Deferred()
+                self.suspend()
+            if run == 0:
+                LOGGER.debug(msg + 'Tearing down active connections.')
+                self.__delete_all_channels()
+                reactor.callLater(2, wait_for_it, deferred, 1)
+            elif run == 1:
+                if len(self.__channels) > 0:
+                    msg += 'Waiting for channels to be destroyed.'
+                    LOGGER.debug(msg)
+                    reactor.callLater(2, wait_for_it, deferred, 1)
+                reactor.callLater(2, wait_for_it, deferred, 2)
+            elif run == 2:
+                LOGGER.debug(msg + 'Disconnecting web socket.')
+                self.__ari = None
+                self.__factory = None
+                self.disconnect_websocket()
+                reactor.callLater(2, wait_for_it, deferred, 3)
+            elif run == 3:
+                if self.__ws_client is not None:
+                    msg += 'Waiting for web socket to be destroyed.'
+                    LOGGER.debug(msg)
+                    reactor.callLater(2, wait_for_it, deferred, 3)
+                else:
+                    LOGGER.debug(msg + 'Client successfully torn down.')
+                    reactor.callLater(0, self.on_client_stop)
+                    reactor.callLater(2, self.reset_registrar)
+                    deferred.callback(self.resume())
+        wait_for_it()
+        return
+    @property
+    def clean(self):
+        """Returns True if the client has no orphaned connections
+        needing to be torn down. False otherwise."""
+        if len(self.__channels) == 0:
+            LOGGER.debug('{0} No channels!'.format(self))
+            if self.__ws_client is None:
+                LOGGER.debug('{0} No ws_client!'.format(self))
+                if self.__ari is None:
+                    LOGGER.debug('{0} No ari!'.format(self))
+                    if self.__factory is None:
+                        LOGGER.debug('{0} No factory!'.format(self))
+                        LOGGER.debug('{0} I\'m clean!'.format(self))
+                        return True
+        return False
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/configs/ast1/extensions.conf b/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bc27ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+exten => _[Bb]abs,1,NoOp()
+    same => n,GoSub(subComicDispenser,1(${EXTEN}))
+    same => n,Hangup()
+exten => _[Bb]ugs,1,NoOp()
+    same => n,GoSub(subComicDispenser,1(${EXTEN}))
+    same => n,Hangup()
+exten => _[Bb]ugs[Aa]lt,1,NoOp()
+    same => n,GoSub(subComicDispenser,1(${EXTEN}))
+    same => n,Hangup()
+exten => _[Bb]uster,1,NoOp()
+    same => n,GoSub(subComicDispenser,1(${EXTEN}))
+    same => n,Hangup()
+exten => _[Bb]uster[Aa]lt,1,NoOp()
+    same => n,GoSub(subComicDispenser,1(Buster))
+    same => n,Hangup()
+exten => subComicDispenser,1,NoOp()
+    same => n,Answer()
+    same => n,Stasis(${ARG1})
+    same => n,Return()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/monitor.py b/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/monitor.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4504ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/monitor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Copyright (C) 2015, Digium, Inc.
+Ashley Sanders <asanders at digium.com>
+This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
+the GNU General Public License Version 2.
+import sys
+import logging
+from stasisstatus.observable_object import ObservableObject
+LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ChannelVariableMonitor(ObservableObject):
+    """Monitors the system for state changes for a given channel variable."""
+    def __init__(self, ami, variable, name):
+        """Constructor.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        ami                    -- The AMI instance to monitor.
+        variable               -- The name of the channel variable to monitor
+                                  (optional) (default None).
+        name                   -- The name of this ChannelVariableMonitor
+                                  instance.
+        """
+        super(ChannelVariableMonitor, self).__init__(name,
+                                                    ['on_value_changed'])
+        self.__ami = ami
+        self.__captured_value = None
+        self.__channel_variable = variable
+        self.__monitored_channel = None
+        self.__ami.registerEvent('VarSet', self.__on_ami_varset)
+        self.__ami.registerEvent('UserEvent', self.__on_ami_user_event)
+    def __log_event(self, handler, event_data):
+        """Logs event messages.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        handler                -- The name of the event handler.
+        event_data             -- The event payload or message.
+        """
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} In {1}; event data={2}'.format(self,
+                                                         handler,
+                                                         event_data))
+    def __on_ami_user_event(self, ami, message):
+        """Handles the AMI 'UserEvent' event.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        ami                   -- The AMI instance.
+        message               -- The event payload.
+        """
+        if message['uniqueid'] != self.__monitored_channel:
+            return
+        if message['userevent'] != 'StasisStatus':
+            return
+        self.captured_value = message['value']
+    def __on_ami_varset(self, ami, message):
+        """Handles the AMI 'VarSet' event.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        ami                   -- The AMI instance.
+        message               -- The event payload.
+        """
+        self.__log_event('__on_ami_varset', message)
+        msg = '{0} '.format(self)
+        if self.suspended:
+            LOGGER.debug(msg + 'Monitoring is suspended.')
+            return
+        if message['uniqueid'] != self.__monitored_channel:
+            return
+        if message['variable'] != self.__channel_variable:
+            return
+        self.captured_value = message['value']
+    def start(self, channel):
+        """Tells the monitor to start monitoring for the given channel.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        channel               -- The id of the channel to use for monitoring.
+        """
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} Monitoring starting for channel[{1}]'.format(self,
+                                                                       channel))
+        self.__monitored_channel = channel
+        self.activate()
+    @property
+    def captured_value(self):
+        """The current value captured for the monitored channel variable."""
+        return self.__captured_value
+    @captured_value.setter
+    def captured_value(self, value):
+        """Sets the captured value."""
+        self.__captured_value = value
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} {1}={2}.'.format(self,
+                                           self.__channel_variable,
+                                           self.__captured_value))
+        self.notify_observers('on_value_changed', None, False)
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/observable_object.py b/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/observable_object.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20f62f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/observable_object.py
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Copyright (C) 2015, Digium, Inc.
+Ashley Sanders <asanders at digium.com>
+This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
+the GNU General Public License Version 2.
+import sys
+import logging
+LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ObservableObject(object):
+    """Definition for an observable object."""
+    def __init__(self, name, events):
+        """Constructor.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        name                  -- The name of this ObservableObject.
+        events                -- The events available for observing.
+        """
+        self.__name = name
+        self.__registrar = dict()
+        self.__suspended = 0
+        for event in events:
+            self.__registrar[event] = list()
+    def __format__(self, format_spec):
+        """Overrides default format handling for 'self'."""
+        return self.__class__.__name__ + '[' + self.name + ']:'
+    def activate(self):
+        """Activates the object notification system."""
+        self.__suspended = 0
+    def notify_observers(self, event, message, notify_on_suspend=False):
+        """Starts the chain of invocations for the callbacks.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        event                 -- The name of the event being raised.
+        message               -- The event payload.
+        notify_on_suspend     -- Whether or not to override suspended
+                                 notification logic (optional) (default False).
+        Raises:
+        ValueError
+        """
+        msg = '{0} '.format(self)
+        if self.suspended and not notify_on_suspend:
+            LOGGER.debug(msg + " Suspended; cannot notify observers.")
+            return
+        if not self.__validate(event):
+            error = msg + 'Could not notify observers; Validation failed.'
+            raise ValueError(error)
+        for callback in self.__registrar[event]:
+            LOGGER.debug(msg + 'Invoking {0}'.format(callback))
+            callback(self, message)
+        return
+    def reset_registrar(self):
+        """Resets the registrar to its initial, empty state.
+        Note: This will reset the entire observer registrar.
+        """
+        msg = '{0} '.format(self)
+        LOGGER.debug(msg + 'Resetting the observer registrar')
+        for event in self.__registrar:
+            del self.__registrar[event][:]
+        LOGGER.debug(msg + 'Reset the observer registrar.')
+        return
+    def register_observers(self, event, observers):
+        """Registers an observer with the list of observers.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        event                 -- The event to observe.
+        observers             -- A list of callable observers or a single
+                                 callable observer.
+        Raises:
+        TypeError
+        ValueError
+        """
+        msg = '{0} '.format(self)
+        error = msg + 'Could not register observers'
+        if observers is None:
+            error += ' for event [{0}]; [Observers] is None.'.format(event)
+            return
+        if not self.__validate(event):
+            error += '; Validation failed.'
+            raise ValueError(error)
+        cache = list()
+        if callable(observers):
+            cache.append(observers)
+        elif isinstance(observers, list):
+            cache.extend(observers)
+        else:
+            msg += 'Cannot register observer {0} with registrar; [{1}] \
+                    is an unsupported type.'
+            raise TypeError(msg.format(observers,
+                                       observers.__class__.__name__))
+        if self.__registrar[event] is None:
+            msg += 'Instantiating the observers for event {0}.'.format(event)
+            LOGGER.debug(msg)
+            self.__registrar[event] = list()
+        self.__registrar[event].extend(cache)
+        return
+    def resume(self):
+        """Resumes monitoring."""
+        self.__suspended = max(0, self.__suspended - 1)
+    def suspend(self):
+        """Suspends monitoring."""
+        self.__suspended += 1
+    def __validate(self, event):
+        """Validates the parameters for value.
+        Validates that a given event is registered.
+        event                 -- The event to validate.
+        Returns:
+        True if the event is registered, False otherwise.
+        """
+        valid = None
+        error = '{0} Cannot continue; '.format(self)
+        if not event:
+            valid = False
+            reason = 'No value provided for [%r]' % event
+            LOGGER.warn(error + reason)
+        elif event not in self.__registrar:
+            valid = False
+            reason = 'Registrar does not contain an entry for the \
+                      event [{1}]'.format(event)
+            LOGGER.warn(error + reason)
+        return valid if valid is not None else True
+    @property
+    def name(self):
+        """The friendly name for this instance."""
+        return self.__name
+    @property
+    def suspended(self):
+        """Flag indicating that the scenario is being torn down."""
+        return self.__suspended > 0
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/run-test b/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/run-test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d981a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/run-test
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Copyright (C) 2015, Digium, Inc.
+Ashley Sanders <asanders at digium.com>
+This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
+the GNU General Public License Version 2.
+import sys
+import logging
+from stasisstatus.ari_client import AriClient
+from stasisstatus.monitor import ChannelVariableMonitor
+from stasisstatus.test_case import StasisStatusTestCase
+from stasisstatus.test_scenario import TestScenario
+LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def build_scenarios(ami, host, port, credentials):
+    """Builds the scenarios.
+    Keyword Arguments:
+    ami                   -- The AMI instance for this factory.
+    host                  -- The [bindaddr] of the Asterisk HTTP web
+                             server.
+    port                  -- The [bindport] of the Asterisk HTTP web
+                             server.
+    credentials           -- User credentials for ARI.
+                             A tuple. E.g. ('username', 'password').
+    Returns:
+    A list of TestScenario objects.
+    """
+    scenarios = list()
+    for name in ['Babs', 'Bugs', 'Buster']:
+        client = AriClient(host,
+                           port,
+                           credentials,
+                           name)
+        monitor = ChannelVariableMonitor(ami,
+                                         'STASISSTATUS',
+                                         name)
+        scenario = globals()[name + "TestScenario"](ami, client, monitor, name)
+        scenarios.append(scenario)
+    return scenarios
+class BabsTestScenario(TestScenario):
+    """The 'Babs' TestScenario.
+    This scenario tests for the case where a call is originated under
+    normal operating conditions and then hungup to determine if Stasis
+    correctly assigns STASISSTATUS=SUCCESS.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ami, ari_client, monitor, name):
+        """Constructor.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        ami                    -- The AMI instance for this TestScenario.
+        ari_client             -- The AriClient to use to for executing the
+                                  TestStrategy commands.
+        monitor                -- The ChannelVariableMonitor instance for this
+                                  TestScenario.
+        name                   -- The name for this TestScenario instance.
+        """
+        super(BabsTestScenario, self).__init__(ami,
+                                               ari_client,
+                                               monitor,
+                                               'SUCCESS',
+                                               name)
+        self.__channel = None
+        self.__stasis_started = False
+        self.ari_client.register_observers('on_stasisstart',
+                                           self.__on_stasisstart)
+    def __on_stasisstart(self, sender, message):
+        """Handles the AriClient 'on_stasisstart' event.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        sender                 -- The object that raised the event.
+        message                -- The event payload.
+        """
+        if self.__stasis_started:
+            return
+        channel = message['channel']['id']
+        if channel == self.__channel:
+            self.__stasis_started = True
+            self.monitor.start(self.__channel)
+            self.ari_client.hangup_channel(self.__channel)
+    def run_strategy(self):
+        """Implements the run_strategy from the base class."""
+        msg = '{0} '.format(self)
+        LOGGER.debug(msg + 'About to originate a channel with an app that has \
+            been registered in Stasis.')
+        app = self.name
+        endpoint = 'LOCAL/{0}@Acme'.format(app)
+        resp = self.ari_client.originate(endpoint, app)
+        self.__channel = resp.json()['id']
+        LOGGER.debug(msg + 'Response was [%r].' % resp)
+class BugsTestScenario(TestScenario):
+    """The 'Bugs' TestScenario.
+    This scenario tests for the case where a call is originated for an
+    app that was never registered in Stasis to determine if Stasis correctly
+    identifies this as a failure and assigns STASISSTATUS=FAILED.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ami, ari_client, monitor, name):
+        """Constructor.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        ami                    -- The AMI instance for this TestScenario.
+        ari_client             -- The AriClient to use to for executing the
+                                  TestStrategy commands.
+        monitor                -- The ChannelVariableMonitor instance for this
+                                  TestScenario.
+        name                   -- The name for this TestScenario instance.
+        """
+        super(BugsTestScenario, self).__init__(ami,
+                                               ari_client,
+                                               monitor,
+                                               'FAILED',
+                                               name)
+    def run_strategy(self):
+        """Implements the run_strategy from the base class."""
+        msg = '{0} '.format(self)
+        LOGGER.debug('About to originate a channel with an app that was \
+            never registered in Stasis.')
+        app = self.name + 'alt'
+        endpoint = 'LOCAL/{0}@Acme'.format(app)
+        resp = self.ari_client.originate(endpoint, app)
+        self.monitor.start(resp.json()['id'])
+        LOGGER.debug(msg + 'Response was [%r].' % resp)
+class BusterTestScenario(TestScenario):
+    """The 'Buster' TestScenario.
+    This scenario tests for the case where a Stasis app that was
+    registered when channel A was originated, but is no longer registered
+    when channel B is originated, to determines if Stasis correctly identifies
+    this as a failure and assigns STASISSTATUS=FAILED.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ami, ari_client, monitor, name):
+        """Constructor.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        ami                    -- The AMI instance for this TestScenario.
+        ari_client             -- The AriClient to use to for executing the
+                                  TestStrategy commands.
+        monitor                -- The ChannelVariableMonitor instance for this
+                                  TestScenario.
+        name                   -- The name for this TestScenario instance.
+        """
+        super(BusterTestScenario, self).__init__(ami,
+                                                 ari_client,
+                                                 monitor,
+                                                 'FAILED',
+                                                 name)
+        self.__ws_closed = False
+        self.ari_client.register_observers('on_ws_closed',
+                                           self.__on_ws_closed)
+    def __on_ws_closed(self, sender, message):
+        """Handles the AriClient 'on_ws_closed' event.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        sender                 -- The object that raised the event.
+        message                -- The event payload.
+        """
+        msg = '{0} '.format(self)
+        if self.suspended:
+            LOGGER.debug(msg + 'Scenario is suspended.')
+            return
+        if self.__ws_closed:
+            LOGGER.warn(msg + 'About to run duplicate scenario step.')
+        self.__ws_closed = True
+        msg = '{0} '.format(self)
+        LOGGER.debug(msg + 'In {0}; message={1}'.format('__on_ws_closed',
+                                                        message))
+        LOGGER.debug(msg + 'About to originate a channel after the web socket \
+            has been disconnected.')
+        app = self.name
+        endpoint = 'LOCAL/{0}@Acme'.format(app)
+        resp = self.ari_client.originate(endpoint, app)
+        self.monitor.start(resp.json()['id'])
+        LOGGER.debug(msg + 'Response was [%r].' % resp)
+    def run_strategy(self):
+        """Implements the run_strategy from the base class."""
+        msg = '{0} '.format(self)
+        LOGGER.debug(msg + 'About to originate a channel with an app that has \
+            been registered in Stasis.')
+        app = self.name + 'alt'
+        endpoint = 'LOCAL/{0}@Acme'.format(app)
+        resp = self. ari_client.originate(endpoint, app)
+        LOGGER.debug(msg + 'Response was [%r].' % resp)
+        LOGGER.debug(msg + 'About to disconnect the web socket.')
+        self.ari_client.disconnect_websocket()
+def main():
+    """Entry point for the test.
+    Returns:
+          0 if the test passed, 1 otherwise.
+    """
+    test = StasisStatusTestCase(build_scenarios)
+    if test.passed:
+        return 0
+    return 1
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/test-config.yaml b/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/test-config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1574959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/test-config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+    summary: |
+        Tests that Stasis correctly applies the STASISSTATUS channel
+        variable.
+    description: |
+        The test exercises Stasis in three ways to determine if is
+        functioning as advertised.
+        -   For the first case (Babs), a channel is originated under normal
+        conditions and then the channel is hungup. For this case, the
+        test verifies that Stasis correctly assigns SUCCESS to STASISSTATUS.
+        -   For the second case (Bugs), a channel is originated using an app
+        that was never registered with Stasis. The test verifies that Stasis
+        correctly assigns FAILED to STASISSTATUS.
+        -   For the third case (Buster), a channel is made under normal
+        conditions, but, before the channel is hungup and while the channel is
+        still active, the websocket is disconnected. A channel is then
+        originated using the app that was just unregistered. For this case,
+        the test verifies that Stasis correctly assigns FAILED to STASISSTATUS.
+    minversion: '13.4.0'
+    dependencies:
+        - python: 'autobahn.websocket'
+        - python: 'requests'
+        - python: 'twisted'
+        - python: 'starpy'
+        - asterisk: 'res_ari_applications'
+        - asterisk: 'res_ari_channels'
+    tags:
+        - ARI
+    issues:
+        - jira: 'ASTERISK-24802'
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/test_case.py b/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/test_case.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e8c1dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/test_case.py
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Copyright (C) 2015, Digium, Inc.
+Ashley Sanders <asanders at digium.com>
+This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
+the GNU General Public License Version 2.
+import sys
+import logging
+from asterisk.test_case import TestCase
+from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
+LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class StasisStatusTestCase(TestCase):
+    """The test case.
+    This class serves as a harness for the test scenarios. It manages the
+    life-cycle of the the objects needed to execute the test plan.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, scenario_builder):
+        """Constructor.
+        scenario_builder       -- The builder to use for constructing
+                                  the test scenarios.
+        """
+        super(StasisStatusTestCase, self).__init__()
+        self.create_asterisk()
+        self.__host = self.ast[0].host
+        self.__port = 8088
+        self.__credentials = ('testsuite', 'testsuite')
+        self.__scenarios = list()
+        self.__iterator = None
+        self.__builder = scenario_builder
+        reactor.run()
+        return
+    def __format__(self, format_spec):
+        """Overrides default format handling for 'self'."""
+        return self.__class__.__name__ + ':'
+    def ami_connect(self, ami):
+        """Handler for the AMI connect event.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        ami                    -- The AMI instance that raised this event.
+        """
+        super(StasisStatusTestCase, self).ami_connect(ami)
+        self.__initialize_scenarios(ami)
+    def __get_next_scenario(self):
+        """ Gets the next scenario from the list."""
+        scenario = None
+        try:
+            scenario = self.__iterator.next()
+        except StopIteration:
+            pass
+        return scenario
+    def __initialize_scenarios(self, ami):
+        """Initializes the scenarios.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        ami                    -- The AMI instance for this test.
+        """
+        deferred = defer.Deferred()
+        self.__scenarios = self.__builder(ami,
+                                          self.__host,
+                                          self.__port,
+                                          self.__credentials)
+        self.__iterator = iter(self.__scenarios)
+        for scenario in self.__scenarios:
+            deferred.addCallback(self.__try_run_scenario)
+        deferred.callback(self.__get_next_scenario())
+    def on_reactor_timeout(self):
+        """Called when the reactor times out"""
+        LOGGER.warn("{0} Reactor is timing out. Setting test to FAILED.")
+        self.set_passed(False)
+    def __on_scenario_complete(self, sender, message):
+        """Queries the scenarios to determine if it is time to shut down
+        the test.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        sender                 -- The object that raised the event.
+        message                -- The event payload.
+        """
+        sender.stop()
+        for scenario in self.__scenarios:
+            if not scenario.finished:
+                return
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} Test case execution is complete.'.format(self))
+        self.stop_reactor()
+    def run(self):
+        """Executes the test case.
+        Tries to set up the state needed by the test. If successful, the test
+        is executed and then the test state is torn down."""
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} Starting test case execution.'.format(self))
+        super(StasisStatusTestCase, self).run()
+        self.create_ami_factory()
+    def stop_reactor(self):
+        """Clean up actions to perform prior to shutting down the reactor.
+        Queries the scenarios for their pass/fail state to determine
+        overall pass/fail state for the test. Then, destroys the test state
+        before stopping the reactor."""
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} Stopping reactor.'.format(self))
+        for scenario in self.__scenarios:
+            self.set_passed(scenario.passed)
+            if not scenario.clean:
+                scenario.stop()
+        super(StasisStatusTestCase, self).stop_reactor()
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} Reactor stopped.'.format(self))
+    def __try_run_scenario(self, scenario):
+        """Starts the stasis scenario.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        scenario               -- The scenario to try to start.
+        Returns:
+        If the self.__iterator has not yet finished traversing the list,
+        returns the next scenario in self.__scenarios.
+        Otherwise,returns None.
+        """
+        msg = '{0} {1} scenario [{2}]'
+        if scenario is not None:
+            LOGGER.debug((msg + '.').format(self,
+                                            'Starting',
+                                            scenario.name))
+            scenario.start(self.__on_scenario_complete)
+            return self.__get_next_scenario()
+        msg = msg + '; {3}.'
+        LOGGER.warn(msg.format(self,
+                               'Cannot connect',
+                               None,
+                               'scenario has not been assigned a value.'))
+        return None
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/test_scenario.py b/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/test_scenario.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57e16d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/test_scenario.py
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Copyright (C) 2015, Digium, Inc.
+Ashley Sanders <asanders at digium.com>
+This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
+the GNU General Public License Version 2.
+import sys
+import logging
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from stasisstatus.observable_object import ObservableObject
+LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class TestScenario(ObservableObject):
+    """The test scenario.
+    This class is responsbile for presenting a facade around the
+    AriClient and TestStrategy objects.
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    def __init__(self, ami, ari_client, monitor, expected, name='testsuite'):
+        """Constructor.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        ami                    -- The AMI instance for this TestScenario.
+        ari_client             -- The AriClient to use to for executing the
+                                  TestStrategy commands.
+        monitor                -- The ChannelVariableMonitor instance for this
+                                  TestScenario.
+        expected               -- The expected value for this TestScenario.
+        name                   -- The name for this TestScenario instance
+                                  (optional) (default 'testsuite').
+        """
+        super(TestScenario, self).__init__(name, ['on_complete',
+                                                  'on_stop'])
+        self.__ami = ami
+        self.__ari_client = ari_client
+        self.__actual_value = None
+        self.__expected_value = expected
+        self.__monitor = monitor
+        self.__passed = None
+        self.__monitor.suspend()
+        self.ari_client.register_observers('on_client_start',
+                                           self.on_ari_client_start)
+        self.ari_client.register_observers('on_client_stop',
+                                           self.on_ari_client_stop)
+        self.monitor.register_observers('on_value_changed',
+                                        self.on_monitor_on_value_changed)
+    def compile_results(self):
+        """Compiles the results after executing the test strategy."""
+        if self.finished:
+            return
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} Compiling the results.'.format(self))
+        passed = self.actual_value == self.expected_value
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} Test strategy is complete.'.format(self))
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} Test values: Expected [{1}]; Actual [{2}].' \
+            .format(self, self.expected_value, self.actual_value))
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} Test results: Test {1}.' \
+            .format(self, 'Passed' if passed else 'Did Not Pass'))
+        self.passed = passed
+    def finish_scenario(self):
+        """Performs the final tasks."""
+        if self.finished:
+            LOGGER.debug('{0} Scenario is already finished.'.format(self))
+        self.suspend()
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} Finishing the scenario.'.format(self))
+        self.compile_results()
+    def on_ari_client_start(self, sender, message):
+        """Handles the AriClient on_client_start event.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        sender                 -- The object that raised the event.
+        message                -- The event payload.
+        """
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} AriClient started successfully.'.format(self))
+        if not self.suspended:
+            LOGGER.debug('{0} Running scenario.'.format(self))
+            self.run_strategy()
+    def on_ari_client_stop(self, sender, message):
+        """Handler for the AriClient on_client_stop event.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        sender                 -- The object that raised the event.
+        message                -- The event payload.
+        """
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} Scenario has stopped.'.format(self))
+        self.notify_observers('on_stop', None, True)
+    def on_monitor_on_value_changed(self, sender, message):
+        """Handles the ChannelVariableMonitor 'on_value_changed' event.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        sender                 -- The object that raised the event.
+        message                -- The event payload.
+        """
+        msg = '{0} '.format(self)
+        if self.suspended:
+            LOGGER.debug(msg + 'Scenario is suspended.')
+            return
+        self.actual_value = self.monitor.captured_value
+        if self.actual_value == self.expected_value:
+            self.suspend()
+            LOGGER.debug('{0} Looks like we made it.'.format(self))
+            self.finish_scenario()
+    def resume(self):
+        """Overrides the default behavior of resetting the value of the
+        suspended flag."""
+        if not self.suspended:
+            return
+        super(TestScenario, self).resume()
+        self.__monitor.resume()
+    @abstractmethod
+    def run_strategy(self):
+        """Runs the Test Scenario."""
+        return
+    def start(self, on_scenario_complete=None):
+        """Starts the test scenario.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        on_scenario_complete   -- A callback (or a list of callbacks) to invoke
+                                  after the scenario completes (optional)
+                                  (default None).
+        """
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} Starting scenario.'.format(self))
+        self.register_observers('on_complete', on_scenario_complete)
+        self.ari_client.start()
+    def stop(self, on_scenario_stop=None):
+        """Stops the scenario execution and tears down its state.
+        Keyword Arguments:
+        on_scenario_stop       -- A callback (or a list of callbacks) to invoke
+                                  after the scenario stops (optional)
+                                  (default None).
+        """
+        if self.ari_client.suspended:
+            return
+        LOGGER.debug('{0} Stopping the scenario.'.format(self))
+        self.register_observers('on_stop', on_scenario_stop)
+        self.suspend()
+        self.ari_client.stop()
+    def suspend(self):
+        """Overrides the default behavior of setting the value of the
+        suspended flag."""
+        if self.suspended:
+            return
+        super(TestScenario, self).suspend()
+        self.__monitor.suspend()
+    @property
+    def actual_value(self):
+        """The actual value for this TestScenario."""
+        return self.__actual_value
+    @actual_value.setter
+    def actual_value(self, value):
+        """Sets the actual value for this TestScenario."""
+        self.__actual_value = value
+    @property
+    def ami(self):
+        """The AMI instance for this TestScenario."""
+        return self.__ami
+    @property
+    def ari_client(self):
+        """The AriClient instance for this TestScenario."""
+        return self.__ari_client
+    @property
+    def clean(self):
+        """Flag indicating that this scenario has been torn down."""
+        return self.ari_client.clean
+    @property
+    def expected_value(self):
+        """The expected value for this TestScenario."""
+        return self.__expected_value
+    @property
+    def finished(self):
+        """Whether or not the strategy for this scenario has completed
+        execution.
+        Returns:
+        True if the strategy has completed execution, False otherwise.
+        """
+        return self.__passed is not None
+    @property
+    def monitor(self):
+        """The ChannelVariableMonitor instance."""
+        return self.__monitor
+    @property
+    def passed(self):
+        """The state of the strategy.
+        Returns:
+        None if the test strategy has not completed. Else, True if the test
+        strategy was successful, False otherwise.
+        """
+        return False if not self.finished else self.__passed
+    @passed.setter
+    def passed(self, value):
+        """Safely set the passed variable for this scenario."""
+        if self.__passed is False:
+            return
+        self.__passed = value
+        self.notify_observers('on_complete', None, True)
+        return
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/applications/tests.yaml b/tests/rest_api/applications/tests.yaml
index 3a9c104..5d5c4be 100644
--- a/tests/rest_api/applications/tests.yaml
+++ b/tests/rest_api/applications/tests.yaml
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@
     - test: 'subscribe-device-state'
     - test: 'double-subscribe-device-state'
     - dir: 'channel-subscriptions'
+    - test: 'stasisstatus'

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I0f7dadfd429bd30e9f07a531f47884d8c923fc13
Gerrit-PatchSet: 10
Gerrit-Project: testsuite
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Ashley Sanders <asanders at digium.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Ashley Sanders <asanders at digium.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Mark Michelson <mmichelson at digium.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Matt Jordan <mjordan at digium.com>

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