[asterisk-commits] sgriepentrog: testsuite/asterisk/trunk r4805 - in /asterisk/trunk: lib/python...

SVN commits to the Asterisk project asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Fri Mar 7 14:01:31 CST 2014

Author: sgriepentrog
Date: Fri Mar  7 14:01:25 2014
New Revision: 4805

URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite?view=rev&rev=4805
testsuite: check ARI objects created with ID's

Tests include channel origination, bridge creation,
starting playback, and snoop.  Improvements made to
ARI test library to support these changes include:

* new class AriOriginateTestObject does exactly that

* new option for ari websocket events to send
  arbitrary ari requests in response

* variable replacement from event values possible
  in creating uri for request

(issue ASTERISK-23120)
Review: https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/3277/

    asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/bridges/bridge_by_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf   (with props)
    asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/bridges/bridge_by_id/test-config.yaml   (with props)
    asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/originate_with_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf   (with props)
    asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/originate_with_id/test-config.yaml   (with props)
    asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/snoop_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf   (with props)
    asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/snoop_id/test-config.yaml   (with props)
    asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/playback/basic/configs/ast1/extensions.conf   (with props)
    asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/playback/basic/test-config.yaml   (with props)
    asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/playback/tests.yaml   (with props)

Modified: asterisk/trunk/lib/python/asterisk/ari.py
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/trunk/lib/python/asterisk/ari.py?view=diff&rev=4805&r1=4804&r2=4805
--- asterisk/trunk/lib/python/asterisk/ari.py (original)
+++ asterisk/trunk/lib/python/asterisk/ari.py Fri Mar  7 14:01:25 2014
@@ -192,6 +192,37 @@
+class AriOriginateTestObject(AriTestObject):
+    """Class that overrides AriTestObject origination to use ARI"""
+    def __init__(self, test_path='', test_config=None):
+        """Constructor for a test object
+        :param test_path The full path to the test location
+        :param test_config The YAML test configuration
+        """
+        if test_config is None:
+            test_config = {}
+        if not test_config.get('test-iterations'):
+            # preset the default test in ARI format to prevent post failure
+            test_config['test-iterations'] = [{
+                'endpoint': 'Local/s at default',
+                'channelId': 'testsuite-default-id',
+                'app': 'testsuite'
+            }]
+        super(AriOriginateTestObject, self).__init__(test_path, test_config)
+    def _spawn_channel(self, channel_def):
+        """Create a new channel"""
+        # Create a channel using ARI POST to channel instead
+        LOGGER.info("Creating channel %s" % channel_def['endpoint'])
+        self.ari.post('channels', **channel_def)
 class WebSocketEventModule(object):
     """Module for capturing events from the ARI WebSocket"""
@@ -387,6 +418,21 @@
         return self.raise_on_err(requests.delete(url, params=kwargs,
+    def request(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
+        """ Send an arbitrary request to ARI.
+        :param method: Method (get, post, delete, etc).
+        :param args: Path segements.
+        :param kwargs: Query parameters.
+        :returns: requests.models.Response
+        :throws: requests.exceptions.HTTPError
+        """
+        url = self.build_url(*args)
+        LOGGER.info("%s %s %r" % (method, url, kwargs))
+        requests_method = getattr(requests, method)
+        return self.raise_on_err(requests_method(url, params=kwargs,
+                                auth=self.userpass))
     def set_allow_errors(self, value):
         """Sets whether error responses returns exceptions.
@@ -423,6 +469,7 @@
         self.count_range = decode_range(self.instance_config.get('count'))
         self.count = 0
         self.passed = True
         callback = self.instance_config.get('callback')
         if callback:
             module = __import__(callback['module'])
@@ -431,7 +478,61 @@
             # No callback; just use a no-op
             self.callback = lambda *args, **kwargs: True
+        self.requests = []
+        request_list = self.instance_config.get('requests')
+        if not request_list:
+            request_list = []
+        if isinstance(request_list, dict):
+            request_list = [request_list]
+        for request in request_list:
+            params = request['params'] if 'params' in request else {}
+            inst = request['instance'] if 'instance' in request else 0
+            delay = request['delay'] if 'delay' in request else 0
+            self.requests.append({
+                'method': request['method'],
+                'uri': request['uri'],
+                'params': params,
+                'instance': inst,
+                'delay': delay
+            })
+    def var_replace(self, uri, values):
+        """ perform variable replacement on uri
+        This allows a uri to be written in the form:
+        playbacks/{playback.id}/control
+        :param uri: uri with optional {var} entries
+        :param values: nested dict of values to get replacement values from
+        """
+        for match in re.findall(r'{[^}]*}', uri):
+            value = values
+            for var in match[1:-1].split('.'):
+                if not var in value:
+                    LOGGER.error('Unable to replace variables in %s from %s' %
+                                 uri, values)
+                    return None
+                value = value[var]
+            uri = uri.replace(match, value)
+        return uri
+    def send_request(self, request, uri):
+        """ transmit an ari request
+        :param request: request parameters
+        :param uri: uri rewritten for this call
+        """
+        response = self.ari.request(request['method'],
+                                    uri,
+                                    **request['params'])
+        LOGGER.info('%s %s %s returned %s' % (request['method'],
+                                              uri,
+                                              request['params'],
+                                              response))
     def on_event(self, message):
         """Callback for every received ARI event.
@@ -440,6 +541,21 @@
         if self.matches(message):
             self.count += 1
+            # send any associated requests
+            for request in self.requests:
+                if request['instance'] and request['instance'] != self.count:
+                    continue
+                uri = self.var_replace(request['uri'], message)
+                if uri:
+                    if request['delay']:
+                        reactor.callLater(request['delay'],
+                                          self.send_request,
+                                          request,
+                                          uri)
+                    else:
+                        self.send_request(request, uri)
             # Split call and accumulation to always call the callback
                 res = self.callback(self.ari, message, self.test_object)
@@ -453,6 +569,7 @@
                 LOGGER.error("Exception in callback: %s" %
                 self.passed = False
         return False
     def on_stop(self, *args):

Added: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/bridges/bridge_by_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/bridges/bridge_by_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf?view=auto&rev=4805
--- asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/bridges/bridge_by_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf (added)
+++ asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/bridges/bridge_by_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf Fri Mar  7 14:01:25 2014
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@
+exten => s,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Answer()
+	same => n,Echo()
+	same => n,Hangup()

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/bridges/bridge_by_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/bridges/bridge_by_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/bridges/bridge_by_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/bridges/bridge_by_id/test-config.yaml
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/bridges/bridge_by_id/test-config.yaml?view=auto&rev=4805
--- asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/bridges/bridge_by_id/test-config.yaml (added)
+++ asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/bridges/bridge_by_id/test-config.yaml Fri Mar  7 14:01:25 2014
@@ -1,0 +1,168 @@
+    summary: 'Test bridge creation and manipulation using IDs'
+    description: |
+        * Originate a bridge and a channel
+        * Put the channel in the bridge
+        * Take the channel out of the bridge
+        * Delete both
+        * Validate all the events
+    # change this to correct minimum version that implements IDs
+    minversion: '12.0.0'
+    dependencies:
+        - python : autobahn.websocket
+        - python : requests
+        - python : twisted
+        - python : starpy
+        - asterisk : res_ari_channels
+        - asterisk : app_echo
+    tags:
+        - ARI
+    test-object:
+        config-section: test-object-config
+        typename: ari.AriOriginateTestObject
+    modules:
+        -   config-section: ari-config
+            typename: ari.WebSocketEventModule
+    # using default origination:
+    #   endpoint: Local/s at default
+    #   channelId: testsuite-default-id
+    #   app: testsuite
+    apps: testsuite
+    events:
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: 'ChannelStateChange'
+            count: '>1'
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: StasisStart
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
+            count: 1
+            requests:
+                -
+                    method: 'post'
+                    uri: 'bridges'
+                    params:
+                        bridgeId: 'MyFirstBridge'
+                    # note: creating bridge does not cause event
+                -
+                    method: 'post'
+                    uri: 'channels'
+                    params:
+                        endpoint: 'Local/s at default'
+                        channelId: 'MyFirstChannel'
+                        app: 'testsuite'
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: StasisStart
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'MyFirstChannel$'
+            count: 1
+            requests:
+                method: 'post'
+                uri: 'bridges/MyFirstBridge/addChannel'
+                params:
+                    channel: 'MyFirstChannel'
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: ChannelEnteredBridge
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'MyFirstChannel$'
+            count: 1
+            requests:
+                method: 'post'
+                uri: 'bridges/MyFirstBridge/removeChannel'
+                params:
+                    channel: 'MyFirstChannel'
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: ChannelLeftBridge
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'MyFirstChannel$'
+            count: 1
+            requests:
+                method: 'delete'
+                uri: 'bridges/MyFirstBridge'
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: BridgeDestroyed
+                    application: testsuite
+                    bridge:
+                        id: 'MyFirstBridge$'
+            count: 1
+            requests:
+                method: 'delete'
+                uri: 'channels/MyFirstChannel'
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: ChannelHangupRequest
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'MyFirstChannel$'
+            count: 1
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: ChannelDestroyed
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'MyFirstChannel$'
+            count: 1
+            requests:
+                # delete the first stasis channel to end the test
+                method: 'delete'
+                uri: 'channels/testsuite-default-id'
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: StasisEnd
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'MyFirstChannel$'
+            count: 1
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: ChannelHangupRequest
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
+            count: 1
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: ChannelDestroyed
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
+            count: 1
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: StasisEnd
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
+            count: 1

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/bridges/bridge_by_id/test-config.yaml
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/bridges/bridge_by_id/test-config.yaml
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/bridges/bridge_by_id/test-config.yaml
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Modified: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/bridges/tests.yaml
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/bridges/tests.yaml?view=diff&rev=4805&r1=4804&r2=4805
--- asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/bridges/tests.yaml (original)
+++ asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/bridges/tests.yaml Fri Mar  7 14:01:25 2014
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@
     - test: 'add_recording_channel'
     - test: 'blind_transfer'
     - test: 'attended_transfer'
+    - test: 'bridge_by_id'

Added: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/originate_with_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/originate_with_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf?view=auto&rev=4805
--- asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/originate_with_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf (added)
+++ asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/originate_with_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf Fri Mar  7 14:01:25 2014
@@ -1,0 +1,29 @@
+exten => stasis,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Answer()
+	same => n,Stasis(testsuite)
+	same => n,Hangup()
+exten => one,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Answer()
+	same => n,Wait(1)
+	same => n,Hangup()
+exten => two,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Answer()
+	same => n,Wait(1)
+	same => n,Hangup()
+exten => three,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Answer()
+	same => n,Wait(1)
+	same => n,Hangup()
+; this is echo not wait to force test4 to delete the channel
+; in order to successfully end the test
+exten => four,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Answer()
+	same => n,Echo()
+	same => n,Hangup()

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/originate_with_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/originate_with_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/originate_with_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/originate_with_id/test-config.yaml
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/originate_with_id/test-config.yaml?view=auto&rev=4805
--- asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/originate_with_id/test-config.yaml (added)
+++ asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/originate_with_id/test-config.yaml Fri Mar  7 14:01:25 2014
@@ -1,0 +1,322 @@
+    summary: 'Test UniqueID on ARI Originate'
+    description: |
+        * Originate four calls:
+          1) Specifying both Unique IDs
+          2) Specifying a single Unique ID
+          3) Not specifying Unique ID
+          4) Stasis app with both Unique IDs
+        * Check that the AMI and CEL events all correctly match
+        * Check that the ARI events work correctly
+    # change this correct minimum version that implements Originate with ID
+    minversion: '12.0.0'
+    dependencies:
+        - python : autobahn.websocket
+        - python : requests
+        - python : twisted
+        - python : starpy
+        - asterisk : res_ari_channels
+        - asterisk : app_echo
+    tags:
+        - ARI
+    test-object:
+        config-section: test-object-config
+        typename: ari.AriOriginateTestObject
+    modules:
+        -   config-section: ari-config
+            typename: ari.WebSocketEventModule
+        -
+            config-section: ami-config
+            typename: 'ami.AMIEventModule'
+        -
+            config-section: cel-config
+            typename: 'ami.AMIEventModule'
+    test-iterations:
+        -
+            # test 1 - both id's creating local channel
+            endpoint: 'Local/one at default'
+            channelId: 'MyCustomId'
+            otherChannelId: 'MyOtherCustomId'
+            app: 'no-app'
+        -
+            # test 2 - just the first id, second should suffix ;2
+            endpoint: 'Local/two at default'
+            channelId: 'OnlyOneId'
+            app: 'no-app'
+        -
+            # test 3 - no id's specified, should revert to normal id pattern
+            endpoint: 'Local/three at default'
+            app: 'no-app'
+        -
+            # test 4 - create call to Stasis App and check websocket events
+            endpoint: 'Local/four at default'
+            channelId: 'MyStasisId'
+            otherChannelId: 'MyOtherStasisId'
+            app: 'testsuite'
+    apps: testsuite
+    events:
+        -
+            # detect the first local channel
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: StasisStart
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'MyStasisId$'
+            count: 1
+            requests:
+                # delete the channel to end the test
+                method: 'delete'
+                uri: 'channels/MyStasisId'
+        -
+            # We should not see the other channel as it went to dialplan
+            # The fact that is has the correct ID is checked by AMI & CEL
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: StasisStart
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'MyOtherStasisId'
+            count: 0
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: ChannelStateChange
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'MyStasisId$'
+            count: 1
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: ChannelHangupRequest
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'MyStasisId$'
+            count: 1
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: ChannelDestroyed
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'MyStasisId$'
+            count: 1
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: StasisEnd
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'MyStasisId$'
+            count: 1
+    # test 1
+    -
+        type: 'headermatch'
+        conditions:
+            match:
+                Event: 'Newchannel'
+                Channel: 'Local/one at default-.{7}0;1'
+        requirements:
+            match:
+                Uniqueid: 'MyCustomId'
+        count: '1'
+    -
+        type: 'headermatch'
+        conditions:
+            match:
+                Event: 'Newchannel'
+                Channel: 'Local/one at default-.{7}0;2'
+        requirements:
+            match:
+                Uniqueid: 'MyOtherCustomId'
+        count: '1'
+    -
+        type: 'headermatch'
+        conditions:
+            match:
+                Event: 'LocalBridge'
+                LocalOneChannel: 'Local/one at default-.{7}0;1'
+                LocalTwoChannel: 'Local/one at default-.{7}0;2'
+        requirements:
+            match:
+                LocalOneUniqueid: 'MyCustomId'
+                LocalTwoUniqueid: 'MyOtherCustomId'
+        count: '1'
+    -
+        type: 'headermatch'
+        conditions:
+            match:
+                Event: 'Hangup'
+                Channel: 'Local/one at default-.{7}0;1'
+        requirements:
+            match:
+                Uniqueid: 'MyCustomId'
+        count: '1'
+    -
+        type: 'headermatch'
+        conditions:
+            match:
+                Event: 'Hangup'
+                Channel: 'Local/one at default-.{7}0;2'
+        requirements:
+            match:
+                Uniqueid: 'MyOtherCustomId'
+        count: '1'
+    # test 2
+    -
+        type: 'headermatch'
+        conditions:
+            match:
+                Event: 'Newchannel'
+                Channel: 'Local/two at default-.{7}1;1'
+        requirements:
+            match:
+                Uniqueid: 'OnlyOneId$'
+        count: '1'
+    -
+        type: 'headermatch'
+        conditions:
+            match:
+                Event: 'Newchannel'
+                Channel: 'Local/two at default-.{7}1;2'
+        requirements:
+            match:
+                Uniqueid: 'OnlyOneId;2'
+        count: '1'
+    # test 3
+    -
+        type: 'headermatch'
+        conditions:
+            match:
+                Event: 'Newchannel'
+                Channel: 'Local/three at default-.{7}2;1'
+        requirements:
+            match:
+                UniqueId: '[0-9]{10}\.[0-9]+'
+        count: '1'
+    -
+        type: 'headermatch'
+        conditions:
+            match:
+                Event: 'Newchannel'
+                Channel: 'Local/three at default-.{7}2;2'
+        requirements:
+            match:
+                UniqueId: '[0-9]{10}\.[0-9]+'
+        count: '1'
+    # test 4
+    -
+        type: 'headermatch'
+        conditions:
+            match:
+                Event: 'Newchannel'
+                Channel: 'Local/four at default-.{7}3;1'
+        requirements:
+            match:
+                UniqueId: 'MyStasisId$'
+        count: '1'
+    -
+        type: 'headermatch'
+        conditions:
+            match:
+                Event: 'Newchannel'
+                Channel: 'Local/four at default-.{7}3;2'
+        requirements:
+            match:
+                UniqueId: 'MyOtherStasisId'
+        count: '1'
+    # test 1
+    -
+        type: 'cel'
+        conditions:
+            match:
+                Channel: 'Local/one at default-.{7}0;.'
+        requirements:
+            -
+                match:
+                    Channel: 'Local/one at default-.{7}0;1'
+                    EventName: 'CHAN_START'
+                    UniqueId: 'MyCustomId'
+                    LinkedId: 'MyCustomId'
+            -
+                match:
+                    Channel: 'Local/one at default-.{7}0;2'
+                    EventName: 'CHAN_START'
+                    UniqueId: 'MyOtherCustomId'
+                    LinkedId: 'MyCustomId'
+    # test 2
+    -
+        type: 'cel'
+        conditions:
+            match:
+                Channel: 'Local/two at default-.{7}1;.'
+        requirements:
+            -
+                match:
+                    Channel: 'Local/two at default-.{7}1;1'
+                    EventName: 'CHAN_START'
+                    UniqueId: 'OnlyOneId$'
+                    LinkedId: 'OnlyOneId$'
+            -
+                match:
+                    Channel: 'Local/two at default-.{7}1;2'
+                    EventName: 'CHAN_START'
+                    UniqueId: 'OnlyOneId;2'
+                    LinkedId: 'OnlyOneId$'
+    # test 3
+    -
+        type: 'cel'
+        conditions:
+            match:
+                Channel: 'Local/three at default-.{7}2;.'
+        requirements:
+            -
+                match:
+                    Channel: 'Local/three at default-.{7}2;1'
+                    EventName: 'CHAN_START'
+                    UniqueId: '[0-9]{10}\.[0-9]+'
+                    LinkedId: '[0-9]{10}\.[0-9]+'
+            -
+                match:
+                    Channel: 'Local/three at default-.{7}2;2'
+                    EventName: 'CHAN_START'
+                    UniqueId: '[0-9]{10}\.[0-9]+'
+                    LinkedId: '[0-9]{10}\.[0-9]+'
+    # test 4
+    -
+        type: 'cel'
+        conditions:
+            match:
+                Channel: 'Local/four at default-.{7}3;.'
+        requirements:
+            -
+                match:
+                    Channel: 'Local/four at default-.{7}3;1'
+                    EventName: 'CHAN_START'
+                    UniqueId: 'MyStasisId$'
+                    LinkedId: 'MyStasisId$'
+            -
+                match:
+                    Channel: 'Local/four at default-.{7}3;2'
+                    EventName: 'CHAN_START'
+                    UniqueId: 'MyOtherStasisId'
+                    LinkedId: 'MyStasisId$'

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/originate_with_id/test-config.yaml
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/originate_with_id/test-config.yaml
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/originate_with_id/test-config.yaml
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/snoop_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/snoop_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf?view=auto&rev=4805
--- asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/snoop_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf (added)
+++ asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/snoop_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf Fri Mar  7 14:01:25 2014
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@
+exten => s,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Answer()
+	same => n,Echo()
+	same => n,Hangup()

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/snoop_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/snoop_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/snoop_id/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/snoop_id/test-config.yaml
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/snoop_id/test-config.yaml?view=auto&rev=4805
--- asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/snoop_id/test-config.yaml (added)
+++ asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/snoop_id/test-config.yaml Fri Mar  7 14:01:25 2014
@@ -1,0 +1,115 @@
+    summary: 'Test channel snoop using ID'
+    description: |
+        * Originate a channel
+        * Start a snoop channel
+        * Delete the snoop channel
+        * Delete the original channel
+        * Validate all the events
+    # change this to correct minimum version that implements IDs
+    minversion: '12.0.0'
+    dependencies:
+        - python : autobahn.websocket
+        - python : requests
+        - python : twisted
+        - python : starpy
+        - asterisk : res_ari_channels
+        - asterisk : app_echo
+    tags:
+        - ARI
+    test-object:
+        config-section: test-object-config
+        typename: ari.AriOriginateTestObject
+    modules:
+        -   config-section: ari-config
+            typename: ari.WebSocketEventModule
+    # using default origination:
+    #   endpoint: Local/s at default
+    #   channelId: testsuite-default-id
+    #   app: testsuite
+    apps: testsuite
+    events:
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: 'ChannelStateChange'
+            count: '>1'
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: StasisStart
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
+            count: 1
+            requests:
+                method: 'post'
+                uri: 'channels/testsuite-default-id/snoop/MySnoopyId'
+                params:
+                    spy: 'both'
+                    app: 'testsuite'
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: StasisStart
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'MySnoopyId'
+            count: 1
+            requests:
+                method: 'delete'
+                uri: 'channels/{channel.id}'
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: ChannelHangupRequest
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'MySnoopyId'
+            count: 1
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: StasisEnd
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'MySnoopyId'
+            count: 1
+            requests:
+                # kill the original channel to end the test
+                method: 'delete'
+                uri: 'channels/testsuite-default-id'
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: ChannelHangupRequest
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
+            count: 1
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: StasisEnd
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
+            count: 1
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: ChannelDestroyed
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
+            count: 1

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/snoop_id/test-config.yaml
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/snoop_id/test-config.yaml
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/snoop_id/test-config.yaml
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Modified: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/tests.yaml
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/tests.yaml?view=diff&rev=4805&r1=4804&r2=4805
--- asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/tests.yaml (original)
+++ asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/channels/tests.yaml Fri Mar  7 14:01:25 2014
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
     - test: 'originate'
     - test: 'originate_with_vars'
+    - test: 'originate_with_id'
     - test: 'snoop_whisper'
     - test: 'snoop_spy'
+    - test: 'snoop_id'

Added: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/playback/basic/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/playback/basic/configs/ast1/extensions.conf?view=auto&rev=4805
--- asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/playback/basic/configs/ast1/extensions.conf (added)
+++ asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/playback/basic/configs/ast1/extensions.conf Fri Mar  7 14:01:25 2014
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@
+exten => s,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Answer()
+	same => n,Echo()
+	same => n,Hangup()

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/playback/basic/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/playback/basic/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/playback/basic/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/playback/basic/test-config.yaml
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/playback/basic/test-config.yaml?view=auto&rev=4805
--- asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/playback/basic/test-config.yaml (added)
+++ asterisk/trunk/tests/rest_api/playback/basic/test-config.yaml Fri Mar  7 14:01:25 2014
@@ -1,0 +1,131 @@
+    summary: 'Test playback start and manipulation using IDs'
+    description: |
+        * Originate a channel
+        * Playback an audio file
+        * Pause it
+        * Unpause it
+        * Rewind it
+        * Delete the playback
+        * Delete the channel
+        * Validate all the events
+    # change this to correct minimum version that implements IDs
+    minversion: '12.0.0'
+    dependencies:
+        - python : autobahn.websocket
+        - python : requests
+        - python : twisted
+        - python : starpy
+        - asterisk : res_ari_channels
+        - asterisk : app_echo
+    tags:
+        - ARI
+    test-object:
+        config-section: test-object-config
+        typename: ari.AriOriginateTestObject
+    modules:
+        -   config-section: ari-config
+            typename: ari.WebSocketEventModule
+    # using default origination:
+    #   endpoint: Local/s at default
+    #   channelId: testsuite-default-id
+    #   app: testsuite
+    apps: testsuite
+    events:
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: 'ChannelStateChange'
+            count: '>1'
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: StasisStart
+                    application: testsuite
+                    channel:
+                        id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
+            count: 1
+            requests:
+                method: 'post'
+                uri: 'channels/testsuite-default-id/play/MyPlaybackId'
+                params:
+                    media: 'sound:silence/5'
+        -
+            conditions:
+                match:
+                    type: PlaybackStarted
+                    application: testsuite
+                    playback:
+                        id: 'MyPlaybackId'
+                        target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
+            count: 2
+            requests:
+                -
+                    instance: 1
+                    delay: 1
+                    method: 'post'
+                    uri: 'playbacks/MyPlaybackId/control'
+                    params:
+                        operation: pause
+                    # pause operation does not generate an event
+                -
+                    instance: 1
+                    delay: 2
+                    method: 'post'
+                    uri: 'playbacks/MyPlaybackId/control'
+                    params:
+                        operation: unpause
+                    # unpause operation triggers PlaybackStarted instance #2
+                -
+                    instance: 2
+                    method: 'post'

[... 88 lines stripped ...]

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