[asterisk-commits] rmudgett: branch 12 r409885 - in /branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage: ./ cdr/ ...
SVN commits to the Asterisk project
asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Wed Mar 5 12:40:17 CST 2014
Author: rmudgett
Date: Wed Mar 5 12:40:13 2014
New Revision: 409885
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk?view=rev&rev=409885
alembic: Add missing queue and CDR table creation scripts.
* Added the queues and queue_members tables to the config alembic scripts.
* Added the CDR table alembic creation script. The CDR table is more of
an example for new setups since the actual table can be fully customized
in cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf.
(closes issue ASTERISK-23233)
Reported by: jmls
Review: https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/3227/
branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/ (with props)
branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr.ini.sample (with props)
branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/env.py (with props)
branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/script.py.mako (with props)
branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/versions/ (with props)
branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/versions/210693f3123d_create_cdr_table.py (with props)
branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/config/versions/28887f25a46f_create_queue_tables.py (with props)
Propchange: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/
--- svn:ignore (added)
+++ svn:ignore Wed Mar 5 12:40:13 2014
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
Added: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr.ini.sample
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr.ini.sample?view=auto&rev=409885
--- branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr.ini.sample (added)
+++ branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr.ini.sample Wed Mar 5 12:40:13 2014
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+# A generic, single database configuration.
+# path to migration scripts
+script_location = cdr
+# template used to generate migration files
+# file_template = %%(rev)s_%%(slug)s
+# max length of characters to apply to the
+# "slug" field
+#truncate_slug_length = 40
+# set to 'true' to run the environment during
+# the 'revision' command, regardless of autogenerate
+# revision_environment = false
+sqlalchemy.url = mysql://user:pass@localhost/voicemail
+# Logging configuration
+keys = root,sqlalchemy,alembic
+keys = console
+keys = generic
+level = WARN
+handlers = console
+qualname =
+level = WARN
+handlers =
+qualname = sqlalchemy.engine
+level = INFO
+handlers =
+qualname = alembic
+class = StreamHandler
+args = (sys.stderr,)
+level = NOTSET
+formatter = generic
+format = %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s
+datefmt = %H:%M:%S
Propchange: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr.ini.sample
svn:eol-style = native
Propchange: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr.ini.sample
svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision
Propchange: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr.ini.sample
svn:mime-type = text/plain
Added: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/env.py
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/env.py?view=auto&rev=409885
--- branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/env.py (added)
+++ branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/env.py Wed Mar 5 12:40:13 2014
@@ -1,0 +1,71 @@
+from __future__ import with_statement
+from alembic import context
+from sqlalchemy import engine_from_config, pool
+from logging.config import fileConfig
+# this is the Alembic Config object, which provides
+# access to the values within the .ini file in use.
+config = context.config
+# Interpret the config file for Python logging.
+# This line sets up loggers basically.
+# add your model's MetaData object here
+# for 'autogenerate' support
+# from myapp import mymodel
+# target_metadata = mymodel.Base.metadata
+target_metadata = None
+# other values from the config, defined by the needs of env.py,
+# can be acquired:
+# my_important_option = config.get_main_option("my_important_option")
+# ... etc.
+def run_migrations_offline():
+ """Run migrations in 'offline' mode.
+ This configures the context with just a URL
+ and not an Engine, though an Engine is acceptable
+ here as well. By skipping the Engine creation
+ we don't even need a DBAPI to be available.
+ Calls to context.execute() here emit the given string to the
+ script output.
+ """
+ url = config.get_main_option("sqlalchemy.url")
+ context.configure(url=url)
+ with context.begin_transaction():
+ context.run_migrations()
+def run_migrations_online():
+ """Run migrations in 'online' mode.
+ In this scenario we need to create an Engine
+ and associate a connection with the context.
+ """
+ engine = engine_from_config(
+ config.get_section(config.config_ini_section),
+ prefix='sqlalchemy.',
+ poolclass=pool.NullPool)
+ connection = engine.connect()
+ context.configure(
+ connection=connection,
+ target_metadata=target_metadata
+ )
+ try:
+ with context.begin_transaction():
+ context.run_migrations()
+ finally:
+ connection.close()
+if context.is_offline_mode():
+ run_migrations_offline()
+ run_migrations_online()
Propchange: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/env.py
svn:eol-style = native
Propchange: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/env.py
svn:executable = *
Propchange: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/env.py
svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision
Propchange: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/env.py
svn:mime-type = text/plain
Added: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/script.py.mako
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/script.py.mako?view=auto&rev=409885
--- branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/script.py.mako (added)
+++ branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/script.py.mako Wed Mar 5 12:40:13 2014
@@ -1,0 +1,22 @@
+Revision ID: ${up_revision}
+Revises: ${down_revision}
+Create Date: ${create_date}
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = ${repr(up_revision)}
+down_revision = ${repr(down_revision)}
+from alembic import op
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+${imports if imports else ""}
+def upgrade():
+ ${upgrades if upgrades else "pass"}
+def downgrade():
+ ${downgrades if downgrades else "pass"}
Propchange: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/script.py.mako
svn:eol-style = native
Propchange: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/script.py.mako
svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision
Propchange: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/script.py.mako
svn:mime-type = text/plain
Propchange: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/versions/
--- svn:ignore (added)
+++ svn:ignore Wed Mar 5 12:40:13 2014
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
Added: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/versions/210693f3123d_create_cdr_table.py
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/versions/210693f3123d_create_cdr_table.py?view=auto&rev=409885
--- branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/versions/210693f3123d_create_cdr_table.py (added)
+++ branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/versions/210693f3123d_create_cdr_table.py Wed Mar 5 12:40:13 2014
@@ -1,0 +1,64 @@
+# Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit.
+# Copyright (C) 2014, Richard Mudgett
+# Richard Mudgett <rmudgett at digium.com>
+# See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about
+# the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact
+# any of the maintainers of this project for assistance;
+# the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC
+# channels for your use.
+# This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
+# the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file
+# at the top of the source tree.
+"""Create CDR table.
+Revision ID: 210693f3123d
+Revises: None
+Create Date: 2014-02-14 15:11:43.867292
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = '210693f3123d'
+down_revision = None
+from alembic import op
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+def upgrade():
+ op.create_table(
+ 'cdr',
+ sa.Column('accountcode', sa.String(20)),
+ sa.Column('src', sa.String(80)),
+ sa.Column('dst', sa.String(80)),
+ sa.Column('dcontext', sa.String(80)),
+ sa.Column('clid', sa.String(80)),
+ sa.Column('channel', sa.String(80)),
+ sa.Column('dstchannel', sa.String(80)),
+ sa.Column('lastapp', sa.String(80)),
+ sa.Column('lastdata', sa.String(80)),
+ sa.Column('start', sa.DateTime()),
+ sa.Column('answer', sa.DateTime()),
+ sa.Column('end', sa.DateTime()),
+ sa.Column('duration', sa.Integer),
+ sa.Column('billsec', sa.Integer),
+ sa.Column('disposition', sa.String(45)),
+ sa.Column('amaflags', sa.String(45)),
+ sa.Column('userfield', sa.String(256)),
+ sa.Column('uniqueid', sa.String(150)),
+ sa.Column('linkedid', sa.String(150)),
+ sa.Column('peeraccount', sa.String(20)),
+ sa.Column('sequence', sa.Integer)
+ )
+def downgrade():
+ op.drop_table('cdr')
Propchange: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/versions/210693f3123d_create_cdr_table.py
svn:eol-style = native
Propchange: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/versions/210693f3123d_create_cdr_table.py
svn:executable = *
Propchange: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/versions/210693f3123d_create_cdr_table.py
svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision
Propchange: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/versions/210693f3123d_create_cdr_table.py
svn:mime-type = text/plain
Added: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/config/versions/28887f25a46f_create_queue_tables.py
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/config/versions/28887f25a46f_create_queue_tables.py?view=auto&rev=409885
--- branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/config/versions/28887f25a46f_create_queue_tables.py (added)
+++ branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/config/versions/28887f25a46f_create_queue_tables.py Wed Mar 5 12:40:13 2014
@@ -1,0 +1,141 @@
+# Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit.
+# Copyright (C) 2014, Richard Mudgett
+# Richard Mudgett <rmudgett at digium.com>
+# See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about
+# the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact
+# any of the maintainers of this project for assistance;
+# the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC
+# channels for your use.
+# This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
+# the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file
+# at the top of the source tree.
+"""Create queue tables
+Revision ID: 28887f25a46f
+Revises: 21e526ad3040
+Create Date: 2014-03-03 12:26:25.261640
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = '28887f25a46f'
+down_revision = '21e526ad3040'
+from alembic import op
+from alembic import context
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import ENUM
+YESNO_NAME = 'yesno_values'
+YESNO_VALUES = ['yes', 'no']
+QUEUE_STRATEGY_NAME = 'queue_strategy_values'
+QUEUE_STRATEGY_VALUES = [ 'ringall', 'leastrecent', 'fewestcalls', 'random', 'rrmemory',
+ 'linear', 'wrandom', 'rrordered', ]
+QUEUE_AUTOPAUSE_NAME = 'queue_autopause_values'
+QUEUE_AUTOPAUSE_VALUES = ['yes', 'no', 'all']
+def upgrade():
+ ############################# Enums ##############################
+ # yesno_values have already been created, so use postgres enum object
+ # type to get around "already created" issue - works okay with mysql
+ yesno_values = ENUM(*YESNO_VALUES, name=YESNO_NAME, create_type=False)
+ queue_strategy_values = sa.Enum(*QUEUE_STRATEGY_VALUES, name=QUEUE_STRATEGY_NAME)
+ queue_autopause_values = sa.Enum(*QUEUE_AUTOPAUSE_VALUES, name=QUEUE_AUTOPAUSE_NAME)
+ ######################### create tables ##########################
+ op.create_table(
+ 'queues',
+ sa.Column('name', sa.String(128), primary_key=True, nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('musiconhold', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('announce', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('context', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('timeout', sa.Integer),
+ sa.Column('ringinuse', yesno_values),
+ sa.Column('setinterfacevar', yesno_values),
+ sa.Column('setqueuevar', yesno_values),
+ sa.Column('setqueueentryvar', yesno_values),
+ sa.Column('monitor_format', sa.String(8)),
+ sa.Column('membermacro', sa.String(512)),
+ sa.Column('membergosub', sa.String(512)),
+ sa.Column('queue_youarenext', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('queue_thereare', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('queue_callswaiting', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('queue_quantity1', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('queue_quantity2', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('queue_holdtime', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('queue_minutes', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('queue_minute', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('queue_seconds', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('queue_thankyou', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('queue_callerannounce', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('queue_reporthold', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('announce_frequency', sa.Integer),
+ sa.Column('announce_to_first_user', yesno_values),
+ sa.Column('min_announce_frequency', sa.Integer),
+ sa.Column('announce_round_seconds', sa.Integer),
+ sa.Column('announce_holdtime', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('announce_position', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('announce_position_limit', sa.Integer),
+ sa.Column('periodic_announce', sa.String(50)),
+ sa.Column('periodic_announce_frequency', sa.Integer),
+ sa.Column('relative_periodic_announce', yesno_values),
+ sa.Column('random_periodic_announce', yesno_values),
+ sa.Column('retry', sa.Integer),
+ sa.Column('wrapuptime', sa.Integer),
+ sa.Column('penaltymemberslimit', sa.Integer),
+ sa.Column('autofill', yesno_values),
+ sa.Column('monitor_type', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('autopause', queue_autopause_values),
+ sa.Column('autopausedelay', sa.Integer),
+ sa.Column('autopausebusy', yesno_values),
+ sa.Column('autopauseunavail', yesno_values),
+ sa.Column('maxlen', sa.Integer),
+ sa.Column('servicelevel', sa.Integer),
+ sa.Column('strategy', queue_strategy_values),
+ sa.Column('joinempty', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('leavewhenempty', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('reportholdtime', yesno_values),
+ sa.Column('memberdelay', sa.Integer),
+ sa.Column('weight', sa.Integer),
+ sa.Column('timeoutrestart', yesno_values),
+ sa.Column('defaultrule', sa.String(128)),
+ sa.Column('timeoutpriority', sa.String(128))
+ )
+ op.create_table(
+ 'queue_members',
+ sa.Column('queue_name', sa.String(80), primary_key=True, nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('interface', sa.String(80), primary_key=True, nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('uniqueid', sa.String(80), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('membername', sa.String(80)),
+ sa.Column('state_interface', sa.String(80)),
+ sa.Column('penalty', sa.Integer),
+ sa.Column('paused', sa.Integer)
+ )
+def downgrade():
+ ########################## drop tables ###########################
+ op.drop_table('queues')
+ op.drop_table('queue_members')
+ ########################## drop enums ############################
+ sa.Enum(name=QUEUE_STRATEGY_NAME).drop(op.get_bind(), checkfirst=False)
+ sa.Enum(name=QUEUE_AUTOPAUSE_NAME).drop(op.get_bind(), checkfirst=False)
Propchange: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/config/versions/28887f25a46f_create_queue_tables.py
svn:eol-style = native
Propchange: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/config/versions/28887f25a46f_create_queue_tables.py
svn:executable = *
Propchange: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/config/versions/28887f25a46f_create_queue_tables.py
svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision
Propchange: branches/12/contrib/ast-db-manage/config/versions/28887f25a46f_create_queue_tables.py
svn:mime-type = text/plain
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