[asterisk-commits] mmichelson: testsuite/asterisk/trunk r5112 - in /asterisk/trunk: contrib/scri...
SVN commits to the Asterisk project
asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Thu Jun 12 14:13:01 CDT 2014
Author: mmichelson
Date: Thu Jun 12 14:12:56 2014
New Revision: 5112
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite?view=rev&rev=5112
Add an RLMI module and demonstration script.
RLMI is an XML document type used for resource list subscriptions.
In the near future, tests will be written that will need to take
deep looks at the content of RLMI documents. To make this easier,
I have use pyxb [1] in order to create an RLMI XML parser. This
parser, rlmi.py lives in the testsuite's lib/python directory.
In addition, I have added an rlmi_demo.py script to the contrib/scripts
directory to illustrate how to use rlmi.py to browse the elements of
the RLMI XML document.
asterisk/trunk/contrib/scripts/rlmi.xml (with props)
asterisk/trunk/contrib/scripts/rlmi_demo.py (with props)
asterisk/trunk/lib/python/rlmi.py (with props)
Added: asterisk/trunk/contrib/scripts/rlmi.xml
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/trunk/contrib/scripts/rlmi.xml?view=auto&rev=5112
--- asterisk/trunk/contrib/scripts/rlmi.xml (added)
+++ asterisk/trunk/contrib/scripts/rlmi.xml Thu Jun 12 14:12:56 2014
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+ <list xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:rlmi"
+ uri="sip:adam-friends at lists.vancouver.example.com"
+ version="7" fullState="true">
+ <name xml:lang="en">Buddy List</name>
+ <name xml:lang="fr">Liste d'amis</name>
+ <resource uri="sip:bob at vancouver.example.com">
+ <name>Bob Smith</name>
+ <instance id="juwigmtboe" state="active"
+ cid="12345.aaa at vancouver.example.com"/>
+ </resource>
+ <resource uri="sip:dave at vancouver.example.com">
+ <name>Dave Jones</name>
+ <instance id="hqzsuxtfyq" state="active"
+ cid="12345.aab at vancouver.example.com"/>
+ </resource>
+ <resource uri="sip:jim at vancouver.example.com">
+ <name>Jim</name>
+ <instance id="oflzxqzuvg" state="terminated"
+ reason="rejected" />
+ </resource>
+ <resource uri="sip:ed at vancouver.example.com">
+ <name>Ed</name>
+ <instance id="grqhzsppxb" state="pending"/>
+ </resource>
+ </list>
Propchange: asterisk/trunk/contrib/scripts/rlmi.xml
svn:eol-style = native
Propchange: asterisk/trunk/contrib/scripts/rlmi.xml
svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision
Propchange: asterisk/trunk/contrib/scripts/rlmi.xml
svn:mime-type = text/plain
Added: asterisk/trunk/contrib/scripts/rlmi_demo.py
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/trunk/contrib/scripts/rlmi_demo.py?view=auto&rev=5112
--- asterisk/trunk/contrib/scripts/rlmi_demo.py (added)
+++ asterisk/trunk/contrib/scripts/rlmi_demo.py Thu Jun 12 14:12:56 2014
@@ -1,0 +1,68 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Demonstration of parsing and printing RLMI XML document.
+This script is meant to demonstrate how, given an RLMI XML document, one can use
+the pyxb-generated rlmi module to parse the XML document into easy-to peruse
+objects. The XML document used in this demo is from RFC 4662, section 5.1.
+This script must be run from the base testsuite directory since paths are assumed to
+originate from there.
+import sys
+# rlmi is a pyxb-generated module create from the XML schema for RLMI. It
+# defines classes that are used when an RLMI XML document is parsed.
+import rlmi
+xml = open('contrib/scripts/rlmi.xml').read()
+# CreateFromDocument takes XML text and creates an XML document object that can
+# be used in ways that Python objects are typically used.
+list_elem = rlmi.CreateFromDocument(xml)
+# The outermost XML element in an RLMI document is the 'list' element.
+print 'list'
+# pyxb performs type-checking and type conversion of elements that it comes
+# across in XML documents. In this case, the list element's version attribute is
+# an integer, and the fullState attribute is a boolean. This is why the str()
+# function is necessary in order to convert to string for the concatenation.
+print '\t' + str(list_elem.version)
+print '\t' + str(list_elem.fullState)
+print '\t' + list_elem.uri
+# A list element may have zero or more name elements in it. This is a
+# user-visible name for the list. The main reason why more than one name may
+# exist for a list would be because it is expressed in multiple languages.
+# Asterisk RLMI lists will have only a single name.
+for name in list_elem.name:
+ print '\tname'
+ # Parsed XML documents have their attributes accessed as members on an
+ # object.
+ print '\t\t' + name.lang
+ # The content of XML elements is accessed through the value() member.
+ print '\t\t' + name.value()
+# A list element may have zero or more resource elements in it. The resources
+# represent the resources that make up the list (duh).
+for resource in list_elem.resource:
+ print '\tresource'
+ print '\t\t' + resource.uri
+ # Resources may have names associated with them, just like the list does.
+ # Asterisk will use the name of the list from the configuration file here.
+ for name in resource.name:
+ print '\t\tname'
+ print '\t\t\t' + name.value()
+ # Resources may have zero or more instance elements on them. The reason that
+ # more than one instance element may exist for a resource is that a resource
+ # may correspond to a single subscription that forks, resulting in multiple
+ # instances of the resource being represented. In Asterisk's case, there
+ # will be a single instance per resource.
+ for instance in resource.instance:
+ print '\t\tinstance'
+ print '\t\t\t' + instance.id
+ print '\t\t\t' + instance.state
+ # If an instance has a cid, it indicates that there is a body element
+ # in the multipart body that corresponds to the instance. The cid
+ # corresponds to the Content-ID header in that body part.
+ if instance.cid:
+ print '\t\t\t' + instance.cid
Propchange: asterisk/trunk/contrib/scripts/rlmi_demo.py
svn:eol-style = native
Propchange: asterisk/trunk/contrib/scripts/rlmi_demo.py
svn:executable = *
Propchange: asterisk/trunk/contrib/scripts/rlmi_demo.py
svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision
Propchange: asterisk/trunk/contrib/scripts/rlmi_demo.py
svn:mime-type = text/plain
Added: asterisk/trunk/lib/python/rlmi.py
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/trunk/lib/python/rlmi.py?view=auto&rev=5112
--- asterisk/trunk/lib/python/rlmi.py (added)
+++ asterisk/trunk/lib/python/rlmi.py Thu Jun 12 14:12:56 2014
@@ -1,0 +1,408 @@
+# ./rlmi.py
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# PyXB bindings for NM:3e5578c8ec4c38e134207ce683adb060f503853f
+# Generated 2014-06-10 12:31:07.911934 by PyXB version 1.2.3
+# Namespace urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:rlmi
+import pyxb
+import pyxb.binding
+import pyxb.binding.saxer
+import io
+import pyxb.utils.utility
+import pyxb.utils.domutils
+import sys
+# Unique identifier for bindings created at the same time
+_GenerationUID = pyxb.utils.utility.UniqueIdentifier('urn:uuid:01af2fb6-f0c5-11e3-9594-00219b028e33')
+# Version of PyXB used to generate the bindings
+_PyXBVersion = '1.2.3'
+# Generated bindings are not compatible across PyXB versions
+if pyxb.__version__ != _PyXBVersion:
+ raise pyxb.PyXBVersionError(_PyXBVersion)
+# Import bindings for namespaces imported into schema
+import pyxb.binding.xml_
+import pyxb.binding.datatypes
+# NOTE: All namespace declarations are reserved within the binding
+Namespace = pyxb.namespace.NamespaceForURI(u'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:rlmi', create_if_missing=True)
+Namespace.configureCategories(['typeBinding', 'elementBinding'])
+def CreateFromDocument (xml_text, default_namespace=None, location_base=None):
+ """Parse the given XML and use the document element to create a
+ Python instance.
+ @param xml_text An XML document. This should be data (Python 2
+ str or Python 3 bytes), or a text (Python 2 unicode or Python 3
+ str) in the L{pyxb._InputEncoding} encoding.
+ @keyword default_namespace The L{pyxb.Namespace} instance to use as the
+ default namespace where there is no default namespace in scope.
+ If unspecified or C{None}, the namespace of the module containing
+ this function will be used.
+ @keyword location_base: An object to be recorded as the base of all
+ L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} instances associated with events and
+ objects handled by the parser. You might pass the URI from which
+ the document was obtained.
+ """
+ if pyxb.XMLStyle_saxer != pyxb._XMLStyle:
+ dom = pyxb.utils.domutils.StringToDOM(xml_text)
+ return CreateFromDOM(dom.documentElement)
+ if default_namespace is None:
+ default_namespace = Namespace.fallbackNamespace()
+ saxer = pyxb.binding.saxer.make_parser(fallback_namespace=default_namespace, location_base=location_base)
+ handler = saxer.getContentHandler()
+ xmld = xml_text
+ if isinstance(xmld, unicode):
+ xmld = xmld.encode(pyxb._InputEncoding)
+ saxer.parse(io.BytesIO(xmld))
+ instance = handler.rootObject()
+ return instance
+def CreateFromDOM (node, default_namespace=None):
+ """Create a Python instance from the given DOM node.
+ The node tag must correspond to an element declaration in this module.
+ @deprecated: Forcing use of DOM interface is unnecessary; use L{CreateFromDocument}."""
+ if default_namespace is None:
+ default_namespace = Namespace.fallbackNamespace()
+ return pyxb.binding.basis.element.AnyCreateFromDOM(node, default_namespace)
+# Atomic simple type: [anonymous]
+class STD_ANON (pyxb.binding.datatypes.string, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin):
+ """An atomic simple type."""
+ _ExpandedName = None
+ _XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 44, 8)
+ _Documentation = None
+STD_ANON._CF_enumeration = pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration(value_datatype=STD_ANON, enum_prefix=None)
+STD_ANON.active = STD_ANON._CF_enumeration.addEnumeration(unicode_value=u'active', tag=u'active')
+STD_ANON.pending = STD_ANON._CF_enumeration.addEnumeration(unicode_value=u'pending', tag=u'pending')
+STD_ANON.terminated = STD_ANON._CF_enumeration.addEnumeration(unicode_value=u'terminated', tag=u'terminated')
+# Complex type [anonymous] with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
+class CTD_ANON (pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition):
+ """Complex type [anonymous] with content type ELEMENT_ONLY"""
+ _TypeDefinition = None
+ _ContentTypeTag = pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition._CT_ELEMENT_ONLY
+ _Abstract = False
+ _ExpandedName = None
+ _XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 8, 4)
+ _ElementMap = {}
+ _AttributeMap = {}
+ # Base type is pyxb.binding.datatypes.anyType
+ # Element {urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:rlmi}resource uses Python identifier resource
+ __resource = pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(Namespace, u'resource'), 'resource', '__urnietfparamsxmlnsrlmi_CTD_ANON_urnietfparamsxmlnsrlmiresource', True, pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 24, 2), )
+ resource = property(__resource.value, __resource.set, None, None)
+ # Element {urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:rlmi}name uses Python identifier name
+ __name = pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(Namespace, u'name'), 'name', '__urnietfparamsxmlnsrlmi_CTD_ANON_urnietfparamsxmlnsrlminame', True, pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 58, 2), )
+ name = property(__name.value, __name.set, None, None)
+ # Attribute uri uses Python identifier uri
+ __uri = pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(None, u'uri'), 'uri', '__urnietfparamsxmlnsrlmi_CTD_ANON_uri', pyxb.binding.datatypes.anyURI, required=True)
+ __uri._DeclarationLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 15, 6)
+ __uri._UseLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 15, 6)
+ uri = property(__uri.value, __uri.set, None, None)
+ # Attribute version uses Python identifier version
+ __version = pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(None, u'version'), 'version', '__urnietfparamsxmlnsrlmi_CTD_ANON_version', pyxb.binding.datatypes.unsignedInt, required=True)
+ __version._DeclarationLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 16, 6)
+ __version._UseLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 16, 6)
+ version = property(__version.value, __version.set, None, None)
+ # Attribute fullState uses Python identifier fullState
+ __fullState = pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(None, u'fullState'), 'fullState', '__urnietfparamsxmlnsrlmi_CTD_ANON_fullState', pyxb.binding.datatypes.boolean, required=True)
+ __fullState._DeclarationLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 18, 6)
+ __fullState._UseLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 18, 6)
+ fullState = property(__fullState.value, __fullState.set, None, None)
+ # Attribute cid uses Python identifier cid
+ __cid = pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(None, u'cid'), 'cid', '__urnietfparamsxmlnsrlmi_CTD_ANON_cid', pyxb.binding.datatypes.string)
+ __cid._DeclarationLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 20, 6)
+ __cid._UseLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 20, 6)
+ cid = property(__cid.value, __cid.set, None, None)
+ _AttributeWildcard = pyxb.binding.content.Wildcard(process_contents=pyxb.binding.content.Wildcard.PC_lax, namespace_constraint=pyxb.binding.content.Wildcard.NC_any)
+ _ElementMap.update({
+ __resource.name() : __resource,
+ __name.name() : __name
+ })
+ _AttributeMap.update({
+ __uri.name() : __uri,
+ __version.name() : __version,
+ __fullState.name() : __fullState,
+ __cid.name() : __cid
+ })
+# Complex type [anonymous] with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
+class CTD_ANON_ (pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition):
+ """Complex type [anonymous] with content type ELEMENT_ONLY"""
+ _TypeDefinition = None
+ _ContentTypeTag = pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition._CT_ELEMENT_ONLY
+ _Abstract = False
+ _ExpandedName = None
+ _XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 25, 4)
+ _ElementMap = {}
+ _AttributeMap = {}
+ # Base type is pyxb.binding.datatypes.anyType
+ # Element {urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:rlmi}instance uses Python identifier instance
+ __instance = pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(Namespace, u'instance'), 'instance', '__urnietfparamsxmlnsrlmi_CTD_ANON__urnietfparamsxmlnsrlmiinstance', True, pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 36, 2), )
+ instance = property(__instance.value, __instance.set, None, None)
+ # Element {urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:rlmi}name uses Python identifier name
+ __name = pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(Namespace, u'name'), 'name', '__urnietfparamsxmlnsrlmi_CTD_ANON__urnietfparamsxmlnsrlminame', True, pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 58, 2), )
+ name = property(__name.value, __name.set, None, None)
+ # Attribute uri uses Python identifier uri
+ __uri = pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(None, u'uri'), 'uri', '__urnietfparamsxmlnsrlmi_CTD_ANON__uri', pyxb.binding.datatypes.anyURI, required=True)
+ __uri._DeclarationLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 32, 6)
+ __uri._UseLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 32, 6)
+ uri = property(__uri.value, __uri.set, None, None)
+ _AttributeWildcard = pyxb.binding.content.Wildcard(process_contents=pyxb.binding.content.Wildcard.PC_lax, namespace_constraint=pyxb.binding.content.Wildcard.NC_any)
+ _ElementMap.update({
+ __instance.name() : __instance,
+ __name.name() : __name
+ })
+ _AttributeMap.update({
+ __uri.name() : __uri
+ })
+# Complex type [anonymous] with content type SIMPLE
+class CTD_ANON_2 (pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition):
+ """Complex type [anonymous] with content type SIMPLE"""
+ _TypeDefinition = pyxb.binding.datatypes.string
+ _ContentTypeTag = pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition._CT_SIMPLE
+ _Abstract = False
+ _ExpandedName = None
+ _XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 59, 4)
+ _ElementMap = {}
+ _AttributeMap = {}
+ # Base type is pyxb.binding.datatypes.string
+ # Attribute {http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang uses Python identifier lang
+ __lang = pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(pyxb.namespace.XML, 'lang'), 'lang', '__urnietfparamsxmlnsrlmi_CTD_ANON_2_httpwww_w3_orgXML1998namespacelang', pyxb.binding.xml_.STD_ANON_lang)
+ __lang._DeclarationLocation = None
+ __lang._UseLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 62, 10)
+ lang = property(__lang.value, __lang.set, None, None)
+ _ElementMap.update({
+ })
+ _AttributeMap.update({
+ __lang.name() : __lang
+ })
+# Complex type [anonymous] with content type ELEMENT_ONLY
+class CTD_ANON_3 (pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition):
+ """Complex type [anonymous] with content type ELEMENT_ONLY"""
+ _TypeDefinition = None
+ _ContentTypeTag = pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition._CT_ELEMENT_ONLY
+ _Abstract = False
+ _ExpandedName = None
+ _XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 37, 4)
+ _ElementMap = {}
+ _AttributeMap = {}
+ # Base type is pyxb.binding.datatypes.anyType
+ # Attribute id uses Python identifier id
+ __id = pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(None, u'id'), 'id', '__urnietfparamsxmlnsrlmi_CTD_ANON_3_id', pyxb.binding.datatypes.string, required=True)
+ __id._DeclarationLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 42, 6)
+ __id._UseLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 42, 6)
+ id = property(__id.value, __id.set, None, None)
+ # Attribute state uses Python identifier state
+ __state = pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(None, u'state'), 'state', '__urnietfparamsxmlnsrlmi_CTD_ANON_3_state', STD_ANON, required=True)
+ __state._DeclarationLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 43, 6)
+ __state._UseLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 43, 6)
+ state = property(__state.value, __state.set, None, None)
+ # Attribute reason uses Python identifier reason
+ __reason = pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(None, u'reason'), 'reason', '__urnietfparamsxmlnsrlmi_CTD_ANON_3_reason', pyxb.binding.datatypes.string)
+ __reason._DeclarationLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 52, 6)
+ __reason._UseLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 52, 6)
+ reason = property(__reason.value, __reason.set, None, None)
+ # Attribute cid uses Python identifier cid
+ __cid = pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(None, u'cid'), 'cid', '__urnietfparamsxmlnsrlmi_CTD_ANON_3_cid', pyxb.binding.datatypes.string)
+ __cid._DeclarationLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 54, 6)
+ __cid._UseLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 54, 6)
+ cid = property(__cid.value, __cid.set, None, None)
+ _AttributeWildcard = pyxb.binding.content.Wildcard(process_contents=pyxb.binding.content.Wildcard.PC_lax, namespace_constraint=pyxb.binding.content.Wildcard.NC_any)
+ _HasWildcardElement = True
+ _ElementMap.update({
+ })
+ _AttributeMap.update({
+ __id.name() : __id,
+ __state.name() : __state,
+ __reason.name() : __reason,
+ __cid.name() : __cid
+ })
+list = pyxb.binding.basis.element(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(Namespace, u'list'), CTD_ANON, location=pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 7, 2))
+Namespace.addCategoryObject('elementBinding', list.name().localName(), list)
+resource = pyxb.binding.basis.element(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(Namespace, u'resource'), CTD_ANON_, location=pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 24, 2))
+Namespace.addCategoryObject('elementBinding', resource.name().localName(), resource)
+name = pyxb.binding.basis.element(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(Namespace, u'name'), CTD_ANON_2, location=pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 58, 2))
+Namespace.addCategoryObject('elementBinding', name.name().localName(), name)
+instance = pyxb.binding.basis.element(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(Namespace, u'instance'), CTD_ANON_3, location=pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 36, 2))
+Namespace.addCategoryObject('elementBinding', instance.name().localName(), instance)
+CTD_ANON._AddElement(pyxb.binding.basis.element(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(Namespace, u'resource'), CTD_ANON_, scope=CTD_ANON, location=pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 24, 2)))
+CTD_ANON._AddElement(pyxb.binding.basis.element(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(Namespace, u'name'), CTD_ANON_2, scope=CTD_ANON, location=pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 58, 2)))
+def _BuildAutomaton ():
+ # Remove this helper function from the namespace after it is invoked
+ global _BuildAutomaton
+ del _BuildAutomaton
+ import pyxb.utils.fac as fac
+ counters = set()
+ cc_0 = fac.CounterCondition(min=0L, max=None, metadata=pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 10, 8))
+ counters.add(cc_0)
+ cc_1 = fac.CounterCondition(min=0L, max=None, metadata=pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 12, 8))
+ counters.add(cc_1)
+ states = []
+ final_update = set()
+ final_update.add(fac.UpdateInstruction(cc_0, False))
+ symbol = pyxb.binding.content.ElementUse(CTD_ANON._UseForTag(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(Namespace, u'name')), pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 10, 8))
+ st_0 = fac.State(symbol, is_initial=True, final_update=final_update, is_unordered_catenation=False)
+ states.append(st_0)
+ final_update = set()
+ final_update.add(fac.UpdateInstruction(cc_1, False))
+ symbol = pyxb.binding.content.ElementUse(CTD_ANON._UseForTag(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(Namespace, u'resource')), pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 12, 8))
+ st_1 = fac.State(symbol, is_initial=True, final_update=final_update, is_unordered_catenation=False)
+ states.append(st_1)
+ transitions = []
+ transitions.append(fac.Transition(st_0, [
+ fac.UpdateInstruction(cc_0, True) ]))
+ transitions.append(fac.Transition(st_1, [
+ fac.UpdateInstruction(cc_0, False) ]))
+ st_0._set_transitionSet(transitions)
+ transitions = []
+ transitions.append(fac.Transition(st_1, [
+ fac.UpdateInstruction(cc_1, True) ]))
+ st_1._set_transitionSet(transitions)
+ return fac.Automaton(states, counters, True, containing_state=None)
+CTD_ANON._Automaton = _BuildAutomaton()
+CTD_ANON_._AddElement(pyxb.binding.basis.element(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(Namespace, u'instance'), CTD_ANON_3, scope=CTD_ANON_, location=pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 36, 2)))
+CTD_ANON_._AddElement(pyxb.binding.basis.element(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(Namespace, u'name'), CTD_ANON_2, scope=CTD_ANON_, location=pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 58, 2)))
+def _BuildAutomaton_ ():
+ # Remove this helper function from the namespace after it is invoked
+ global _BuildAutomaton_
+ del _BuildAutomaton_
+ import pyxb.utils.fac as fac
+ counters = set()
+ cc_0 = fac.CounterCondition(min=0L, max=None, metadata=pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 27, 8))
+ counters.add(cc_0)
+ cc_1 = fac.CounterCondition(min=0L, max=None, metadata=pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 29, 8))
+ counters.add(cc_1)
+ states = []
+ final_update = set()
+ final_update.add(fac.UpdateInstruction(cc_0, False))
+ symbol = pyxb.binding.content.ElementUse(CTD_ANON_._UseForTag(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(Namespace, u'name')), pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 27, 8))
+ st_0 = fac.State(symbol, is_initial=True, final_update=final_update, is_unordered_catenation=False)
+ states.append(st_0)
+ final_update = set()
+ final_update.add(fac.UpdateInstruction(cc_1, False))
+ symbol = pyxb.binding.content.ElementUse(CTD_ANON_._UseForTag(pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(Namespace, u'instance')), pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 29, 8))
+ st_1 = fac.State(symbol, is_initial=True, final_update=final_update, is_unordered_catenation=False)
+ states.append(st_1)
+ transitions = []
+ transitions.append(fac.Transition(st_0, [
+ fac.UpdateInstruction(cc_0, True) ]))
+ transitions.append(fac.Transition(st_1, [
+ fac.UpdateInstruction(cc_0, False) ]))
+ st_0._set_transitionSet(transitions)
+ transitions = []
+ transitions.append(fac.Transition(st_1, [
+ fac.UpdateInstruction(cc_1, True) ]))
+ st_1._set_transitionSet(transitions)
+ return fac.Automaton(states, counters, True, containing_state=None)
+CTD_ANON_._Automaton = _BuildAutomaton_()
+def _BuildAutomaton_2 ():
+ # Remove this helper function from the namespace after it is invoked
+ global _BuildAutomaton_2
+ del _BuildAutomaton_2
+ import pyxb.utils.fac as fac
+ counters = set()
+ cc_0 = fac.CounterCondition(min=0L, max=None, metadata=pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 39, 8))
+ counters.add(cc_0)
+ states = []
+ final_update = set()
+ final_update.add(fac.UpdateInstruction(cc_0, False))
+ symbol = pyxb.binding.content.WildcardUse(pyxb.binding.content.Wildcard(process_contents=pyxb.binding.content.Wildcard.PC_lax, namespace_constraint=pyxb.binding.content.Wildcard.NC_any), pyxb.utils.utility.Location('/usr/src/asterisk/trunk/shit.xsd', 39, 8))
+ st_0 = fac.State(symbol, is_initial=True, final_update=final_update, is_unordered_catenation=False)
+ states.append(st_0)
+ transitions = []
+ transitions.append(fac.Transition(st_0, [
+ fac.UpdateInstruction(cc_0, True) ]))
+ st_0._set_transitionSet(transitions)
+ return fac.Automaton(states, counters, True, containing_state=None)
+CTD_ANON_3._Automaton = _BuildAutomaton_2()
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