[asterisk-commits] jrose: branch 1.8 r406360 - /branches/1.8/res/res_config_pgsql.c
SVN commits to the Asterisk project
asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Fri Jan 24 14:57:52 CST 2014
Author: jrose
Date: Fri Jan 24 14:57:50 2014
New Revision: 406360
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk?view=rev&rev=406360
res_config_pgsql: Fix a memory leak and use RAII_VAR for cleanup when practical
Review: https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/3141/
Modified: branches/1.8/res/res_config_pgsql.c
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/branches/1.8/res/res_config_pgsql.c?view=diff&rev=406360&r1=406359&r2=406360
--- branches/1.8/res/res_config_pgsql.c (original)
+++ branches/1.8/res/res_config_pgsql.c Fri Jan 24 14:57:50 2014
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
struct tables *table;
struct ast_str *sql = ast_str_thread_get(&findtable_buf, 330);
char *pgerror;
- PGresult *result;
+ RAII_VAR(PGresult *, result, NULL, PQclear);
char *fname, *ftype, *flen, *fnotnull, *fdef;
int i, rows;
@@ -222,7 +222,6 @@
if (PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
pgerror = PQresultErrorMessage(result);
ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to query database columns: %s\n", pgerror);
- PQclear(result);
return NULL;
@@ -230,7 +229,6 @@
if (!(table = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*table) + strlen(orig_tablename) + 1))) {
ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to allocate memory for new table structure\n");
- PQclear(result);
return NULL;
@@ -250,7 +248,6 @@
if (!(column = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*column) + strlen(fname) + strlen(ftype) + 2))) {
ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to allocate column element for %s, %s\n", orig_tablename, fname);
- PQclear(result);
@@ -281,7 +278,6 @@
AST_LIST_INSERT_TAIL(&table->columns, column, list);
- PQclear(result);
AST_LIST_INSERT_TAIL(&psql_tables, table, list);
@@ -307,7 +303,7 @@
static struct ast_variable *realtime_pgsql(const char *database, const char *tablename, va_list ap)
- PGresult *result = NULL;
+ RAII_VAR(PGresult *, result, NULL, PQclear);
int num_rows = 0, pgresult;
struct ast_str *sql = ast_str_thread_get(&sql_buf, 100);
struct ast_str *escapebuf = ast_str_thread_get(&escapebuf_buf, 100);
@@ -380,7 +376,6 @@
"PostgreSQL RealTime: Failed to query '%s@%s'. Check debug for more info.\n", tablename, database);
ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: Query: %s\n", ast_str_buffer(sql));
ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: Query Failed because: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(pgsqlConn));
- PQclear(result);
return NULL;
} else {
@@ -409,7 +404,6 @@
ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: Found %d rows.\n", num_rows);
if (!(fieldnames = ast_calloc(1, numFields * sizeof(char *)))) {
- PQclear(result);
return NULL;
@@ -438,7 +432,6 @@
ast_debug(1, "Postgresql RealTime: Could not find any rows in table %s@%s.\n", tablename, database);
- PQclear(result);
return var;
@@ -446,7 +439,7 @@
static struct ast_config *realtime_multi_pgsql(const char *database, const char *table, va_list ap)
- PGresult *result = NULL;
+ RAII_VAR(PGresult *, result, NULL, PQclear);
int num_rows = 0, pgresult;
struct ast_str *sql = ast_str_thread_get(&sql_buf, 100);
struct ast_str *escapebuf = ast_str_thread_get(&escapebuf_buf, 100);
@@ -556,7 +549,6 @@
ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: Query: %s\n", ast_str_buffer(sql));
ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: Query Failed because: %s (%s)\n",
PQresultErrorMessage(result), PQresStatus(result_status));
- PQclear(result);
return NULL;
@@ -574,7 +566,6 @@
ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: Found %d rows.\n", num_rows);
if (!(fieldnames = ast_calloc(1, numFields * sizeof(char *)))) {
- PQclear(result);
return NULL;
@@ -606,7 +597,6 @@
ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: Could not find any rows in table %s.\n", table);
- PQclear(result);
return cfg;
@@ -615,7 +605,7 @@
static int update_pgsql(const char *database, const char *tablename, const char *keyfield,
const char *lookup, va_list ap)
- PGresult *result = NULL;
+ RAII_VAR(PGresult *, result, NULL, PQclear);
int numrows = 0, pgresult;
const char *newparam, *newval;
struct ast_str *sql = ast_str_thread_get(&sql_buf, 100);
@@ -707,144 +697,6 @@
ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: Update SQL: %s\n", ast_str_buffer(sql));
/* We now have our complete statement; Lets connect to the server and execute it. */
- ast_mutex_lock(&pgsql_lock);
- if (!pgsql_reconnect(database)) {
- ast_mutex_unlock(&pgsql_lock);
- return -1;
- }
- if (!(result = PQexec(pgsqlConn, ast_str_buffer(sql)))) {
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING,
- "PostgreSQL RealTime: Failed to query database. Check debug for more info.\n");
- ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: Query: %s\n", ast_str_buffer(sql));
- ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: Query Failed because: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(pgsqlConn));
- ast_mutex_unlock(&pgsql_lock);
- return -1;
- } else {
- ExecStatusType result_status = PQresultStatus(result);
- if (result_status != PGRES_COMMAND_OK
- && result_status != PGRES_TUPLES_OK
- && result_status != PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR) {
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING,
- "PostgreSQL RealTime: Failed to query database. Check debug for more info.\n");
- ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: Query: %s\n", ast_str_buffer(sql));
- ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: Query Failed because: %s (%s)\n",
- PQresultErrorMessage(result), PQresStatus(result_status));
- PQclear(result);
- ast_mutex_unlock(&pgsql_lock);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- numrows = atoi(PQcmdTuples(result));
- ast_mutex_unlock(&pgsql_lock);
- ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: Updated %d rows on table: %s\n", numrows, tablename);
- /* From http://dev.pgsql.com/doc/pgsql/en/pgsql-affected-rows.html
- * An integer greater than zero indicates the number of rows affected
- * Zero indicates that no records were updated
- * -1 indicates that the query returned an error (although, if the query failed, it should have been caught above.)
- */
- if (numrows >= 0)
- return (int) numrows;
- return -1;
-static int update2_pgsql(const char *database, const char *tablename, va_list ap)
- PGresult *result = NULL;
- int numrows = 0, pgresult, first = 1;
- struct ast_str *escapebuf = ast_str_thread_get(&escapebuf_buf, 16);
- const char *newparam, *newval;
- struct ast_str *sql = ast_str_thread_get(&sql_buf, 100);
- struct ast_str *where = ast_str_thread_get(&where_buf, 100);
- struct tables *table;
- /*
- * Ignore database from the extconfig.conf since it was
- * configured by res_pgsql.conf.
- */
- database = dbname;
- if (!tablename) {
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "PostgreSQL RealTime: No table specified.\n");
- return -1;
- }
- if (!escapebuf || !sql || !where) {
- /* Memory error, already handled */
- return -1;
- }
- if (!(table = find_table(database, tablename))) {
- ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Table '%s' does not exist!!\n", tablename);
- return -1;
- }
- ast_str_set(&sql, 0, "UPDATE %s SET ", tablename);
- ast_str_set(&where, 0, "WHERE");
- while ((newparam = va_arg(ap, const char *))) {
- if (!find_column(table, newparam)) {
- ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Attempted to update based on criteria column '%s' (%s@%s), but that column does not exist!\n", newparam, tablename, database);
- release_table(table);
- return -1;
- }
- newval = va_arg(ap, const char *);
- ESCAPE_STRING(escapebuf, newval);
- if (pgresult) {
- ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Postgres detected invalid input: '%s'\n", newval);
- release_table(table);
- ast_free(sql);
- return -1;
- }
- ast_str_append(&where, 0, "%s %s='%s'", first ? "" : " AND", newparam, ast_str_buffer(escapebuf));
- first = 0;
- }
- if (first) {
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING,
- "PostgreSQL RealTime: Realtime update requires at least 1 parameter and 1 value to search on.\n");
- if (pgsqlConn) {
- PQfinish(pgsqlConn);
- pgsqlConn = NULL;
- }
- release_table(table);
- return -1;
- }
- /* Now retrieve the columns to update */
- first = 1;
- while ((newparam = va_arg(ap, const char *))) {
- newval = va_arg(ap, const char *);
- /* If the column is not within the table, then skip it */
- if (!find_column(table, newparam)) {
- ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Attempted to update column '%s' in table '%s@%s', but column does not exist!\n", newparam, tablename, database);
- continue;
- }
- ESCAPE_STRING(escapebuf, newval);
- if (pgresult) {
- ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Postgres detected invalid input: '%s'\n", newval);
- release_table(table);
- ast_free(sql);
- return -1;
- }
- ast_str_append(&sql, 0, "%s %s='%s'", first ? "" : ",", newparam, ast_str_buffer(escapebuf));
- }
- release_table(table);
- ast_str_append(&sql, 0, " %s", ast_str_buffer(where));
- ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: Update SQL: %s\n", ast_str_buffer(sql));
- /* We now have our complete statement; connect to the server and execute it. */
if (!pgsql_reconnect(database)) {
@@ -884,6 +736,143 @@
* -1 indicates that the query returned an error (although, if the query failed, it should have been caught above.)
+ if (numrows >= 0)
+ return (int) numrows;
+ return -1;
+static int update2_pgsql(const char *database, const char *tablename, va_list ap)
+ RAII_VAR(PGresult *, result, NULL, PQclear);
+ int numrows = 0, pgresult, first = 1;
+ struct ast_str *escapebuf = ast_str_thread_get(&escapebuf_buf, 16);
+ const char *newparam, *newval;
+ struct ast_str *sql = ast_str_thread_get(&sql_buf, 100);
+ struct ast_str *where = ast_str_thread_get(&where_buf, 100);
+ struct tables *table;
+ /*
+ * Ignore database from the extconfig.conf since it was
+ * configured by res_pgsql.conf.
+ */
+ database = dbname;
+ if (!tablename) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "PostgreSQL RealTime: No table specified.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!escapebuf || !sql || !where) {
+ /* Memory error, already handled */
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!(table = find_table(database, tablename))) {
+ ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Table '%s' does not exist!!\n", tablename);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ast_str_set(&sql, 0, "UPDATE %s SET ", tablename);
+ ast_str_set(&where, 0, "WHERE");
+ while ((newparam = va_arg(ap, const char *))) {
+ if (!find_column(table, newparam)) {
+ ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Attempted to update based on criteria column '%s' (%s@%s), but that column does not exist!\n", newparam, tablename, database);
+ release_table(table);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ newval = va_arg(ap, const char *);
+ ESCAPE_STRING(escapebuf, newval);
+ if (pgresult) {
+ ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Postgres detected invalid input: '%s'\n", newval);
+ release_table(table);
+ ast_free(sql);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ast_str_append(&where, 0, "%s %s='%s'", first ? "" : " AND", newparam, ast_str_buffer(escapebuf));
+ first = 0;
+ }
+ if (first) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING,
+ "PostgreSQL RealTime: Realtime update requires at least 1 parameter and 1 value to search on.\n");
+ if (pgsqlConn) {
+ PQfinish(pgsqlConn);
+ pgsqlConn = NULL;
+ }
+ release_table(table);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Now retrieve the columns to update */
+ first = 1;
+ while ((newparam = va_arg(ap, const char *))) {
+ newval = va_arg(ap, const char *);
+ /* If the column is not within the table, then skip it */
+ if (!find_column(table, newparam)) {
+ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Attempted to update column '%s' in table '%s@%s', but column does not exist!\n", newparam, tablename, database);
+ continue;
+ }
+ ESCAPE_STRING(escapebuf, newval);
+ if (pgresult) {
+ ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Postgres detected invalid input: '%s'\n", newval);
+ release_table(table);
+ ast_free(sql);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ast_str_append(&sql, 0, "%s %s='%s'", first ? "" : ",", newparam, ast_str_buffer(escapebuf));
+ }
+ release_table(table);
+ ast_str_append(&sql, 0, " %s", ast_str_buffer(where));
+ ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: Update SQL: %s\n", ast_str_buffer(sql));
+ /* We now have our complete statement; connect to the server and execute it. */
+ ast_mutex_lock(&pgsql_lock);
+ if (!pgsql_reconnect(database)) {
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&pgsql_lock);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!(result = PQexec(pgsqlConn, ast_str_buffer(sql)))) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING,
+ "PostgreSQL RealTime: Failed to query database. Check debug for more info.\n");
+ ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: Query: %s\n", ast_str_buffer(sql));
+ ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: Query Failed because: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(pgsqlConn));
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&pgsql_lock);
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ ExecStatusType result_status = PQresultStatus(result);
+ if (result_status != PGRES_COMMAND_OK
+ && result_status != PGRES_TUPLES_OK
+ && result_status != PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING,
+ "PostgreSQL RealTime: Failed to query database. Check debug for more info.\n");
+ ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: Query: %s\n", ast_str_buffer(sql));
+ ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: Query Failed because: %s (%s)\n",
+ PQresultErrorMessage(result), PQresStatus(result_status));
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&pgsql_lock);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ numrows = atoi(PQcmdTuples(result));
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&pgsql_lock);
+ ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: Updated %d rows on table: %s\n", numrows, tablename);
+ /* From http://dev.pgsql.com/doc/pgsql/en/pgsql-affected-rows.html
+ * An integer greater than zero indicates the number of rows affected
+ * Zero indicates that no records were updated
+ * -1 indicates that the query returned an error (although, if the query failed, it should have been caught above.)
+ */
if (numrows >= 0) {
return (int) numrows;
@@ -893,7 +882,7 @@
static int store_pgsql(const char *database, const char *table, va_list ap)
- PGresult *result = NULL;
+ RAII_VAR(PGresult *, result, NULL, PQclear);
Oid insertid;
struct ast_str *buf = ast_str_thread_get(&escapebuf_buf, 256);
struct ast_str *sql1 = ast_str_thread_get(&sql_buf, 256);
@@ -972,7 +961,6 @@
insertid = PQoidValue(result);
- PQclear(result);
ast_debug(1, "PostgreSQL RealTime: row inserted on table: %s, id: %u\n", table, insertid);
@@ -991,7 +979,7 @@
static int destroy_pgsql(const char *database, const char *table, const char *keyfield, const char *lookup, va_list ap)
- PGresult *result = NULL;
+ RAII_VAR(PGresult *, result, NULL, PQclear);
int numrows = 0;
int pgresult;
struct ast_str *sql = ast_str_thread_get(&sql_buf, 256);
@@ -1090,7 +1078,7 @@
const char *file, struct ast_config *cfg,
struct ast_flags flags, const char *suggested_incl, const char *who_asked)
- PGresult *result = NULL;
+ RAII_VAR(PGresult *, result, NULL, PQclear);
long num_rows;
struct ast_variable *new_v;
struct ast_category *cur_cat = NULL;
@@ -1158,7 +1146,6 @@
char *field_cat_metric = PQgetvalue(result, rowIndex, 3);
if (!strcmp(field_var_name, "#include")) {
if (!ast_config_internal_load(field_var_val, cfg, flags, "", who_asked)) {
- PQclear(result);
return NULL;
@@ -1181,7 +1168,6 @@
"PostgreSQL RealTime: Could not find config '%s' in database.\n", file);
- PQclear(result);
return cfg;
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