[asterisk-commits] mmichelson: branch mmichelson/conversion_script r398834 - /team/mmichelson/co...

SVN commits to the Asterisk project asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Wed Sep 11 14:20:54 CDT 2013

Author: mmichelson
Date: Wed Sep 11 14:20:52 2013
New Revision: 398834

URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk?view=rev&rev=398834
Fix PEP-8 problems.

This only fixes problems found in code I've added in this
branch. Pre-existing PEP-8 violations have been left in so
that when the code review goes up, the diff will be
confined to the new content.


Modified: team/mmichelson/conversion_script/contrib/scripts/sip_to_pjsip/sip_to_pjsip.py
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/team/mmichelson/conversion_script/contrib/scripts/sip_to_pjsip/sip_to_pjsip.py?view=diff&rev=398834&r1=398833&r2=398834
--- team/mmichelson/conversion_script/contrib/scripts/sip_to_pjsip/sip_to_pjsip.py (original)
+++ team/mmichelson/conversion_script/contrib/scripts/sip_to_pjsip/sip_to_pjsip.py Wed Sep 11 14:20:52 2013
@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@
         val = 'no'
     set_value('inband_progress', val, section, pjsip, nmapped)
 def build_host(config, host, section, port_key):
     Returns a string composed of a host:port. This assumes that the host
@@ -227,6 +228,7 @@
         user = sip.multi_get(section, ['defaultuser', 'username'])[0]
+        result += user + '@'
     except LookupError:
         # It's fine if there's no user name
@@ -234,6 +236,7 @@
     result += build_host(sip, val, section, 'port')
     set_value('contact', result, section, pjsip, nmapped, 'aor')
 def from_mailbox(key, val, section, pjsip, nmapped):
     """Determines whether a mailbox configured in sip.conf should map to
@@ -248,8 +251,9 @@
         # No subscribemwi option means default it to 'no'
         subscribemwi = 'no'
-    set_value('mailboxes', val, section, pjsip, nmapped, 'aor' if subscribemwi ==
-              'yes' else 'endpoint')
+    set_value('mailboxes', val, section, pjsip, nmapped, 'aor'
+              if subscribemwi == 'yes' else 'endpoint')
 def setup_auth(key, val, section, pjsip, nmapped):
@@ -258,10 +262,11 @@
     set_value('username', section, section, pjsip, nmapped, 'auth')
     # In chan_sip, if a secret and an md5secret are both specified on a peer,
-    # then in practice, only the md5secret is used. If both are encountered then
-    # we build an auth section that has both an md5_cred and password. However,
-    # the auth_type will indicate to authenticators to use the md5_cred, so like
-    # with sip.conf, the password will be there but have no purpose.
+    # then in practice, only the md5secret is used. If both are encountered
+    # then we build an auth section that has both an md5_cred and password.
+    # However, the auth_type will indicate to authenticators to use the
+    # md5_cred, so like with sip.conf, the password will be there but have
+    # no purpose.
     if key == 'secret':
         set_value('password', val, section, pjsip, nmapped, 'auth')
@@ -301,9 +306,11 @@
     set_value('endpoint', section, section, pjsip, nmapped, 'identify')
     set_value('match', ip, section, pjsip, nmapped, 'identify')
 def from_encryption_taglen(key, val, section, pjsip, nmapped):
     if val == '32':
         set_value('srtp_tag_32', 'yes', section, pjsip, nmapped)
 def from_dtlsenable(key, val, section, pjsip, nmapped):
     if val == 'yes':
@@ -447,19 +454,21 @@
 #        match
 def add_localnet(section, pjsip, nmapped):
     Adds localnet values from sip.conf's general section to a transport in
-    pjsip.conf. Ideally, we would have just created a template with the localnet
-    sections, but because this is a script, it's not hard to add the same thing
-    on to every transport.
-    """
-    try:
-        merge_value('localnet', sip.get('general', 'localnet')[0], 'general', pjsip,
-                nmapped, 'transport', section)
+    pjsip.conf. Ideally, we would have just created a template with the
+    localnet sections, but because this is a script, it's not hard to add
+    the same thing on to every transport.
+    """
+    try:
+        merge_value('localnet', sip.get('general', 'localnet')[0], 'general',
+                    pjsip, nmapped, 'transport', section)
     except LookupError:
         # No localnet options configured. No biggie!
 def set_transport_common(section, pjsip, nmapped):
@@ -475,35 +484,36 @@
         merge_value('localnet', sip.get('general', 'localnet')[0], 'general',
-                pjsip, nmapped, 'transport', section)
+                    pjsip, nmapped, 'transport', section)
     except LookupError:
         # No localnet options configured. Move on.
         set_value('tos', sip.get('general', 'sip_tos')[0], 'general', pjsip,
-            nmapped, 'transport', section)
+                  nmapped, 'transport', section)
     except LookupError:
         set_value('cos', sip.get('general', 'sip_cos')[0], 'general', pjsip,
-                nmapped, 'transport', section)
+                  nmapped, 'transport', section)
     except LookupError:
 def split_hostport(addr):
         socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, addr)
-        if not host.startswith('['):
+        if not addr.startswith('['):
             return (addr, None)
             # If brackets are present, there may be a port as well
-            port = re.match('\[.*\]:(\d+)', host)
-            if port:
-                return (host, port.group(1))
+            match = re.match('\[(.*\)]:(\d+)', addr)
+            if match:
+                return (match.group(1), match.group(2))
-                return (host, None)
+                return (addr, None)
     except socket.error:
@@ -532,19 +542,20 @@
         extern_addr = sip.multi_get('general', ['externaddr', 'externip',
-            'externhost'])[0]
+                                    'externhost'])[0]
         host, port = split_hostport(extern_addr)
         set_value('external_signaling_address', host, 'transport-udp', pjsip,
-                nmapped, 'transport')
+                  nmapped, 'transport')
         if port:
             set_value('external_signaling_port', port, 'transport-udp', pjsip,
-                    nmapped, 'transport')
+                      nmapped, 'transport')
     except LookupError:
     set_value('protocol', 'udp', 'transport-udp', pjsip, nmapped, 'transport')
     set_value('bind', bind, 'transport-udp', pjsip, nmapped, 'transport')
     set_transport_common('transport-udp', pjsip, nmapped)
 def create_tcp(sip, pjsip, nmapped):
@@ -574,17 +585,17 @@
         extern_addr = sip.multi_get('general', ['externaddr', 'externip',
-            'externhost'])[0]
+                                    'externhost'])[0]
         host, port = split_hostport(extern_addr)
             tcpport = sip.get('general', 'externtcpport')
             tcpport = port
         set_value('external_signaling_address', host, 'transport-tcp', pjsip,
-                nmapped, 'transport')
+                  nmapped, 'transport')
         if tcpport:
-            set_value('external_signaling_port', tcpport, 'transport-tcp', pjsip,
-                    nmapped, 'transport')
+            set_value('external_signaling_port', tcpport, 'transport-tcp',
+                      pjsip, nmapped, 'transport')
     except LookupError:
@@ -592,7 +603,6 @@
     set_value('bind', bind, 'transport-tcp', pjsip, nmapped, 'transport')
     set_transport_common('transport-tcp', pjsip, nmapped)
-    #XXX Add externtcpport...
 def set_tls_bindaddr(val, pjsip, nmapped):
@@ -609,45 +619,55 @@
     if matchv4 or matchv6:
         if explicit:
             # They provided a port. We'll just use it.
-            set_value('bind', bind, 'transport-tls', pjsip, nmapped, 'transport')
+            set_value('bind', bind, 'transport-tls', pjsip, nmapped,
+                      'transport')
             # Need to strip the port from the UDP address
             index = bind.rfind(':')
             bind = bind[:index]
-    # Reaching this point means either there was no port provided or we stripped
-    # the port off. We need to add on the default 5061 port
+    # Reaching this point means either there was no port provided or we
+    # stripped the port off. We need to add on the default 5061 port
     bind += ':5061'
     set_value('bind', bind, 'transport-tls', pjsip, nmapped, 'transport')
 def set_tls_private_key(val, pjsip, nmapped):
-    set_value('privkey_file', val, 'transport-tls', pjsip, nmapped, 'transport')
+    set_value('privkey_file', val, 'transport-tls', pjsip, nmapped,
+              'transport')
 def set_tls_cipher(val, pjsip, nmapped):
     set_value('cipher', val, 'transport-tls', pjsip, nmapped, 'transport')
 def set_tls_cafile(val, pjsip, nmapped):
-    set_value('ca_list_file', val, 'transport-tls', pjsip, nmapped, 'transport')
+    set_value('ca_list_file', val, 'transport-tls', pjsip, nmapped,
+              'transport')
 def set_tls_verifyclient(val, pjsip, nmapped):
     set_value('verify_client', val, 'transport-tls', pjsip, nmapped,
-            'transport')
+              'transport')
 def set_tls_verifyserver(val, pjsip, nmapped):
-    # sip.conf option is tlsdontverifyserver. pjsip.conf is verify_server. So we
-    # need to set the value in pjsip.conf to the opposite of sip.conf
+    # sip.conf option is tlsdontverifyserver. pjsip.conf is verify_server.
+    # So we need to set the value in pjsip.conf to the opposite of sip.conf
     if val == 'no':
         set_value('verify_server', 'yes', 'transport-tls', pjsip, nmapped,
-            'transport')
+                  'transport')
         set_value('verify_server', 'no', 'transport-tls', pjsip, nmapped,
-            'transport')
+                  'transport')
 def set_tls_method(val, pjsip, nmapped):
     set_value('method', val, 'transport-tls', pjsip, nmapped, 'transport')
 def create_tls(sip, pjsip, nmapped):
@@ -696,17 +716,17 @@
     set_transport_common('transport-tls', pjsip, nmapped)
         extern_addr = sip.multi_get('general', ['externaddr', 'externip',
-            'externhost'])[0]
+                                    'externhost'])[0]
         host, port = split_hostport(extern_addr)
             tlsport = sip.get('general', 'externtlsport')
             tlsport = port
         set_value('external_signaling_address', host, 'transport-tls', pjsip,
-                nmapped, 'transport')
+                  nmapped, 'transport')
         if tlsport:
-            set_value('external_signaling_port', tlsport, 'transport-tls', pjsip,
-                    nmapped, 'transport')
+            set_value('external_signaling_port', tlsport, 'transport-tls',
+                      pjsip, nmapped, 'transport')
     except LookupError:
@@ -715,15 +735,15 @@
     """Finds options in sip.conf general section pertaining to
     transport configuration and creates appropriate transport
     configuration sections in pjsip.conf.
     sip.conf only allows a single UDP transport, TCP transport,
     and TLS transport. As such, the mapping into PJSIP can be made
     consistent by defining three sections:
     To accommodate the default behaviors in sip.conf, we'll need to
     create the UDP transport first, followed by the TCP and TLS transports.
@@ -735,6 +755,7 @@
     # TCP settings may be dependent on UDP settings, so do it second.
     create_tcp(sip, pjsip, nmapped)
     create_tls(sip, pjsip, nmapped)
 def map_auth(sip, pjsip, nmapped):
@@ -763,6 +784,7 @@
             set_value('md5_cred', md5, section, pjsip, nmapped, 'auth')
             set_value('auth_type', 'md5', section, pjsip, nmapped, 'auth')
 class Registration:
     def __init__(self, line, retry_interval, max_attempts, outbound_proxy):
         self.retry_interval = retry_interval
@@ -782,11 +804,11 @@
     def parse_host_part(self, host_part):
-       pre_expiry, sep, expiry = host_part.partition('~')
-       pre_extension, sep, self.extension = pre_expiry.partition('/')
-       self.host, sep, self.port = pre_extension.partition(':')
-       self.expiry = expiry if expiry else '120'
+        pre_expiry, sep, expiry = host_part.partition('~')
+        pre_extension, sep, self.extension = pre_expiry.partition('/')
+        self.host, sep, self.port = pre_extension.partition(':')
+        self.expiry = expiry if expiry else '120'
     def parse_user_part(self, user_part):
         colons = user_part.count(':')
@@ -840,7 +862,7 @@
         if self.extension:
             set_value('contact_user', self.extension, section, pjsip, nmapped,
         set_value('expiration', self.expiry, section, pjsip, nmapped,

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