[asterisk-commits] kharwell: branch 12 r403022 - in /branches/12: configs/ contrib/scripts/sip_t...

SVN commits to the Asterisk project asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Fri Nov 22 11:19:21 CST 2013

Author: kharwell
Date: Fri Nov 22 11:19:18 2013
New Revision: 403022

URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk?view=rev&rev=403022
res_pjsip: convert configuration settings names to snake case

Renamed, where appropriate, the configuration options for chan/res_pjsip to use
snake case (compound words separated by an underscore).  For example, faxdetect
will become fax_detect, recordofffeature will become record_off_feature, etc...

Review: https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/3002/


Modified: branches/12/configs/pjsip.conf.sample
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/branches/12/configs/pjsip.conf.sample?view=diff&rev=403022&r1=403021&r2=403022
--- branches/12/configs/pjsip.conf.sample (original)
+++ branches/12/configs/pjsip.conf.sample Fri Nov 22 11:19:18 2013
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@
                                 ; NAT obstructs the media session (default:
                                 ; "no")
 ;disallow=      ; Media Codec s to disallow (default: "")
-;dtmfmode=rfc4733       ; DTMF mode (default: "rfc4733")
+;dtmf_mode=rfc4733       ; DTMF mode (default: "rfc4733")
 ;external_media_address=        ; IP used for External Media handling (default:
                                 ; "")
 ;force_rport=yes        ; Force use of return port (default: "yes")
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@
 ;identify_by=username   ; Way s for Endpoint to be identified (default:
                         ; "username")
 ;mailboxes=     ; Mailbox es to be associated with (default: "")
-;mohsuggest=default     ; Default Music On Hold class (default: "default")
+;moh_suggest=default     ; Default Music On Hold class (default: "default")
 ;outbound_auth= ; Authentication object used for outbound requests (default:
                 ; "")
 ;outbound_proxy=        ; Proxy through which to send requests (default: "")
@@ -429,66 +429,66 @@
                         ; "no")
 ;inband_progress=no     ; Determines whether chan_pjsip will indicate ringing
                         ; using inband progress (default: "no")
-;callgroup=     ; The numeric pickup groups for a channel (default: "")
-;pickupgroup=   ; The numeric pickup groups that a channel can pickup (default:
-                ; "")
-;namedcallgroup=        ; The named pickup groups for a channel (default: "")
-;namedpickupgroup=      ; The named pickup groups that a channel can pickup
-                        ; (default: "")
-;devicestate_busy_at=0  ; The number of in use channels which will cause busy
+;call_group=     ; The numeric pickup groups for a channel (default: "")
+;pickup_group=   ; The numeric pickup groups that a channel can pickup (default:
+                 ; "")
+;named_call_group=        ; The named pickup groups for a channel (default: "")
+;named_pickup_group=      ; The named pickup groups that a channel can pickup
+                          ; (default: "")
+;device_state_busy_at=0  ; The number of in use channels which will cause busy
                         ; to be returned as device state (default: "0")
-;t38udptl=no    ; Whether T 38 UDPTL support is enabled or not (default: "no")
-;t38udptl_ec=none       ; T 38 UDPTL error correction method (default: "none")
-;t38udptl_maxdatagram=0 ; T 38 UDPTL maximum datagram size (default: "0")
-;faxdetect=no   ; Whether CNG tone detection is enabled (default: "no")
-;t38udptl_nat=no        ; Whether NAT support is enabled on UDPTL sessions
+;t38_udptl=no    ; Whether T 38 UDPTL support is enabled or not (default: "no")
+;t38_udptl_ec=none       ; T 38 UDPTL error correction method (default: "none")
+;t38_udptl_maxdatagram=0 ; T 38 UDPTL maximum datagram size (default: "0")
+;fax_detect=no   ; Whether CNG tone detection is enabled (default: "no")
+;t38_udptl_nat=no        ; Whether NAT support is enabled on UDPTL sessions
                         ; (default: "no")
-;t38udptl_ipv6=no       ; Whether IPv6 is used for UDPTL Sessions (default:
+;t38_udptl_ipv6=no       ; Whether IPv6 is used for UDPTL Sessions (default:
                         ; "no")
-;tonezone=      ; Set which country s indications to use for channels created
+;tone_zone=      ; Set which country s indications to use for channels created
                 ; for this endpoint (default: "")
 ;language=      ; Set the default language to use for channels created for this
                 ; endpoint (default: "")
 ;one_touch_recording=no ; Determines whether one touch recording is allowed for
                         ; this endpoint (default: "no")
-;recordonfeature=automixmon     ; The feature to enact when one touch recording
-                                ; is turned on (default: "automixmon")
-;recordofffeature=automixmon    ; The feature to enact when one touch recording
-                                ; is turned off (default: "automixmon")
-;rtpengine=asterisk     ; Name of the RTP engine to use for channels created
-                        ; for this endpoint (default: "asterisk")
-;allowtransfer=yes      ; Determines whether SIP REFER transfers are allowed
-                        ; for this endpoint (default: "yes")
-;sdpowner=-     ; String placed as the username portion of an SDP origin o line
-                ; (default: "-")
-;sdpsession=Asterisk    ; String used for the SDP session s line (default:
-                        ; "Asterisk")
+;record_on_feature=automixmon     ; The feature to enact when one touch recording
+                                  ; is turned on (default: "automixmon")
+;record_off_feature=automixmon    ; The feature to enact when one touch recording
+                               	   ; is turned off (default: "automixmon")
+;rtp_engine=asterisk     ; Name of the RTP engine to use for channels created
+                       	 ; for this endpoint (default: "asterisk")
+;allow_transfer=yes      ; Determines whether SIP REFER transfers are allowed
+                       	 ; for this endpoint (default: "yes")
+;sdp_owner=-     ; String placed as the username portion of an SDP origin o line
+     		 ; (default: "-")
+;sdp_session=Asterisk    ; String used for the SDP session s line (default:
+     			 ; "Asterisk")
 ;tos_audio=0    ; DSCP TOS bits for audio streams (default: "0")
 ;tos_video=0    ; DSCP TOS bits for video streams (default: "0")
 ;cos_audio=0    ; Priority for audio streams (default: "0")
 ;cos_video=0    ; Priority for video streams (default: "0")
-;allowsubscribe=yes     ; Determines if endpoint is allowed to initiate
-                        ; subscriptions with Asterisk (default: "yes")
-;subminexpiry=0 ; The minimum allowed expiry time for subscriptions initiated
-                ; by the endpoint (default: "0")
-;fromuser=      ; Username to use in From header for requests to this endpoint
-                ; (default: "")
-;mwifromuser=   ; Username to use in From header for unsolicited MWI NOTIFYs to
-                ; this endpoint (default: "")
+;allow_subscribe=yes     ; Determines if endpoint is allowed to initiate
+                         ; subscriptions with Asterisk (default: "yes")
+;sub_min_expiry=0 ; The minimum allowed expiry time for subscriptions initiated
+                  ; by the endpoint (default: "0")
+;from_user=      ; Username to use in From header for requests to this endpoint
+                 ; (default: "")
+;mwi_from_user=   ; Username to use in From header for unsolicited MWI NOTIFYs to
+                  ; this endpoint (default: "")
 ;fromdomain=    ; Domain to user in From header for requests to this endpoint
                 ; (default: "")
-;dtlsverify=    ; Verify that the provided peer certificate is valid (default:
-                ; "")
-;dtlsrekey=     ; Interval at which to renegotiate the TLS session and rekey
-                ; the SRTP session (default: "")
-;dtlscertfile=  ; Path to certificate file to present to peer (default: "")
-;dtlsprivatekey=        ; Path to private key for certificate file (default:
+;dtls_verify=    ; Verify that the provided peer certificate is valid (default:
+                 ; "")
+;dtls_rekey=     ; Interval at which to renegotiate the TLS session and rekey
+                 ; the SRTP session (default: "")
+;dtls_cert_file=  ; Path to certificate file to present to peer (default: "")
+;dtls_private_key=        ; Path to private key for certificate file (default:
                         ; "")
-;dtlscipher=    ; Cipher to use for DTLS negotiation (default: "")
-;dtlscafile=    ; Path to certificate authority certificate (default: "")
-;dtlscapath=    ; Path to a directory containing certificate authority
-                ; certificates (default: "")
-;dtlssetup=     ; Whether we are willing to accept connections connect to the
+;dtls_cipher=    ; Cipher to use for DTLS negotiation (default: "")
+;dtls_ca_file=    ; Path to certificate authority certificate (default: "")
+;dtls_ca_path=    ; Path to a directory containing certificate authority
+                  ; certificates (default: "")
+;dtls_setup=     ; Whether we are willing to accept connections connect to the
                 ; other party or both (default: "")
 ;srtp_tag_32=no ; Determines whether 32 byte tags should be used instead of 80
                 ; byte tags (default: "no")
@@ -533,9 +533,9 @@
 ;external_signaling_port=0      ; External port for SIP signalling (default:
                                 ; "0")
 ;method=        ; Method of SSL transport TLS ONLY (default: "")
-;localnet=      ; Network to consider local used for NAT purposes (default: "")
+;local_net=      ; Network to consider local used for NAT purposes (default: "")
 ;password=      ; Password required for transport (default: "")
-;privkey_file=  ; Private key file TLS ONLY (default: "")
+;priv_key_file=  ; Private key file TLS ONLY (default: "")
 ;protocol=udp   ; Protocol to use for SIP traffic (default: "udp")
 ;require_client_cert=   ; Require client certificate TLS ONLY (default: "")
 ;type=  ; Must be of type transport (default: "")
@@ -579,9 +579,9 @@
 ;==========================SYSTEM SECTION OPTIONS=========================
 ;  SYNOPSIS: Options that apply to the SIP stack as well as other system-wide settings
-;timert1=500    ; Set transaction timer T1 value milliseconds (default: "500")
-;timerb=32000   ; Set transaction timer B value milliseconds (default: "32000")
-;compactheaders=no      ; Use the short forms of common SIP header names
+;timer_t1=500    ; Set transaction timer T1 value milliseconds (default: "500")
+;timer_b=32000   ; Set transaction timer B value milliseconds (default: "32000")
+;compact_headers=no      ; Use the short forms of common SIP header names
                         ; (default: "no")
 ;threadpool_initial_size=0      ; Initial number of threads in the res_pjsip
                                 ; threadpool (default: "0")
@@ -597,12 +597,12 @@
 ;==========================GLOBAL SECTION OPTIONS=========================
 ;  SYNOPSIS: Options that apply globally to all SIP communications
-;maxforwards=70 ; Value used in Max Forwards header for SIP requests (default:
-                ; "70")
+;max_forwards=70 ; Value used in Max Forwards header for SIP requests (default:
+                 ; "70")
 ;type=  ; Must be of type global (default: "")
-;useragent=     ; Value used in User Agent header for SIP requests and Server
-                ; header for SIP responses (default: Populated by Asterisk
-                ; Version)
+;user_agent=     ; Value used in User Agent header for SIP requests and Server
+                 ; header for SIP responses (default: Populated by Asterisk
+                 ; Version)
@@ -612,9 +612,9 @@
 ;  SYNOPSIS: Access Control List
 ;acl=   ; Name of IP ACL (default: "")
-;contactacl=    ; Name of Contact ACL (default: "")
-;contactdeny=   ; List of Contact Header addresses to Deny (default: "")
-;contactpermit= ; List of Contact Header addresses to Permit (default: "")
+;contact_acl=    ; Name of Contact ACL (default: "")
+;contact_deny=   ; List of Contact Header addresses to Deny (default: "")
+;contact_permit= ; List of Contact Header addresses to Permit (default: "")
 ;deny=  ; List of IP domains to deny access from (default: "")
 ;permit=        ; List of IP domains to allow access from (default: "")
 ;type=  ; Must be of type security (default: "")

Modified: branches/12/contrib/scripts/sip_to_pjsip/sip_to_pjsip.py
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/branches/12/contrib/scripts/sip_to_pjsip/sip_to_pjsip.py?view=diff&rev=403022&r1=403021&r2=403022
--- branches/12/contrib/scripts/sip_to_pjsip/sip_to_pjsip.py (original)
+++ branches/12/contrib/scripts/sip_to_pjsip/sip_to_pjsip.py Fri Nov 22 11:19:18 2013
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
     Sets the dtmfmode value.  If value matches allowable option in pjsip
     then map it, otherwise set it to none.
+    key = 'dtmf_mode'
     # available pjsip.conf values: rfc4733, inband, info, none
     if val == 'inband' or val == 'info':
         set_value(key, val, section, pjsip, nmapped)
@@ -191,6 +192,13 @@
     set_value('one_touch_recording', 'yes', section, pjsip, nmapped)
     set_value(key, val, section, pjsip, nmapped)
+def set_record_on_feature(key, val, section, pjsip, nmapped):
+    """Sets the record_on_feature in pjsip.conf"""
+    from_recordfeature('record_on_feature', val, section, pjsip, nmapped)
+def set_record_off_feature(key, val, section, pjsip, nmapped):
+    """Sets the record_off_feature in pjsip.conf"""
+    from_recordfeature('record_off_feature', val, section, pjsip, nmapped)
 def from_progressinband(key, val, section, pjsip, nmapped):
     """Sets the inband_progress value in pjsip.conf"""
@@ -371,7 +379,7 @@
     ['icesupport',         set_value('ice_support')],
     ['autoframing',        set_value('use_ptime')],
     ['outboundproxy',      set_value('outbound_proxy')],
-    ['mohsuggest',         set_value],
+    ['mohsuggest',         set_value('moh_suggest')],
     ['session-timers',     set_timers],          # timers
     ['session-minse',      set_value('timers_min_se')],
     ['session-expires',    set_value('timers_sess_expires')],
@@ -390,42 +398,42 @@
     ['send_diversion',     set_value],
     ['encrpytion',         set_media_encryption],
     ['avpf',               set_value('use_avpf')],
-    ['recordonfeature',    from_recordfeature],  # automixon
-    ['recordofffeature',   from_recordfeature],  # automixon
+    ['recordonfeature',    set_record_on_feature],  # automixon
+    ['recordofffeature',   set_record_off_feature],  # automixon
     ['progressinband',     from_progressinband], # in_band_progress
-    ['callgroup',          set_value],
-    ['pickupgroup',        set_value],
-    ['namedcallgroup',     set_value],
-    ['namedpickupgroup',   set_value],
-    ['allowtransfer',      set_value],
-    ['fromuser',           set_value],
-    ['fromdomain',         set_value],
-    ['mwifrom',            set_value('mwifromuser')],
+    ['callgroup',          set_value('call_group')],
+    ['pickupgroup',        set_value('pickup_group')],
+    ['namedcallgroup',     set_value('named_call_group')],
+    ['namedpickupgroup',   set_value('named_pickup_group')],
+    ['allowtransfer',      set_value('allow_transfer')],
+    ['fromuser',           set_value('from_user')],
+    ['fromdomain',         set_value('from_domain')],
+    ['mwifrom',            set_value('mwi_from_user')],
     ['tos_audio',          set_value],
     ['tos_video',          set_value],
     ['cos_audio',          set_value],
     ['cos_video',          set_value],
-    ['sdpowner',           set_value],
-    ['sdpsession',         set_value],
-    ['tonezone',           set_value],
+    ['sdpowner',           set_value('sdp_owner')],
+    ['sdpsession',         set_value('sdp_session')],
+    ['tonezone',           set_value('tone_zone')],
     ['language',           set_value],
-    ['allowsubscribe',     set_value],
-    ['subminexpiry',       set_value],
-    ['rtp_engine',         set_value('rtpengine')],
+    ['allowsubscribe',     set_value('allow_subscribe')],
+    ['subminexpiry',       set_value('sub_min_expiry')],
+    ['rtp_engine',         set_value],
     ['mailbox',            from_mailbox],
-    ['busylevel',          set_value('devicestate_busy_at')],
+    ['busylevel',          set_value('device_state_busy_at')],
     ['secret',             setup_auth],
     ['md5secret',          setup_auth],
     ['type',               setup_ident],
     ['dtlsenable',         from_dtlsenable],
-    ['dtlsverify',         set_value],
-    ['dtlsrekey',          set_value],
-    ['dtlscertfile',       set_value],
-    ['dtlsprivatekey',     set_value],
-    ['dtlscipher',         set_value],
-    ['dtlscafile',         set_value],
-    ['dtlscapath',         set_value],
-    ['dtlssetup',          set_value],
+    ['dtlsverify',         set_value('dtls_verify')],
+    ['dtlsrekey',          set_value('dtls_rekey')],
+    ['dtlscertfile',       set_value('dtls_cert_file')],
+    ['dtlsprivatekey',     set_value('dtls_private_key')],
+    ['dtlscipher',         set_value('dtls_cipher')],
+    ['dtlscafile',         set_value('dtls_ca_file')],
+    ['dtlscapath',         set_value('dtls_ca_path')],
+    ['dtlssetup',          set_value('dtls_setup')],
     ['encryption_taglen',  from_encryption_taglen],
 ############################ maps to an aor ###################################
@@ -446,9 +454,9 @@
     ['permit',             merge_value(type='acl', section_to='acl')],
     ['deny',               merge_value(type='acl', section_to='acl')],
     ['acl',                merge_value(type='acl', section_to='acl')],
-    ['contactpermit',      merge_value(type='acl', section_to='acl')],
-    ['contactdeny',        merge_value(type='acl', section_to='acl')],
-    ['contactacl',         merge_value(type='acl', section_to='acl')],
+    ['contactpermit',      merge_value('contact_permit', type='acl', section_to='acl')],
+    ['contactdeny',        merge_value('contact_deny', type='acl', section_to='acl')],
+    ['contactacl',         merge_value('contact_acl', type='acl', section_to='acl')],
 ########################### maps to transport #################################
 #        type = transport
@@ -499,7 +507,7 @@
     the same thing on to every transport.
-        merge_value('localnet', sip.get('general', 'localnet')[0], 'general',
+        merge_value('local_net', sip.get('general', 'localnet')[0], 'general',
                     pjsip, nmapped, 'transport', section)
     except LookupError:
         # No localnet options configured. No biggie!
@@ -519,7 +527,7 @@
-        merge_value('localnet', sip.get('general', 'localnet')[0], 'general',
+        merge_value('local_net', sip.get('general', 'localnet')[0], 'general',
                     pjsip, nmapped, 'transport', section)
     except LookupError:
         # No localnet options configured. Move on.
@@ -687,7 +695,7 @@
 def set_tls_private_key(val, pjsip, nmapped):
     """Sets privkey_file based on sip.conf tlsprivatekey or sslprivatekey"""
-    set_value('privkey_file', val, 'transport-tls', pjsip, nmapped,
+    set_value('priv_key_file', val, 'transport-tls', pjsip, nmapped,

Modified: branches/12/res/res_pjsip.c
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/branches/12/res/res_pjsip.c?view=diff&rev=403022&r1=403021&r2=403022
--- branches/12/res/res_pjsip.c (original)
+++ branches/12/res/res_pjsip.c Fri Nov 22 11:19:18 2013
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
 				<configOption name="disallow">
 					<synopsis>Media Codec(s) to disallow</synopsis>
-				<configOption name="dtmfmode" default="rfc4733">
+				<configOption name="dtmf_mode" default="rfc4733">
 					<synopsis>DTMF mode</synopsis>
 						<para>This setting allows to choose the DTMF mode for endpoint communication.</para>
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
 				<configOption name="mailboxes">
 					<synopsis>Mailbox(es) to be associated with</synopsis>
-				<configOption name="mohsuggest" default="default">
+				<configOption name="moh_suggest" default="default">
 					<synopsis>Default Music On Hold class</synopsis>
 				<configOption name="outbound_auth">
@@ -388,49 +388,49 @@
 						to indicate ringing and will NOT send it as audio.
-				<configOption name="callgroup">
+				<configOption name="call_group">
 					<synopsis>The numeric pickup groups for a channel.</synopsis>
 						Can be set to a comma separated list of numbers or ranges between the values
 						of 0-63 (maximum of 64 groups).
-				<configOption name="pickupgroup">
+				<configOption name="pickup_group">
 					<synopsis>The numeric pickup groups that a channel can pickup.</synopsis>
 						Can be set to a comma separated list of numbers or ranges between the values
 						of 0-63 (maximum of 64 groups).
-				<configOption name="namedcallgroup">
+				<configOption name="named_call_group">
 					<synopsis>The named pickup groups for a channel.</synopsis>
 						Can be set to a comma separated list of case sensitive strings limited by
 						supported line length.
-				<configOption name="namedpickupgroup">
+				<configOption name="named_pickup_group">
 					<synopsis>The named pickup groups that a channel can pickup.</synopsis>
 						Can be set to a comma separated list of case sensitive strings limited by
 						supported line length.
-				<configOption name="devicestate_busy_at" default="0">
+				<configOption name="device_state_busy_at" default="0">
 					<synopsis>The number of in-use channels which will cause busy to be returned as device state</synopsis>
 						When the number of in-use channels for the endpoint matches the devicestate_busy_at setting the
 						PJSIP channel driver will return busy as the device state instead of in use.
-				<configOption name="t38udptl" default="no">
+				<configOption name="t38_udptl" default="no">
 					<synopsis>Whether T.38 UDPTL support is enabled or not</synopsis>
 						If set to yes T.38 UDPTL support will be enabled, and T.38 negotiation requests will be accepted
 						and relayed.
-				<configOption name="t38udptl_ec" default="none">
+				<configOption name="t38_udptl_ec" default="none">
 					<synopsis>T.38 UDPTL error correction method</synopsis>
@@ -446,34 +446,34 @@
-				<configOption name="t38udptl_maxdatagram" default="0">
+				<configOption name="t38_udptl_maxdatagram" default="0">
 					<synopsis>T.38 UDPTL maximum datagram size</synopsis>
 						This option can be set to override the maximum datagram of a remote endpoint for broken
-				<configOption name="faxdetect" default="no">
+				<configOption name="fax_detect" default="no">
 					<synopsis>Whether CNG tone detection is enabled</synopsis>
 						This option can be set to send the session to the fax extension when a CNG tone is
-				<configOption name="t38udptl_nat" default="no">
+				<configOption name="t38_udptl_nat" default="no">
 					<synopsis>Whether NAT support is enabled on UDPTL sessions</synopsis>
 						When enabled the UDPTL stack will send UDPTL packets to the source address of
 						received packets.
-				<configOption name="t38udptl_ipv6" default="no">
+				<configOption name="t38_udptl_ipv6" default="no">
 					<synopsis>Whether IPv6 is used for UDPTL Sessions</synopsis>
 						When enabled the UDPTL stack will use IPv6.
-				<configOption name="tonezone">
+				<configOption name="tone_zone">
 					<synopsis>Set which country's indications to use for channels created for this endpoint.</synopsis>
 				<configOption name="language">
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@
 						<ref type="configOption">recordofffeature</ref>
-				<configOption name="recordonfeature" default="automixmon">
+				<configOption name="record_on_feature" default="automixmon">
 					<synopsis>The feature to enact when one-touch recording is turned on.</synopsis>
 						<para>When an INFO request for one-touch recording arrives with a Record header set to "on", this
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@
 						<ref type="configOption">recordofffeature</ref>
-				<configOption name="recordofffeature" default="automixmon">
+				<configOption name="record_off_feature" default="automixmon">
 					<synopsis>The feature to enact when one-touch recording is turned off.</synopsis>
 						<para>When an INFO request for one-touch recording arrives with a Record header set to "off", this
@@ -512,16 +512,16 @@
 						<ref type="configOption">recordonfeature</ref>
-				<configOption name="rtpengine" default="asterisk">
+				<configOption name="rtp_engine" default="asterisk">
 					<synopsis>Name of the RTP engine to use for channels created for this endpoint</synopsis>
-				<configOption name="allowtransfer" default="yes">
+				<configOption name="allow_transfer" default="yes">
 					<synopsis>Determines whether SIP REFER transfers are allowed for this endpoint</synopsis>
-				<configOption name="sdpowner" default="-">
+				<configOption name="sdp_owner" default="-">
 					<synopsis>String placed as the username portion of an SDP origin (o=) line.</synopsis>
-				<configOption name="sdpsession" default="Asterisk">
+				<configOption name="sdp_session" default="Asterisk">
 					<synopsis>String used for the SDP session (s=) line.</synopsis>
 				<configOption name="tos_audio">
@@ -548,29 +548,29 @@
 						See https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/IP+Quality+of+Service for more information about QoS settings
-				<configOption name="allowsubscribe" default="yes">
+				<configOption name="allow_subscribe" default="yes">
 					<synopsis>Determines if endpoint is allowed to initiate subscriptions with Asterisk.</synopsis>
-				<configOption name="subminexpiry" default="60">
+				<configOption name="sub_min_expiry" default="60">
 					<synopsis>The minimum allowed expiry time for subscriptions initiated by the endpoint.</synopsis>
-				<configOption name="fromuser">
+				<configOption name="from_user">
 					<synopsis>Username to use in From header for requests to this endpoint.</synopsis>
-				<configOption name="mwifromuser">
+				<configOption name="mwi_from_user">
 					<synopsis>Username to use in From header for unsolicited MWI NOTIFYs to this endpoint.</synopsis>
-				<configOption name="fromdomain">
+				<configOption name="from_domain">
 					<synopsis>Domain to user in From header for requests to this endpoint.</synopsis>
-				<configOption name="dtlsverify">
+				<configOption name="dtls_verify">
 					<synopsis>Verify that the provided peer certificate is valid</synopsis>
 						This option only applies if <replaceable>media_encryption</replaceable> is
 						set to <literal>dtls</literal>.
-				<configOption name="dtlsrekey">
+				<configOption name="dtls_rekey">
 					<synopsis>Interval at which to renegotiate the TLS session and rekey the SRTP session</synopsis>
 						This option only applies if <replaceable>media_encryption</replaceable> is
@@ -579,21 +579,21 @@
 						If this is not set or the value provided is 0 rekeying will be disabled.
-				<configOption name="dtlscertfile">
+				<configOption name="dtls_cert_file">
 					<synopsis>Path to certificate file to present to peer</synopsis>
 						This option only applies if <replaceable>media_encryption</replaceable> is
 						set to <literal>dtls</literal>.
-				<configOption name="dtlsprivatekey">
+				<configOption name="dtls_private_key">
 					<synopsis>Path to private key for certificate file</synopsis>
 						This option only applies if <replaceable>media_encryption</replaceable> is
 						set to <literal>dtls</literal>.
-				<configOption name="dtlscipher">
+				<configOption name="dtls_cipher">
 					<synopsis>Cipher to use for DTLS negotiation</synopsis>
 						This option only applies if <replaceable>media_encryption</replaceable> is
@@ -603,21 +603,21 @@
-				<configOption name="dtlscafile">
+				<configOption name="dtls_ca_file">
 					<synopsis>Path to certificate authority certificate</synopsis>
 						This option only applies if <replaceable>media_encryption</replaceable> is
 						set to <literal>dtls</literal>.
-				<configOption name="dtlscapath">
+				<configOption name="dtls_ca_path">
 					<synopsis>Path to a directory containing certificate authority certificates</synopsis>
 						This option only applies if <replaceable>media_encryption</replaceable> is
 						set to <literal>dtls</literal>.
-				<configOption name="dtlssetup">
+				<configOption name="dtls_setup">
 					<synopsis>Whether we are willing to accept connections, connect to the other party, or both.</synopsis>
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@
-				<configOption name="localnet">
+				<configOption name="local_net">
 					<synopsis>Network to consider local (used for NAT purposes).</synopsis>
 					<description><para>This must be in CIDR or dotted decimal format with the IP
 					and mask separated with a slash ('/').</para></description>
@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@
 				<configOption name="password">
 					<synopsis>Password required for transport</synopsis>
-				<configOption name="privkey_file">
+				<configOption name="priv_key_file">
 					<synopsis>Private key file (TLS ONLY)</synopsis>
 				<configOption name="protocol" default="udp">
@@ -952,7 +952,7 @@
 					before the SIP stack is initialized. The only way to reset these values is to either
 					restart Asterisk, or unload res_pjsip.so and then load it again.
-				<configOption name="timert1" default="500">
+				<configOption name="timer_t1" default="500">
 					<synopsis>Set transaction timer T1 value (milliseconds).</synopsis>
 						Timer T1 is the base for determining how long to wait before retransmitting
@@ -960,7 +960,7 @@
 						For more information on this timer, see RFC 3261, Section
-				<configOption name="timerb" default="32000">
+				<configOption name="timer_b" default="32000">
 					<synopsis>Set transaction timer B value (milliseconds).</synopsis>
 						Timer B determines the maximum amount of time to wait after sending an INVITE
@@ -969,7 +969,7 @@
 						this timer, see RFC 3261, Section
-				<configOption name="compactheaders" default="no">
+				<configOption name="compact_headers" default="no">
 					<synopsis>Use the short forms of common SIP header names.</synopsis>
 				<configOption name="threadpool_initial_size" default="0">
@@ -995,13 +995,13 @@
 					The settings in this section are global. Unlike options in the <literal>system</literal>
 					section, these options can be refreshed by performing a reload.
-				<configOption name="maxforwards" default="70">
+				<configOption name="max_forwards" default="70">
 					<synopsis>Value used in Max-Forwards header for SIP requests.</synopsis>
 				<configOption name="type">
 					<synopsis>Must be of type 'global'.</synopsis>
-				<configOption name="useragent" default="Asterisk <Asterisk Version>">
+				<configOption name="user_agent" default="Asterisk <Asterisk Version>">
 					<synopsis>Value used in User-Agent header for SIP requests and Server header for SIP responses.</synopsis>

Modified: branches/12/res/res_pjsip/config_global.c
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/branches/12/res/res_pjsip/config_global.c?view=diff&rev=403022&r1=403021&r2=403022
--- branches/12/res/res_pjsip/config_global.c (original)
+++ branches/12/res/res_pjsip/config_global.c Fri Nov 22 11:19:18 2013
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@
 	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(sorcery, "global", "type", "", OPT_NOOP_T, 0, 0);
-	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(sorcery, "global", "maxforwards", __stringify(DEFAULT_MAX_FORWARDS),
+	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(sorcery, "global", "max_forwards", __stringify(DEFAULT_MAX_FORWARDS),
 			OPT_UINT_T, 0, FLDSET(struct global_config, max_forwards));
-	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(sorcery, "global", "useragent", default_useragent,
+	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(sorcery, "global", "user_agent", default_useragent,
 			OPT_STRINGFIELD_T, 0, STRFLDSET(struct global_config, useragent));
 	return 0;

Modified: branches/12/res/res_pjsip/config_system.c
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/branches/12/res/res_pjsip/config_system.c?view=diff&rev=403022&r1=403021&r2=403022
--- branches/12/res/res_pjsip/config_system.c (original)
+++ branches/12/res/res_pjsip/config_system.c Fri Nov 22 11:19:18 2013
@@ -128,11 +128,11 @@
 	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(system_sorcery, "system", "type", "", OPT_NOOP_T, 0, 0);
-	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(system_sorcery, "system", "timert1", __stringify(DEFAULT_TIMER_T1),
+	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(system_sorcery, "system", "timer_t1", __stringify(DEFAULT_TIMER_T1),
 			OPT_UINT_T, 0, FLDSET(struct system_config, timert1));
-	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(system_sorcery, "system", "timerb", __stringify(DEFAULT_TIMER_B),
+	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(system_sorcery, "system", "timer_b", __stringify(DEFAULT_TIMER_B),
 			OPT_UINT_T, 0, FLDSET(struct system_config, timerb));
-	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(system_sorcery, "system", "compactheaders", "no",
+	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(system_sorcery, "system", "compact_headers", "no",
 			OPT_BOOL_T, 1, FLDSET(struct system_config, compactheaders));
 	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(system_sorcery, "system", "threadpool_initial_size", "0",
 			OPT_UINT_T, 0, FLDSET(struct system_config, threadpool.initial_size));

Modified: branches/12/res/res_pjsip/config_transport.c
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/branches/12/res/res_pjsip/config_transport.c?view=diff&rev=403022&r1=403021&r2=403022
--- branches/12/res/res_pjsip/config_transport.c (original)
+++ branches/12/res/res_pjsip/config_transport.c Fri Nov 22 11:19:18 2013
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
 	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(sorcery, "transport", "async_operations", "1", OPT_UINT_T, 0, FLDSET(struct ast_sip_transport, async_operations));
 	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(sorcery, "transport", "ca_list_file", "", OPT_STRINGFIELD_T, 0, STRFLDSET(struct ast_sip_transport, ca_list_file));
 	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(sorcery, "transport", "cert_file", "", OPT_STRINGFIELD_T, 0, STRFLDSET(struct ast_sip_transport, cert_file));
-	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(sorcery, "transport", "privkey_file", "", OPT_STRINGFIELD_T, 0, STRFLDSET(struct ast_sip_transport, privkey_file));
+	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(sorcery, "transport", "priv_key_file", "", OPT_STRINGFIELD_T, 0, STRFLDSET(struct ast_sip_transport, privkey_file));
 	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(sorcery, "transport", "password", "", OPT_STRINGFIELD_T, 0, STRFLDSET(struct ast_sip_transport, password));
 	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(sorcery, "transport", "external_signaling_address", "", OPT_STRINGFIELD_T, 0, STRFLDSET(struct ast_sip_transport, external_signaling_address));
 	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(sorcery, "transport", "external_signaling_port", "0", OPT_UINT_T, PARSE_IN_RANGE, FLDSET(struct ast_sip_transport, external_signaling_port), 0, 65535);
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@
 	ast_sorcery_object_field_register_custom(sorcery, "transport", "require_client_cert", "", transport_tls_bool_handler, NULL, 0, 0);
 	ast_sorcery_object_field_register_custom(sorcery, "transport", "method", "", transport_tls_method_handler, NULL, 0, 0);
 	ast_sorcery_object_field_register_custom(sorcery, "transport", "cipher", "", transport_tls_cipher_handler, NULL, 0, 0);
-	ast_sorcery_object_field_register_custom(sorcery, "transport", "localnet", "", transport_localnet_handler, NULL, 0, 0);
+	ast_sorcery_object_field_register_custom(sorcery, "transport", "local_net", "", transport_localnet_handler, NULL, 0, 0);
 	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(sorcery, "transport", "tos", "0", OPT_UINT_T, 0, FLDSET(struct ast_sip_transport, tos));
 	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(sorcery, "transport", "cos", "0", OPT_UINT_T, 0, FLDSET(struct ast_sip_transport, cos));

Modified: branches/12/res/res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/branches/12/res/res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c?view=diff&rev=403022&r1=403021&r2=403022
--- branches/12/res/res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c (original)
+++ branches/12/res/res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c Fri Nov 22 11:19:18 2013
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@
 	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(sip_sorcery, "endpoint", "context", "default", OPT_STRINGFIELD_T, 0, STRFLDSET(struct ast_sip_endpoint, context));
 	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(sip_sorcery, "endpoint", "disallow", "", OPT_CODEC_T, 0, FLDSET(struct ast_sip_endpoint, media.prefs, media.codecs));
 	ast_sorcery_object_field_register(sip_sorcery, "endpoint", "allow", "", OPT_CODEC_T, 1, FLDSET(struct ast_sip_endpoint, media.prefs, media.codecs));

[... 134 lines stripped ...]

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