[asterisk-commits] bebuild: tag certified-11.2-cert1-rc1 r382742 - /certified/tags/11.2-cert1-rc1/

SVN commits to the Asterisk project asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Fri Mar 8 14:19:23 CST 2013

Author: bebuild
Date: Fri Mar  8 14:19:19 2013
New Revision: 382742

URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk?view=rev&rev=382742
Importing release summary for 11.2-cert1-rc1 release.

    certified/tags/11.2-cert1-rc1/certified-asterisk-11.2-cert1-rc1-summary.html   (with props)
    certified/tags/11.2-cert1-rc1/certified-asterisk-11.2-cert1-rc1-summary.txt   (with props)

Added: certified/tags/11.2-cert1-rc1/certified-asterisk-11.2-cert1-rc1-summary.html
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/certified/tags/11.2-cert1-rc1/certified-asterisk-11.2-cert1-rc1-summary.html?view=auto&rev=382742
--- certified/tags/11.2-cert1-rc1/certified-asterisk-11.2-cert1-rc1-summary.html (added)
+++ certified/tags/11.2-cert1-rc1/certified-asterisk-11.2-cert1-rc1-summary.html Fri Mar  8 14:19:19 2013
@@ -1,0 +1,187 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>Release Summary - certified-asterisk-11.2-cert1-rc1</title></head>
+<h1 align="center"><a name="top">Release Summary</a></h1>
+<h3 align="center">certified-asterisk-11.2-cert1-rc1</h3>
+<h3 align="center">Date: 2013-03-08</h3>
+<h3 align="center">&lt;asteriskteam at digium.com&gt;</h3>
+<h2 align="center">Table of Contents</h2>
+   <li><a href="#summary">Summary</a></li>
+   <li><a href="#contributors">Contributors</a></li>
+   <li><a href="#issues">Closed Issues</a></li>
+   <li><a href="#commits">Other Changes</a></li>
+   <li><a href="#diffstat">Diffstat</a></li>
+<a name="summary"><h2 align="center">Summary</h2></a>
+<center><a href="#top">[Back to Top]</a></center><br/><p>This release includes new features.  For a list of new features that have been included with this release, please see the CHANGES file inside the source package.  Since this is new major release, users are encouraged to do extended testing before upgrading to this version in a production environment.</p>
+<p>The data in this summary reflects changes that have been made since the previous release, certified-asterisk-11.2.0.</p>
+<a name="contributors"><h2 align="center">Contributors</h2></a>
+<center><a href="#top">[Back to Top]</a></center><br/><p>This table lists the people who have submitted code, those that have tested patches, as well as those that reported issues on the issue tracker that were resolved in this release.  For coders, the number is how many of their patches (of any size) were committed into this release.  For testers, the number is the number of times their name was listed as assisting with testing a patch.  Finally, for reporters, the number is the number of issues that they reported that were closed by commits that went into this release.</p>
+<table width="100%" border="0">
+<td width="33%"><h3>Coders</h3></td>
+<td width="33%"><h3>Testers</h3></td>
+<td width="33%"><h3>Reporters</h3></td>
+<tr valign="top">
+19 mjordan<br/>
+4 kharwell<br/>
+2 Timo Teras<br/>
+1 Eelco Brolman<br/>
+1 elguero<br/>
+1 Eric Hill<br/>
+1 Jakob Hirsch<br/>
+1 jrose<br/>
+1 kmoore<br/>
+1 qwell<br/>
+6 jbigelow<br/>
+2 mjordan<br/>
+2 rmudgett<br/>
+1 Danny Nicholas<br/>
+1 elguero<br/>
+1 Eric Hill<br/>
+1 Jamuel Starkey<br/>
+1 kaldemar<br/>
+7 jbigelow<br/>
+2 jkister<br/>
+1 ascanland<br/>
+1 eelcob<br/>
+1 erichill<br/>
+1 fabled<br/>
+1 jhirsch<br/>
+1 mmichelson<br/>
+1 tomaso<br/>
+1 wcselby<br/>
+<a name="issues"><h2 align="center">Closed Issues</h2></a>
+<center><a href="#top">[Back to Top]</a></center><br/><p>This is a list of all issues from the issue tracker that were closed by changes that went into this release.</p>
+<h3>Category: Applications/app_confbridge</h3><br/>
+<a href="https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-20938">ASTERISK-20938</a>: [patch] ConfBridge list from CLI and Manager no longer include waiting members<br/>
+Revision: <a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=382073">382073</a><br/>
+Reporter: fabled<br/>
+Testers: jbigelow<br/>
+Coders: Timo Teras<br/>
+<a href="https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-20990">ASTERISK-20990</a>: Confbridge announcement not played<br/>
+Revision: <a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=381410">381410</a><br/>
+Reporter: jkister<br/>
+Testers: rmudgett<br/>
+Coders: mjordan<br/>
+<a href="https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-20991">ASTERISK-20991</a>: Confbridge errors on leaving<br/>
+Revision: <a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=381415">381415</a><br/>
+Reporter: jkister<br/>
+Testers: rmudgett<br/>
+Coders: mjordan<br/>
+<h3>Category: Applications/app_page</h3><br/>
+<a href="https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-20991">ASTERISK-20991</a>: Confbridge errors on leaving<br/>
+Revision: <a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=381415">381415</a><br/>
+Reporter: jkister<br/>
+Testers: rmudgett<br/>
+Coders: mjordan<br/>
+<h3>Category: Channels/chan_sip/General</h3><br/>
+<a href="https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-20787">ASTERISK-20787</a>: Asterisk should inspect Min-SE header in an INVITE even if there is no Session-Expires present<br/>
+Revision: <a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=381445">381445</a><br/>
+Reporter: mmichelson<br/>
+Coders: mjordan<br/>
+<h3>Category: Channels/chan_sip/T.38</h3><br/>
+<a href="https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-20897">ASTERISK-20897</a>: case sensitive match against T.38 params causes T38MaxBitRate to be negotiated at 2400 baud instead of 14400<br/>
+Revision: <a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=381402">381402</a><br/>
+Reporter: erichill<br/>
+Testers: Eric Hill<br/>
+Coders: Eric Hill<br/>
+<h3>Category: Core/General</h3><br/>
+<a href="https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-20945">ASTERISK-20945</a>: "Unable to connect to remote asterisk" message on service asterisk start, even though service is running<br/>
+Revision: <a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=381404">381404</a><br/>
+Reporter: wcselby<br/>
+Testers: elguero, Jamuel Starkey, kaldemar, Danny Nicholas, mjordan<br/>
+Coders: elguero, mjordan<br/>
+<h3>Category: Resources/res_rtp_asterisk</h3><br/>
+<a href="https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-20906">ASTERISK-20906</a>: DTMF in SIP not working after HOLD / UNHOLD<br/>
+Revision: <a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=381403">381403</a><br/>
+Reporter: eelcob<br/>
+Coders: Eelco Brolman<br/>
+<h3>Category: Utilities/astcanary</h3><br/>
+<a href="https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-20947">ASTERISK-20947</a>: astcanary exits immediately because of wrong pid argument<br/>
+Revision: <a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=381405">381405</a><br/>
+Reporter: jhirsch<br/>
+Testers: mjordan<br/>
+Coders: Jakob Hirsch<br/>
+<a name="commits"><h2 align="center">Commits Not Associated with an Issue</h2></a>
+<center><a href="#top">[Back to Top]</a></center><br/><p>This is a list of all changes that went into this release that did not directly close an issue from the issue tracker.  The commits may have been marked as being related to an issue.  If that is the case, the issue numbers are listed here, as well.</p>
+<table width="100%" border="1">
+<tr><td><b>Revision</b></td><td><b>Author</b></td><td><b>Summary</b></td><td><b>Issues Referenced</b></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=379063">379063</a></td><td>mjordan</td><td>Create branch for Certified Asterisk 11.2.</td>
+<td></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=381400">381400</a></td><td>mjordan</td><td>Track merged changes using the standard branch nomenclature</td>
+<td></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=381401">381401</a></td><td>mjordan</td><td>Do not allow native RTP bridging if packetization of media streams differs.</td>
+<td></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=381446">381446</a></td><td>mjordan</td><td>Fixed failing test from r380696.</td>
+<td><a href="https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-20787">ASTERISK-20787</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=381447">381447</a></td><td>mjordan</td><td>Multiple revisions 378121,378459</td>
+<td></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=381616">381616</a></td><td>mjordan</td><td>Don't send presencestate information if the state is invalid</td>
+<td><a href="https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/AST-1084">AST-1084</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=381705">381705</a></td><td>kharwell</td><td>Fixed Confbridge file recording deadlock and appending.</td>
+<td><a href="https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/AST-1088">AST-1088</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=381742">381742</a></td><td>kharwell</td><td>Confbridge channels staying active when all participants leave.</td>
+<td><a href="https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/AST-1088">AST-1088</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=381823">381823</a></td><td>kharwell</td><td>Updated merge properties to reflect correct trace.</td>
+<td></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=381832">381832</a></td><td>mjordan</td><td>Remove the release summaries from the branch</td>
+<td></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=381833">381833</a></td><td>mjordan</td><td>Ensure Min-SE is included in outbound INVITEs</td>
+<td></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=381836">381836</a></td><td>mjordan</td><td>Let vm_mailbox_snapshot_create's combine option apply to "Urgent" as well</td>
+<td></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=382387">382387</a></td><td>kharwell</td><td>Confbridge CLI new record file name check.</td>
+<td><a href="https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/AST-1088">AST-1088</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/certified/branches/11.2?view=revision&revision=382618">382618</a></td><td>mjordan</td><td>Let vm_mailbox_snapshot combine "Urgent" when no folder is specified</td>
+<a name="diffstat"><h2 align="center">Diffstat Results</h2></a>
+<center><a href="#top">[Back to Top]</a></center><br/><p>This is a summary of the changes to the source code that went into this release that was generated using the diffstat utility.</p>
+.version                                  |    2
+ChangeLog                                 |    4
+UPGRADE.txt                               |   14
+apps/app_confbridge.c                     |  270 +++++++---
+apps/app_meetme.c                         |  796 +++++++++++++++++-------------
+apps/app_page.c                           |  105 ++-
+apps/app_voicemail.c                      |   19
+apps/confbridge/conf_config_parser.c      |   37 +
+apps/confbridge/conf_state_multi_marked.c |    8
+asterisk-11.2.0-rc2-summary.html          |   93 ---
+asterisk-11.2.0-rc2-summary.txt           |  123 ----
+channels/chan_sip.c                       |   97 ++-
+configs/confbridge.conf.sample            |    4
+contrib/init.d/rc.archlinux.asterisk      |    2
+contrib/init.d/rc.debian.asterisk         |    2
+contrib/init.d/rc.gentoo.asterisk         |    2
+contrib/init.d/rc.mandriva.asterisk       |    2
+contrib/init.d/rc.redhat.asterisk         |    2
+contrib/init.d/rc.slackware.asterisk      |    2
+contrib/init.d/rc.suse.asterisk           |    2
+contrib/scripts/safe_asterisk             |    2
+funcs/func_presencestate.c                |    5
+main/asterisk.c                           |    7
+main/channel.c                            |    5
+main/event.c                              |    7
+main/manager.c                            |   16
+main/presencestate.c                      |    3
+main/rtp_engine.c                         |   13
+res/res_rtp_asterisk.c                    |   93 +--
+sounds/Makefile                           |    4
+30 files changed, 980 insertions(+), 761 deletions(-)

Propchange: certified/tags/11.2-cert1-rc1/certified-asterisk-11.2-cert1-rc1-summary.html
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: certified/tags/11.2-cert1-rc1/certified-asterisk-11.2-cert1-rc1-summary.html
    svn:keywords = none

Propchange: certified/tags/11.2-cert1-rc1/certified-asterisk-11.2-cert1-rc1-summary.html
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: certified/tags/11.2-cert1-rc1/certified-asterisk-11.2-cert1-rc1-summary.txt
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/certified/tags/11.2-cert1-rc1/certified-asterisk-11.2-cert1-rc1-summary.txt?view=auto&rev=382742
--- certified/tags/11.2-cert1-rc1/certified-asterisk-11.2-cert1-rc1-summary.txt (added)
+++ certified/tags/11.2-cert1-rc1/certified-asterisk-11.2-cert1-rc1-summary.txt Fri Mar  8 14:19:19 2013
@@ -1,0 +1,245 @@
+                                Release Summary
+                       certified-asterisk-11.2-cert1-rc1
+                                Date: 2013-03-08
+                           <asteriskteam at digium.com>
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                               Table of Contents
+    1. Summary
+    2. Contributors
+    3. Closed Issues
+    4. Other Changes
+    5. Diffstat
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                    Summary
+                                 [Back to Top]
+   This release includes new features. For a list of new features that have
+   been included with this release, please see the CHANGES file inside the
+   source package. Since this is new major release, users are encouraged to
+   do extended testing before upgrading to this version in a production
+   environment.
+   The data in this summary reflects changes that have been made since the
+   previous release, certified-asterisk-11.2.0.
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                  Contributors
+                                 [Back to Top]
+   This table lists the people who have submitted code, those that have
+   tested patches, as well as those that reported issues on the issue tracker
+   that were resolved in this release. For coders, the number is how many of
+   their patches (of any size) were committed into this release. For testers,
+   the number is the number of times their name was listed as assisting with
+   testing a patch. Finally, for reporters, the number is the number of
+   issues that they reported that were closed by commits that went into this
+   release.
+     Coders                   Testers                  Reporters              
+   19 mjordan               6 jbigelow               7 jbigelow               
+   4 kharwell               2 mjordan                2 jkister                
+   2 Timo Teras             2 rmudgett               1 ascanland              
+   1 Eelco Brolman          1 Danny Nicholas         1 eelcob                 
+   1 elguero                1 elguero                1 erichill               
+   1 Eric Hill              1 Eric Hill              1 fabled                 
+   1 Jakob Hirsch           1 Jamuel Starkey         1 jhirsch                
+   1 jrose                  1 kaldemar               1 mmichelson             
+   1 kmoore                                          1 tomaso                 
+   1 qwell                                           1 wcselby                
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                 Closed Issues
+                                 [Back to Top]
+   This is a list of all issues from the issue tracker that were closed by
+   changes that went into this release.
+  Category: Applications/app_confbridge
+   ASTERISK-20938: [patch] ConfBridge list from CLI and Manager no longer
+   include waiting members
+   Revision: 382073
+   Reporter: fabled
+   Testers: jbigelow
+   Coders: Timo Teras
+   ASTERISK-20990: Confbridge announcement not played
+   Revision: 381410
+   Reporter: jkister
+   Testers: rmudgett
+   Coders: mjordan
+   ASTERISK-20991: Confbridge errors on leaving
+   Revision: 381415
+   Reporter: jkister
+   Testers: rmudgett
+   Coders: mjordan
+  Category: Applications/app_page
+   ASTERISK-20991: Confbridge errors on leaving
+   Revision: 381415
+   Reporter: jkister
+   Testers: rmudgett
+   Coders: mjordan
+  Category: Channels/chan_sip/General
+   ASTERISK-20787: Asterisk should inspect Min-SE header in an INVITE even if
+   there is no Session-Expires present
+   Revision: 381445
+   Reporter: mmichelson
+   Coders: mjordan
+  Category: Channels/chan_sip/T.38
+   ASTERISK-20897: case sensitive match against T.38 params causes
+   T38MaxBitRate to be negotiated at 2400 baud instead of 14400
+   Revision: 381402
+   Reporter: erichill
+   Testers: Eric Hill
+   Coders: Eric Hill
+  Category: Core/General
+   ASTERISK-20945: "Unable to connect to remote asterisk" message on service
+   asterisk start, even though service is running
+   Revision: 381404
+   Reporter: wcselby
+   Testers: elguero, Jamuel Starkey, kaldemar, Danny Nicholas, mjordan
+   Coders: elguero, mjordan
+  Category: Resources/res_rtp_asterisk
+   ASTERISK-20906: DTMF in SIP not working after HOLD / UNHOLD
+   Revision: 381403
+   Reporter: eelcob
+   Coders: Eelco Brolman
+  Category: Utilities/astcanary
+   ASTERISK-20947: astcanary exits immediately because of wrong pid argument
+   Revision: 381405
+   Reporter: jhirsch
+   Testers: mjordan
+   Coders: Jakob Hirsch
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                      Commits Not Associated with an Issue
+                                 [Back to Top]
+   This is a list of all changes that went into this release that did not
+   directly close an issue from the issue tracker. The commits may have been
+   marked as being related to an issue. If that is the case, the issue
+   numbers are listed here, as well.
+   +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+   | Revision | Author   | Summary                         | Issues         |
+   |          |          |                                 | Referenced     |
+   |----------+----------+---------------------------------+----------------|
+   | 379063   | mjordan  | Create branch for Certified     |                |
+   |          |          | Asterisk 11.2.                  |                |
+   |----------+----------+---------------------------------+----------------|
+   | 381400   | mjordan  | Track merged changes using the  |                |
+   |          |          | standard branch nomenclature    |                |
+   |----------+----------+---------------------------------+----------------|
+   |          |          | Do not allow native RTP         |                |
+   | 381401   | mjordan  | bridging if packetization of    |                |
+   |          |          | media streams differs.          |                |
+   |----------+----------+---------------------------------+----------------|
+   | 381446   | mjordan  | Fixed failing test from         | ASTERISK-20787 |
+   |          |          | r380696.                        |                |
+   |----------+----------+---------------------------------+----------------|
+   | 381447   | mjordan  | Multiple revisions              |                |
+   |          |          | 378121,378459                   |                |
+   |----------+----------+---------------------------------+----------------|
+   |          |          | Don't send presencestate        |                |
+   | 381616   | mjordan  | information if the state is     | AST-1084       |
+   |          |          | invalid                         |                |
+   |----------+----------+---------------------------------+----------------|
+   | 381705   | kharwell | Fixed Confbridge file recording | AST-1088       |
+   |          |          | deadlock and appending.         |                |
+   |----------+----------+---------------------------------+----------------|
+   |          |          | Confbridge channels staying     |                |
+   | 381742   | kharwell | active when all participants    | AST-1088       |
+   |          |          | leave.                          |                |
+   |----------+----------+---------------------------------+----------------|
+   | 381823   | kharwell | Updated merge properties to     |                |
+   |          |          | reflect correct trace.          |                |
+   |----------+----------+---------------------------------+----------------|
+   | 381832   | mjordan  | Remove the release summaries    |                |
+   |          |          | from the branch                 |                |
+   |----------+----------+---------------------------------+----------------|
+   | 381833   | mjordan  | Ensure Min-SE is included in    |                |
+   |          |          | outbound INVITEs                |                |
+   |----------+----------+---------------------------------+----------------|
+   |          |          | Let                             |                |
+   | 381836   | mjordan  | vm_mailbox_snapshot_create's    |                |
+   |          |          | combine option apply to         |                |
+   |          |          | "Urgent" as well                |                |
+   |----------+----------+---------------------------------+----------------|
+   | 382387   | kharwell | Confbridge CLI new record file  | AST-1088       |
+   |          |          | name check.                     |                |
+   |----------+----------+---------------------------------+----------------|
+   |          |          | Let vm_mailbox_snapshot combine |                |
+   | 382618   | mjordan  | "Urgent" when no folder is      |                |
+   |          |          | specified                       |                |
+   +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                Diffstat Results
+                                 [Back to Top]
+   This is a summary of the changes to the source code that went into this
+   release that was generated using the diffstat utility.
+ .version                                  |    2
+ ChangeLog                                 |    4
+ UPGRADE.txt                               |   14
+ apps/app_confbridge.c                     |  270 +++++++---
+ apps/app_meetme.c                         |  796 +++++++++++++++++-------------
+ apps/app_page.c                           |  105 ++-
+ apps/app_voicemail.c                      |   19
+ apps/confbridge/conf_config_parser.c      |   37 +
+ apps/confbridge/conf_state_multi_marked.c |    8
+ asterisk-11.2.0-rc2-summary.html          |   93 ---
+ asterisk-11.2.0-rc2-summary.txt           |  123 ----
+ channels/chan_sip.c                       |   97 ++-
+ configs/confbridge.conf.sample            |    4
+ contrib/init.d/rc.archlinux.asterisk      |    2
+ contrib/init.d/rc.debian.asterisk         |    2
+ contrib/init.d/rc.gentoo.asterisk         |    2
+ contrib/init.d/rc.mandriva.asterisk       |    2
+ contrib/init.d/rc.redhat.asterisk         |    2
+ contrib/init.d/rc.slackware.asterisk      |    2
+ contrib/init.d/rc.suse.asterisk           |    2
+ contrib/scripts/safe_asterisk             |    2
+ funcs/func_presencestate.c                |    5
+ main/asterisk.c                           |    7
+ main/channel.c                            |    5
+ main/event.c                              |    7
+ main/manager.c                            |   16
+ main/presencestate.c                      |    3
+ main/rtp_engine.c                         |   13
+ res/res_rtp_asterisk.c                    |   93 +--
+ sounds/Makefile                           |    4
+ 30 files changed, 980 insertions(+), 761 deletions(-)
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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