[asterisk-commits] sgriepentrog: branch sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind r4397 - in /asterisk/tea...

SVN commits to the Asterisk project asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Wed Dec 4 16:35:15 CST 2013

Author: sgriepentrog
Date: Wed Dec  4 16:35:13 2013
New Revision: 4397

URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite?view=rev&rev=4397
working copy of dialplan stress test

    asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/asterisk.options.conf.inc   (with props)
    asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/extensions.conf   (with props)
    asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test1.conf   (with props)
    asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test2.conf   (with props)
    asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test3.conf   (with props)
    asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test4.conf   (with props)
    asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test5.conf   (with props)
    asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test6.conf   (with props)
    asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test7.conf   (with props)
    asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test8.conf   (with props)
    asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test9.conf   (with props)
    asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/testlist.conf   (with props)
    asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/testspawn.conf   (with props)
    asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/generate-dialplan.sh   (with props)
    asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/test-config.yaml   (with props)

Added: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/asterisk.options.conf.inc
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/asterisk.options.conf.inc?view=auto&rev=4397
--- asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/asterisk.options.conf.inc (added)
+++ asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/asterisk.options.conf.inc Wed Dec  4 16:35:13 2013
@@ -1,0 +1,7 @@
+; Global asterisk.conf [options] settings.
+debug = 0
+verbose = 0
+nocolor = yes
+dumpcore = yes
+execincludes = yes

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/asterisk.options.conf.inc
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/asterisk.options.conf.inc
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/asterisk.options.conf.inc
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/extensions.conf?view=auto&rev=4397
--- asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/extensions.conf (added)
+++ asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/extensions.conf Wed Dec  4 16:35:13 2013
@@ -1,0 +1,67 @@
+; these included tests are created by generate-dialplan.sh
+#include testlist.conf
+#include testspawn.conf
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; One leg of all originated calls waits here, the other goes to test
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+exten => s,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Answer()
+	same => n,Echo()
+	same => n,Set(message=DialContext Echo exited)
+	same => n,Goto(result_fail,1)
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+; The main test loop
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+exten => s,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Set(STARTTIME=${EPOCH})
+	; ASTETCDIR must be set by test suite
+	same => n,Set(message=ASTETCDIR not set)
+	same => n,GotoIf($["${ENV(ASTETCDIR)}" = ""]?result_fail,1)
+	;same => n,System(xterm -e tail -f ${ENV(ASTETCDIR)}/../../var/log/asterisk/full.txt &)
+	; main loop
+	same => n,While(1)
+	; check elapsed time, jump to pass before reactor timeout
+	same => n,Set(ELAPSED=$[${EPOCH} - ${STARTTIME}])
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${ELAPSED} > 240]?result_pass,1)
+	; add more test calls if needed
+	; note: numcalls = testcalls * 2 + 2
+	same => n,GosubIf($[${SYSINFO(numcalls)} < 102]?testspawn,s,1)
+	; let them run for a while before reloading
+	same => n(wait),Wait(1)
+	; issue module reload command to this instance of asterisk
+	;same => n,System(asterisk -C ${ENV(ASTETCDIR)}/asterisk.conf -rx \"core show channels\" >/tmp/test.out)
+	same => n,System(asterisk -C ${ENV(ASTETCDIR)}/asterisk.conf -rx \"module reload\")
+	same => n,Set(message=Reload failed: ${SYSTEMSTATUS})
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${SYSTEMSTATUS} != SUCCESS]?result_fail,1)
+	; merry test go round
+	same => n,EndWhile()
+exten => result_pass,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,UserEvent(TestResult,Result: Success)
+	same => n,Set(ResultSent=OK)
+	same => n,Hangup()
+exten => result_fail,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,UserEvent(TestResult,Result: Fail: ${message}.)
+	same => n,Set(ResultSent=OK)
+	same => n,Hangup()
+exten => h,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${ResultSent} = OK]?done)
+	same => n,UserEvent(TestResult,Result: Fail Unexpected hangup.)
+	same => n(done),NoOp()

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/extensions.conf
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test1.conf
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test1.conf?view=auto&rev=4397
--- asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test1.conf (added)
+++ asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test1.conf Wed Dec  4 16:35:13 2013
@@ -1,0 +1,80 @@
+exten => s,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Set(i=0)
+	same => n,Set(foo=${MD5(18389)})
+	same => n,Set(bar=${foo})
+	same => n,While(1)
+	same => n,NoOp(++++ TEST LOOP ${i} ++++)
+	same => n,Set(a1=${foo:1})
+	same => n,Set(b1=${foo:-1})
+	same => n,Set(a2=${foo:2})
+	same => n,Set(b2=${foo:-2})
+	same => n,Set(a3=${foo:3})
+	same => n,Set(b3=${foo:-3})
+	same => n,Set(a4=${foo:4})
+	same => n,Set(b4=${foo:-4})
+	same => n,Set(a5=${foo:5})
+	same => n,Set(b5=${foo:-5})
+	same => n,Set(a6=${foo:6})
+	same => n,Set(b6=${foo:-6})
+	same => n,Set(a7=${foo:7})
+	same => n,Set(b7=${foo:-7})
+	same => n,Set(a8=${foo:8})
+	same => n,Set(b8=${foo:-8})
+	same => n,Set(a9=${foo:9})
+	same => n,Set(b9=${foo:-9})
+	same => n,Set(a10=${foo:10})
+	same => n,Set(b10=${foo:-10})
+	same => n,Set(a11=${foo:11})
+	same => n,Set(b11=${foo:-11})
+	same => n,Set(a12=${foo:12})
+	same => n,Set(b12=${foo:-12})
+	same => n,Set(a13=${foo:13})
+	same => n,Set(b13=${foo:-13})
+	same => n,Set(a14=${foo:14})
+	same => n,Set(b14=${foo:-14})
+	same => n,Set(a15=${foo:15})
+	same => n,Set(b15=${foo:-15})
+	same => n,Set(a16=${foo:16})
+	same => n,Set(b16=${foo:-16})
+	same => n,Set(a17=${foo:17})
+	same => n,Set(b17=${foo:-17})
+	same => n,Set(a18=${foo:18})
+	same => n,Set(b18=${foo:-18})
+	same => n,Set(a19=${foo:19})
+	same => n,Set(b19=${foo:-19})
+	same => n,Set(a20=${foo:20})
+	same => n,Set(b20=${foo:-20})
+	same => n,Set(a21=${foo:21})
+	same => n,Set(b21=${foo:-21})
+	same => n,Set(a22=${foo:22})
+	same => n,Set(b22=${foo:-22})
+	same => n,Set(a23=${foo:23})
+	same => n,Set(b23=${foo:-23})
+	same => n,Set(a24=${foo:24})
+	same => n,Set(b24=${foo:-24})
+	same => n,Set(a25=${foo:25})
+	same => n,Set(b25=${foo:-25})
+	same => n,Set(a26=${foo:26})
+	same => n,Set(b26=${foo:-26})
+	same => n,Set(a27=${foo:27})
+	same => n,Set(b27=${foo:-27})
+	same => n,Set(a28=${foo:28})
+	same => n,Set(b28=${foo:-28})
+	same => n,Set(a29=${foo:29})
+	same => n,Set(b29=${foo:-29})
+	same => n,Set(a30=${foo:30})
+	same => n,Set(b30=${foo:-30})
+	same => n,Set(message=foobar corrupted {$foo} != {$bar})
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${foo} != ${bar}]?test,result_fail,1)
+	same => n,Set(message=foo wrong len {$foo})
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${LEN(${foo})} != 32]?test,result_fail,1)
+	same => n,Set(i=$[${i} + 1])
+	same => n,EndWhile()
+exten => h,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Set(message=Test 1 had unexpected hangup)
+	same => n,Goto(test,result_fail,1)

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test1.conf
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test1.conf
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test1.conf
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test2.conf
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test2.conf?view=auto&rev=4397
--- asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test2.conf (added)
+++ asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test2.conf Wed Dec  4 16:35:13 2013
@@ -1,0 +1,80 @@
+exten => s,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Set(i=0)
+	same => n,Set(foo=${MD5(2904)})
+	same => n,Set(bar=${foo})
+	same => n,While(1)
+	same => n,NoOp(++++ TEST LOOP ${i} ++++)
+	same => n,Set(a1=${foo:1})
+	same => n,Set(b1=${foo:-1})
+	same => n,Set(a2=${foo:2})
+	same => n,Set(b2=${foo:-2})
+	same => n,Set(a3=${foo:3})
+	same => n,Set(b3=${foo:-3})
+	same => n,Set(a4=${foo:4})
+	same => n,Set(b4=${foo:-4})
+	same => n,Set(a5=${foo:5})
+	same => n,Set(b5=${foo:-5})
+	same => n,Set(a6=${foo:6})
+	same => n,Set(b6=${foo:-6})
+	same => n,Set(a7=${foo:7})
+	same => n,Set(b7=${foo:-7})
+	same => n,Set(a8=${foo:8})
+	same => n,Set(b8=${foo:-8})
+	same => n,Set(a9=${foo:9})
+	same => n,Set(b9=${foo:-9})
+	same => n,Set(a10=${foo:10})
+	same => n,Set(b10=${foo:-10})
+	same => n,Set(a11=${foo:11})
+	same => n,Set(b11=${foo:-11})
+	same => n,Set(a12=${foo:12})
+	same => n,Set(b12=${foo:-12})
+	same => n,Set(a13=${foo:13})
+	same => n,Set(b13=${foo:-13})
+	same => n,Set(a14=${foo:14})
+	same => n,Set(b14=${foo:-14})
+	same => n,Set(a15=${foo:15})
+	same => n,Set(b15=${foo:-15})
+	same => n,Set(a16=${foo:16})
+	same => n,Set(b16=${foo:-16})
+	same => n,Set(a17=${foo:17})
+	same => n,Set(b17=${foo:-17})
+	same => n,Set(a18=${foo:18})
+	same => n,Set(b18=${foo:-18})
+	same => n,Set(a19=${foo:19})
+	same => n,Set(b19=${foo:-19})
+	same => n,Set(a20=${foo:20})
+	same => n,Set(b20=${foo:-20})
+	same => n,Set(a21=${foo:21})
+	same => n,Set(b21=${foo:-21})
+	same => n,Set(a22=${foo:22})
+	same => n,Set(b22=${foo:-22})
+	same => n,Set(a23=${foo:23})
+	same => n,Set(b23=${foo:-23})
+	same => n,Set(a24=${foo:24})
+	same => n,Set(b24=${foo:-24})
+	same => n,Set(a25=${foo:25})
+	same => n,Set(b25=${foo:-25})
+	same => n,Set(a26=${foo:26})
+	same => n,Set(b26=${foo:-26})
+	same => n,Set(a27=${foo:27})
+	same => n,Set(b27=${foo:-27})
+	same => n,Set(a28=${foo:28})
+	same => n,Set(b28=${foo:-28})
+	same => n,Set(a29=${foo:29})
+	same => n,Set(b29=${foo:-29})
+	same => n,Set(a30=${foo:30})
+	same => n,Set(b30=${foo:-30})
+	same => n,Set(message=foobar corrupted {$foo} != {$bar})
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${foo} != ${bar}]?test,result_fail,1)
+	same => n,Set(message=foo wrong len {$foo})
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${LEN(${foo})} != 32]?test,result_fail,1)
+	same => n,Set(i=$[${i} + 1])
+	same => n,EndWhile()
+exten => h,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Set(message=Test 2 had unexpected hangup)
+	same => n,Goto(test,result_fail,1)

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test2.conf
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test2.conf
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test2.conf
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test3.conf
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test3.conf?view=auto&rev=4397
--- asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test3.conf (added)
+++ asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test3.conf Wed Dec  4 16:35:13 2013
@@ -1,0 +1,80 @@
+exten => s,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Set(i=0)
+	same => n,Set(foo=${MD5(32372)})
+	same => n,Set(bar=${foo})
+	same => n,While(1)
+	same => n,NoOp(++++ TEST LOOP ${i} ++++)
+	same => n,Set(a1=${foo:1})
+	same => n,Set(b1=${foo:-1})
+	same => n,Set(a2=${foo:2})
+	same => n,Set(b2=${foo:-2})
+	same => n,Set(a3=${foo:3})
+	same => n,Set(b3=${foo:-3})
+	same => n,Set(a4=${foo:4})
+	same => n,Set(b4=${foo:-4})
+	same => n,Set(a5=${foo:5})
+	same => n,Set(b5=${foo:-5})
+	same => n,Set(a6=${foo:6})
+	same => n,Set(b6=${foo:-6})
+	same => n,Set(a7=${foo:7})
+	same => n,Set(b7=${foo:-7})
+	same => n,Set(a8=${foo:8})
+	same => n,Set(b8=${foo:-8})
+	same => n,Set(a9=${foo:9})
+	same => n,Set(b9=${foo:-9})
+	same => n,Set(a10=${foo:10})
+	same => n,Set(b10=${foo:-10})
+	same => n,Set(a11=${foo:11})
+	same => n,Set(b11=${foo:-11})
+	same => n,Set(a12=${foo:12})
+	same => n,Set(b12=${foo:-12})
+	same => n,Set(a13=${foo:13})
+	same => n,Set(b13=${foo:-13})
+	same => n,Set(a14=${foo:14})
+	same => n,Set(b14=${foo:-14})
+	same => n,Set(a15=${foo:15})
+	same => n,Set(b15=${foo:-15})
+	same => n,Set(a16=${foo:16})
+	same => n,Set(b16=${foo:-16})
+	same => n,Set(a17=${foo:17})
+	same => n,Set(b17=${foo:-17})
+	same => n,Set(a18=${foo:18})
+	same => n,Set(b18=${foo:-18})
+	same => n,Set(a19=${foo:19})
+	same => n,Set(b19=${foo:-19})
+	same => n,Set(a20=${foo:20})
+	same => n,Set(b20=${foo:-20})
+	same => n,Set(a21=${foo:21})
+	same => n,Set(b21=${foo:-21})
+	same => n,Set(a22=${foo:22})
+	same => n,Set(b22=${foo:-22})
+	same => n,Set(a23=${foo:23})
+	same => n,Set(b23=${foo:-23})
+	same => n,Set(a24=${foo:24})
+	same => n,Set(b24=${foo:-24})
+	same => n,Set(a25=${foo:25})
+	same => n,Set(b25=${foo:-25})
+	same => n,Set(a26=${foo:26})
+	same => n,Set(b26=${foo:-26})
+	same => n,Set(a27=${foo:27})
+	same => n,Set(b27=${foo:-27})
+	same => n,Set(a28=${foo:28})
+	same => n,Set(b28=${foo:-28})
+	same => n,Set(a29=${foo:29})
+	same => n,Set(b29=${foo:-29})
+	same => n,Set(a30=${foo:30})
+	same => n,Set(b30=${foo:-30})
+	same => n,Set(message=foobar corrupted {$foo} != {$bar})
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${foo} != ${bar}]?test,result_fail,1)
+	same => n,Set(message=foo wrong len {$foo})
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${LEN(${foo})} != 32]?test,result_fail,1)
+	same => n,Set(i=$[${i} + 1])
+	same => n,EndWhile()
+exten => h,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Set(message=Test 3 had unexpected hangup)
+	same => n,Goto(test,result_fail,1)

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test3.conf
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test3.conf
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test3.conf
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test4.conf
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test4.conf?view=auto&rev=4397
--- asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test4.conf (added)
+++ asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test4.conf Wed Dec  4 16:35:13 2013
@@ -1,0 +1,80 @@
+exten => s,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Set(i=0)
+	same => n,Set(foo=${MD5(12332)})
+	same => n,Set(bar=${foo})
+	same => n,While(1)
+	same => n,NoOp(++++ TEST LOOP ${i} ++++)
+	same => n,Set(a1=${foo:1})
+	same => n,Set(b1=${foo:-1})
+	same => n,Set(a2=${foo:2})
+	same => n,Set(b2=${foo:-2})
+	same => n,Set(a3=${foo:3})
+	same => n,Set(b3=${foo:-3})
+	same => n,Set(a4=${foo:4})
+	same => n,Set(b4=${foo:-4})
+	same => n,Set(a5=${foo:5})
+	same => n,Set(b5=${foo:-5})
+	same => n,Set(a6=${foo:6})
+	same => n,Set(b6=${foo:-6})
+	same => n,Set(a7=${foo:7})
+	same => n,Set(b7=${foo:-7})
+	same => n,Set(a8=${foo:8})
+	same => n,Set(b8=${foo:-8})
+	same => n,Set(a9=${foo:9})
+	same => n,Set(b9=${foo:-9})
+	same => n,Set(a10=${foo:10})
+	same => n,Set(b10=${foo:-10})
+	same => n,Set(a11=${foo:11})
+	same => n,Set(b11=${foo:-11})
+	same => n,Set(a12=${foo:12})
+	same => n,Set(b12=${foo:-12})
+	same => n,Set(a13=${foo:13})
+	same => n,Set(b13=${foo:-13})
+	same => n,Set(a14=${foo:14})
+	same => n,Set(b14=${foo:-14})
+	same => n,Set(a15=${foo:15})
+	same => n,Set(b15=${foo:-15})
+	same => n,Set(a16=${foo:16})
+	same => n,Set(b16=${foo:-16})
+	same => n,Set(a17=${foo:17})
+	same => n,Set(b17=${foo:-17})
+	same => n,Set(a18=${foo:18})
+	same => n,Set(b18=${foo:-18})
+	same => n,Set(a19=${foo:19})
+	same => n,Set(b19=${foo:-19})
+	same => n,Set(a20=${foo:20})
+	same => n,Set(b20=${foo:-20})
+	same => n,Set(a21=${foo:21})
+	same => n,Set(b21=${foo:-21})
+	same => n,Set(a22=${foo:22})
+	same => n,Set(b22=${foo:-22})
+	same => n,Set(a23=${foo:23})
+	same => n,Set(b23=${foo:-23})
+	same => n,Set(a24=${foo:24})
+	same => n,Set(b24=${foo:-24})
+	same => n,Set(a25=${foo:25})
+	same => n,Set(b25=${foo:-25})
+	same => n,Set(a26=${foo:26})
+	same => n,Set(b26=${foo:-26})
+	same => n,Set(a27=${foo:27})
+	same => n,Set(b27=${foo:-27})
+	same => n,Set(a28=${foo:28})
+	same => n,Set(b28=${foo:-28})
+	same => n,Set(a29=${foo:29})
+	same => n,Set(b29=${foo:-29})
+	same => n,Set(a30=${foo:30})
+	same => n,Set(b30=${foo:-30})
+	same => n,Set(message=foobar corrupted {$foo} != {$bar})
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${foo} != ${bar}]?test,result_fail,1)
+	same => n,Set(message=foo wrong len {$foo})
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${LEN(${foo})} != 32]?test,result_fail,1)
+	same => n,Set(i=$[${i} + 1])
+	same => n,EndWhile()
+exten => h,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Set(message=Test 4 had unexpected hangup)
+	same => n,Goto(test,result_fail,1)

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test4.conf
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test4.conf
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test4.conf
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test5.conf
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test5.conf?view=auto&rev=4397
--- asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test5.conf (added)
+++ asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test5.conf Wed Dec  4 16:35:13 2013
@@ -1,0 +1,80 @@
+exten => s,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Set(i=0)
+	same => n,Set(foo=${MD5(22467)})
+	same => n,Set(bar=${foo})
+	same => n,While(1)
+	same => n,NoOp(++++ TEST LOOP ${i} ++++)
+	same => n,Set(a1=${foo:1})
+	same => n,Set(b1=${foo:-1})
+	same => n,Set(a2=${foo:2})
+	same => n,Set(b2=${foo:-2})
+	same => n,Set(a3=${foo:3})
+	same => n,Set(b3=${foo:-3})
+	same => n,Set(a4=${foo:4})
+	same => n,Set(b4=${foo:-4})
+	same => n,Set(a5=${foo:5})
+	same => n,Set(b5=${foo:-5})
+	same => n,Set(a6=${foo:6})
+	same => n,Set(b6=${foo:-6})
+	same => n,Set(a7=${foo:7})
+	same => n,Set(b7=${foo:-7})
+	same => n,Set(a8=${foo:8})
+	same => n,Set(b8=${foo:-8})
+	same => n,Set(a9=${foo:9})
+	same => n,Set(b9=${foo:-9})
+	same => n,Set(a10=${foo:10})
+	same => n,Set(b10=${foo:-10})
+	same => n,Set(a11=${foo:11})
+	same => n,Set(b11=${foo:-11})
+	same => n,Set(a12=${foo:12})
+	same => n,Set(b12=${foo:-12})
+	same => n,Set(a13=${foo:13})
+	same => n,Set(b13=${foo:-13})
+	same => n,Set(a14=${foo:14})
+	same => n,Set(b14=${foo:-14})
+	same => n,Set(a15=${foo:15})
+	same => n,Set(b15=${foo:-15})
+	same => n,Set(a16=${foo:16})
+	same => n,Set(b16=${foo:-16})
+	same => n,Set(a17=${foo:17})
+	same => n,Set(b17=${foo:-17})
+	same => n,Set(a18=${foo:18})
+	same => n,Set(b18=${foo:-18})
+	same => n,Set(a19=${foo:19})
+	same => n,Set(b19=${foo:-19})
+	same => n,Set(a20=${foo:20})
+	same => n,Set(b20=${foo:-20})
+	same => n,Set(a21=${foo:21})
+	same => n,Set(b21=${foo:-21})
+	same => n,Set(a22=${foo:22})
+	same => n,Set(b22=${foo:-22})
+	same => n,Set(a23=${foo:23})
+	same => n,Set(b23=${foo:-23})
+	same => n,Set(a24=${foo:24})
+	same => n,Set(b24=${foo:-24})
+	same => n,Set(a25=${foo:25})
+	same => n,Set(b25=${foo:-25})
+	same => n,Set(a26=${foo:26})
+	same => n,Set(b26=${foo:-26})
+	same => n,Set(a27=${foo:27})
+	same => n,Set(b27=${foo:-27})
+	same => n,Set(a28=${foo:28})
+	same => n,Set(b28=${foo:-28})
+	same => n,Set(a29=${foo:29})
+	same => n,Set(b29=${foo:-29})
+	same => n,Set(a30=${foo:30})
+	same => n,Set(b30=${foo:-30})
+	same => n,Set(message=foobar corrupted {$foo} != {$bar})
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${foo} != ${bar}]?test,result_fail,1)
+	same => n,Set(message=foo wrong len {$foo})
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${LEN(${foo})} != 32]?test,result_fail,1)
+	same => n,Set(i=$[${i} + 1])
+	same => n,EndWhile()
+exten => h,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Set(message=Test 5 had unexpected hangup)
+	same => n,Goto(test,result_fail,1)

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test5.conf
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test5.conf
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test5.conf
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test6.conf
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test6.conf?view=auto&rev=4397
--- asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test6.conf (added)
+++ asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test6.conf Wed Dec  4 16:35:13 2013
@@ -1,0 +1,80 @@
+exten => s,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Set(i=0)
+	same => n,Set(foo=${MD5(23799)})
+	same => n,Set(bar=${foo})
+	same => n,While(1)
+	same => n,NoOp(++++ TEST LOOP ${i} ++++)
+	same => n,Set(a1=${foo:1})
+	same => n,Set(b1=${foo:-1})
+	same => n,Set(a2=${foo:2})
+	same => n,Set(b2=${foo:-2})
+	same => n,Set(a3=${foo:3})
+	same => n,Set(b3=${foo:-3})
+	same => n,Set(a4=${foo:4})
+	same => n,Set(b4=${foo:-4})
+	same => n,Set(a5=${foo:5})
+	same => n,Set(b5=${foo:-5})
+	same => n,Set(a6=${foo:6})
+	same => n,Set(b6=${foo:-6})
+	same => n,Set(a7=${foo:7})
+	same => n,Set(b7=${foo:-7})
+	same => n,Set(a8=${foo:8})
+	same => n,Set(b8=${foo:-8})
+	same => n,Set(a9=${foo:9})
+	same => n,Set(b9=${foo:-9})
+	same => n,Set(a10=${foo:10})
+	same => n,Set(b10=${foo:-10})
+	same => n,Set(a11=${foo:11})
+	same => n,Set(b11=${foo:-11})
+	same => n,Set(a12=${foo:12})
+	same => n,Set(b12=${foo:-12})
+	same => n,Set(a13=${foo:13})
+	same => n,Set(b13=${foo:-13})
+	same => n,Set(a14=${foo:14})
+	same => n,Set(b14=${foo:-14})
+	same => n,Set(a15=${foo:15})
+	same => n,Set(b15=${foo:-15})
+	same => n,Set(a16=${foo:16})
+	same => n,Set(b16=${foo:-16})
+	same => n,Set(a17=${foo:17})
+	same => n,Set(b17=${foo:-17})
+	same => n,Set(a18=${foo:18})
+	same => n,Set(b18=${foo:-18})
+	same => n,Set(a19=${foo:19})
+	same => n,Set(b19=${foo:-19})
+	same => n,Set(a20=${foo:20})
+	same => n,Set(b20=${foo:-20})
+	same => n,Set(a21=${foo:21})
+	same => n,Set(b21=${foo:-21})
+	same => n,Set(a22=${foo:22})
+	same => n,Set(b22=${foo:-22})
+	same => n,Set(a23=${foo:23})
+	same => n,Set(b23=${foo:-23})
+	same => n,Set(a24=${foo:24})
+	same => n,Set(b24=${foo:-24})
+	same => n,Set(a25=${foo:25})
+	same => n,Set(b25=${foo:-25})
+	same => n,Set(a26=${foo:26})
+	same => n,Set(b26=${foo:-26})
+	same => n,Set(a27=${foo:27})
+	same => n,Set(b27=${foo:-27})
+	same => n,Set(a28=${foo:28})
+	same => n,Set(b28=${foo:-28})
+	same => n,Set(a29=${foo:29})
+	same => n,Set(b29=${foo:-29})
+	same => n,Set(a30=${foo:30})
+	same => n,Set(b30=${foo:-30})
+	same => n,Set(message=foobar corrupted {$foo} != {$bar})
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${foo} != ${bar}]?test,result_fail,1)
+	same => n,Set(message=foo wrong len {$foo})
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${LEN(${foo})} != 32]?test,result_fail,1)
+	same => n,Set(i=$[${i} + 1])
+	same => n,EndWhile()
+exten => h,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Set(message=Test 6 had unexpected hangup)
+	same => n,Goto(test,result_fail,1)

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test6.conf
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test6.conf
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test6.conf
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test7.conf
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test7.conf?view=auto&rev=4397
--- asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test7.conf (added)
+++ asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test7.conf Wed Dec  4 16:35:13 2013
@@ -1,0 +1,80 @@
+exten => s,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Set(i=0)
+	same => n,Set(foo=${MD5(30132)})
+	same => n,Set(bar=${foo})
+	same => n,While(1)
+	same => n,NoOp(++++ TEST LOOP ${i} ++++)
+	same => n,Set(a1=${foo:1})
+	same => n,Set(b1=${foo:-1})
+	same => n,Set(a2=${foo:2})
+	same => n,Set(b2=${foo:-2})
+	same => n,Set(a3=${foo:3})
+	same => n,Set(b3=${foo:-3})
+	same => n,Set(a4=${foo:4})
+	same => n,Set(b4=${foo:-4})
+	same => n,Set(a5=${foo:5})
+	same => n,Set(b5=${foo:-5})
+	same => n,Set(a6=${foo:6})
+	same => n,Set(b6=${foo:-6})
+	same => n,Set(a7=${foo:7})
+	same => n,Set(b7=${foo:-7})
+	same => n,Set(a8=${foo:8})
+	same => n,Set(b8=${foo:-8})
+	same => n,Set(a9=${foo:9})
+	same => n,Set(b9=${foo:-9})
+	same => n,Set(a10=${foo:10})
+	same => n,Set(b10=${foo:-10})
+	same => n,Set(a11=${foo:11})
+	same => n,Set(b11=${foo:-11})
+	same => n,Set(a12=${foo:12})
+	same => n,Set(b12=${foo:-12})
+	same => n,Set(a13=${foo:13})
+	same => n,Set(b13=${foo:-13})
+	same => n,Set(a14=${foo:14})
+	same => n,Set(b14=${foo:-14})
+	same => n,Set(a15=${foo:15})
+	same => n,Set(b15=${foo:-15})
+	same => n,Set(a16=${foo:16})
+	same => n,Set(b16=${foo:-16})
+	same => n,Set(a17=${foo:17})
+	same => n,Set(b17=${foo:-17})
+	same => n,Set(a18=${foo:18})
+	same => n,Set(b18=${foo:-18})
+	same => n,Set(a19=${foo:19})
+	same => n,Set(b19=${foo:-19})
+	same => n,Set(a20=${foo:20})
+	same => n,Set(b20=${foo:-20})
+	same => n,Set(a21=${foo:21})
+	same => n,Set(b21=${foo:-21})
+	same => n,Set(a22=${foo:22})
+	same => n,Set(b22=${foo:-22})
+	same => n,Set(a23=${foo:23})
+	same => n,Set(b23=${foo:-23})
+	same => n,Set(a24=${foo:24})
+	same => n,Set(b24=${foo:-24})
+	same => n,Set(a25=${foo:25})
+	same => n,Set(b25=${foo:-25})
+	same => n,Set(a26=${foo:26})
+	same => n,Set(b26=${foo:-26})
+	same => n,Set(a27=${foo:27})
+	same => n,Set(b27=${foo:-27})
+	same => n,Set(a28=${foo:28})
+	same => n,Set(b28=${foo:-28})
+	same => n,Set(a29=${foo:29})
+	same => n,Set(b29=${foo:-29})
+	same => n,Set(a30=${foo:30})
+	same => n,Set(b30=${foo:-30})
+	same => n,Set(message=foobar corrupted {$foo} != {$bar})
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${foo} != ${bar}]?test,result_fail,1)
+	same => n,Set(message=foo wrong len {$foo})
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${LEN(${foo})} != 32]?test,result_fail,1)
+	same => n,Set(i=$[${i} + 1])
+	same => n,EndWhile()
+exten => h,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Set(message=Test 7 had unexpected hangup)
+	same => n,Goto(test,result_fail,1)

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test7.conf
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test7.conf
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test7.conf
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test8.conf
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test8.conf?view=auto&rev=4397
--- asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test8.conf (added)
+++ asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test8.conf Wed Dec  4 16:35:13 2013
@@ -1,0 +1,80 @@
+exten => s,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Set(i=0)
+	same => n,Set(foo=${MD5(6963)})
+	same => n,Set(bar=${foo})
+	same => n,While(1)
+	same => n,NoOp(++++ TEST LOOP ${i} ++++)
+	same => n,Set(a1=${foo:1})
+	same => n,Set(b1=${foo:-1})
+	same => n,Set(a2=${foo:2})
+	same => n,Set(b2=${foo:-2})
+	same => n,Set(a3=${foo:3})
+	same => n,Set(b3=${foo:-3})
+	same => n,Set(a4=${foo:4})
+	same => n,Set(b4=${foo:-4})
+	same => n,Set(a5=${foo:5})
+	same => n,Set(b5=${foo:-5})
+	same => n,Set(a6=${foo:6})
+	same => n,Set(b6=${foo:-6})
+	same => n,Set(a7=${foo:7})
+	same => n,Set(b7=${foo:-7})
+	same => n,Set(a8=${foo:8})
+	same => n,Set(b8=${foo:-8})
+	same => n,Set(a9=${foo:9})
+	same => n,Set(b9=${foo:-9})
+	same => n,Set(a10=${foo:10})
+	same => n,Set(b10=${foo:-10})
+	same => n,Set(a11=${foo:11})
+	same => n,Set(b11=${foo:-11})
+	same => n,Set(a12=${foo:12})
+	same => n,Set(b12=${foo:-12})
+	same => n,Set(a13=${foo:13})
+	same => n,Set(b13=${foo:-13})
+	same => n,Set(a14=${foo:14})
+	same => n,Set(b14=${foo:-14})
+	same => n,Set(a15=${foo:15})
+	same => n,Set(b15=${foo:-15})
+	same => n,Set(a16=${foo:16})
+	same => n,Set(b16=${foo:-16})
+	same => n,Set(a17=${foo:17})
+	same => n,Set(b17=${foo:-17})
+	same => n,Set(a18=${foo:18})
+	same => n,Set(b18=${foo:-18})
+	same => n,Set(a19=${foo:19})
+	same => n,Set(b19=${foo:-19})
+	same => n,Set(a20=${foo:20})
+	same => n,Set(b20=${foo:-20})
+	same => n,Set(a21=${foo:21})
+	same => n,Set(b21=${foo:-21})
+	same => n,Set(a22=${foo:22})
+	same => n,Set(b22=${foo:-22})
+	same => n,Set(a23=${foo:23})
+	same => n,Set(b23=${foo:-23})
+	same => n,Set(a24=${foo:24})
+	same => n,Set(b24=${foo:-24})
+	same => n,Set(a25=${foo:25})
+	same => n,Set(b25=${foo:-25})
+	same => n,Set(a26=${foo:26})
+	same => n,Set(b26=${foo:-26})
+	same => n,Set(a27=${foo:27})
+	same => n,Set(b27=${foo:-27})
+	same => n,Set(a28=${foo:28})
+	same => n,Set(b28=${foo:-28})
+	same => n,Set(a29=${foo:29})
+	same => n,Set(b29=${foo:-29})
+	same => n,Set(a30=${foo:30})
+	same => n,Set(b30=${foo:-30})
+	same => n,Set(message=foobar corrupted {$foo} != {$bar})
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${foo} != ${bar}]?test,result_fail,1)
+	same => n,Set(message=foo wrong len {$foo})
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${LEN(${foo})} != 32]?test,result_fail,1)
+	same => n,Set(i=$[${i} + 1])
+	same => n,EndWhile()
+exten => h,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Set(message=Test 8 had unexpected hangup)
+	same => n,Goto(test,result_fail,1)

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test8.conf
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test8.conf
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test8.conf
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test9.conf
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test9.conf?view=auto&rev=4397
--- asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test9.conf (added)
+++ asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test9.conf Wed Dec  4 16:35:13 2013
@@ -1,0 +1,80 @@
+exten => s,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Set(i=0)
+	same => n,Set(foo=${MD5(21737)})
+	same => n,Set(bar=${foo})
+	same => n,While(1)
+	same => n,NoOp(++++ TEST LOOP ${i} ++++)
+	same => n,Set(a1=${foo:1})
+	same => n,Set(b1=${foo:-1})
+	same => n,Set(a2=${foo:2})
+	same => n,Set(b2=${foo:-2})
+	same => n,Set(a3=${foo:3})
+	same => n,Set(b3=${foo:-3})
+	same => n,Set(a4=${foo:4})
+	same => n,Set(b4=${foo:-4})
+	same => n,Set(a5=${foo:5})
+	same => n,Set(b5=${foo:-5})
+	same => n,Set(a6=${foo:6})
+	same => n,Set(b6=${foo:-6})
+	same => n,Set(a7=${foo:7})
+	same => n,Set(b7=${foo:-7})
+	same => n,Set(a8=${foo:8})
+	same => n,Set(b8=${foo:-8})
+	same => n,Set(a9=${foo:9})
+	same => n,Set(b9=${foo:-9})
+	same => n,Set(a10=${foo:10})
+	same => n,Set(b10=${foo:-10})
+	same => n,Set(a11=${foo:11})
+	same => n,Set(b11=${foo:-11})
+	same => n,Set(a12=${foo:12})
+	same => n,Set(b12=${foo:-12})
+	same => n,Set(a13=${foo:13})
+	same => n,Set(b13=${foo:-13})
+	same => n,Set(a14=${foo:14})
+	same => n,Set(b14=${foo:-14})
+	same => n,Set(a15=${foo:15})
+	same => n,Set(b15=${foo:-15})
+	same => n,Set(a16=${foo:16})
+	same => n,Set(b16=${foo:-16})
+	same => n,Set(a17=${foo:17})
+	same => n,Set(b17=${foo:-17})
+	same => n,Set(a18=${foo:18})
+	same => n,Set(b18=${foo:-18})
+	same => n,Set(a19=${foo:19})
+	same => n,Set(b19=${foo:-19})
+	same => n,Set(a20=${foo:20})
+	same => n,Set(b20=${foo:-20})
+	same => n,Set(a21=${foo:21})
+	same => n,Set(b21=${foo:-21})
+	same => n,Set(a22=${foo:22})
+	same => n,Set(b22=${foo:-22})
+	same => n,Set(a23=${foo:23})
+	same => n,Set(b23=${foo:-23})
+	same => n,Set(a24=${foo:24})
+	same => n,Set(b24=${foo:-24})
+	same => n,Set(a25=${foo:25})
+	same => n,Set(b25=${foo:-25})
+	same => n,Set(a26=${foo:26})
+	same => n,Set(b26=${foo:-26})
+	same => n,Set(a27=${foo:27})
+	same => n,Set(b27=${foo:-27})
+	same => n,Set(a28=${foo:28})
+	same => n,Set(b28=${foo:-28})
+	same => n,Set(a29=${foo:29})
+	same => n,Set(b29=${foo:-29})
+	same => n,Set(a30=${foo:30})
+	same => n,Set(b30=${foo:-30})
+	same => n,Set(message=foobar corrupted {$foo} != {$bar})
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${foo} != ${bar}]?test,result_fail,1)
+	same => n,Set(message=foo wrong len {$foo})
+	same => n,GotoIf($[${LEN(${foo})} != 32]?test,result_fail,1)
+	same => n,Set(i=$[${i} + 1])
+	same => n,EndWhile()
+exten => h,1,NoOp()
+	same => n,Set(message=Test 9 had unexpected hangup)
+	same => n,Goto(test,result_fail,1)

Propchange: asterisk/team/sgriepentrog/testsuite-valgrind/tests/pbx/dialplan_stress/configs/ast1/test9.conf
    svn:eol-style = native

[... 311 lines stripped ...]

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