[asterisk-commits] rmudgett: trunk r366663 - in /trunk: include/asterisk/ main/ tests/

SVN commits to the Asterisk project asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Wed May 16 11:34:46 CDT 2012

Author: rmudgett
Date: Wed May 16 11:34:42 2012
New Revision: 366663

URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk?view=rev&rev=366663
Change ao2 global array to ao2 global object holder.

Review: https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/1921/


Modified: trunk/include/asterisk/astobj2.h
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/trunk/include/asterisk/astobj2.h?view=diff&rev=366663&r1=366662&r2=366663
--- trunk/include/asterisk/astobj2.h (original)
+++ trunk/include/asterisk/astobj2.h Wed May 16 11:34:42 2012
@@ -565,130 +565,133 @@
 void *ao2_object_get_lockaddr(void *obj);
-/*! Global ao2 array container base structure. */
+/*! Global ao2 object holder structure. */
 struct ao2_global_obj {
-	/*! Access lock to the global ao2 array container. */
+	/*! Access lock to the held ao2 object. */
 	ast_rwlock_t lock;
-	/*! Number of elements in the global ao2 array container. */
-	unsigned int num_elements;
-	/*! Global ao2 array container array. */
-	void *obj[0];
+	/*! Global ao2 object. */
+	void *obj;
- * \brief Define a structure to be used to hold a global array of ao2 objects, statically initialized.
+ * \brief Define a global object holder to be used to hold an ao2 object, statically initialized.
  * \since 11.0
- * \param name This will be the name of the defined structure.
- * \param num_objects Number of ao2 objects to contain.
+ * \param name This will be the name of the object holder.
  * \details
- * This macro creates a structure definition that can be used to
- * hold an array of ao2 objects accessible using an API.  The
- * structure is allocated and initialized to be empty.
+ * This macro creates a global object holder that can be used to
+ * hold an ao2 object accessible using an API.  The structure is
+ * allocated and initialized to be empty.
  * Example usage:
  * \code
- * static AO2_GLOBAL_OBJ_STATIC(global_cfg, 10);
+ * static AO2_GLOBAL_OBJ_STATIC(global_cfg);
  * \endcode
- * This would define \c struct \c global_cfg, intended to hold
- * an array of ao2 objects accessible using an API.
+ * This defines global_cfg, intended to hold an ao2 object
+ * accessible using an API.
-#define AO2_GLOBAL_OBJ_STATIC(name, num_objects)						\
-	struct name {														\
-		struct ao2_global_obj global;									\
-		void *objs[num_objects];										\
-	} name;																\
+#define AO2_GLOBAL_OBJ_STATIC(name)										\
+	struct ao2_global_obj name;											\
 	static void  __attribute__((constructor)) __init_##name(void)		\
 	{																	\
-		unsigned int idx = (num_objects);								\
-		ast_rwlock_init(&name.global.lock);								\
-		name.global.num_elements = idx;									\
-		while (idx--) {													\
-			name.global.obj[idx] = NULL;								\
-		}																\
+		ast_rwlock_init(&name.lock);									\
+		name.obj = NULL;												\
 	}																	\
 	static void  __attribute__((destructor)) __fini_##name(void)		\
 	{																	\
-		unsigned int idx = (num_objects);								\
-		while (idx--) {													\
-			if (name.global.obj[idx]) {									\
-				ao2_ref(name.global.obj[idx], -1);						\
-				name.global.obj[idx] = NULL;							\
-			}															\
+		if (name.obj) {													\
+			ao2_ref(name.obj, -1);										\
+			name.obj = NULL;											\
 		}																\
-		ast_rwlock_destroy(&name.global.lock);							\
+		ast_rwlock_destroy(&name.lock);									\
 	}																	\
 	struct __dummy_##name
-#define AO2_GLOBAL_OBJ_STATIC(name, num_objects)						\
-	struct name {														\
-		struct ao2_global_obj global;									\
-		void *objs[num_objects];										\
-	} name = {															\
-		.global.lock = AST_RWLOCK_INIT_VALUE,							\
-		.global.num_elements = (num_objects),							\
+#define AO2_GLOBAL_OBJ_STATIC(name)										\
+	struct ao2_global_obj name = {										\
+		.lock = AST_RWLOCK_INIT_VALUE,									\
- * \brief Release all global ao2 objects in the global array.
+ * \brief Release the ao2 object held in the global holder.
  * \since 11.0
- * \param array Global ao2 object array container.
+ * \param holder Global ao2 object holder.
  * \param tag used for debugging
  * \return Nothing
-#define ao2_t_global_obj_release(array, tag)	\
-	__ao2_global_obj_release(&array.global, (tag), __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, #array)
-#define ao2_global_obj_release(array)	\
-	__ao2_global_obj_release(&array.global, "", __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, #array)
-void __ao2_global_obj_release(struct ao2_global_obj *array, const char *tag, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *name);
- * \brief Replace a global ao2 object in the global array.
+#define ao2_t_global_obj_release(holder, tag)	\
+	__ao2_global_obj_release(&holder, (tag), __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, #holder)
+#define ao2_global_obj_release(holder)	\
+	__ao2_global_obj_release(&holder, "", __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, #holder)
+void __ao2_global_obj_release(struct ao2_global_obj *holder, const char *tag, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *name);
+ * \brief Replace an ao2 object in the global holder.
  * \since 11.0
- * \param array Global ao2 object array container.
- * \param idx Index to replace in the array.
- * \param obj Object to put into the array.  Can be NULL.
+ * \param holder Global ao2 object holder.
+ * \param obj Object to put into the holder.  Can be NULL.
  * \param tag used for debugging
  * \note This function automatically increases the reference
- * count to account for the reference that the global array now
+ * count to account for the reference that the global holder now
  * holds to the object.
- * \retval Reference to previous global ao2 object stored at the index.
+ * \retval Reference to previous global ao2 object stored.
  * \retval NULL if no object available.
-#define ao2_t_global_obj_replace(array, idx, obj, tag)	\
-	__ao2_global_obj_replace(&array.global, (idx), (obj), (tag), __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, #array)
-#define ao2_global_obj_replace(array, idx, obj)	\
-	__ao2_global_obj_replace(&array.global, (idx), (obj), "", __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, #array)
-void *__ao2_global_obj_replace(struct ao2_global_obj *array, unsigned int idx, void *obj, const char *tag, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *name);
- * \brief Get a reference to the object stored in the ao2 global array.
+#define ao2_t_global_obj_replace(holder, obj, tag)	\
+	__ao2_global_obj_replace(&holder, (obj), (tag), __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, #holder)
+#define ao2_global_obj_replace(holder, idx, obj)	\
+	__ao2_global_obj_replace(&holder, (obj), "", __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, #holder)
+void *__ao2_global_obj_replace(struct ao2_global_obj *holder, void *obj, const char *tag, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *name);
+ * \brief Replace an ao2 object in the global holder, throwing away any old object.
  * \since 11.0
- * \param array Global ao2 object array container.
- * \param idx Index to get an object reference in the array.
+ * \param holder Global ao2 object holder.
+ * \param obj Object to put into the holder.  Can be NULL.
  * \param tag used for debugging
- * \retval Reference to current global ao2 object stored at the index.
+ * \note This function automatically increases the reference
+ * count to account for the reference that the global holder now
+ * holds to the object.  It also decreases the reference count
+ * of any object being replaced.
+ *
+ * \retval 0 The global object was previously empty
+ * \retval 1 The global object was not previously empty
+ */
+#define ao2_t_global_obj_replace_unref(holder, obj, tag)	\
+	__ao2_global_obj_replace_unref(&holder, (obj), (tag), __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, #holder)
+#define ao2_global_obj_replace_unref(holder, obj)	\
+	__ao2_global_obj_replace_unref(&holder, (obj), "", __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, #holder)
+int __ao2_global_obj_replace_unref(struct ao2_global_obj *holder, void *obj, const char *tag, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *name);
+ * \brief Get a reference to the object stored in the global holder.
+ * \since 11.0
+ *
+ * \param holder Global ao2 object holder.
+ * \param tag used for debugging
+ *
+ * \retval Reference to current ao2 object stored in the holder.
  * \retval NULL if no object available.
-#define ao2_t_global_obj_ref(array, idx, tag)	\
-	__ao2_global_obj_ref(&array.global, (idx), (tag), __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, #array)
-#define ao2_global_obj_ref(array, idx)	\
-	__ao2_global_obj_ref(&array.global, (idx), "", __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, #array)
-void *__ao2_global_obj_ref(struct ao2_global_obj *array, unsigned int idx, const char *tag, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *name);
+#define ao2_t_global_obj_ref(holder, tag)	\
+	__ao2_global_obj_ref(&holder, (tag), __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, #holder)
+#define ao2_global_obj_ref(holder, idx)	\
+	__ao2_global_obj_ref(&holder, "", __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, #holder)
+void *__ao2_global_obj_ref(struct ao2_global_obj *holder, const char *tag, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *name);

Modified: trunk/main/astobj2.c
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/trunk/main/astobj2.c?view=diff&rev=366663&r1=366662&r2=366663
--- trunk/main/astobj2.c (original)
+++ trunk/main/astobj2.c Wed May 16 11:34:42 2012
@@ -634,40 +634,35 @@
-void __ao2_global_obj_release(struct ao2_global_obj *array, const char *tag, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *name)
-	unsigned int idx;
-	if (!array) {
+void __ao2_global_obj_release(struct ao2_global_obj *holder, const char *tag, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *name)
+	if (!holder) {
 		/* For sanity */
-	if (__ast_rwlock_wrlock(file, line, func, &array->lock, name)) {
+	if (__ast_rwlock_wrlock(file, line, func, &holder->lock, name)) {
 		/* Could not get the write lock. */
-	/* Release all contained ao2 objects. */
-	idx = array->num_elements;
-	while (idx--) {
-		if (array->obj[idx]) {
-			__ao2_ref_debug(array->obj[idx], -1, tag, file, line, func);
-			array->obj[idx] = NULL;
-		}
-	}
-	__ast_rwlock_unlock(file, line, func, &array->lock, name);
-void *__ao2_global_obj_replace(struct ao2_global_obj *array, unsigned int idx, void *obj, const char *tag, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *name)
+	/* Release the held ao2 object. */
+	if (holder->obj) {
+		__ao2_ref_debug(holder->obj, -1, tag, file, line, func);
+		holder->obj = NULL;
+	}
+	__ast_rwlock_unlock(file, line, func, &holder->lock, name);
+void *__ao2_global_obj_replace(struct ao2_global_obj *holder, void *obj, const char *tag, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *name)
 	void *obj_old;
-	if (!array || array->num_elements <= idx) {
+	if (!holder) {
 		/* For sanity */
 		return NULL;
-	if (__ast_rwlock_wrlock(file, line, func, &array->lock, name)) {
+	if (__ast_rwlock_wrlock(file, line, func, &holder->lock, name)) {
 		/* Could not get the write lock. */
 		return NULL;
@@ -675,33 +670,45 @@
 	if (obj) {
 		__ao2_ref_debug(obj, +1, tag, file, line, func);
-	obj_old = array->obj[idx];
-	array->obj[idx] = obj;
-	__ast_rwlock_unlock(file, line, func, &array->lock, name);
+	obj_old = holder->obj;
+	holder->obj = obj;
+	__ast_rwlock_unlock(file, line, func, &holder->lock, name);
 	return obj_old;
-void *__ao2_global_obj_ref(struct ao2_global_obj *array, unsigned int idx, const char *tag, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *name)
+int __ao2_global_obj_replace_unref(struct ao2_global_obj *holder, void *obj, const char *tag, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *name)
+	void *obj_old;
+	obj_old = __ao2_global_obj_replace(holder, obj, tag, file, line, func, name);
+	if (obj_old) {
+		__ao2_ref_debug(obj_old, -1, tag, file, line, func);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+void *__ao2_global_obj_ref(struct ao2_global_obj *holder, const char *tag, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *name)
 	void *obj;
-	if (!array || array->num_elements <= idx) {
+	if (!holder) {
 		/* For sanity */
 		return NULL;
-	if (__ast_rwlock_rdlock(file, line, func, &array->lock, name)) {
+	if (__ast_rwlock_rdlock(file, line, func, &holder->lock, name)) {
 		/* Could not get the read lock. */
 		return NULL;
-	obj = array->obj[idx];
+	obj = holder->obj;
 	if (obj) {
 		__ao2_ref_debug(obj, +1, tag, file, line, func);
-	__ast_rwlock_unlock(file, line, func, &array->lock, name);
+	__ast_rwlock_unlock(file, line, func, &holder->lock, name);
 	return obj;

Modified: trunk/tests/test_astobj2.c
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/trunk/tests/test_astobj2.c?view=diff&rev=366663&r1=366662&r2=366663
--- trunk/tests/test_astobj2.c (original)
+++ trunk/tests/test_astobj2.c Wed May 16 11:34:42 2012
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@
 	return res;
-static AO2_GLOBAL_OBJ_STATIC(astobj2_array, 2);
+static AO2_GLOBAL_OBJ_STATIC(astobj2_holder);
@@ -582,15 +582,15 @@
 	case TEST_INIT:
 		info->name = "astobj2_test3";
 		info->category = "/main/astobj2/";
-		info->summary = "Test global ao2 array container";
+		info->summary = "Test global ao2 holder";
 		info->description =
-			"This test is to see if the global ao2 array container works as intended.";
+			"This test is to see if the global ao2 holder works as intended.";
 		return AST_TEST_NOT_RUN;
-	/* Put an object in index 0 */
+	/* Put an object in the holder */
 	obj = ao2_alloc(sizeof(struct test_obj), test_obj_destructor);
 	if (!obj) {
 		ast_test_status_update(test, "ao2_alloc failed.\n");
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@
 	obj->destructor_count = &destructor_count;
 	obj->i = ++num_objects;
-	obj2 = ao2_t_global_obj_replace(astobj2_array, 0, obj, "Save object in index 0");
+	obj2 = ao2_t_global_obj_replace(astobj2_holder, obj, "Save object in the holder");
 	if (obj2) {
 		ast_test_status_update(test, "Returned object not expected.\n");
 		res = AST_TEST_FAIL;
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@
 	/* Save object for next check. */
 	obj3 = obj;
-	/* Replace an object in index 0 */
+	/* Replace an object in the holder */
 	obj = ao2_alloc(sizeof(struct test_obj), test_obj_destructor);
 	if (!obj) {
 		ast_test_status_update(test, "ao2_alloc failed.\n");
@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@
 	obj->destructor_count = &destructor_count;
 	obj->i = ++num_objects;
-	obj2 = ao2_t_global_obj_replace(astobj2_array, 0, obj, "Replace object in index 0");
+	obj2 = ao2_t_global_obj_replace(astobj2_holder, obj, "Replace object in the holder");
 	if (!obj2) {
 		ast_test_status_update(test, "Expected an object.\n");
 		res = AST_TEST_FAIL;
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@
 	obj2 = NULL;
 	ao2_ref(obj, -1);
-	/* Put an object in index 1 */
+	/* Replace with unref of an object in the holder */
 	obj = ao2_alloc(sizeof(struct test_obj), test_obj_destructor);
 	if (!obj) {
 		ast_test_status_update(test, "ao2_alloc failed.\n");
@@ -643,25 +643,23 @@
 	obj->destructor_count = &destructor_count;
 	obj->i = ++num_objects;
-	obj2 = ao2_t_global_obj_replace(astobj2_array, 1, obj, "Save object in index 1");
-	if (obj2) {
-		ao2_ref(obj2, -1);
-		ast_test_status_update(test, "Returned object not expected.\n");
+	if (!ao2_t_global_obj_replace_unref(astobj2_holder, obj, "Replace w/ unref object in the holder")) {
+		ast_test_status_update(test, "Expected an object to be replaced.\n");
 		res = AST_TEST_FAIL;
 		goto cleanup;
 	/* Save object for next check. */
 	obj3 = obj;
-	/* Get a reference to the object in index 1. */
-	obj = ao2_t_global_obj_ref(astobj2_array, 1, "Get reference of index 1 object");
+	/* Get reference to held object. */
+	obj = ao2_t_global_obj_ref(astobj2_holder, "Get a held object reference");
 	if (!obj) {
 		ast_test_status_update(test, "Expected an object.\n");
 		res = AST_TEST_FAIL;
 		goto cleanup;
 	if (obj != obj3) {
-		ast_test_status_update(test, "Returned object not expected.\n");
+		ast_test_status_update(test, "Referenced object not expected object.\n");
 		res = AST_TEST_FAIL;
 		goto cleanup;
@@ -670,8 +668,8 @@
 	ao2_ref(obj, -1);
 	obj = NULL;
-	/* Release all objects in the global array. */
-	ao2_t_global_obj_release(astobj2_array, "Check release all objects");
+	/* Release the object in the global holder. */
+	ao2_t_global_obj_release(astobj2_holder, "Check release all objects");
 	destructor_count += num_objects;
 	if (0 < destructor_count) {
@@ -695,7 +693,7 @@
 	if (obj3) {
 		ao2_t_ref(obj3, -1, "Test cleanup external object 3");
-	ao2_t_global_obj_release(astobj2_array, "Test cleanup array");
+	ao2_t_global_obj_release(astobj2_holder, "Test cleanup holder");
 	return res;

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