[asterisk-commits] mjordan: testsuite/asterisk/trunk r3279 - /asterisk/trunk/tests/apps/voicemai...

SVN commits to the Asterisk project asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Fri Jun 22 16:33:05 CDT 2012

Author: mjordan
Date: Fri Jun 22 16:33:01 2012
New Revision: 3279

URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite?view=rev&rev=3279
Update play_message test to be tolerant of starpy

While starpy in our github repo should be attempting to use ',' to
delineate channel variables, for whatever reason, whatever version of
starpy is installed is using '|' characters.  Rather then rely on starpy
to update its nomenclature to a supported version of Asterisk, we simply
pack the channel variables to set in an Originate into one long string.


Modified: asterisk/trunk/tests/apps/voicemail/play_message/run-test
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/testsuite/asterisk/trunk/tests/apps/voicemail/play_message/run-test?view=diff&rev=3279&r1=3278&r2=3279
--- asterisk/trunk/tests/apps/voicemail/play_message/run-test (original)
+++ asterisk/trunk/tests/apps/voicemail/play_message/run-test Fri Jun 22 16:33:01 2012
@@ -66,8 +66,9 @@
     def _start_test(self, ami):
         test = self._tests[self._current_test]
         logger.debug("Setting context=%s; mailbox=%s; msgid=%s" % (test["context"], test["mailbox"], test["msg_id"]))
+        variable_value = '%s,MAILBOX=%s,MSGID=%s' % (test['context'], test['mailbox'], test['msg_id'])
         ami.originate(channel = "Local/playmsg at voicemail", application = "Echo",
-            variable={"MAILCONTEXT": test["context"], "MAILBOX": test["mailbox"], "MSGID": test["msg_id"]}).addErrback(self.handleOriginateFailure)
+            variable={"MAILCONTEXT": variable_value}).addErrback(self.handleOriginateFailure)
     def test_event_handler(self, ami, event):
         if 'state' in event and 'message' in event:

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