[asterisk-commits] oej: branch oej/appleraisin-being-able-to-store-astdb-in-realtime-trunk r3640...
SVN commits to the Asterisk project
asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Thu Apr 26 14:59:22 CDT 2012
Author: oej
Date: Thu Apr 26 14:59:08 2012
New Revision: 364049
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk?view=rev&rev=364049
Look pa, it compiles. A good start.
Modified: team/oej/appleraisin-being-able-to-store-astdb-in-realtime-trunk/main/db.c
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/team/oej/appleraisin-being-able-to-store-astdb-in-realtime-trunk/main/db.c?view=diff&rev=364049&r1=364048&r2=364049
--- team/oej/appleraisin-being-able-to-store-astdb-in-realtime-trunk/main/db.c (original)
+++ team/oej/appleraisin-being-able-to-store-astdb-in-realtime-trunk/main/db.c Thu Apr 26 14:59:08 2012
@@ -25,6 +25,14 @@
* \note DB3 is licensed under Sleepycat Public License and is thus incompatible
* with GPL. To avoid having to make another exception (and complicate
* licensing even further) we elect to use DB1 which is BSD licensed
+ *
+ *
+ * \note AstDB realtime
+ * AstDB realtime works with the basic operations - put, get, del
+ * Database show also works.
+ *
+ * The tree/family operations doesn't currently work. Maybe tree and family needs
+ * to be separate fields in the database, instead of one single field as I've tried with.
#include "asterisk.h"
@@ -42,6 +50,7 @@
#include <sqlite3.h>
#include "asterisk/channel.h"
+#include "asterisk/config.h"
#include "asterisk/file.h"
#include "asterisk/app.h"
#include "asterisk/dsp.h"
@@ -111,6 +120,24 @@
static void db_sync(void);
+static int db_rt; /*!< Flag for realtime system */
+static char *db_rt_rtfamily = "astdb"; /*!< Realtime name tag */
+static char *db_rt_value = "value"; /*!< Database field name for values */
+static char *db_rt_family = "family"; /*!< Database field name for family */
+static char *db_rt_key = "keyname"; /*!< Database field name for key */
+static char *db_rt_sysnamelabel = "systemname"; /*!< Database field name for system name */
+static const char *db_rt_sysname; /*!< From asterisk.conf or "asterisk" */
+/*! \brief Initialize either realtime support or Asterisk ast-db.
+ Note: Since realtime support is loaded after astdb, we can not do this early, but has to do the
+ check on need. Now, there's a risk an internal module (not a loaded module) use astdb before
+ realtime is checked, but that's something we propably have to live with until we solve it.
+ Make sure that realtime modules are loaded before dundi and the channels.
#define DEFINE_SQL_STATEMENT(stmt,sql) static sqlite3_stmt *stmt; \
const char stmt##_sql[] = sql;
@@ -225,8 +252,24 @@
return 0;
+/*! \brief Initialize either realtime support or Asterisk ast-db.
+ Note: Since realtime support is loaded after astdb, we can not do this early, but has to do the
+ check on need. Now, there's a risk an internal module (not a loaded module) use astdb before
+ realtime is checked, but that's something we propably have to live with until we solve it.
+ Make sure that realtime modules are loaded before dundi and the channels.
static int db_init(void)
+ if (db_rt) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ db_rt = ast_check_realtime(db_rt_rtfamily);
+ if (db_rt) {
+ return 0;
+ }
if (astdb) {
return 0;
@@ -236,6 +279,79 @@
return 0;
+/*! \brief Load a set of entries from astdb/realtime. This is for all operations that
+ work on a whole "tree" or "family"
+ \note the calling function needs to destroy the result set with ast_config_destroy(resultset)
+static struct ast_variable *db_realtime_getall(const char *family, const char *key)
+ struct ast_variable *data, *returnset = NULL;
+ const char *keyname = NULL, *familyname = NULL;
+ struct ast_config *variablelist = NULL;
+ const char *cat = NULL;
+ char buf[512];
+ ast_debug(2, ">>>>>> getall family: %s Key %s \n", family, key);
+ if (ast_strlen_zero(family)) {
+ /* Load all entries in the astdb */
+ if (ast_strlen_zero(key)) {
+ /* No variables given */
+ variablelist = ast_load_realtime_multientry(db_rt_rtfamily, db_rt_sysnamelabel, db_rt_sysname, SENTINEL);
+ } else {
+ /* Only key given */
+ variablelist = ast_load_realtime_multientry(db_rt_rtfamily, db_rt_sysnamelabel, db_rt_sysname, db_rt_key, key, SENTINEL);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (ast_strlen_zero(key)) {
+ variablelist = ast_load_realtime_multientry(db_rt_rtfamily, db_rt_sysnamelabel, db_rt_sysname, db_rt_family, family, SENTINEL);
+ } else {
+ variablelist = ast_load_realtime_multientry(db_rt_rtfamily, db_rt_sysnamelabel, db_rt_sysname, db_rt_family, family, db_rt_key, key, SENTINEL);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!variablelist) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Now we need to start converting all this stuff. We have thre ast_variable sets per record in the result set */
+ while ((cat = ast_category_browse(variablelist, cat))) {
+ struct ast_variable *resultset, *cur;
+ cur = resultset = ast_variable_browse(variablelist, cat);
+ /* skip the system name */
+ while (cur) {
+ ast_debug(2, ">>>> Found name %s ...\n", cur->name);
+ if (!strcmp(cur->name, db_rt_family)) {
+ familyname = cur->value;
+ } else if (!strcmp(cur->name, db_rt_key)) {
+ keyname = cur->value;
+ } else if (!strcmp(cur->name, db_rt_value)) {
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/%s/%s", S_OR(familyname, ""), S_OR(keyname, ""));
+ data = ast_variable_new(buf, S_OR(cur->value, "astdb-realtime"), "");
+ familyname = keyname = NULL;
+ ast_debug(2, "#### Found Variable %s with value %s \n", buf, cur->value);
+ /* Add this to the returnset */
+ data->next = returnset;
+ returnset = data;
+ } else {
+ if (ast_strlen_zero(cur->name)) {
+ ast_debug(2, "#### Skipping strange record \n");
+ } else {
+ ast_debug(2, "#### Skipping %s with value %s \n", cur->name, cur->value);
+ }
+ }
+ cur = cur->next;
+ }
+ //if (resultset)
+ //ast_variables_destroy(resultset);
+ }
+ /* Clean up the resultset */
+ ast_config_destroy(variablelist);
+ return returnset;
/* We purposely don't lock around the sqlite3 call because the transaction
@@ -276,31 +392,62 @@
char fullkey[MAX_DB_FIELD];
size_t fullkey_len;
int res = 0;
+ int rowsaffected ;
if (strlen(family) + strlen(key) + 2 > sizeof(fullkey) - 1) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Family and key length must be less than %zu bytes\n", sizeof(fullkey) - 3);
return -1;
+ if (!db_rt) {
+ ast_mutex_lock(&dblock);
+ if (db_init()) {
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&dblock);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (db_rt) {
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&dblock);
+ }
+ }
fullkey_len = snprintf(fullkey, sizeof(fullkey), "/%s/%s", family, key);
- ast_mutex_lock(&dblock);
- if (sqlite3_bind_text(put_stmt, 1, fullkey, fullkey_len, SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK) {
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't bind key to stmt: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(astdb));
- res = -1;
- } else if (sqlite3_bind_text(put_stmt, 2, value, -1, SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK) {
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't bind value to stmt: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(astdb));
- res = -1;
- } else if (sqlite3_step(put_stmt) != SQLITE_DONE) {
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't execute statment: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(astdb));
- res = -1;
- }
- sqlite3_reset(put_stmt);
- db_sync();
- ast_mutex_unlock(&dblock);
+ if (!db_rt) {
+ ast_mutex_lock(&dblock);
+ if (sqlite3_bind_text(put_stmt, 1, fullkey, fullkey_len, SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't bind key to stmt: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(astdb));
+ res = -1;
+ } else if (sqlite3_bind_text(put_stmt, 2, value, -1, SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't bind value to stmt: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(astdb));
+ res = -1;
+ } else if (sqlite3_step(put_stmt) != SQLITE_DONE) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't execute statment: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(astdb));
+ res = -1;
+ }
+ sqlite3_reset(put_stmt);
+ db_sync();
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&dblock);
+ return res;
+ }
+ /* Now, the question here is if we're overwriting or adding
+ First, let's try updating it.
+ */
+ ast_debug(2, ".... Trying ast_update_realtime\n");
+ /* Update_realtime with mysql returns the number of rows affected */
+ rowsaffected = ast_update2_realtime(db_rt_rtfamily, db_rt_family, family, db_rt_key, key, db_rt_sysnamelabel, db_rt_sysname, SENTINEL, db_rt_value, value, SENTINEL);
+ res = rowsaffected > 0 ? 0 : 1;
+ if (res) {
+ ast_debug(2, ".... Trying ast_store_realtime\n");
+ /* Update failed, let's try adding a new record */
+ res = ast_store_realtime(db_rt_rtfamily, db_rt_sysnamelabel, db_rt_sysname, db_rt_family, family, db_rt_key, key, db_rt_value, value, SENTINEL);
+ /* Ast_store_realtime with mysql returns 0 if ok, -1 if bad */
+ }
+ if (res) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to put value '%s' for key '%s' in family '%s'\n", value, key, family);
+ }
return res;
int ast_db_get(const char *family, const char *key, char *value, int valuelen)
@@ -310,10 +457,43 @@
size_t fullkey_len;
int res = 0;
+ if (!db_rt) {
+ ast_mutex_lock(&dblock);
+ if (db_init()) {
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&dblock);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (db_rt) {
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&dblock);
+ }
+ }
if (strlen(family) + strlen(key) + 2 > sizeof(fullkey) - 1) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Family and key length must be less than %zu bytes\n", sizeof(fullkey) - 3);
return -1;
+ if (db_rt) {
+ struct ast_variable *var, *res;
+ memset(value, 0, valuelen);
+ res = var = ast_load_realtime(db_rt_rtfamily, db_rt_sysnamelabel, db_rt_sysname, db_rt_family, family, db_rt_key, key, SENTINEL);
+ if (!var) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* We should only have one value here, so let's make this simple... */
+ while (res) {
+ if (!strcasecmp(res->name, db_rt_value)) {
+ ast_copy_string(value, res->value, (valuelen > strlen(res->value) ) ? strlen(res->value) +1: valuelen);
+ res = NULL;
+ } else {
+ res = res->next;
+ }
+ }
+ ast_variables_destroy(var);
+ return 0;
+ }
fullkey_len = snprintf(fullkey, sizeof(fullkey), "/%s/%s", family, key);
@@ -342,24 +522,43 @@
size_t fullkey_len;
int res = 0;
+ if (!db_rt) {
+ ast_mutex_lock(&dblock);
+ if (db_init()) {
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&dblock);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (db_rt) {
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&dblock);
+ }
+ }
if (strlen(family) + strlen(key) + 2 > sizeof(fullkey) - 1) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Family and key length must be less than %zu bytes\n", sizeof(fullkey) - 3);
return -1;
fullkey_len = snprintf(fullkey, sizeof(fullkey), "/%s/%s", family, key);
- ast_mutex_lock(&dblock);
- if (sqlite3_bind_text(del_stmt, 1, fullkey, fullkey_len, SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK) {
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't bind key to stmt: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(astdb));
- res = -1;
- } else if (sqlite3_step(del_stmt) != SQLITE_DONE) {
+ if (db_rt) {
+ int rowcount = ast_destroy_realtime(db_rt_rtfamily, db_rt_sysnamelabel, db_rt_sysname, db_rt_family, family, db_rt_key, key, SENTINEL);
+ res = rowcount > 0 ? 0 : 1;
+ } else {
+ ast_mutex_lock(&dblock);
+ if (sqlite3_bind_text(del_stmt, 1, fullkey, fullkey_len, SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't bind key to stmt: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(astdb));
+ res = -1;
+ } else if (sqlite3_step(del_stmt) != SQLITE_DONE) {
+ ast_debug(1, "Unable to find key '%s' in family '%s'\n", key, family);
+ res = -1;
+ }
+ sqlite3_reset(del_stmt);
+ db_sync();
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&dblock);
+ }
+ if (res) {
ast_debug(1, "Unable to find key '%s' in family '%s'\n", key, family);
- res = -1;
- }
- sqlite3_reset(del_stmt);
- db_sync();
- ast_mutex_unlock(&dblock);
+ }
return res;
@@ -369,6 +568,8 @@
sqlite3_stmt *stmt = deltree_stmt;
char prefix[MAX_DB_FIELD];
int res = 0;
+ struct ast_variable *murderlist, *cur;
+ int counter = 0;
if (!ast_strlen_zero(family)) {
if (!ast_strlen_zero(keytree)) {
@@ -383,22 +584,42 @@
stmt = deltree_all_stmt;
- ast_mutex_lock(&dblock);
- if (!ast_strlen_zero(prefix) && (sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, prefix, -1, SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK)) {
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Could bind %s to stmt: %s\n", prefix, sqlite3_errmsg(astdb));
- res = -1;
- } else if (sqlite3_step(stmt) != SQLITE_DONE) {
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't execute stmt: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(astdb));
- res = -1;
- }
- res = sqlite3_changes(astdb);
- sqlite3_reset(stmt);
- db_sync();
- ast_mutex_unlock(&dblock);
- return res;
+ if (!db_rt) {
+ ast_mutex_lock(&dblock);
+ if (!ast_strlen_zero(prefix) && (sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, prefix, -1, SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Could bind %s to stmt: %s\n", prefix, sqlite3_errmsg(astdb));
+ res = -1;
+ } else if (sqlite3_step(stmt) != SQLITE_DONE) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't execute stmt: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(astdb));
+ res = -1;
+ }
+ res = sqlite3_changes(astdb);
+ sqlite3_reset(stmt);
+ db_sync();
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&dblock);
+ return res;
+ }
+ cur = murderlist = db_realtime_getall(family, S_OR(keytree, ""));
+ while (cur) {
+ int res;
+ char *familyname = ast_strdupa(&cur->name[1]); /* Skip the first slash */
+ char *keyname = familyname;
+ familyname = strsep(&keyname, "/");
+ res = ast_destroy_realtime(db_rt_rtfamily, db_rt_sysnamelabel, db_rt_sysname, db_rt_family, familyname, db_rt_key, keyname, SENTINEL);
+ if (res >= 0) {
+ counter ++;
+ }
+ cur = cur->next;
+ }
+ ast_variables_destroy(murderlist);
+ return counter;
+/* Note: XXX Not adopted to realtime */
struct ast_db_entry *ast_db_gettree(const char *family, const char *keytree)
char prefix[MAX_DB_FIELD];
@@ -482,6 +703,7 @@
if (a->argc != 5)
res = ast_db_put(a->argv[2], a->argv[3], a->argv[4]);
if (res) {
ast_cli(a->fd, "Failed to update entry\n");
@@ -556,7 +778,7 @@
e->usage =
"Usage: database deltree <family> [keytree]\n"
" OR: database deltree <family>[/keytree]\n"
- " Deletes a family or specific keytree within a family\n"
+ " Deletes a family or specific keytree within a family\n"
" in the Asterisk database. The two arguments may be\n"
" separated by either a space or a slash.\n";
return NULL;
@@ -780,8 +1002,9 @@
return 0;
- if (!ast_strlen_zero(id))
+ if (!ast_strlen_zero(id)) {
snprintf(idText, sizeof(idText) ,"ActionID: %s\r\n", id);
+ }
res = ast_db_get(family, key, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
if (res) {
@@ -820,10 +1043,11 @@
res = ast_db_del(family, key);
- if (res)
+ if (res) {
astman_send_error(s, m, "Database entry not found");
- else
+ } else {
astman_send_ack(s, m, "Key deleted successfully");
+ }
return 0;
@@ -922,9 +1146,14 @@
int astdb_init(void)
+ /* When this routine is run, the realtime modules are not loaded so we can't initialize realtime yet. */
+ db_rt = 0;
if (db_init()) {
return -1;
+ /* If you have multiple systems using the same database, set the systemname in asterisk.conf */
+ db_rt_sysname = S_OR(ast_config_AST_SYSTEM_NAME, "asterisk");
ast_cond_init(&dbcond, NULL);
if (ast_pthread_create_background(&syncthread, NULL, db_sync_thread, NULL)) {
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