[asterisk-commits] lmadsen: trunk r292788 - in /trunk: ./ channels/ configs/ contrib/scripts/

SVN commits to the Asterisk project asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Fri Oct 22 16:29:26 CDT 2010

Author: lmadsen
Date: Fri Oct 22 16:29:20 2010
New Revision: 292788

URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk?view=rev&rev=292788
Merged revisions 292787 via svnmerge from 

  r292787 | lmadsen | 2010-10-22 16:28:43 -0500 (Fri, 22 Oct 2010) | 21 lines
  Merged revisions 292786 via svnmerge from 
    r292786 | lmadsen | 2010-10-22 16:16:12 -0500 (Fri, 22 Oct 2010) | 13 lines
    Update the LDIF file for LDAP.
    The LDIF file asterisk.ldif was quite a bit out of date from the asterisk.ldap-schema file, so I've
    now updated that to be in sync. The asterisk.ldif file being out of sync was a problem on my systems
    where I was doing an ldapadd to import the schema into the LDAP database, and the existing file
    would cause problems and ERROR messages when registering.
    Additional documention has been added based on feedback in the issue I'm closing.
    (closes issue #13861)
    Reported by: scramatte
          ldap-update.txt uploaded by lmadsen (license 10)
    Tested by: lmadsen, jcovert, suretec, rgenthner

    trunk/   (props changed)

Propchange: trunk/
Binary property 'branch-1.8-merged' - no diff available.

Modified: trunk/channels/chan_sip.c
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/trunk/channels/chan_sip.c?view=diff&rev=292788&r1=292787&r2=292788
--- trunk/channels/chan_sip.c (original)
+++ trunk/channels/chan_sip.c Fri Oct 22 16:29:20 2010
@@ -4253,6 +4253,12 @@
 	else if (sip_cfg.rtsave_sysname)
 		syslabel = "regserver";
+	/* XXX IMPORTANT: Anytime you add a new parameter to be updated, you
+         *  must also add it to contrib/scripts/asterisk.ldap-schema,
+         *  contrib/scripts/asterisk.ldif,
+         *  and to configs/res_ldap.conf.sample as described in
+         *  bugs 15156 and 15895 
+         */
 	if (fc) {
 		ast_update_realtime(tablename, "name", peername, "ipaddr", ipaddr,
 			"port", port, "regseconds", regseconds,

Modified: trunk/configs/res_ldap.conf.sample
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/trunk/configs/res_ldap.conf.sample?view=diff&rev=292788&r1=292787&r2=292788
--- trunk/configs/res_ldap.conf.sample (original)
+++ trunk/configs/res_ldap.conf.sample Fri Oct 22 16:29:20 2010
@@ -22,6 +22,10 @@
 ; ldap.conf file for OpenLDAP clients on your system.
 ; This requires that you have OpenLDAP libraries compiled with TLS support
+; *********************************************************************************
+; NOTE: res_ldap.conf should be chmod 600 because it contains the plain-text LDAP
+;       password to an account with WRITE access to the asterisk configuration. 
+; *********************************************************************************
@@ -31,8 +35,8 @@
 ;protocol=3                          ; Version of the LDAP protocol to use; default is 3.
-;basedn=MyRootDN                     ; Base DN
-;user=MyDN                           ; Bind DN
+;basedn=dc=example,dc=tld            ; Base DN
+;user=cn=asterisk,dc=example,dc=tld  ; Bind DN
 ;pass=MyPassword                     ; Bind password
 ; Configuration Table
@@ -69,7 +73,15 @@
 ; Sip Users Table
-name = cn
+name = cn       ; We use the "cn" as the default value for name on the line above
+                ; because objectClass=AsteriskSIPUser does not include a uid as an allowed field
+                ; If your entry combines other objectClasses and uid is available, you may
+                ; prefer to change the line to be name = uid, especially if your LDAP entries
+                ; contain spaces in the cn field.
+                ; You may also find it appropriate to use something completely different.
+                ; This is possible by changing the line above to name = AstAccountName (or whatever you
+                ; prefer).
+                ;
 amaflags = AstAccountAMAFlags
 callgroup = AstAccountCallGroup
 callerid = AstAccountCallerID
@@ -83,8 +95,10 @@
 host = AstAccountHost
 insecure = AstAccountInsecure
 mailbox = AstAccountMailbox
-md5secret = AstAccountRealmedPassword		; Must be an MD5 hash. Field value can start with
-					; {md5} but it is not required.
+md5secret = AstAccountRealmedPassword           ; Must be an MD5 hash. Field value can start with
+                                                ; {md5} but it is not required.
+                                                ; Generate the password via the md5sum command, e.g.
+                                                ; echo "my_password" | md5sum
 nat = AstAccountNAT
 deny = AstAccountDeny
 permit = AstAccountPermit
@@ -119,8 +133,10 @@
 fullcontact = gecos
 host = AstAccountHost
 mailbox = AstAccountMailbox
-md5secret = AstAccountRealmedPassword		; Must be an MD5 hash. Field value can start with
-					; {md5} but it is not required.
+md5secret = AstAccountRealmedPassword           ; Must be an MD5 hash. Field value can start with
+                                                ; {md5} but it is not required.
+                                                ; Generate the password via the md5sum command, e.g.
+                                                ; echo "my_password" | md5sum
 deny = AstAccountDeny
 permit = AstAccountPermit
 port = AstAccountPort
@@ -156,8 +172,10 @@
 host = AstAccountHost
 insecure = AstAccountInsecure
 mailbox = AstAccountMailbox
-md5secret = AstAccountRealmedPassword		; Must be an MD5 hash. Field value can start with
-					; {md5} but it is not required.
+md5secret = AstAccountRealmedPassword           ; Must be an MD5 hash. Field value can start with
+                                                ; {md5} but it is not required.
+                                                ; Generate the password via the md5sum command, e.g.
+                                                ; echo "my_password" | md5sum
 nat = AstAccountNAT
 deny = AstAccountDeny
 permit = AstAccountPermit

Modified: trunk/contrib/scripts/asterisk.ldif
URL: http://svnview.digium.com/svn/asterisk/trunk/contrib/scripts/asterisk.ldif?view=diff&rev=292788&r1=292787&r2=292788
--- trunk/contrib/scripts/asterisk.ldif (original)
+++ trunk/contrib/scripts/asterisk.ldif Fri Oct 22 16:29:20 2010
@@ -99,8 +99,15 @@
 olcObjectIdentifier: AstVoicemailTimestamp AstAttrType:57
 olcObjectIdentifier: AstVoicemailContext AstAttrType:58
 olcObjectIdentifier: AstAccountSubscribeContext AstAttrType:59
-olcObjectIdentifier: AstAccountIpAddr AstAttrType:60
 olcObjectIdentifier: AstAccountUserAgent AstAttrType:61
+olcObjectIdentifier: AstAccountLanguage AstAttrType:62
+olcObjectIdentifier: AstAccountTransport AstAttrType:63
+olcObjectIdentifier: AstAccountPromiscRedir AstAttrType:64
+olcObjectIdentifier: AstAccountAccountCode AstAttrType:65
+olcObjectIdentifier: AstAccountSetVar AstAttrType:66
+olcObjectIdentifier: AstAccountAllowOverlap AstAttrType:67
+olcObjectIdentifier: AstAccountVideoSupport AstAttrType:68
+olcObjectIdentifier: AstAccountIgnoreSDPVersion AstAttrType:69
@@ -112,6 +119,9 @@
 olcObjectIdentifier: AsteriskSIPUser AstObjectClass:3
 olcObjectIdentifier: AsteriskConfig AstObjectClass:4
 olcObjectIdentifier: AsteriskVoiceMail AstObjectClass:5
+olcObjectIdentifier: AsteriskDialplan AstObjectClass:6
+olcObjectIdentifier: AsteriskAccount AstObjectClass:7
+olcObjectIdentifier: AsteriskMailbox AstObjectClass:8
@@ -563,16 +573,65 @@
         SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
-olcAttributeTypes: ( AstAccountIpAddr
-        NAME 'AstAccountIpAddr'
-        DESC 'Asterisk aaccount IP address'
-        EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
-        SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
-        SYNTAX
 olcAttributeTypes: ( AstAccountUserAgent
         NAME 'AstAccountUserAgent'
         DESC 'Asterisk account user context'
+        EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
+        SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
+        SYNTAX
+olcAttributeTypes: ( AstAccountLanguage
+         NAME 'AstAccountLanguage'
+         DESC 'Asterisk account user language'
+         EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
+         SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
+         SYNTAX
+olcAttributeTypes: ( AstAccountTransport
+        NAME 'AstAccountTransport'
+        DESC 'Asterisk account transport type'
+        EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
+        SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
+        SYNTAX
+olcAttributeTypes: ( AstAccountPromiscRedir
+        NAME 'AstAccountPromiscRedir'
+        DESC 'Asterisk account promiscous redirects'
+        EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
+        SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
+        SYNTAX
+olcAttributeTypes: ( AstAccountAccountCode
+        NAME 'AstAccountAccountCode'
+        DESC 'Asterisk account billing code'
+        EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
+        SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
+        SYNTAX
+olcAttributeTypes: ( AstAccountSetVar
+        NAME 'AstAccountSetVar'
+        DESC 'Asterisk account setvar'
+        EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
+        SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
+        SYNTAX
+olcAttributeTypes: ( AstAccountAllowOverlap
+        NAME 'AstAccountAllowOverlap'
+        DESC 'Asterisk account allow overlap dialing'
+        EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
+        SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
+        SYNTAX
+olcAttributeTypes: ( AstAccountVideoSupport
+        NAME 'AstAccountVideoSupport'
+        DESC 'Asterisk account video support'
+        EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
+        SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
+        SYNTAX
+olcAttributeTypes: ( AstAccountIgnoreSDPVersion
+        NAME 'AstAccountIgnoreSDPVersion'
+        DESC 'Asterisk account ignore SDP version'
         EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
         SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
@@ -632,6 +691,7 @@
         AstAccountPort $ 
         AstAccountQualify $ 
         AstAccountType $
+        AstAccountLanguage $
         AstAccountDisallowedCodec $ 
         AstAccountExpirationTimestamp $ 
         AstAccountRegistrationContext $
@@ -639,7 +699,10 @@
         AstAccountNoTransfer $ 
         AstAccountName $
         AstAccountLastQualifyMilliseconds $
-        AstAccountCallLimit
+        AstAccountCallLimit $
+        AstAccountSubscribeContext $
+        AstAccountIPAddress $
+        AstAccountUserAgent
@@ -649,43 +712,53 @@
     SUP AsteriskExtension AUXILIARY
     MUST cn
     MAY (
-        AstAccountAMAFlags $ 
-        AstAccountCallGroup $ 
-        AstAccountCallerID $ 
+        AstAccountAccountCode $
+        AstAccountAllowOverlap $
+        AstAccountAllowedCodec $
+        AstAccountAMAFlags $
+        AstAccountCallGroup $
+        AstAccountCallLimit $
+        AstAccountCallerID $
+        AstAccountCanCallForward $
         AstAccountCanReinvite $
         AstAccountContext $
+        AstAccountDTMFMode $
         AstAccountDefaultUser $
-        AstAccountDTMFMode $ 
-        AstAccountFromUser $ 
-        AstAccountFromDomain $     
-        AstAccountFullContact $ 
-        AstAccountHost $ 
-        AstAccountInsecure $  
+        AstAccountDeny $
+        AstAccountDisallowedCodec $
+        AstAccountExpirationTimestamp $
+        AstAccountFromDomain $
+        AstAccountFromUser $
+        AstAccountFullContact $
+        AstAccountHost $
+        AstAccountIgnoreSDPVersion $
+        AstAccountInsecure $
         AstAccountIPAddress $
-        AstAccountMailbox $    
-        AstAccountRealmedPassword $ 
+        AstAccountLanguage $
+        AstAccountLastQualifyMilliseconds $
+        AstAccountMailbox $
+        AstAccountMusicOnHold $
         AstAccountNAT $
-        AstAccountDeny $ 
-        AstAccountPermit $ 
-        AstAccountPickupGroup $ 
+        AstAccountName $
+        AstAccountPermit $
+        AstAccountPickupGroup $
         AstAccountPort $
-        AstAccountQualify $ 
-        AstAccountRestrictCID $ 
-        AstAccountRTPTimeout $ 
+        AstAccountPromiscRedir $
+        AstAccountQualify $
         AstAccountRTPHoldTimeout $
-        AstAccountType $ 
-        AstAccountDisallowedCodec $ 
-        AstAccountAllowedCodec $ 
-        AstAccountMusicOnHold $
-        AstAccountExpirationTimestamp $ 
-        AstAccountRegistrationContext $ 
+        AstAccountRTPTimeout $
+        AstAccountRealmedPassword $
+        AstAccountRegistrationContext $
         AstAccountRegistrationExten $
         AstAccountRegistrationServer $
-        AstAccountCanCallForward $ 
-        AstAccountSecret $ 
-        AstAccountName $
-        AstAccountLastQualifyMilliseconds $
-        AstAccountCallLimit
+        AstAccountRestrictCID $
+        AstAccountSecret $
+        AstAccountSetVar $
+        AstAccountSubscribeContext $
+        AstAccountTransport $
+        AstAccountType $
+        AstAccountUserAgent $
+        AstAccountVideoSupport
@@ -734,3 +807,29 @@
+olcObjectClasses: ( AsteriskDialplan
+    NAME 'AsteriskDialplan'
+    DESC 'Asterisk Dialplan Information'
+    MUST ( 
+    AstExtension
+    )
+    )
+olcObjectClasses: ( AsteriskAccount
+    NAME 'AsteriskAccount'
+    DESC 'Asterisk Account Information'
+    MUST ( 
+    AstAccountName
+    )
+    )
+olcObjectClasses: ( AsteriskMailbox
+    NAME 'AsteriskMailbox'
+    DESC 'Asterisk Mailbox Information'
+    MUST (
+    AstVoicemailMailbox
+    )
+    )

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