[asterisk-commits] eliel: branch eliel/per_member_wrapuptime r188507 - /team/eliel/per_member_wr...

SVN commits to the Asterisk project asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Wed Apr 15 08:15:48 CDT 2009

Author: eliel
Date: Wed Apr 15 08:15:44 2009
New Revision: 188507

URL: http://svn.digium.com/svn-view/asterisk?view=rev&rev=188507
Update manager documentation.


Modified: team/eliel/per_member_wrapuptime/doc/manager_1_1.txt
URL: http://svn.digium.com/svn-view/asterisk/team/eliel/per_member_wrapuptime/doc/manager_1_1.txt?view=diff&rev=188507&r1=188506&r2=188507
--- team/eliel/per_member_wrapuptime/doc/manager_1_1.txt (original)
+++ team/eliel/per_member_wrapuptime/doc/manager_1_1.txt Wed Apr 15 08:15:44 2009
@@ -135,6 +135,21 @@
+- Action: QueueWrapuptime
+	Modules: app_queue
+	Purpose:
+		Set the queue members wrapuptime, also disable the wrapuptime or
+		increment it for the next call.
+	Variables:
+	  ActionID: <id>	Action ID for this transaction. WIll be returned.
+	  Interface: <member>	The member interface name.
+	  Queue: <queuename>	(optional) Specify a queue to only apply the changes
+	  			for the member in that queue.
+	  Static: <boolean>	If 'true' apply the change to the member configuration,
+	  			if 'false' only apply the change to the next call.
+	  Wrapuptime: <value>	The wrapuptime integer value to set, if a + o - is specified,
+	  			the value is treated as an offset of the current wrapuptime
+				value.
 - Action: ModuleLoad
 	Modules: loader.c

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