[asterisk-commits] kpfleming: branch 1.4 r159476 - in /branches/1.4: ./ agi/ channels/ utils/

SVN commits to the Asterisk project asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Wed Nov 26 12:36:25 CST 2008

Author: kpfleming
Date: Wed Nov 26 12:36:24 2008
New Revision: 159476

URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk?view=rev&rev=159476
simplify (and slightly bug-fix) the recent developer-oriented COMPILE_DOUBLE mode

add channels/busy.h and channels/ringtone.h to the repository instead of generating them repeatedtly; most users do not change the settings to build them, but the Makefile rules are still there if they wish to do so

ensure that 'make clean' removes dependency files for .i files that are created in COMPILE_DOUBLE mode

    branches/1.4/channels/busy.h   (with props)
    branches/1.4/channels/ringtone.h   (with props)
    branches/1.4/channels/   (props changed)

Modified: branches/1.4/Makefile.moddir_rules
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/branches/1.4/Makefile.moddir_rules?view=diff&rev=159476&r1=159475&r2=159476
--- branches/1.4/Makefile.moddir_rules (original)
+++ branches/1.4/Makefile.moddir_rules Wed Nov 26 12:36:24 2008
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 	rm -f *.so *.o *.oo *.s *.i *.ii
-	rm -f .*.o.d .*.oo.d
+	rm -f .*.d
 	rm -f modules.link
 install:: all
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@
 	rm -f .*.moduleinfo .moduleinfo
 	rm -f .*.makeopts .makeopts
-	rm -f .*.d
 .%.moduleinfo: %.c
 	@echo "<member name=\"$*\" displayname=\"$(shell $(GREP) -e AST_MODULE_INFO $< | head -n 1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)\" remove_on_change=\"$(SUBDIR)/$*.o $(SUBDIR)/$*.so\">" > $@

Modified: branches/1.4/Makefile.rules
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/branches/1.4/Makefile.rules?view=diff&rev=159476&r1=159475&r2=159476
--- branches/1.4/Makefile.rules (original)
+++ branches/1.4/Makefile.rules Wed Nov 26 12:36:24 2008
@@ -18,6 +18,11 @@
 -include $(ASTTOPDIR)/makeopts
 .PHONY: dist-clean
+# If 'make' decides to create intermediate files to satisfy a build requirement
+# (like producing a .i from a .c), we want to keep them, so tell make to keep
+# all intermediate files
 # extra cflags to build dependencies. Recursively expanded.
 MAKE_DEPS=-MD -MT $@ -MF .$(subst /,_,$@).d -MP
@@ -74,13 +79,9 @@
 	$(CMD_PREFIX) $(CC) -o $@ -c $< $(CC_CFLAGS)
+ifneq ($(COMPILE_DOUBLE),yes)
 %.o: %.c
 	$(ECHO_PREFIX) echo "   [CC] $< -> $@"
-ifeq ($(COMPILE_DOUBLE),yes)
-	$(CMD_PREFIX) $(CC) -o $(@:%.o=%.i) -E $< $(CC_CFLAGS) $(MAKE_DEPS)
-	$(CMD_PREFIX) $(CC) -o /dev/null -c $(@:%.o=%.i) $(CC_CFLAGS) $(OPTIMIZE)
-	$(CMD_PREFIX) $(CC) -o $@ -c $(@:%.o=%.i) $(CC_CFLAGS)
 	$(CMD_PREFIX) $(CC) -o $@ -c $< $(CC_CFLAGS) $(MAKE_DEPS)
@@ -95,13 +96,9 @@
 	$(CMD_PREFIX) $(CXX) -o $@ -c $< $(CXX_CFLAGS)
+ifneq ($(COMPILE_DOUBLE),yes)
 %.oo: %.cc
 	$(ECHO_PREFIX) echo "   [CXX] $< -> $@"
-ifeq ($(COMPILE_DOUBLE),yes)
-	$(CMD_PREFIX) $(CXX) -o $(@:%.oo=%.ii) -E $< $(CXX_CFLAGS) $(MAKE_DEPS)
-	$(CMD_PREFIX) $(CXX) -o /dev/null -c $(@:%.oo=%.ii) $(CXX_CFLAGS) $(MAKE_DEPS) $(OPTIMIZE)
-	$(CMD_PREFIX) $(CXX) -o $@ -c $(@:%.oo=%.ii) $(CXX_CFLAGS) $(MAKE_DEPS)
 	$(CMD_PREFIX) $(CXX) -o $@ -c $< $(CXX_CFLAGS) $(MAKE_DEPS)

Modified: branches/1.4/agi/Makefile
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/branches/1.4/agi/Makefile?view=diff&rev=159476&r1=159475&r2=159476
--- branches/1.4/agi/Makefile (original)
+++ branches/1.4/agi/Makefile Wed Nov 26 12:36:24 2008
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 	rm -f *.so *.o look eagi-test eagi-sphinx-test
-	rm -f .*.o.d .*.oo.d *.s *.i
+	rm -f .*.d *.s *.i
 	rm -f strcompat.c
 ifneq ($(wildcard .*.d),)

Propchange: branches/1.4/channels/
--- svn:ignore (original)
+++ svn:ignore Wed Nov 26 12:36:24 2008
@@ -7,7 +7,5 @@

Modified: branches/1.4/channels/Makefile
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/branches/1.4/channels/Makefile?view=diff&rev=159476&r1=159475&r2=159476
--- branches/1.4/channels/Makefile (original)
+++ branches/1.4/channels/Makefile Wed Nov 26 12:36:24 2008
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 include $(ASTTOPDIR)/Makefile.moddir_rules
-	rm -f busy.h ringtone.h gentone
+	rm -f gentone
 	$(MAKE) -C misdn clean
 ifneq ($(wildcard h323/Makefile.ast),)
@@ -94,17 +94,13 @@
 gentone: LIBS+=-lm
-busy.h: gentone
 	./gentone busy 480 620
-ringtone.h: gentone
 	./gentone ringtone 440 480
-chan_oss.o: busy.h ringtone.h
 $(if $(filter chan_iax2,$(EMBEDDED_MODS)),modules.link,chan_iax2.so): iax2-parser.o iax2-provision.o
-chan_alsa.o: busy.h ringtone.h
 ifeq ($(OSARCH),linux-gnu)
 chan_h323.so: chan_h323.o h323/libchanh323.a h323/Makefile.ast

Added: branches/1.4/channels/busy.h
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/branches/1.4/channels/busy.h?view=auto&rev=159476
--- branches/1.4/channels/busy.h (added)
+++ branches/1.4/channels/busy.h Wed Nov 26 12:36:24 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,55 @@
+/* busy.h: Generated from frequencies 480 and 620 
+   by gentone.  400 samples  */
+static short busy[400] = {
+	    0, 13697, 24766, 31109, 31585, 26222, 16198,  3569, 
+	-9162, -19575, -25812, -26935, -23069, -15322, -5493,  4339, 
+	12277, 16985, 17934, 15440, 10519,  4585,  -908, -4827, 
+	-6592, -6269, -4489, -2220,  -467,    30,  -983, -3203, 
+	-5839, -7844, -8215, -6301, -2035,  3975, 10543, 16141, 
+	19260, 18787, 14322,  6338, -3845, -14296, -22858, -27611, 
+	-27309, -21691, -11585,  1213, 14285, 25068, 31388, 31915, 
+	26457, 16010,  2568, -11282, -22885, -30054, -31509, -27120, 
+	-17908, -5805,  6760, 17379, 24147, 26028, 23020, 16094, 
+	 6931, -2478, -10279, -15136, -16474, -14538, -10253, -4949, 
+	    0,  3515,  5052,  4688,  3045,  1069,  -268,  -272, 
+	 1269,  3996,  7067,  9381,  9889,  7910,  3365, -3123, 
+	-10320, -16622, -20424, -20510, -16384, -8448,  2006, 13026, 
+	22383, 28040, 28613, 23696, 13996,  1232, -12193, -23670, 
+	-30918, -32459, -27935, -18190, -5103,  8795, 20838, 28764, 
+	31164, 27753, 19395,  7893, -4412, -15136, -22342, -24909, 
+	-22717, -16609, -8143,   780,  8361, 13272, 14909, 13455, 
+	 9758,  5067,   678, -2387, -3624, -3133, -1538,   224, 
+	 1209,   751, -1315, -4580, -8145, -10848, -11585, -9628, 
+	-4878,  2038,  9844, 16867, 21403, 22124, 18429, 10638, 
+	    0, -11524, -21643, -28211, -29702, -25561, -16364, -3737, 
+	 9946, 22044, 30180, 32733, 29182, 20210,  7573, -6269, 
+	-18655, -27259, -30558, -28117, -20645, -9807,  2148, 12878, 
+	20426, 23599, 22173, 16865,  9117,   731, -6552, -11426, 
+	-13269, -12216, -9050, -4941, -1118,  1460,  2335,  1635, 
+	    0, -1635, -2335, -1460,  1118,  4941,  9050, 12216, 
+	13269, 11426,  6552,  -731, -9117, -16865, -22173, -23599, 
+	-20426, -12878, -2148,  9807, 20645, 28117, 30558, 27259, 
+	18655,  6269, -7573, -20210, -29182, -32733, -30180, -22044, 
+	-9946,  3737, 16364, 25561, 29702, 28211, 21643, 11524, 
+	    0, -10638, -18429, -22124, -21403, -16867, -9844, -2038, 
+	 4878,  9628, 11585, 10848,  8145,  4580,  1315,  -751, 
+	-1209,  -224,  1538,  3133,  3624,  2387,  -678, -5067, 
+	-9758, -13455, -14909, -13272, -8361,  -780,  8143, 16609, 
+	22717, 24909, 22342, 15136,  4412, -7893, -19395, -27753, 
+	-31164, -28764, -20838, -8795,  5103, 18190, 27935, 32459, 
+	30918, 23670, 12193, -1232, -13996, -23696, -28613, -28040, 
+	-22383, -13026, -2006,  8448, 16384, 20510, 20424, 16622, 
+	10320,  3123, -3365, -7910, -9889, -9381, -7067, -3996, 
+	-1269,   272,   268, -1069, -3045, -4688, -5052, -3515, 
+	    0,  4949, 10253, 14538, 16474, 15136, 10279,  2478, 
+	-6931, -16094, -23020, -26028, -24147, -17379, -6760,  5805, 
+	17908, 27120, 31509, 30054, 22885, 11282, -2568, -16010, 
+	-26457, -31915, -31388, -25068, -14285, -1213, 11585, 21691, 
+	27309, 27611, 22858, 14296,  3845, -6338, -14322, -18787, 
+	-19260, -16141, -10543, -3975,  2035,  6301,  8215,  7844, 
+	 5839,  3203,   983,   -30,   467,  2220,  4489,  6269, 
+	 6592,  4827,   908, -4585, -10519, -15440, -17934, -16985, 
+	-12277, -4339,  5493, 15322, 23069, 26935, 25812, 19575, 
+	 9162, -3569, -16198, -26222, -31585, -31109, -24766, -13697, 

Propchange: branches/1.4/channels/busy.h
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: branches/1.4/channels/busy.h
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: branches/1.4/channels/busy.h
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: branches/1.4/channels/ringtone.h
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/branches/1.4/channels/ringtone.h?view=auto&rev=159476
--- branches/1.4/channels/ringtone.h (added)
+++ branches/1.4/channels/ringtone.h Wed Nov 26 12:36:24 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ringtone.h: Generated from frequencies 440 and 480 
+   by gentone.  200 samples  */
+static short ringtone[200] = {
+	    0, 11581, 21659, 28927, 32445, 31764, 26981, 18727, 
+	 8084, -3559, -14693, -23875, -29927, -32083, -30088, -24228, 
+	-15290, -4453,  6864, 17195, 25212, 29902, 30693, 27526, 
+	20856, 11585,   944, -9673, -18899, -25560, -28837, -28357, 
+	-24244, -17089, -7868,  2192, 11780, 19667, 24872, 26779, 
+	25212, 20450, 13179,  4396, -4731, -13019, -19421, -23164, 
+	-23839, -21446, -16384, -9384, -1408,  6484, 13281, 18145, 
+	20517, 20182, 17286, 12301,  5951,  -887, -7314, -12519, 
+	-15886, -17068, -16017, -12983, -8458, -3109,  2327,  7142, 
+	10750, 12757, 13007, 11585,  8793,  5095,  1044, -2800, 
+	-5951, -8053, -8921, -8560, -7141, -4967, -2421,   104, 
+	 2260,  3791,  4567,  4589,  3977,  2941,  1733,   600, 
+	 -257,  -722,  -772,  -481,     0,   481,   772,   722, 
+	  257,  -600, -1733, -2941, -3977, -4589, -4567, -3791, 
+	-2260,  -104,  2421,  4967,  7141,  8560,  8921,  8053, 
+	 5951,  2800, -1044, -5095, -8793, -11585, -13007, -12757, 
+	-10750, -7142, -2327,  3109,  8458, 12983, 16017, 17068, 
+	15886, 12519,  7314,   887, -5951, -12301, -17286, -20182, 
+	-20517, -18145, -13281, -6484,  1408,  9384, 16384, 21446, 
+	23839, 23164, 19421, 13019,  4731, -4396, -13179, -20450, 
+	-25212, -26779, -24872, -19667, -11780, -2192,  7868, 17089, 
+	24244, 28357, 28837, 25560, 18899,  9673,  -944, -11585, 
+	-20856, -27526, -30693, -29902, -25212, -17195, -6864,  4453, 
+	15290, 24228, 30088, 32083, 29927, 23875, 14693,  3559, 
+	-8084, -18727, -26981, -31764, -32445, -28927, -21659, -11581, 

Propchange: branches/1.4/channels/ringtone.h
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: branches/1.4/channels/ringtone.h
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: branches/1.4/channels/ringtone.h
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Modified: branches/1.4/utils/Makefile
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/branches/1.4/utils/Makefile?view=diff&rev=159476&r1=159475&r2=159476
--- branches/1.4/utils/Makefile (original)
+++ branches/1.4/utils/Makefile Wed Nov 26 12:36:24 2008
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 	rm -f *.o $(ALL_UTILS) check_expr *.s *.i
-	rm -f .*.o.d .*.oo.d
+	rm -f .*.d
 	rm -f md5.c strcompat.c ast_expr2.c ast_expr2f.c pbx_ael.c
 	rm -f aelparse.c aelbison.c

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