[asterisk-commits] twilson: branch twilson/calendaring r156811 - /team/twilson/calendaring/configs/

SVN commits to the Asterisk project asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Thu Nov 13 23:40:11 CST 2008

Author: twilson
Date: Thu Nov 13 23:40:10 2008
New Revision: 156811

URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk?view=rev&rev=156811
Add CalDAV (Google Calendar) example


Modified: team/twilson/calendaring/configs/calendar.conf.sample
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/twilson/calendaring/configs/calendar.conf.sample?view=diff&rev=156811&r1=156810&r2=156811
--- team/twilson/calendaring/configs/calendar.conf.sample (original)
+++ team/twilson/calendaring/configs/calendar.conf.sample Thu Nov 13 23:40:10 2008
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 enabled = yes
-;type = ical              ;  type of calendar--currently supported: ical or exchange
+;type = ical              ;  type of calendar--currently supported: ical, caldav, or exchange
 ;url = https://example.com/home/jdoe/Calendar/   ; URL to shared calendar (Zimbra example)
 ;user = jdoe              ; web username
 ;secret = supersecret     ; web password
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 ;waittime = 30            ; How long to wait for an answer
-;type = exchange          ;  type of calendar--currently supported: ical or exchange
+;type = exchange          ;  type of calendar--currently supported: ical, caldav, or exchange
 ;url = https://example.com/exchange/jdoe   ; URL to MS Exchange OWA for user (usually includes exchange/user)
 ;user = jdoe              ; Exchange username
 ;secret = mysecret        ; Exchange password
@@ -58,3 +58,26 @@
 ;appdata = tt-weasels    ; Data part of application to execute on answer
 ;waittime = 30            ; How long to wait for an answer
+;type = caldav            ;  type of calendar--currently supported: ical, caldav, or exchange
+;url = https://www.google.com/calendar/dav/username@gmail.com/events/  ; Main GMail calendar
+;user = jdoe at gmail.com    ; username
+;secret = mysecret        ; password
+;refresh = 3600           ; refresh calendar every n seconds
+;timeframe = 60           ; number of minutes of calendar data to pull for each refresh period
+;                         ; should always be >= refresh / 60
+; You can set up res_icalendar to execute a call upon an upcoming busy status
+;autoreminder = 10        ; Override event-defined reminder before each busy status (in mins)
+;channel = SIP/1234       ; Channel to dial
+;context = default        ; Context to connect to on answer
+;extension = 1234         ; Extension to connect to on answer
+; or
+;app = Playback          ; Application to execute on answer (instead of context/extension)
+;appdata = tt-weasels    ; Data part of application to execute on answer
+;waittime = 30            ; How long to wait for an answer

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