[asterisk-commits] murf: trunk r83575 - in /trunk: ./ pbx/pbx_ael.c res/ael/pval.c

SVN commits to the Asterisk project asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Sat Sep 22 12:39:38 CDT 2007

Author: murf
Date: Sat Sep 22 12:39:37 2007
New Revision: 83575

URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk?view=rev&rev=83575
Merged revisions 83558 via svnmerge from 

r83558 | murf | 2007-09-22 10:41:43 -0600 (Sat, 22 Sep 2007) | 1 line

This closes issue #10788 -- the 3rd arg in the for statement is now wrapped in Set() only if there's an '=' in that string. Otherwise, if it begins with '&', then a Macro call is generated; otherwise it is made into an app call. A bit more accomodating, keeps the new guys happy, and the guys with ael-1 code should be happy, too

    trunk/   (props changed)

Propchange: trunk/
Binary property 'branch-1.4-merged' - no diff available.

Modified: trunk/pbx/pbx_ael.c
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/trunk/pbx/pbx_ael.c?view=diff&rev=83575&r1=83574&r2=83575
--- trunk/pbx/pbx_ael.c (original)
+++ trunk/pbx/pbx_ael.c Sat Sep 22 12:39:37 2007
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
  * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit.
  * Copyright (C) 2006, Digium, Inc.
@@ -119,11 +119,8 @@
 static struct pval *find_label_in_current_extension(const char *label, pval *curr_ext);
 static struct pval *find_label_in_current_db(const char *context, const char *exten, const char *label);
-static pval *get_goto_target(pval *item);
-static int label_inside_case(pval *label);
 static pval *get_extension_or_contxt(pval *p);
 static pval *get_contxt(pval *p);
-static void remove_spaces_before_equals(char *str);
 /* static void substitute_commas(char *str); */
 #ifdef NOMORE
 /*! \brief I am adding this code to substitute commas with vertbars in the args to apps */
@@ -463,74 +460,6 @@
 	return 0;
-static pval *get_goto_target(pval *item)
-	/* just one item-- the label should be in the current extension */
-	pval *curr_ext = get_extension_or_contxt(item); /* containing exten, or macro */
-	pval *curr_cont;
-	if (item->u1.list && !item->u1.list->next && !strstr((item->u1.list)->u1.str,"${")) {
-		struct pval *x = find_label_in_current_extension((char*)((item->u1.list)->u1.str), curr_ext);
-			return x;
-	}
-	curr_cont = get_contxt(item);
-	/* TWO items */
-	if (item->u1.list->next && !item->u1.list->next->next) {
-		if (!strstr((item->u1.list)->u1.str,"${") 
-			&& !strstr(item->u1.list->next->u1.str,"${") ) /* Don't try to match variables */ {
-			struct pval *x = find_label_in_current_context((char *)item->u1.list->u1.str, (char *)item->u1.list->next->u1.str, curr_cont);
-				return x;
-		}
-	}
-	/* All 3 items! */
-	if (item->u1.list->next && item->u1.list->next->next) {
-		/* all three */
-		pval *first = item->u1.list;
-		pval *second = item->u1.list->next;
-		pval *third = item->u1.list->next->next;
-		if (!strstr((item->u1.list)->u1.str,"${") 
-			&& !strstr(item->u1.list->next->u1.str,"${")
-			&& !strstr(item->u1.list->next->next->u1.str,"${")) /* Don't try to match variables */ {
-			struct pval *x = find_label_in_current_db((char*)first->u1.str, (char*)second->u1.str, (char*)third->u1.str);
-			if (!x) {
-				struct pval *p3;
-				struct pval *that_context = find_context(item->u1.list->u1.str);
-				/* the target of the goto could be in an included context!! Fancy that!! */
-				/* look for includes in the current context */
-				if (that_context) {
-					for (p3=that_context->u2.statements; p3; p3=p3->next) {
-						if (p3->type == PV_INCLUDES) {
-							struct pval *p4;
-							for (p4=p3->u1.list; p4; p4=p4->next) {
-								/* for each context pointed to, find it, then find a context/label that matches the
-								   target here! */
-								char *incl_context = p4->u1.str;
-								/* find a matching context name */
-								struct pval *that_other_context = find_context(incl_context);
-								if (that_other_context) {
-									struct pval *x3;
-									x3 = find_label_in_current_context((char *)item->u1.list->next->u1.str, (char *)item->u1.list->next->next->u1.str, that_other_context);
-									if (x3) {
-										return x3;
-									}
-								}
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return x;
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
 static void check_goto(pval *item)
@@ -948,702 +877,6 @@
 /* "CODE" GENERATOR -- Convert the AEL representation to asterisk extension language */
 /* =============================================================================================== */
-static int control_statement_count = 0;
-static int label_inside_case(pval *label)
-	pval *p = label;
-	while( p && p->type != PV_MACRO && p->type != PV_CONTEXT ) /* early cutout, sort of */ {
-		if( p->type == PV_CASE || p->type == PV_DEFAULT || p->type == PV_PATTERN ) {
-			return 1;
-		}
-		p = p->dad;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static void linkexten(struct ael_extension *exten, struct ael_extension *add)
-	add->next_exten = exten->next_exten; /* this will reverse the order. Big deal. */
-	exten->next_exten = add;
-static void remove_spaces_before_equals(char *str)
-	char *p;
-	while( str && *str && *str != '=' )
-	{
-		if( *str == ' ' || *str == '\n' || *str == '\r' || *str == '\t' )
-		{
-			p = str;
-			while( *p )
-			{
-				*p = *(p+1);
-				p++;
-			}
-		}
-		else
-			str++;
-	}
-static void gen_match_to_pattern(char *pattern, char *result)
-	/* the result will be a string that will be matched by pattern */
-	char *p=pattern, *t=result;
-	while (*p) {
-		if (*p == 'x' || *p == 'n' || *p == 'z' || *p == 'X' || *p == 'N' || *p == 'Z')
-			*t++ = '9';
-		else if (*p == '[') {
-			char *z = p+1;
-			while (*z != ']')
-				z++;
-			if (*(z+1)== ']')
-				z++;
-			*t++=*(p+1); /* use the first char in the set */
-			p = z;
-		} else {
-			*t++ = *p;
-		}
-		p++;
-	}
-	*t++ = 0; /* cap it off */
-static void gen_prios(struct ael_extension *exten, char *label, pval *statement, struct ael_extension *mother_exten, struct ast_context *this_context )
-	pval *p,*p2,*p3;
-	struct ael_priority *pr;
-	struct ael_priority *for_init, *for_test, *for_inc, *for_loop, *for_end;
-	struct ael_priority *while_test, *while_loop, *while_end;
-	struct ael_priority *switch_test, *switch_end, *fall_thru;
-	struct ael_priority *if_test, *if_end, *if_skip, *if_false;
-	struct ael_priority *rand_test, *rand_end, *rand_skip;
-	char buf1[2000];
-	char buf2[2000];
-	char *strp, *strp2;
-	char new_label[2000];
-	int default_exists;
-	int local_control_statement_count;
-	int first;
-	struct ael_priority *loop_break_save;
-	struct ael_priority *loop_continue_save;
-	struct ael_extension *switch_case;
-	for (p=statement; p; p=p->next) {
-		switch (p->type) {
-		case PV_VARDEC:
-			pr = new_prio();
-			pr->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-			snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"%s=$[%s]", p->u1.str, p->u2.val);
-			pr->app = strdup("Set");
-			remove_spaces_before_equals(buf1);
-			pr->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-			pr->origin = p;
-			linkprio(exten, pr);
-			break;
-			pr = new_prio();
-			pr->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-			snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"LOCAL(%s)=$[%s]", p->u1.str, p->u2.val);
-			pr->app = strdup("Set");
-			remove_spaces_before_equals(buf1);
-			pr->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-			pr->origin = p;
-			linkprio(exten, pr);
-			break;
-		case PV_GOTO:
-			pr = new_prio();
-			pr->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-			p->u2.goto_target = get_goto_target(p);
-			if( p->u2.goto_target ) {
-				p->u3.goto_target_in_case = p->u2.goto_target->u2.label_in_case = label_inside_case(p->u2.goto_target);
-			}
-			if (!p->u1.list->next) /* just one */ {
-				pr->app = strdup("Goto");
-				if (!mother_exten)
-					pr->appargs = strdup(p->u1.list->u1.str);
-				else {  /* for the case of simple within-extension gotos in case/pattern/default statement blocks: */ 
-					snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"%s,%s", mother_exten->name, p->u1.list->u1.str);
-					pr->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-				}
-			} else if (p->u1.list->next && !p->u1.list->next->next) /* two */ {
-				snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"%s,%s", p->u1.list->u1.str, p->u1.list->next->u1.str);
-				pr->app = strdup("Goto");
-				pr->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-			} else if (p->u1.list->next && p->u1.list->next->next) {
-				snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"%s,%s,%s", p->u1.list->u1.str, 
-						p->u1.list->next->u1.str,
-						p->u1.list->next->next->u1.str);
-				pr->app = strdup("Goto");
-				pr->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-			}
-			pr->origin = p;
-			linkprio(exten, pr);
-			break;
-		case PV_LABEL:
-			pr = new_prio();
-			pr->type = AEL_LABEL;
-			pr->origin = p;
-			p->u3.compiled_label = exten;
-			linkprio(exten, pr);
-			break;
-		case PV_FOR:
-			control_statement_count++;
-			loop_break_save = exten->loop_break; /* save them, then restore before leaving */
-			loop_continue_save = exten->loop_continue;
-			snprintf(new_label,sizeof(new_label),"for-%s-%d", label, control_statement_count);
-			for_init = new_prio();
-			for_inc = new_prio();
-			for_test = new_prio();
-			for_loop = new_prio();
-			for_end = new_prio();
-			for_init->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-			for_inc->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-			for_test->type = AEL_FOR_CONTROL;
-			for_test->goto_false = for_end;
-			for_loop->type = AEL_CONTROL1; /* simple goto */
-			for_end->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-			for_init->app = strdup("Set");
-			strcpy(buf2,p->u1.for_init);
-			remove_spaces_before_equals(buf2);
-			strp = strchr(buf2, '=');
-			strp2 = strchr(p->u1.for_init, '=');
-			if (strp) {
-				*(strp+1) = 0;
-				strcat(buf2,"$[");
-				strncat(buf2,strp2+1, sizeof(buf2)-strlen(strp2+1)-2);
-				strcat(buf2,"]");
-				for_init->appargs = strdup(buf2);
-			} else
-				for_init->appargs = strdup(p->u1.for_init);
-			for_inc->app = strdup("Set");
-			strcpy(buf2,p->u3.for_inc);
-			remove_spaces_before_equals(buf2);
-			strp = strchr(buf2, '=');
-			strp2 = strchr(p->u3.for_inc, '=');
-			if (strp) {
-				*(strp+1) = 0;
-				strcat(buf2,"$[");
-				strncat(buf2,strp2+1, sizeof(buf2)-strlen(strp2+1)-2);
-				strcat(buf2,"]");
-				for_inc->appargs = strdup(buf2);
-			} else
-				for_inc->appargs = strdup(p->u3.for_inc);
-			snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"$[%s]",p->u2.for_test);
-			for_test->app = 0;
-			for_test->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-			for_loop->goto_true = for_test;
-			snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"Finish for-%s-%d", label, control_statement_count);
-			for_end->app = strdup("NoOp");
-			for_end->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-			/* link & load! */
-			linkprio(exten, for_init);
-			linkprio(exten, for_test);
-			/* now, put the body of the for loop here */
-			exten->loop_break = for_end;
-			exten->loop_continue = for_inc;
-			gen_prios(exten, new_label, p->u4.for_statements, mother_exten, this_context); /* this will link in all the statements here */
-			linkprio(exten, for_inc);
-			linkprio(exten, for_loop);
-			linkprio(exten, for_end);
-			exten->loop_break = loop_break_save;
-			exten->loop_continue = loop_continue_save;
-			for_loop->origin = p;
-			break;
-		case PV_WHILE:
-			control_statement_count++;
-			loop_break_save = exten->loop_break; /* save them, then restore before leaving */
-			loop_continue_save = exten->loop_continue;
-			snprintf(new_label,sizeof(new_label),"while-%s-%d", label, control_statement_count);
-			while_test = new_prio();
-			while_loop = new_prio();
-			while_end = new_prio();
-			while_test->type = AEL_FOR_CONTROL;
-			while_test->goto_false = while_end;
-			while_loop->type = AEL_CONTROL1; /* simple goto */
-			while_end->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-			snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"$[%s]",p->u1.str);
-			while_test->app = 0;
-			while_test->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-			while_loop->goto_true = while_test;
-			snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"Finish while-%s-%d", label, control_statement_count);
-			while_end->app = strdup("NoOp");
-			while_end->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-			linkprio(exten, while_test);
-			/* now, put the body of the for loop here */
-			exten->loop_break = while_end;
-			exten->loop_continue = while_test;
-			gen_prios(exten, new_label, p->u2.statements, mother_exten, this_context); /* this will link in all the while body statements here */
-			linkprio(exten, while_loop);
-			linkprio(exten, while_end);
-			exten->loop_break = loop_break_save;
-			exten->loop_continue = loop_continue_save;
-			while_loop->origin = p;
-			break;
-		case PV_SWITCH:
-			control_statement_count++;
-			local_control_statement_count = control_statement_count;
-			loop_break_save = exten->loop_break; /* save them, then restore before leaving */
-			loop_continue_save = exten->loop_continue;
-			snprintf(new_label,sizeof(new_label),"sw-%s-%d", label, control_statement_count);
-			switch_test = new_prio();
-			switch_end = new_prio();
-			switch_test->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-			switch_end->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-			snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"sw-%d-%s,10",control_statement_count, p->u1.str);
-			switch_test->app = strdup("Goto");
-			switch_test->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-			snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"Finish switch-%s-%d", label, control_statement_count);
-			switch_end->app = strdup("NoOp");
-			switch_end->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-			switch_end->origin = p;
-			switch_end->exten = exten;
-			linkprio(exten, switch_test);
-			linkprio(exten, switch_end);
-			exten->loop_break = switch_end;
-			exten->loop_continue = 0;
-			default_exists = 0;
-			for (p2=p->u2.statements; p2; p2=p2->next) {
-				/* now, for each case/default put the body of the for loop here */
-				if (p2->type == PV_CASE) {
-					/* ok, generate a extension and link it in */
-					switch_case = new_exten();
-					switch_case->context = this_context;
-					switch_case->is_switch = 1;
-					/* the break/continue locations are inherited from parent */
-					switch_case->loop_break = exten->loop_break;
-					switch_case->loop_continue = exten->loop_continue;
-					linkexten(exten,switch_case);
-					snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"sw-%d-%s", local_control_statement_count, p2->u1.str);
-					switch_case->name = strdup(buf1);
-					snprintf(new_label,sizeof(new_label),"sw-%s-%s-%d", label, p2->u1.str, local_control_statement_count);
-					gen_prios(switch_case, new_label, p2->u2.statements, exten, this_context); /* this will link in all the case body statements here */
-					/* here is where we write code to "fall thru" to the next case... if there is one... */
-					for (p3=p2->u2.statements; p3; p3=p3->next) {
-						if (!p3->next)
-							break;
-					}
-					/* p3 now points the last statement... */
-					if (!p3 || ( p3->type != PV_GOTO && p3->type != PV_BREAK && p3->type != PV_RETURN) ) {
-						/* is there a following CASE/PATTERN/DEFAULT? */
-						if (p2->next && p2->next->type == PV_CASE) {
-							fall_thru = new_prio();
-							fall_thru->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-							fall_thru->app = strdup("Goto");
-							snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"sw-%d-%s,10",local_control_statement_count, p2->next->u1.str);
-							fall_thru->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-							linkprio(switch_case, fall_thru);
-						} else if (p2->next && p2->next->type == PV_PATTERN) {
-							fall_thru = new_prio();
-							fall_thru->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-							fall_thru->app = strdup("Goto");
-							gen_match_to_pattern(p2->next->u1.str, buf2);
-							snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"sw-%d-%s,10", local_control_statement_count, buf2);
-							fall_thru->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-							linkprio(switch_case, fall_thru);
-						} else if (p2->next && p2->next->type == PV_DEFAULT) {
-							fall_thru = new_prio();
-							fall_thru->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-							fall_thru->app = strdup("Goto");
-							snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"sw-%d-.,10",local_control_statement_count);
-							fall_thru->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-							linkprio(switch_case, fall_thru);
-						} else if (!p2->next) {
-							fall_thru = new_prio();
-							fall_thru->type = AEL_CONTROL1;
-							fall_thru->goto_true = switch_end;
-							fall_thru->app = strdup("Goto");
-							linkprio(switch_case, fall_thru);
-						}
-					}
-					if (switch_case->return_needed) { /* returns don't generate a goto eoe (end of extension) any more, just a Return() app call) */
-						char buf[2000];
-						struct ael_priority *np2 = new_prio();
-						np2->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-						np2->app = strdup("NoOp");
-						snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"End of Extension %s", switch_case->name);
-						np2->appargs = strdup(buf);
-						linkprio(switch_case, np2);
-						switch_case-> return_target = np2;
-					}
-				} else if (p2->type == PV_PATTERN) {
-					/* ok, generate a extension and link it in */
-					switch_case = new_exten();
-					switch_case->context = this_context;
-					switch_case->is_switch = 1;
-					/* the break/continue locations are inherited from parent */
-					switch_case->loop_break = exten->loop_break;
-					switch_case->loop_continue = exten->loop_continue;
-					linkexten(exten,switch_case);
-					snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"_sw-%d-%s", local_control_statement_count, p2->u1.str);
-					switch_case->name = strdup(buf1);
-					snprintf(new_label,sizeof(new_label),"sw-%s-%s-%d", label, p2->u1.str, local_control_statement_count);
-					gen_prios(switch_case, new_label, p2->u2.statements, exten, this_context); /* this will link in all the while body statements here */
-					/* here is where we write code to "fall thru" to the next case... if there is one... */
-					for (p3=p2->u2.statements; p3; p3=p3->next) {
-						if (!p3->next)
-							break;
-					}
-					/* p3 now points the last statement... */
-					if (!p3 || ( p3->type != PV_GOTO && p3->type != PV_BREAK && p3->type != PV_RETURN)) {
-						/* is there a following CASE/PATTERN/DEFAULT? */
-						if (p2->next && p2->next->type == PV_CASE) {
-							fall_thru = new_prio();
-							fall_thru->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-							fall_thru->app = strdup("Goto");
-							snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"sw-%d-%s,10",local_control_statement_count, p2->next->u1.str);
-							fall_thru->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-							linkprio(switch_case, fall_thru);
-						} else if (p2->next && p2->next->type == PV_PATTERN) {
-							fall_thru = new_prio();
-							fall_thru->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-							fall_thru->app = strdup("Goto");
-							gen_match_to_pattern(p2->next->u1.str, buf2);
-							snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"sw-%d-%s,10",local_control_statement_count, buf2);
-							fall_thru->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-							linkprio(switch_case, fall_thru);
-						} else if (p2->next && p2->next->type == PV_DEFAULT) {
-							fall_thru = new_prio();
-							fall_thru->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-							fall_thru->app = strdup("Goto");
-							snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"sw-%d-.,10",local_control_statement_count);
-							fall_thru->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-							linkprio(switch_case, fall_thru);
-						} else if (!p2->next) {
-							fall_thru = new_prio();
-							fall_thru->type = AEL_CONTROL1;
-							fall_thru->goto_true = switch_end;
-							fall_thru->app = strdup("Goto");
-							linkprio(switch_case, fall_thru);
-						}
-					}
-					if (switch_case->return_needed) { /* returns don't generate a goto eoe (end of extension) any more, just a Return() app call) */
-						char buf[2000];
-						struct ael_priority *np2 = new_prio();
-						np2->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-						np2->app = strdup("NoOp");
-						snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"End of Extension %s", switch_case->name);
-						np2->appargs = strdup(buf);
-						linkprio(switch_case, np2);
-						switch_case-> return_target = np2;
-					}
-				} else if (p2->type == PV_DEFAULT) {
-					default_exists++;
-					/* ok, generate a extension and link it in */
-					switch_case = new_exten();
-					switch_case->context = this_context;
-					switch_case->is_switch = 1;
-					/* the break/continue locations are inherited from parent */
-					switch_case->loop_break = exten->loop_break;
-					switch_case->loop_continue = exten->loop_continue;
-					linkexten(exten,switch_case);
-					snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"_sw-%d-.", local_control_statement_count);
-					switch_case->name = strdup(buf1);
-					snprintf(new_label,sizeof(new_label),"sw-%s-default-%d", label, local_control_statement_count);
-					gen_prios(switch_case, new_label, p2->u2.statements, exten, this_context); /* this will link in all the while body statements here */
-					/* here is where we write code to "fall thru" to the next case... if there is one... */
-					for (p3=p2->u2.statements; p3; p3=p3->next) {
-						if (!p3->next)
-							break;
-					}
-					/* p3 now points the last statement... */
-					if (!p3 || (p3->type != PV_GOTO && p3->type != PV_BREAK && p3->type != PV_RETURN)) {
-						/* is there a following CASE/PATTERN/DEFAULT? */
-						if (p2->next && p2->next->type == PV_CASE) {
-							fall_thru = new_prio();
-							fall_thru->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-							fall_thru->app = strdup("Goto");
-							snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"sw-%d-%s,10",local_control_statement_count, p2->next->u1.str);
-							fall_thru->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-							linkprio(switch_case, fall_thru);
-						} else if (p2->next && p2->next->type == PV_PATTERN) {
-							fall_thru = new_prio();
-							fall_thru->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-							fall_thru->app = strdup("Goto");
-							gen_match_to_pattern(p2->next->u1.str, buf2);
-							snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"sw-%d-%s,10",local_control_statement_count, buf2);
-							fall_thru->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-							linkprio(switch_case, fall_thru);
-						} else if (p2->next && p2->next->type == PV_DEFAULT) {
-							fall_thru = new_prio();
-							fall_thru->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-							fall_thru->app = strdup("Goto");
-							snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"sw-%d-.,10",local_control_statement_count);
-							fall_thru->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-							linkprio(switch_case, fall_thru);
-						} else if (!p2->next) {
-							fall_thru = new_prio();
-							fall_thru->type = AEL_CONTROL1;
-							fall_thru->goto_true = switch_end;
-							fall_thru->app = strdup("Goto");
-							linkprio(switch_case, fall_thru);
-						}
-					}
-					if (switch_case->return_needed) { /* returns don't generate a goto eoe (end of extension) any more, just a Return() app call) */
-						char buf[2000];
-						struct ael_priority *np2 = new_prio();
-						np2->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-						np2->app = strdup("NoOp");
-						snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"End of Extension %s", switch_case->name);
-						np2->appargs = strdup(buf);
-						linkprio(switch_case, np2);
-						switch_case-> return_target = np2;
-					}
-				} else {
-					/* what could it be??? */
-				}
-			}
-			exten->loop_break = loop_break_save;
-			exten->loop_continue = loop_continue_save;
-			switch_test->origin = p;
-			switch_end->origin = p;
-			break;
-		case PV_MACRO_CALL:
-			pr = new_prio();
-			pr->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-			snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"%s,s,1", p->u1.str);
-			first = 1;
-			for (p2 = p->u2.arglist; p2; p2 = p2->next) {
-				if (first)
-				{
-					strcat(buf1,"(");
-					first = 0;
-				}
-				else
-					strcat(buf1,",");
-				strcat(buf1,p2->u1.str);
-			}
-			if (!first)
-				strcat(buf1,")");
-			pr->app = strdup("Gosub");
-			pr->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-			pr->origin = p;
-			linkprio(exten, pr);
-			break;
-			pr = new_prio();
-			pr->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-			buf1[0] = 0;
-			for (p2 = p->u2.arglist; p2; p2 = p2->next) {
-				if (p2 != p->u2.arglist )
-					strcat(buf1,",");
-				/*substitute_commas(p2->u1.str); */
-				strcat(buf1,p2->u1.str);
-			}
-			pr->app = strdup(p->u1.str);
-			pr->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-			pr->origin = p;
-			linkprio(exten, pr);
-			break;
-		case PV_BREAK:
-			pr = new_prio();
-			pr->type = AEL_CONTROL1; /* simple goto */
-			pr->goto_true = exten->loop_break;
-			pr->origin = p;
-			linkprio(exten, pr);
-			break;
-		case PV_RETURN: /* hmmmm */
-			pr = new_prio();
-			pr->type = AEL_RETURN; /* simple Return */
-			/* exten->return_needed++; */
-			pr->app = strdup("Return");
-			pr->appargs = strdup("");
-			pr->origin = p;
-			linkprio(exten, pr);
-			break;
-		case PV_CONTINUE:
-			pr = new_prio();
-			pr->type = AEL_CONTROL1; /* simple goto */
-			pr->goto_true = exten->loop_continue;
-			pr->origin = p;
-			linkprio(exten, pr);
-			break;
-		case PV_IFTIME:
-			control_statement_count++;
-			snprintf(new_label,sizeof(new_label),"iftime-%s-%d", label, control_statement_count);
-			if_test = new_prio();
-			if_test->type = AEL_IFTIME_CONTROL;
-			snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"%s,%s,%s,%s",
-					 p->u1.list->u1.str, 
-					 p->u1.list->next->u1.str, 
-					 p->u1.list->next->next->u1.str, 
-					 p->u1.list->next->next->next->u1.str);
-			if_test->app = 0;
-			if_test->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-			if_test->origin = p;
-			if_end = new_prio();
-			if_end->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-			snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"Finish iftime-%s-%d", label, control_statement_count);
-			if_end->app = strdup("NoOp");
-			if_end->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-			if (p->u3.else_statements) {
-				if_skip = new_prio();
-				if_skip->type = AEL_CONTROL1; /* simple goto */
-				if_skip->goto_true = if_end;
-				if_skip->origin  = p;
-			} else {
-				if_skip = 0;
-				if_test->goto_false = if_end;
-			}
-			if_false = new_prio();
-			if_false->type = AEL_CONTROL1;
-			if (p->u3.else_statements) {
-				if_false->goto_true = if_skip; /* +1 */
-			} else {
-				if_false->goto_true = if_end;
-			}
-			/* link & load! */
-			linkprio(exten, if_test);
-			linkprio(exten, if_false);
-			/* now, put the body of the if here */
-			gen_prios(exten, new_label, p->u2.statements, mother_exten, this_context); /* this will link in all the statements here */
-			if (p->u3.else_statements) {
-				linkprio(exten, if_skip);
-				gen_prios(exten, new_label, p->u3.else_statements, mother_exten, this_context); /* this will link in all the statements here */
-			}
-			linkprio(exten, if_end);
-			break;
-		case PV_RANDOM:
-		case PV_IF:
-			control_statement_count++;
-			snprintf(new_label,sizeof(new_label),"if-%s-%d", label, control_statement_count);
-			if_test = new_prio();
-			if_end = new_prio();
-			if_test->type = AEL_IF_CONTROL;
-			if_end->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-			if ( p->type == PV_RANDOM )
-				snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"$[${RAND(0,99)} < (%s)]",p->u1.str);
-			else
-				snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"$[%s]",p->u1.str);
-			if_test->app = 0;
-			if_test->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-			snprintf(buf1,sizeof(buf1),"Finish if-%s-%d", label, control_statement_count);
-			if_end->app = strdup("NoOp");
-			if_end->appargs = strdup(buf1);
-			if_test->origin = p;
-			if (p->u3.else_statements) {
-				if_skip = new_prio();
-				if_skip->type = AEL_CONTROL1; /* simple goto */
-				if_skip->goto_true = if_end;
-				if_test->goto_false = if_skip;;
-			} else {
-				if_skip = 0;
-				if_test->goto_false = if_end;;
-			}
-			/* link & load! */
-			linkprio(exten, if_test);
-			/* now, put the body of the if here */
-			gen_prios(exten, new_label, p->u2.statements, mother_exten, this_context); /* this will link in all the statements here */
-			if (p->u3.else_statements) {
-				linkprio(exten, if_skip);
-				gen_prios(exten, new_label, p->u3.else_statements, mother_exten, this_context); /* this will link in all the statements here */
-			}
-			linkprio(exten, if_end);
-			break;
-			gen_prios(exten, label, p->u1.list, mother_exten, this_context ); /* recurse into the block */
-			break;
-		case PV_CATCH:
-			control_statement_count++;
-			/* generate an extension with name of catch, put all catch stats
-			   into this exten! */
-			switch_case = new_exten();
-			switch_case->context = this_context;
-			linkexten(exten,switch_case);
-			switch_case->name = strdup(p->u1.str);
-			snprintf(new_label,sizeof(new_label),"catch-%s-%d",p->u1.str, control_statement_count);
-			gen_prios(switch_case, new_label, p->u2.statements,mother_exten,this_context); /* this will link in all the catch body statements here */
-			if (switch_case->return_needed) { /* returns now generate a Return() app call, no longer a goto to the end of the exten */
-				char buf[2000];
-				struct ael_priority *np2 = new_prio();
-				np2->type = AEL_APPCALL;
-				np2->app = strdup("NoOp");
-				snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"End of Extension %s", switch_case->name);
-				np2->appargs = strdup(buf);
-				linkprio(switch_case, np2);
-				switch_case-> return_target = np2;
-			}
-			break;
-		default:
-			break;
-		}
-	}
 static pval *get_extension_or_contxt(pval *p)
 	while( p && p->type != PV_EXTENSION && p->type != PV_CONTEXT && p->type != PV_MACRO ) {

Modified: trunk/res/ael/pval.c
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/trunk/res/ael/pval.c?view=diff&rev=83575&r1=83574&r2=83575
--- trunk/res/ael/pval.c (original)
+++ trunk/res/ael/pval.c Sat Sep 22 12:39:37 2007
@@ -3147,20 +3147,52 @@
 			} else
 				for_init->appargs = strdup(p->u1.for_init);
-			for_inc->app = strdup("Set");
 			strp = strchr(buf2, '=');
-			strp2 = strchr(p->u3.for_inc, '=');
-			if (strp) {
+			if (strp) {  /* there's an = in this part; that means an assignment. set it up */
+				strp2 = strchr(p->u3.for_inc, '=');
 				*(strp+1) = 0;
 				strncat(buf2,strp2+1, sizeof(buf2)-strlen(strp2+1)-2);
 				for_inc->appargs = strdup(buf2);
-			} else
-				for_inc->appargs = strdup(p->u3.for_inc);
+				for_inc->app = strdup("Set");
+			} else {
+				strp2 = p->u3.for_inc;
+				while (*strp2 && isspace(*strp2))
+					strp2++;
+				if (*strp2 == '&') { /* itsa macro call  */
+					char *strp3 = strp2+1;
+					while (*strp3 && isspace(*strp3))
+						strp3++;
+					strcpy(buf2, strp3);
+					strp3 = strchr(buf2,'(');
+					if (strp3) {
+						*strp3 = ',';
+					}
+					strp3 = strrchr(buf2, ')');
+					if (strp3)
+						*strp3 = 0; /* remove the closing paren */
+					for_inc->appargs = strdup(buf2);
+					for_inc->app = strdup("Macro");
+				} else {  /* must be a regular app call */
+					char *strp3;
+					strcpy(buf2, strp2);
+					strp3 = strchr(buf2,'(');
+					if (strp3) {
+						*strp3 = 0;
+						for_inc->app = strdup(buf2);
+						for_inc->appargs = strdup(strp3+1);
+						strp3 = strrchr(for_inc->appargs, ')');
+						if (strp3)
+							*strp3 = 0; /* remove the closing paren */
+					}
+				}
+			}
 			for_test->app = 0;
 			for_test->appargs = strdup(buf1);

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