[asterisk-commits] russell: branch russell/events r59295 - /team/russell/events/include/asterisk/

asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Wed Mar 28 14:49:01 MST 2007

Author: russell
Date: Wed Mar 28 16:49:01 2007
New Revision: 59295

URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk?view=rev&rev=59295
Begin documenting the event API.


Modified: team/russell/events/include/asterisk/event.h
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/russell/events/include/asterisk/event.h?view=diff&rev=59295&r1=59294&r2=59295
--- team/russell/events/include/asterisk/event.h (original)
+++ team/russell/events/include/asterisk/event.h Wed Mar 28 16:49:01 2007
@@ -27,13 +27,103 @@
 #include "asterisk/event_defs.h"
-typedef void (*ast_event_cb_t)(const struct ast_event *, void *userdata);
+ * \brief Subscriber event callback type
+ *
+ * \param event the event being passed to the subscriber
+ * \param userdata the data provider in the call to ast_event_subscribe()
+ *
+ * \return The event callbacks do not return anything.
+ */
+typedef void (*ast_event_cb_t)(const struct ast_event *event, void *userdata);
-struct ast_event_sub *ast_event_subscribe(enum ast_event_type, ast_event_cb_t, void *userdata, ...);
+ * \brief Subscribe to events
+ *
+ * \param event_type The type of events to subscribe to
+ * \param cb The function to be called with events
+ * \param userdata data to be passed to the event callback
+ *
+ * The rest of the arguments to this function specify additional parameters for
+ * the subscription to filter which events are passed to this subscriber.  The
+ * arguments must be in sets of:
+ * \code
+ *    <enum ast_event_ie_type>, [enum ast_event_ie_pltype, [payload] ]
+ * \endcode
+ * and must end with AST_EVENT_IE_END.
+ *
+ * If the ie_type specified is *not* AST_EVENT_IE_END, then it must be followed
+ * by a valid IE payload type.  If the payload type specified is
+ * AST_EVENT_IE_PLTYPE_EXISTS, then the 3rd argument should not be provided.
+ * Otherwise, a payload must also be specified.
+ *
+ * \return This returns a reference to the subscription for use with
+ *         un-subscribing later.  If there is a failure in creating the
+ *         subscription, NULL will be returned.
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ *
+ * \code
+ * peer->mwi_event_sub = ast_event_subscribe(AST_EVENT_MWI, mwi_event_cb, peer,
+ *     AST_EVENT_IE_END);
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * This creates a subscription to AST_EVENT_MWI events that contain an
+ * information element, AST_EVENT_IE_MAILBOX, with the same string value
+ * contained in peer->mailbox.  Also, the event callback will be passed a
+ * pointer to the peer.
+ */
+struct ast_event_sub *ast_event_subscribe(enum ast_event_type event_type, 
+	ast_event_cb_t cb, void *userdata, ...);
-void ast_event_unsubscribe(struct ast_event_sub *);
+ * \brief Un-subscribe from events
+ *
+ * \param event_sub This is the reference to the subscription returned by
+ *        ast_event_subscribe.
+ * 
+ * \return Nothing
+ */
+void ast_event_unsubscribe(struct ast_event_sub *event_sub);
-enum ast_event_subscriber_res ast_event_check_subscriber(enum ast_event_type, ...);
+ * \brief Check if subscribers exist
+ *
+ * \param event_type This is the type of event that the caller would like to
+ *        check for subscribers to.
+ *
+ * The rest of the arguments to this function specify additional parameters for
+ * checking for subscriptions to subsets of an event type. The arguments must
+ * in sets of:
+ * \code
+ *    <enum ast_event_ie_type>, [enum ast_event_ie_pltype, [payload] ]
+ * \endcode
+ * and must end with AST_EVENT_IE_END.
+ *
+ * If the ie_type specified is *not* AST_EVENT_IE_END, then it must be followed
+ * by a valid IE payload type.  If the payload type specified is
+ * AST_EVENT_IE_PLTYPE_EXISTS, then the 3rd argument should not be provided.
+ * Otherwise, a payload must also be specified.
+ *
+ * \return This returns one of the values defined in the ast_event_subscriber_res
+ *         enum which will indicate if subscribers exist that match the given
+ *         criteria.
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ *
+ * \code
+ * if (ast_event_check_subscriber(AST_EVENT_MWI,
+ *       return;
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * This example will check if there are any subscribers to MWI events for the 
+ * mailbox defined in the "mailbox" variable.
+ */
+enum ast_event_subscriber_res ast_event_check_subscriber(enum ast_event_type event_type, ...);
 struct ast_event *ast_event_new(enum ast_event_type);

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