[asterisk-commits] russell: branch russell/LaTeX_docs r58911 - /team/russell/LaTeX_docs/doc/

asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Wed Mar 14 15:34:29 MST 2007

Author: russell
Date: Wed Mar 14 17:34:28 2007
New Revision: 58911

URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk?view=rev&rev=58911
add asterisk.conf docs

      - copied, changed from r58903, team/russell/LaTeX_docs/doc/asterisk-conf.txt

Copied: team/russell/LaTeX_docs/doc/asterisk-conf.tex (from r58903, team/russell/LaTeX_docs/doc/asterisk-conf.txt)
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/russell/LaTeX_docs/doc/asterisk-conf.tex?view=diff&rev=58911&p1=team/russell/LaTeX_docs/doc/asterisk-conf.txt&r1=58903&p2=team/russell/LaTeX_docs/doc/asterisk-conf.tex&r2=58911
--- team/russell/LaTeX_docs/doc/asterisk-conf.txt (original)
+++ team/russell/LaTeX_docs/doc/asterisk-conf.tex Wed Mar 14 17:34:28 2007
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-Asterisk Main Configuration File
+\subsubsection{Asterisk Main Configuration File}
 Below is a sample of the main Asterisk configuration file,
-asterisk.conf. Note that this file is _not_ provided in
+asterisk.conf. Note that this file is not provided in
 sample form, because the Makefile creates it when needed
 and does not touch it when it already exists.
 ; Make sure these directories have the right permissions if not
 ; running Asterisk as root 
@@ -39,36 +38,82 @@
 ;Under "options" you can enter configuration options
 ;that you also can set with command line options
-verbose = 0					; Verbosity level for logging (-v)
-debug = 3					; Debug: "No" or value (1-4)
-nofork=yes | no					; Background execution disabled (-f)
-alwaysfork=yes | no				; Always background, even with -v or -d (-F)
-console= yes | no				; Console mode (-c)
-highpriority = yes | no				; Execute with high priority (-p)
-initcrypto = yes | no				; Initialize crypto at startup (-i)
-nocolor = yes | no				; Disable ANSI colors (-n)
-dumpcore = yes | no				; Dump core on failure (-g)
-quiet = yes | no				; Run quietly (-q)
-timestamp = yes | no				; Force timestamping in CLI verbose output (-T)
-runuser = asterisk				; User to run asterisk as (-U) NOTE: will require changes to
-						; directory and device permissions
-rungroup = asterisk				; Group to run asterisk as (-G)
-internal_timing = yes | no			; Enable internal timing support (-I)
+; Verbosity level for logging (-v)
+verbose = 0
-;These options have no command line equivalent
-cache_record_files = yes | no			; Cache record() files in another directory until completion
+; Debug: "No" or value (1-4)
+debug = 3					
+; Background execution disabled (-f)
+nofork=yes | no					
+; Always background, even with -v or -d (-F)
+alwaysfork=yes | no
+; Console mode (-c)
+console= yes | no
+; Execute with high priority (-p)
+highpriority = yes | no
+; Initialize crypto at startup (-i)
+initcrypto = yes | no
+; Disable ANSI colors (-n)
+nocolor = yes | no
+; Dump core on failure (-g)
+dumpcore = yes | no
+; Run quietly (-q)
+quiet = yes | no
+; Force timestamping in CLI verbose output (-T)
+timestamp = yes | no
+; User to run asterisk as (-U) NOTE: will require changes to
+; directory and device permissions
+runuser = asterisk				
+; Group to run asterisk as (-G)
+rungroup = asterisk
+; Enable internal timing support (-I)
+internal_timing = yes | no
+; These options have no command line equivalent
+; Cache record() files in another directory until completion
+cache_record_files = yes | no			
 record_cache_dir = <dir>
-transcode_via_sln = yes | no 			; Build transcode paths via SLINEAR
-transmit_silence_during_record = yes | no	; send SLINEAR silence while channel is being recorded
-maxload = 1.0					; The maximum load average we accept calls for
-maxcalls = 255					; The maximum number of concurrent calls you want to allow 
-execincludes = yes | no 			; Allow #exec entries in configuration files
-dontwarn = yes | no				; Don't over-inform the Asterisk sysadm, he's a guru
-systemname = <a_string>				; System name. Used to prefix CDR uniqueid and to fill ${SYSTEMNAME}
-languageprefix = yes | no			; Should language code be last component of sound file name or first?
-	       	       				; when off, sound files are searched as <path>/<lang>/<file>
-						; when on, sound files are search as <lang>/<path>/<file>
-						; (only affects relative paths for sound files)
+; Build transcode paths via SLINEAR
+transcode_via_sln = yes | no 			
+; send SLINEAR silence while channel is being recorded
+transmit_silence_during_record = yes | no
+; The maximum load average we accept calls for
+maxload = 1.0
+; The maximum number of concurrent calls you want to allow
+maxcalls = 255 
+; Allow #exec entries in configuration files
+execincludes = yes | no
+; Don't over-inform the Asterisk sysadm, he's a guru
+dontwarn = yes | no
+; System name. Used to prefix CDR uniqueid and to fill \${SYSTEMNAME}
+systemname = <a_string>
+; Should language code be last component of sound file name or first?
+; when off, sound files are searched as <path>/<lang>/<file>
+; when on, sound files are search as <lang>/<path>/<file>
+; (only affects relative paths for sound files)
+languageprefix = yes | no			
 ; Changing the following lines may compromise your security
@@ -81,3 +126,5 @@
 ;astctlowner = root
 ;astctlgroup = asterisk
 ;astctl = asterisk.ctl

Modified: team/russell/LaTeX_docs/doc/asterisk.pdf
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/russell/LaTeX_docs/doc/asterisk.pdf?view=diff&rev=58911&r1=58910&r2=58911
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: team/russell/LaTeX_docs/doc/asterisk.tex
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/russell/LaTeX_docs/doc/asterisk.tex?view=diff&rev=58911&r1=58910&r2=58911
--- team/russell/LaTeX_docs/doc/asterisk.tex (original)
+++ team/russell/LaTeX_docs/doc/asterisk.tex Wed Mar 14 17:34:28 2007
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
 \section{General Configuration Information}
   \subsection{Configuration Parser}
+  \subsection{Asterisk.conf}
+  \input{asterisk-conf.tex}

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