[asterisk-commits] kpfleming: trunk r73677 - in /trunk/channels: ./ Makefile busy.h ringtone.h

SVN commits to the Asterisk project asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Fri Jul 6 10:47:16 CDT 2007

Author: kpfleming
Date: Fri Jul  6 10:47:16 2007
New Revision: 73677

URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk?view=rev&rev=73677
it really seems pointless to run gentone to create these header files every time we build Asterisk...

    trunk/channels/busy.h   (with props)
    trunk/channels/ringtone.h   (with props)
    trunk/channels/   (props changed)

Propchange: trunk/channels/
--- svn:ignore (original)
+++ svn:ignore Fri Jul  6 10:47:16 2007
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@

Modified: trunk/channels/Makefile
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/trunk/channels/Makefile?view=diff&rev=73677&r1=73676&r2=73677
--- trunk/channels/Makefile (original)
+++ trunk/channels/Makefile Fri Jul  6 10:47:16 2007
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 include $(ASTTOPDIR)/Makefile.moddir_rules
-	rm -f busy.h ringtone.h gentone
+	rm -f gentone
 	$(MAKE) -C misdn clean
 ifneq ($(wildcard h323/Makefile.ast),)
@@ -85,17 +85,13 @@
 gentone: LIBS+=-lm
-busy.h: gentone
 	./gentone busy 480 620
-ringtone.h: gentone
 	./gentone ringtone 440 480
-chan_oss.o: busy.h ringtone.h
 $(if $(filter chan_iax2,$(EMBEDDED_MODS)),modules.link,chan_iax2.so): iax2-parser.o iax2-provision.o
-chan_alsa.o: busy.h ringtone.h
 ifeq ($(OSARCH),linux-gnu)
 chan_h323.so: chan_h323.o h323/libchanh323.a h323/Makefile.ast

Added: trunk/channels/busy.h
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/trunk/channels/busy.h?view=auto&rev=73677
--- trunk/channels/busy.h (added)
+++ trunk/channels/busy.h Fri Jul  6 10:47:16 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,73 @@
+ * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2007, Digium, Inc.
+ *
+ * Mark Spencer <markster at digium.com>
+ *
+ * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about
+ * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact
+ * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance;
+ * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC
+ * channels for your use.
+ *
+ * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
+ * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file
+ * at the top of the source tree.
+ */
+/* busy.h: Generated from frequencies 480 and 620 
+   by gentone.  400 samples  */
+static short busy[400] = {
+	    0, 13697, 24766, 31109, 31585, 26222, 16198,  3569, 
+	-9162, -19575, -25812, -26935, -23069, -15322, -5493,  4339, 
+	12277, 16985, 17934, 15440, 10519,  4585,  -908, -4827, 
+	-6592, -6269, -4489, -2220,  -467,    30,  -983, -3203, 
+	-5839, -7844, -8215, -6301, -2035,  3975, 10543, 16141, 
+	19260, 18787, 14322,  6338, -3845, -14296, -22858, -27611, 
+	-27309, -21691, -11585,  1213, 14285, 25068, 31388, 31915, 
+	26457, 16010,  2568, -11282, -22885, -30054, -31509, -27120, 
+	-17908, -5805,  6760, 17379, 24147, 26028, 23020, 16094, 
+	 6931, -2478, -10279, -15136, -16474, -14538, -10253, -4949, 
+	    0,  3515,  5052,  4688,  3045,  1069,  -268,  -272, 
+	 1269,  3996,  7067,  9381,  9889,  7910,  3365, -3123, 
+	-10320, -16622, -20424, -20510, -16384, -8448,  2006, 13026, 
+	22383, 28040, 28613, 23696, 13996,  1232, -12193, -23670, 
+	-30918, -32459, -27935, -18190, -5103,  8795, 20838, 28764, 
+	31164, 27753, 19395,  7893, -4412, -15136, -22342, -24909, 
+	-22717, -16609, -8143,   780,  8361, 13272, 14909, 13455, 
+	 9758,  5067,   678, -2387, -3624, -3133, -1538,   224, 
+	 1209,   751, -1315, -4580, -8145, -10848, -11585, -9628, 
+	-4878,  2038,  9844, 16867, 21403, 22124, 18429, 10638, 
+	    0, -11524, -21643, -28211, -29702, -25561, -16364, -3737, 
+	 9946, 22044, 30180, 32733, 29182, 20210,  7573, -6269, 
+	-18655, -27259, -30558, -28117, -20645, -9807,  2148, 12878, 
+	20426, 23599, 22173, 16865,  9117,   731, -6552, -11426, 
+	-13269, -12216, -9050, -4941, -1118,  1460,  2335,  1635, 
+	    0, -1635, -2335, -1460,  1118,  4941,  9050, 12216, 
+	13269, 11426,  6552,  -731, -9117, -16865, -22173, -23599, 
+	-20426, -12878, -2148,  9807, 20645, 28117, 30558, 27259, 
+	18655,  6269, -7573, -20210, -29182, -32733, -30180, -22044, 
+	-9946,  3737, 16364, 25561, 29702, 28211, 21643, 11524, 
+	    0, -10638, -18429, -22124, -21403, -16867, -9844, -2038, 
+	 4878,  9628, 11585, 10848,  8145,  4580,  1315,  -751, 
+	-1209,  -224,  1538,  3133,  3624,  2387,  -678, -5067, 
+	-9758, -13455, -14909, -13272, -8361,  -780,  8143, 16609, 
+	22717, 24909, 22342, 15136,  4412, -7893, -19395, -27753, 
+	-31164, -28764, -20838, -8795,  5103, 18190, 27935, 32459, 
+	30918, 23670, 12193, -1232, -13996, -23696, -28613, -28040, 
+	-22383, -13026, -2006,  8448, 16384, 20510, 20424, 16622, 
+	10320,  3123, -3365, -7910, -9889, -9381, -7067, -3996, 
+	-1269,   272,   268, -1069, -3045, -4688, -5052, -3515, 
+	    0,  4949, 10253, 14538, 16474, 15136, 10279,  2478, 
+	-6931, -16094, -23020, -26028, -24147, -17379, -6760,  5805, 
+	17908, 27120, 31509, 30054, 22885, 11282, -2568, -16010, 
+	-26457, -31915, -31388, -25068, -14285, -1213, 11585, 21691, 
+	27309, 27611, 22858, 14296,  3845, -6338, -14322, -18787, 
+	-19260, -16141, -10543, -3975,  2035,  6301,  8215,  7844, 
+	 5839,  3203,   983,   -30,   467,  2220,  4489,  6269, 
+	 6592,  4827,   908, -4585, -10519, -15440, -17934, -16985, 
+	-12277, -4339,  5493, 15322, 23069, 26935, 25812, 19575, 
+	 9162, -3569, -16198, -26222, -31585, -31109, -24766, -13697, 

Propchange: trunk/channels/busy.h
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: trunk/channels/busy.h
    svn:keywords = Author Id Date Revision

Propchange: trunk/channels/busy.h
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: trunk/channels/ringtone.h
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/trunk/channels/ringtone.h?view=auto&rev=73677
--- trunk/channels/ringtone.h (added)
+++ trunk/channels/ringtone.h Fri Jul  6 10:47:16 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2007, Digium, Inc.
+ *
+ * Mark Spencer <markster at digium.com>
+ *
+ * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about
+ * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact
+ * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance;
+ * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC
+ * channels for your use.
+ *
+ * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
+ * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file
+ * at the top of the source tree.
+ */
+/* ringtone.h: Generated from frequencies 440 and 480 
+   by gentone.  200 samples  */
+static short ringtone[200] = {
+	    0, 11581, 21659, 28927, 32445, 31764, 26981, 18727, 
+	 8084, -3559, -14693, -23875, -29927, -32083, -30088, -24228, 
+	-15290, -4453,  6864, 17195, 25212, 29902, 30693, 27526, 
+	20856, 11585,   944, -9673, -18899, -25560, -28837, -28357, 
+	-24244, -17089, -7868,  2192, 11780, 19667, 24872, 26779, 
+	25212, 20450, 13179,  4396, -4731, -13019, -19421, -23164, 
+	-23839, -21446, -16384, -9384, -1408,  6484, 13281, 18145, 
+	20517, 20182, 17286, 12301,  5951,  -887, -7314, -12519, 
+	-15886, -17068, -16017, -12983, -8458, -3109,  2327,  7142, 
+	10750, 12757, 13007, 11585,  8793,  5095,  1044, -2800, 
+	-5951, -8053, -8921, -8560, -7141, -4967, -2421,   104, 
+	 2260,  3791,  4567,  4589,  3977,  2941,  1733,   600, 
+	 -257,  -722,  -772,  -481,     0,   481,   772,   722, 
+	  257,  -600, -1733, -2941, -3977, -4589, -4567, -3791, 
+	-2260,  -104,  2421,  4967,  7141,  8560,  8921,  8053, 
+	 5951,  2800, -1044, -5095, -8793, -11585, -13007, -12757, 
+	-10750, -7142, -2327,  3109,  8458, 12983, 16017, 17068, 
+	15886, 12519,  7314,   887, -5951, -12301, -17286, -20182, 
+	-20517, -18145, -13281, -6484,  1408,  9384, 16384, 21446, 
+	23839, 23164, 19421, 13019,  4731, -4396, -13179, -20450, 
+	-25212, -26779, -24872, -19667, -11780, -2192,  7868, 17089, 
+	24244, 28357, 28837, 25560, 18899,  9673,  -944, -11585, 
+	-20856, -27526, -30693, -29902, -25212, -17195, -6864,  4453, 
+	15290, 24228, 30088, 32083, 29927, 23875, 14693,  3559, 
+	-8084, -18727, -26981, -31764, -32445, -28927, -21659, -11581, 

Propchange: trunk/channels/ringtone.h
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: trunk/channels/ringtone.h
    svn:keywords = Author Id Date Revision

Propchange: trunk/channels/ringtone.h
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

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