[asterisk-commits] russell: trunk r72938 - in /trunk/doc: ast_cli_commands.tex asterisk.tex

SVN commits to the Asterisk project asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Mon Jul 2 15:42:41 CDT 2007

Author: russell
Date: Mon Jul  2 15:42:40 2007
New Revision: 72938

URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk?view=rev&rev=72938
Add CLI commands to the docs

    trunk/doc/ast_cli_commands.tex   (with props)

Added: trunk/doc/ast_cli_commands.tex
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/trunk/doc/ast_cli_commands.tex?view=auto&rev=72938
--- trunk/doc/ast_cli_commands.tex (added)
+++ trunk/doc/ast_cli_commands.tex Mon Jul  2 15:42:40 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,3505 @@
+% This file is automatically generated by the "core dump clidocs" CLI command.  Any manual edits will be lost.
+Execute a shell command
+Usage: !<command>
+       Executes a given shell command
+\section{abort halt}
+Cancel a running halt
+Usage: abort shutdown
+       Causes Asterisk to abort an executing shutdown or restart, and resume normal
+       call operations.
+\section{ael debug contexts}
+Enable AEL contexts debug (does nothing)
+\section{ael debug macros}
+Enable AEL macros debug (does nothing)
+\section{ael debug read}
+Enable AEL read debug (does nothing)
+\section{ael debug tokens}
+Enable AEL tokens debug (does nothing)
+\section{ael nodebug}
+Disable AEL debug messages
+\section{ael reload}
+Reload AEL configuration
+\section{agent logoff}
+Sets an agent offline
+Usage: agent logoff <channel> [soft]
+       Sets an agent as no longer logged in.
+       If 'soft' is specified, do not hangup existing calls.
+\section{agent show}
+Show status of agents
+Usage: agent show
+       Provides summary information on agents.
+\section{agent show online}
+Show all online agents
+Usage: agent show online
+	Provides a list of all online agents.
+\section{agi debug}
+Enable AGI debugging
+Usage: agi debug
+       Enables dumping of AGI transactions for debugging purposes
+\section{agi debug off}
+Disable AGI debugging
+Usage: agi debug off
+       Disables dumping of AGI transactions for debugging purposes
+\section{agi dump commanddocs}
+Dump agi command documentation in LaTeX format
+Usage: agi dump commanddocs [command]
+       Dump manager action documentation to /tmp/ast_agi_commands.tex.
+\section{agi dumphtml}
+Dumps a list of agi commands in html format
+Usage: agi dumphtml <filename>
+	Dumps the agi command list in html format to given filename
+\section{agi show}
+List AGI commands or specific help
+Usage: agi show [topic]
+       When called with a topic as an argument, displays usage
+       information on the given command.  If called without a
+       topic, it provides a list of AGI commands.
+\section{cdr status}
+Display the CDR status
+Usage: cdr status
+	Displays the Call Detail Record engine system status.
+\section{console active}
+Sets/displays active console
+Usage: console active [device]
+       If used without a parameter, displays which device is the current
+console.  If a device is specified, the console sound device is changed to
+the device specified.
+\section{console answer}
+Answer an incoming console call
+Usage: console answer
+       Answers an incoming call on the console (OSS) channel.
+\section{console autoanswer [on|off]}
+Sets/displays autoanswer
+Usage: console autoanswer [on|off]
+       Enables or disables autoanswer feature.  If used without
+       argument, displays the current on/off status of autoanswer.
+       The default value of autoanswer is in 'oss.conf'.
+\section{console boost}
+Sets/displays mic boost in dB
+\section{console dial}
+Dial an extension on the console
+Usage: console dial [extension[@context]]
+       Dials a given extension (and context if specified)
+\section{console flash}
+Flash a call on the console
+Usage: console flash
+       Flashes the call currently placed on the console.
+\section{console hangup}
+Hangup a call on the console
+Usage: console hangup
+       Hangs up any call currently placed on the console.
+\section{console {mute|unmute}}
+Disable/Enable mic input
+Usage: console {mute|unmute}
+       Mute/unmute the microphone.
+\section{console send text}
+Send text to the remote device
+Usage: console send text <message>
+       Sends a text message for display on the remote terminal.
+\section{console transfer}
+Transfer a call to a different extension
+Usage: console transfer <extension>[@context]
+       Transfers the currently connected call to the given extension (and
+context if specified)
+\section{core clear profile}
+Clear profiling info
+\section{core dump appdocs}
+Dump application documentation in LaTeX format
+Usage: core dump appdocs [application]
+       Dump Application documentation to /tmp/ast_appdocs.tex.
+\section{core dump clidocs}
+Dump CLI command documentation in LaTeX format
+Usage: core dump clidocs
+       Dump CLI command documentation to /tmp/ast_cli_commands.tex.
+\section{core dump funcdocs}
+Dump function documentation in LaTeX format
+Usage: core dump funcdocs [function]
+       Dump Application documentation to /tmp/ast_funcdocs.tex.
+\section{core set debug channel}
+Enable/disable debugging on a channel
+Usage: core set debug channel <all|channel> [off]
+       Enables/disables debugging on all or on a specific channel.
+\section{core set {debug|verbose} [off|atleast]}
+Set level of debug/verbose chattiness
+Usage: core set {debug|verbose} [atleast] <level>
+       core set {debug|verbose} off
+       Sets level of debug or verbose messages to be displayed.
+	0 or off means no messages should be displayed.
+	Equivalent to -d[d[...]] or -v[v[v...]] on startup
+\section{core set global}
+Set global dialplan variable
+Usage: core set global <name> <value>
+       Set global dialplan variable <name> to <value>
+\section{core show applications}
+Shows registered dialplan applications
+Usage: core show applications [{like|describing} <text>]
+       List applications which are currently available.
+       If 'like', <text> will be a substring of the app name
+       If 'describing', <text> will be a substring of the description
+\section{core show application}
+Describe a specific dialplan application
+Usage: core show application <application> [<application> [<application> [...]]]
+       Describes a particular application.
+\section{core show channels [concise|verbose|count]}
+Display information on channels
+Usage: core show channels [concise|verbose|count]
+       Lists currently defined channels and some information about them. If
+       'concise' is specified, the format is abridged and in a more easily
+       machine parsable format. If 'verbose' is specified, the output includes
+       more and longer fields. If 'count' is specified only the channel and call
+       count is output.
+\section{core show channel}
+Display information on a specific channel
+Usage: core show channel <channel>
+       Shows lots of information about the specified channel.
+\section{core show channeltypes}
+List available channel types
+Usage: core show channeltypes
+       Lists available channel types registered in your Asterisk server.
+\section{core show channeltype}
+Give more details on that channel type
+Usage: core show channeltype <name>
+	Show details about the specified channel type, <name>.
+\section{core show codecs}
+Displays a list of codecs
+Usage: core show codecs [audio|video|image]
+       Displays codec mapping
+\section{core show codecs audio}
+Displays a list of audio codecs
+Usage: core show codecs [audio|video|image]
+       Displays codec mapping
+\section{core show codecs image}
+Displays a list of image codecs
+Usage: core show codecs [audio|video|image]
+       Displays codec mapping
+\section{core show codecs video}
+Displays a list of video codecs
+Usage: core show codecs [audio|video|image]
+       Displays codec mapping
+\section{core show codec}
+Shows a specific codec
+Usage: core show codec <number>
+       Displays codec mapping
+\section{core show config mappings}
+Display config mappings (file names to config engines)
+Usage: core show config mappings
+	Shows the filenames to config engines.
+\section{core show file formats}
+Displays file formats
+Usage: core show file formats
+       Displays currently registered file formats (if any)
+\section{core show file version}
+List versions of files used to build Asterisk
+Usage: core show file version [like <pattern>]
+       Lists the revision numbers of the files used to build this copy of Asterisk.
+       Optional regular expression pattern is used to filter the file list.
+\section{core show functions}
+Shows registered dialplan functions
+Usage: core show functions [like <text>]
+       List builtin functions, optionally only those matching a given string
+\section{core show function}
+Describe a specific dialplan function
+Usage: core show function <function>
+       Describe a particular dialplan function.
+\section{core show globals}
+Show global dialplan variables
+Usage: core show globals
+       List current global dialplan variables and their values
+\section{core show hints}
+Show dialplan hints
+Usage: core show hints
+       List registered hints
+\section{core show image formats}
+Displays image formats
+Usage: core show image formats
+       displays currently registered image formats (if any)
+\section{core show license}
+Show the license(s) for this copy of Asterisk
+Usage: core show license
+       Shows the license(s) for this copy of Asterisk.
+\section{core show profile}
+Display profiling info
+\section{core show settings}
+Show some core settings
+\section{core show switches}
+Show alternative switches
+Usage: core show switches
+       List registered switches
+\section{core show sysinfo}
+Show System Information
+Usage: core show sysinfo
+       List current system information.
+\section{core show threads}
+Show running threads
+Usage: core show threads
+       List threads currently active in the system.
+\section{core show translation}
+Display translation matrix
+Usage: core show translation [recalc] [<recalc seconds>]
+       Displays known codec translators and the cost associated
+with each conversion.  If the argument 'recalc' is supplied along
+with optional number of seconds to test a new test will be performed
+as the chart is being displayed.
+\section{core show uptime [seconds]}
+Show uptime information
+Usage: core show uptime [seconds]
+       Shows Asterisk uptime information.
+       The seconds word returns the uptime in seconds only.
+\section{core show version}
+Display version info
+Usage: core show version
+       Shows Asterisk version information.
+\section{core show warranty}
+Show the warranty (if any) for this copy of Asterisk
+Usage: core show warranty
+       Shows the warranty (if any) for this copy of Asterisk.
+\section{database del}
+Removes database key/value
+Usage: database del <family> <key>
+       Deletes an entry in the Asterisk database for a given
+family and key.
+\section{database deltree}
+Removes database keytree/values
+Usage: database deltree <family> [keytree]
+       Deletes a family or specific keytree within a family
+in the Asterisk database.
+\section{database get}
+Gets database value
+Usage: database get <family> <key>
+       Retrieves an entry in the Asterisk database for a given
+family and key.
+\section{database put}
+Adds/updates database value
+Usage: database put <family> <key> <value>
+       Adds or updates an entry in the Asterisk database for
+a given family, key, and value.
+\section{database show}
+Shows database contents
+Usage: database show [family [keytree]]
+       Shows Asterisk database contents, optionally restricted
+to a given family, or family and keytree.
+\section{database showkey}
+Shows database contents
+Usage: database showkey <keytree>
+       Shows Asterisk database contents, restricted to a given key.
+\section{dialplan add extension}
+Add new extension into context
+Usage: dialplan add extension <exten>,<priority>,<app>,<app-data>
+       into <context> [replace]
+       This command will add new extension into <context>. If there is an
+       existence of extension with the same priority and last 'replace'
+       arguments is given here we simply replace this extension.
+Example: dialplan add extension 6123,1,Dial,IAX/ into local
+         Now, you can dial 6123 and talk to Markster :)
+\section{dialplan add ignorepat}
+Add new ignore pattern
+Usage: dialplan add ignorepat <pattern> into <context>
+       This command adds a new ignore pattern into context <context>
+Example: dialplan add ignorepat _3XX into local
+\section{dialplan add include}
+Include context in other context
+Usage: dialplan add include <context> into <context>
+       Include a context in another context.
+\section{dialplan reload}
+Reload extensions and *only* extensions
+Usage: dialplan reload
+       reload extensions.conf without reloading any other modules
+       This command does not delete global variables unless
+       clearglobalvars is set to yes in extensions.conf
+\section{dialplan remove extension}
+Remove a specified extension
+Usage: dialplan remove extension exten at context [priority]
+       Remove an extension from a given context. If a priority
+       is given, only that specific priority from the given extension
+       will be removed.
+\section{dialplan remove ignorepat}
+Remove ignore pattern from context
+Usage: dialplan remove ignorepat <pattern> from <context>
+       This command removes an ignore pattern from context <context>
+Example: dialplan remove ignorepat _3XX from local
+\section{dialplan remove include}
+Remove a specified include from context
+Usage: dialplan remove include <context> from <context>
+       Remove an included context from another context.
+\section{dialplan save}
+Save dialplan
+Usage: dialplan save [/path/to/extension/file]
+       Save dialplan created by pbx_config module.
+Example: dialplan save                 (/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf)
+         dialplan save /home/markster  (/home/markster/extensions.conf)
+\section{dialplan show}
+Show dialplan
+Usage: core show dialplan [exten@][context]
+       Show dialplan
+\section{dnsmgr reload}
+Reloads the DNS manager configuration
+Usage: dnsmgr reload
+       Reloads the DNS manager configuration.
+\section{dnsmgr status}
+Display the DNS manager status
+Usage: dnsmgr status
+       Displays the DNS manager status.
+\section{dundi debug}
+Enable DUNDi debugging
+Usage: dundi debug
+       Enables dumping of DUNDi packets for debugging purposes
+\section{dundi flush}
+Flush DUNDi cache
+Usage: dundi flush [stats]
+       Flushes DUNDi answer cache, used primarily for debug.  If
+'stats' is present, clears timer statistics instead of normal
+\section{dundi lookup}
+Lookup a number in DUNDi
+Usage: dundi lookup <number>[@context] [bypass]
+       Lookup the given number within the given DUNDi context
+(or e164 if none is specified).  Bypasses cache if 'bypass'
+keyword is specified.
+\section{dundi no debug}
+Disable DUNDi debugging
+Usage: dundi no debug
+       Disables dumping of DUNDi packets for debugging purposes
+\section{dundi no store history}
+Disable DUNDi historic records
+Usage: dundi no store history
+       Disables storing of DUNDi requests and times for debugging
+\section{dundi precache}
+Precache a number in DUNDi
+Usage: dundi precache <number>[@context]
+       Lookup the given number within the given DUNDi context
+(or e164 if none is specified) and precaches the results to any
+upstream DUNDi push servers.
+\section{dundi query}
+Query a DUNDi EID
+Usage: dundi query <entity>[@context]
+       Attempts to retrieve contact information for a specific
+DUNDi entity identifier (EID) within a given DUNDi context (or
+e164 if none is specified).
+\section{dundi show entityid}
+Display Global Entity ID
+Usage: dundi show entityid
+       Displays the global entityid for this host.
+\section{dundi show mappings}
+Show DUNDi mappings
+Usage: dundi show mappings
+       Lists all known DUNDi mappings.
+\section{dundi show peers}
+Show defined DUNDi peers
+Usage: dundi show peers
+       Lists all known DUNDi peers.
+\section{dundi show peer}
+Show info on a specific DUNDi peer
+Usage: dundi show peer [peer]
+       Provide a detailed description of a specifid DUNDi peer.
+\section{dundi show precache}
+Show DUNDi precache
+Usage: dundi show precache
+       Lists all known DUNDi scheduled precache updates.
+\section{dundi show requests}
+Show DUNDi requests
+Usage: dundi show requests
+       Lists all known pending DUNDi requests.
+\section{dundi show trans}
+Show active DUNDi transactions
+Usage: dundi show trans
+       Lists all known DUNDi transactions.
+\section{dundi store history}
+Enable DUNDi historic records
+Usage: dundi store history
+       Enables storing of DUNDi requests and times for debugging
+\section{feature show}
+Lists configured features
+Usage: feature list
+       Lists currently configured features.
+\section{file convert}
+Convert audio file
+Usage: file convert <file_in> <file_out>
+    Convert from file_in to file_out. If an absolute path is not given, the
+default Asterisk sounds directory will be used.
+    file convert tt-weasels.gsm tt-weasels.ulaw
+\section{funcdevstate list}
+List currently known custom device states
+Usage: funcdevstate list
+       List all custom device states that have been set by using
+       the DEVSTATE dialplan function.
+\section{group show channels}
+Display active channels with group(s)
+Usage: group show channels [pattern]
+       Lists all currently active channels with channel group(s) specified.
+       Optional regular expression pattern is matched to group names for each
+       channel.
+\section{gtalk reload}
+Enable Jabber debugging
+Usage: gtalk reload
+       Reload gtalk channel driver.
+\section{gtalk show channels}
+Show GoogleTalk Channels
+Usage: gtalk show channels
+       Shows current state of the Gtalk channels.
+\section{h323 cycle gk}
+Manually re-register with the Gatekeper
+Usage: h323 gk cycle
+       Manually re-register with the Gatekeper (Currently Disabled)
+\section{h323 hangup}
+Manually try to hang up a call
+Usage: h323 hangup <token>
+       Manually try to hang up call identified by <token>
+\section{h323 reload}
+Reload H.323 configuration
+Usage: h323 reload
+       Reloads H.323 configuration from h323.conf
+\section{h323 set debug}
+Enable H.323 debug
+Usage: h323 debug
+       Enables H.323 debug output
+\section{h323 set debug off}
+Disable H.323 debug
+Usage: h323 no debug
+       Disables H.323 debug output
+\section{h323 set trace}
+Enable H.323 Stack Tracing
+Usage: h323 trace <level num>
+       Enables H.323 stack tracing for debugging purposes
+\section{h323 set trace off}
+Disable H.323 Stack Tracing
+Usage: h323 no trace
+       Disables H.323 stack tracing for debugging purposes
+\section{h323 show tokens}
+Show all active call tokens
+Usage: h323 show tokens
+       Print out all active call tokens
+Display help list, or specific help on a command
+Usage: help [topic]
+       When called with a topic as an argument, displays usage
+       information on the given command. If called without a
+       topic, it provides a list of commands.
+\section{http show status}
+Display HTTP server status
+Usage: http show status
+       Lists status of internal HTTP engine
+\section{iax2 provision}
+Provision an IAX device
+Usage: iax2 provision <host> <template> [forced]
+       Provisions the given peer or IP address using a template
+       matching either 'template' or '*' if the template is not
+       found.  If 'forced' is specified, even empty provisioning
+       fields will be provisioned as empty fields.
+\section{iax2 prune realtime}
+Prune a cached realtime lookup
+Usage: iax2 prune realtime [<peername>|all]
+       Prunes object(s) from the cache
+\section{iax2 reload}
+Reload IAX configuration
+Usage: iax2 reload
+       Reloads IAX configuration from iax.conf
+\section{iax2 set debug}
+Enable IAX debugging
+Usage: iax2 set debug
+       Enables dumping of IAX packets for debugging purposes
+\section{iax2 set debug jb}
+Enable IAX jitterbuffer debugging
+Usage: iax2 set debug jb
+       Enables jitterbuffer debugging information
+\section{iax2 set debug jb off}
+Disable IAX jitterbuffer debugging
+Usage: iax2 set debug jb off
+       Disables jitterbuffer debugging information
+\section{iax2 set debug off}
+Disable IAX debugging
+Usage: iax2 set debug off
+       Disables dumping of IAX packets for debugging purposes
+\section{iax2 set debug trunk}
+Enable IAX trunk debugging
+Usage: iax2 set debug trunk
+       Requests current status of IAX trunking
+\section{iax2 set debug trunk off}
+Disable IAX trunk debugging
+Usage: iax2 set debug trunk off
+       Requests current status of IAX trunking
+\section{iax2 set mtu}
+Set the IAX systemwide trunking MTU
+Usage: iax2 set mtu <value>
+       Set the system-wide IAX IP mtu to <value> bytes net or zero to disable.
+       Disabling means that the operating system must handle fragmentation of UDP packets
+       when the IAX2 trunk packet exceeds the UDP payload size.
+       This is substantially below the IP mtu. Try 1240 on ethernets.
+       Must be 172 or greater for G.711 samples.
+\section{iax2 show cache}
+Display IAX cached dialplan
+Usage: iax2 show cache
+       Display currently cached IAX Dialplan results.
+\section{iax2 show channels}
+List active IAX channels
+Usage: iax2 show channels
+       Lists all currently active IAX channels.
+\section{iax2 show firmware}
+List available IAX firmwares
+Usage: iax2 show firmware
+       Lists all known IAX firmware images.
+\section{iax2 show netstats}
+List active IAX channel netstats
+Usage: iax2 show netstats
+       Lists network status for all currently active IAX channels.
+\section{iax2 show peers}
+List defined IAX peers
+Usage: iax2 show peers [registered] [like <pattern>]
+       Lists all known IAX2 peers.
+       Optional 'registered' argument lists only peers with known addresses.
+       Optional regular expression pattern is used to filter the peer list.
+\section{iax2 show peer}
+Show details on specific IAX peer
+Usage: iax2 show peer <name>
+       Display details on specific IAX peer
+\section{iax2 show provisioning}
+Display iax provisioning
+Usage: iax list provisioning [template]
+       Lists all known IAX provisioning templates or a
+       specific one if specified.
+\section{iax2 show registry}
+Display IAX registration status
+Usage: iax2 show registry
+       Lists all registration requests and status.
+\section{iax2 show stats}
+Display IAX statistics
+Usage: iax2 show stats
+       Display statistics on IAX channel driver.
+\section{iax2 show threads}
+Display IAX helper thread info
+Usage: iax2 show threads
+       Lists status of IAX helper threads
+\section{iax2 show users}
+List defined IAX users
+Usage: iax2 show users [like <pattern>]
+       Lists all known IAX2 users.
+       Optional regular expression pattern is used to filter the user list.
+\section{iax2 test losspct}
+Set IAX2 incoming frame loss percentage
+Usage: iax2 test losspct <percentage>
+       For testing, throws away <percentage> percent of incoming packets
+\section{iax2 unregister}
+Unregister (force expiration) an IAX2 peer from the registry
+Usage: iax2 unregister <peername>
+       Unregister (force expiration) an IAX2 peer from the registry.
+\section{indication add}
+Add the given indication to the country
+Usage: indication add <country> <indication> "<tonelist>"
+       Add the given indication to the country.
+\section{indication remove}
+Remove the given indication from the country
+Usage: indication remove <country> <indication>
+       Remove the given indication from the country.
+\section{indication show}
+Display a list of all countries/indications
+Usage: indication show [<country> ...]
+       Display either a condensed for of all country/indications, or the

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