[asterisk-commits] murf: branch murf/bug_7638 r52461 - in /team/murf/bug_7638: main/ utils/

asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Fri Jan 26 22:44:46 MST 2007

Author: murf
Date: Fri Jan 26 23:44:45 2007
New Revision: 52461

URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk?view=rev&rev=52461
There. Now there's code to handle includes, ignorepats, switches. Now to the juicy stuff.


Modified: team/murf/bug_7638/main/Makefile
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/murf/bug_7638/main/Makefile?view=diff&rev=52461&r1=52460&r2=52461
--- team/murf/bug_7638/main/Makefile (original)
+++ team/murf/bug_7638/main/Makefile Fri Jan 26 23:44:45 2007
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 	utils.o plc.o jitterbuf.o dnsmgr.o devicestate.o \
 	netsock.o slinfactory.o ast_expr2.o ast_expr2f.o \
 	cryptostub.o sha1.o http.o fixedjitterbuf.o abstract_jb.o \
-	strcompat.o threadstorage.o ../pbx/ael/ael_lex.o ../pbx/ael/ael.tab.o
+	strcompat.o threadstorage.o ../pbx/ael/ael_lex.o ../pbx/ael/ael.tab.o \
 	strcompat.o threadstorage.o dial.o
 # we need to link in the objects statically, not as a library, because

Modified: team/murf/bug_7638/main/pval.c
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/murf/bug_7638/main/pval.c?view=diff&rev=52461&r1=52460&r2=52461
--- team/murf/bug_7638/main/pval.c (original)
+++ team/murf/bug_7638/main/pval.c Fri Jan 26 23:44:45 2007
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
 			fprintf(fin,"%s", lp->u1.str); /* usually, words are encapsulated in something else */
 			if (lp->u2.arglist)
-				fprintf(fin,"-|'%s'|'%s'|'%s'|'%s'", 
+				fprintf(fin,"|%s|%s|%s|%s", 
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
-		fprintf(fin,"ignorepat => %s\n", item->u1.str);
+		fprintf(fin,"ignorepat => %s;\n", item->u1.str);
 	case PV_GLOBALS:
@@ -4426,7 +4426,7 @@
-void pvalContextAddStatement( pval *p, pval *statement)
+void pvalContextAddStatement( pval *p, pval *statement) /* this includes SWITCHES, INCLUDES, IGNOREPAT, etc */
 	if (!pvalCheckType(p, "pvalContextAddStatement", PV_CONTEXT))

Modified: team/murf/bug_7638/utils/Makefile
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/murf/bug_7638/utils/Makefile?view=diff&rev=52461&r1=52460&r2=52461
--- team/murf/bug_7638/utils/Makefile (original)
+++ team/murf/bug_7638/utils/Makefile Fri Jan 26 23:44:45 2007
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 .PHONY: clean all uninstall
 # to get check_expr, add it to the ALL_UTILS list
-ALL_UTILS:=astman smsq stereorize streamplayer aelparse muted check_expr
+ALL_UTILS:=astman smsq stereorize streamplayer aelparse muted check_expr conf2ael
 include $(ASTTOPDIR)/Makefile.rules

Modified: team/murf/bug_7638/utils/conf2ael.c
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/murf/bug_7638/utils/conf2ael.c?view=diff&rev=52461&r1=52460&r2=52461
--- team/murf/bug_7638/utils/conf2ael.c (original)
+++ team/murf/bug_7638/utils/conf2ael.c Fri Jan 26 23:44:45 2007
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
  * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit.
  * Copyright (C) 2006, Digium, Inc.
@@ -2846,7 +2846,7 @@
 	struct ast_context *tmp;
 	struct ast_exten *e, *eroot;
-	pval *tree, *tmptree;
+	pval *tree, *tmptree, *sws;
 	struct ast_include *tmpi;
 	struct ast_sw *sw = 0;
 	struct ast_ignorepat *ipi;
@@ -2875,7 +2875,7 @@
 	tmp = 0;
 	while ((tmp = ast_walk_contexts(tmp)) ) {
-		printf("Context: %s\n", tmp->name);
+		/* printf("Context: %s\n", tmp->name); */
 		tmptree = pvalCreateNode(PV_CONTEXT);
 		if (!tree)
 			tree = tmptree;
@@ -2884,6 +2884,109 @@
 		pvalContextSetName(tmptree, ast_strdup(tmp->name));
+		if (tmp->includes) {
+			incl = pvalCreateNode(PV_INCLUDES);
+			pvalContextAddStatement(tmptree, incl);
+			for (tmpi = tmp->includes; tmpi; ) { /* includes */
+				if (strchr(tmpi->name,'|')==0) {
+					if (tmpi->hastime)
+					{
+						char timerange[15];
+						char dowrange[10];
+						char domrange[10];
+						char monrange[10];
+						int startbit=0, endbit=0;
+						if (all_bits_set(tmpi->timing.minmask, 30, 720))
+							strcpy(timerange, "*");
+						else {
+							int hr, min;
+							char tbuf[20];
+							get_start_stop(tmpi->timing.minmask, 30, 720, &startbit, &endbit);
+							hr = startbit/30;
+							min = (startbit % 30) * 2;
+							sprintf(tbuf,"%02d:%02d", hr, min);
+							strcpy(timerange, tbuf);
+							hr = endbit/30;
+							min = (endbit % 30) * 2;
+							sprintf(tbuf,"%02d:%02d", hr, min);
+							strcat(timerange,"-");
+							strcat(timerange,tbuf);
+						}
+						if (all_bits_set(&tmpi->timing.dowmask, 7, 7))
+							strcpy(dowrange, "*");
+						else {
+							get_start_stop(&tmpi->timing.dowmask, 7, 7, &startbit, &endbit);
+							strcpy(dowrange, days[startbit]);
+							strcat(dowrange,"-");
+							strcat(dowrange, days[endbit]);
+						}
+						if (all_bits_set(&tmpi->timing.monthmask, 12, 12))
+							strcpy(monrange, "*");
+						else {
+							get_start_stop(&tmpi->timing.monthmask, 12, 12, &startbit, &endbit);
+							strcpy(monrange, months[startbit]);
+							strcat(monrange,"-");
+							strcat(monrange, months[endbit]);
+						}
+						if (all_bits_set(&tmpi->timing.daymask, 31, 31))
+							strcpy(domrange, "*");
+						else {
+							char tbuf[20];
+							get_start_stop(&tmpi->timing.daymask, 31, 31, &startbit, &endbit);
+							sprintf(tbuf,"%d", startbit);
+							strcpy(domrange, tbuf);
+							strcat(domrange,"-");
+							sprintf(tbuf,"%d", endbit);
+							strcat(domrange, tbuf);
+						}
+						/* now all 4 fields are set; what do we do? */
+						pvalIncludesAddIncludeWithTimeConstraints(incl, strdup(tmpi->name), strdup(timerange), strdup(domrange), strdup(dowrange), strdup(monrange));
+					} else {
+						pvalIncludesAddInclude(incl, strdup(tmpi->name));
+					}
+				} else { /* it appears the timing constraint info is tacked onto the name, carve it up and divvy it out */
+					char *dow,*dom,*mon;
+					char *all = strdup(tmpi->name);
+					char *hr = strchr(all,'|');
+					if (hr) {
+						*hr++ = 0;
+						dow = strchr(hr,'|');
+						if (dow) {
+							*dow++ = 0;
+							dom = strchr(dow,'|');
+							if (dom) {
+								*dom++ = 0;
+								mon = strchr(dom,'|');
+								if (mon) {
+									*mon++ = 0;
+									/* now all 4 fields are set; what do we do? */
+									pvalIncludesAddIncludeWithTimeConstraints(incl, all, hr, dow, dom, mon);
+									/* the original data is always best to keep (no 2-min rounding) */
+								} else {
+									ast_log(LOG_ERROR,"No month spec attached to include!\n");
+								}
+							} else {
+								ast_log(LOG_ERROR,"No day of month spec attached to include!\n");
+							}
+						} else {
+							ast_log(LOG_ERROR,"No day of week spec attached to include!\n");
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				tmpi = tmpi->next;
+			}
+		}
+		for (ipi = tmp->ignorepats; ipi; ) { /* ignorepats */
+			incl = pvalCreateNode(PV_IGNOREPAT);
+			pvalIgnorePatSetPattern(incl,(char *)ipi->pattern);
+			pvalContextAddStatement(tmptree, incl);
+			ipi = ipi->next;
+		}
 		while ( (eroot = ast_walk_context_extensions(tmp, eroot)) ) {
 			pval *exten = pvalCreateNode(PV_EXTENSION);
@@ -2896,7 +2999,7 @@
 				e = 0;
 				while ( (e = ast_walk_extension_priorities(eroot, e)) ) {
-					printf("           %s(%s)\n", e->app, (char*)e->data);
+					/* printf("           %s(%s)\n", e->app, (char*)e->data); */
 					pval *statemnt = pvalCreateNode(PV_APPLICATION_CALL);
 					pval *args = pvalCreateNode(PV_WORD);
@@ -2911,7 +3014,7 @@
 				pval *statemnt = pvalCreateNode(PV_APPLICATION_CALL);
 				pval *args = pvalCreateNode(PV_WORD);
-				printf("           %s (%s)\n", eroot->app, (char *)eroot->data);
+				/* printf("           %s (%s)\n", eroot->app, (char *)eroot->data); */
 				pvalAppCallSetAppName(statemnt, ast_strdup(eroot->app));
 				pvalWordSetString(args, ast_strdup(eroot->data));
@@ -2921,87 +3024,21 @@
 				pvalExtenSetStatement(exten, statemnt);
-			printf("   extension: %s\n", eroot->exten);
-		}
-		if (tmp->includes) {
-			incl = pvalCreateNode(PV_INCLUDES);
-			pvalContextAddStatement(tmptree, incl);
-		}
-		for (tmpi = tmp->includes; tmpi; ) { /* includes */
-			if (tmpi->hastime)
-			{
-				char timerange[15];
-				char dowrange[10];
-				char domrange[10];
-				char monrange[10];
-				int startbit=0, endbit=0;
-				if (all_bits_set(tmpi->timing.minmask, 30, 720))
-					strcpy(timerange, "*");
-				else {
-					int hr, min;
-					char tbuf[20];
-					get_start_stop(tmpi->timing.minmask, 30, 720, &startbit, &endbit);
-					hr = startbit/30;
-					min = (startbit % 30) * 2;
-					sprintf(tbuf,"%02d:%02d", hr, min);
-					strcpy(timerange, tbuf);
-					hr = endbit/30;
-					min = (endbit % 30) * 2;
-					sprintf(tbuf,"%02d:%02d", hr, min);
-					strcat(timerange,"-");
-					strcat(timerange,tbuf);
-				}
-				if (all_bits_set(&tmpi->timing.dowmask, 7, 7))
-					strcpy(dowrange, "*");
-				else {
-					get_start_stop(&tmpi->timing.dowmask, 7, 7, &startbit, &endbit);
-					strcpy(dowrange, days[startbit]);
-					strcat(dowrange,"-");
-					strcat(dowrange, days[endbit]);
-				}
-				if (all_bits_set(&tmpi->timing.monthmask, 12, 12))
-					strcpy(monrange, "*");
-				else {
-					get_start_stop(&tmpi->timing.monthmask, 12, 12, &startbit, &endbit);
-					strcpy(monrange, months[startbit]);
-					strcat(monrange,"-");
-					strcat(monrange, months[endbit]);
-				}
-				if (all_bits_set(&tmpi->timing.daymask, 31, 31))
-					strcpy(domrange, "*");
-				else {
-					char tbuf[20];
-					get_start_stop(&tmpi->timing.daymask, 31, 31, &startbit, &endbit);
-					sprintf(tbuf,"%d", startbit);
-					strcpy(domrange, tbuf);
-					strcat(domrange,"-");
-					sprintf(tbuf,"%d", endbit);
-					strcat(domrange, tbuf);
-				}
-				/* now all 4 fields are set; what do we do? */
-				pvalIncludesAddIncludeWithTimeConstraints(incl, tmpi->name, timerange, domrange, dowrange, monrange);
-			} else {
-				pvalIncludesAddInclude(incl, tmpi->name);
+			/* printf("   extension: %s\n", eroot->exten); */
+		}
+		if (AST_LIST_FIRST(&tmp->alts)) {
+			sws = pvalCreateNode(PV_SWITCHES);
+			pvalContextAddStatement(tmptree,sws);
+			AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&tmp->alts, sw, list) {
+				pvalSwitchesAddSwitch(sws, ast_strdup(sw->name));
-			tmpi = tmpi->next;
-		}
-		for (ipi = tmp->ignorepats; ipi; ) { /* ignorepats */
-			incl = pvalCreateNode(PV_IGNOREPAT);
-			pvalIgnorePatSetPattern(incl,(char *)ipi->pattern);
-			pvalContextAddStatement(tmptree, incl);
-			ipi = ipi->next;
-		}
-		sw = 0;
-	}
+		}
+	}
+	printf("Generating aelout.ael file...\n");
 	ael2_print("aelout.ael", tree);
+	printf("...Done!\n");
 	return 0;

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