[asterisk-commits] rizzo: trunk r94774 - /trunk/channels/

SVN commits to the Asterisk project asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Wed Dec 26 04:14:12 CST 2007

Author: rizzo
Date: Wed Dec 26 04:14:11 2007
New Revision: 94774

URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk?view=rev&rev=94774
Split console_video.c so that video codecs and gui functions
are in separate files (still #include'd because of tangling in the data
structures, but this is going to be cleaned up).

The video grabbing functions still need to be moved to a separate file.

    trunk/channels/console_gui.c   (with props)
    trunk/channels/vcodecs.c   (with props)

Added: trunk/channels/console_gui.c
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/trunk/channels/console_gui.c?view=auto&rev=94774
--- trunk/channels/console_gui.c (added)
+++ trunk/channels/console_gui.c Wed Dec 26 04:14:11 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,880 @@
+ * GUI for console video.
+ * The routines here are in charge of loading the keypad and handling events.
+ * $Revision$
+ */
+static void cleanup_sdl(struct video_desc *env)  
+	int i;
+#ifdef HAVE_SDL_TTF
+	/* unload font file */ 
+	if (env->gui.font) {
+		TTF_CloseFont(env->gui.font);
+		env->gui.font = NULL; 
+	}
+	/* uninitialize SDL_ttf library */
+	if ( TTF_WasInit() )
+		TTF_Quit();
+	/* uninitialize the SDL environment */
+	for (i = 0; i < WIN_MAX; i++) {
+		if (env->win[i].bmp)
+			SDL_FreeYUVOverlay(env->win[i].bmp);
+	}
+	if (env->gui.keypad)
+		SDL_FreeSurface(env->gui.keypad);
+	env->gui.keypad = NULL;
+	SDL_Quit();
+	env->screen = NULL; /* XXX check reference */
+	bzero(env->win, sizeof(env->win));
+	if (env->sdl_ok)
+		ast_mutex_destroy(&(env->in.dec_in_lock));
+ * Display video frames (from local or remote stream) using the SDL library.
+ * - Set the video mode to use the resolution specified by the codec context
+ * - Create a YUV Overlay to copy the frame into it;
+ * - After the frame is copied into the overlay, display it
+ *
+ * The size is taken from the configuration.
+ *
+ * 'out' is 0 for remote video, 1 for the local video
+ */
+static void show_frame(struct video_desc *env, int out)
+	AVPicture *p_in, p_out;
+	struct fbuf_t *b_in, *b_out;
+	SDL_Overlay *bmp;
+	if (!env->sdl_ok)
+		return;
+	if (out == WIN_LOCAL) {	/* webcam/x11 to sdl */
+		b_in = &env->out.enc_in;
+		b_out = &env->out.loc_dpy;
+		p_in = NULL;
+	} else {
+		/* copy input format from the decoding context */
+		AVCodecContext *c = env->in.dec_ctx;
+		b_in = &env->in.dec_out;
+                b_in->pix_fmt = c->pix_fmt;
+                b_in->w = c->width;
+                b_in->h = c->height;
+		b_out = &env->in.rem_dpy;
+		p_in = (AVPicture *)env->in.d_frame;
+	}
+	bmp = env->win[out].bmp;
+	SDL_LockYUVOverlay(bmp);
+	/* output picture info - this is sdl, YUV420P */
+	bzero(&p_out, sizeof(p_out));
+	p_out.data[0] = bmp->pixels[0];
+	p_out.data[1] = bmp->pixels[1];
+	p_out.data[2] = bmp->pixels[2];
+	p_out.linesize[0] = bmp->pitches[0];
+	p_out.linesize[1] = bmp->pitches[1];
+	p_out.linesize[2] = bmp->pitches[2];
+	my_scale(b_in, p_in, b_out, &p_out);
+	/* lock to protect access to Xlib by different threads. */
+	SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay(bmp, &env->win[out].rect);
+	SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay(bmp);
+ * GUI layout, structure and management
+ *
+For the GUI we use SDL to create a large surface (env->screen)
+containing tree sections: remote video on the left, local video
+on the right, and the keypad with all controls and text windows
+in the center.
+The central section is built using two images: one is the skin,
+the other one is a mask where the sensitive areas of the skin
+are colored in different grayscale levels according to their
+functions. The mapping between colors and function is defined
+in the 'enum pixel_value' below.
+Mouse and keyboard events are detected on the whole surface, and
+handled differently according to their location, as follows:
+- drag on the local video window are used to move the captured
+  area (in the case of X11 grabber) or the picture-in-picture
+  location (in case of camera included on the X11 grab).
+- click on the keypad are mapped to the corresponding key;
+- drag on some keypad areas (sliders etc.) are mapped to the
+  corresponding functions;
+- keystrokes are used as keypad functions, or as text input
+  if we are in text-input mode.
+To manage these behavior we use two status variables,
+that defines if keyboard events should be redirect to dialing functions
+or to write message functions, and if mouse events should be used
+to implement keypad functionalities or to drag the capture device.
+Configuration options control the appeareance of the gui:
+    keypad = /tmp/phone.jpg		; the keypad on the screen
+    keypad_font = /tmp/font.ttf		; the font to use for output
+ *
+ */
+/* enumerate for the pixel value. 0..127 correspond to ascii chars */
+enum pixel_value {
+	/* answer/close functions */
+	KEY_PICK_UP = 128,
+	KEY_HANG_UP = 129,
+	/* other functions */
+	KEY_MUTE = 130,
+	KEY_GUI_CLOSE = 136,		/* close gui */
+	/* other areas within the keypad */
+	/* areas outside the keypad - simulated */
+	KEY_REM_DPY = 252,
+	KEY_LOC_DPY = 253,
+ * Handlers for the various keypad functions
+ */
+/*! \brief append a character, or reset if '\0' */
+static void append_char(char *str, int *str_pos, const char c)
+	int i = *str_pos;
+	if (c == '\0')
+		i = 0;
+	else if (i < GUI_BUFFER_LEN - 1)
+		str[i++] = c;
+	else
+		i = GUI_BUFFER_LEN - 1; /* unnecessary, i think */
+	str = '\0';
+	*str_pos = i;
+/* accumulate digits, possibly call dial if in connected mode */
+static void keypad_digit(struct video_desc *env, int digit)
+	if (env->owner) {		/* we have a call, send the digit */
+		struct ast_frame f = { AST_FRAME_DTMF, 0 };
+		f.subclass = digit;
+		ast_queue_frame(env->owner, &f);
+	} else {		/* no call, accumulate digits */
+		append_char(env->gui.inbuf, &env->gui.inbuf_pos, digit);
+	}
+/* this is a wrapper for actions that are available through the cli */
+/* TODO append arg to command and send the resulting string as cli command */
+static void keypad_send_command(struct video_desc *env, char *command)
+	ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "keypad_send_command(%s) called\n", command);
+	ast_cli_command(env->gui.outfd, command);
+	return;
+/* function used to toggle on/off the status of some variables */
+static char *keypad_toggle(struct video_desc *env, int index)
+	ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "keypad_toggle(%i) called\n", index);
+	switch (index) {
+		env->out.sendvideo = !env->out.sendvideo;
+		break;
+#ifdef notyet
+	case KEY_MUTE: {
+		struct chan_oss_pvt *o = find_desc(oss_active);
+		o->mute = !o->mute;
+		}
+		break;
+		struct chan_oss_pvt *o = find_desc(oss_active);
+		o->autoanswer = !o->autoanswer;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+char *console_do_answer(int fd);
+ * Function called when the pick up button is pressed
+ * perform actions according the channel status:
+ *
+ *  - if no one is calling us and no digits was pressed,
+ *    the operation have no effects,
+ *  - if someone is calling us we answer to the call.
+ *  - if we have no call in progress and we pressed some
+ *    digit, send the digit to the console.
+ */
+static void keypad_pick_up(struct video_desc *env)
+	ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "keypad_pick_up called\n");
+	if (env->owner) { /* someone is calling us, just answer */
+		console_do_answer(-1);
+	} else if (env->gui.inbuf_pos) { /* we have someone to call */
+		ast_cli_command(env->gui.outfd, env->gui.inbuf);
+	}
+	append_char(env->gui.inbuf, &env->gui.inbuf_pos, '\0'); /* clear buffer */
+#if 0 /* still unused */
+ * As an alternative to SDL_TTF, we can simply load the font from
+ * an image and blit characters on the background of the GUI.
+ *
+ * To generate a font we can use the 'fly' command with the
+ * following script (3 lines with 32 chars each)
+size 320,64
+name font.png
+transparent 0,0,0
+string 255,255,255,  0, 0,giant, !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?
+string 255,255,255,  0,20,giant, at ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_
+string 255,255,255,  0,40,giant,`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
+ */
+/* Print given text on the gui */
+static int gui_output(struct video_desc *env, const char *text)
+#ifndef HAVE_SDL_TTF
+	return 1;	/* error, not supported */
+	int x = 30, y = 20;	/* XXX change */
+	SDL_Surface *output = NULL;
+	SDL_Color color = {0, 0, 0};	/* text color */
+	SDL_Rect dest = {env->win[WIN_KEYPAD].rect.x + x, y};
+	/* clean surface each rewrite */
+	SDL_BlitSurface(env->gui.keypad, NULL, env->screen, &env->win[WIN_KEYPAD].rect);
+	output = TTF_RenderText_Solid(env->gui.font, text, color);
+	if (output == NULL) {
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot render text on gui - %s\n", TTF_GetError());
+		return 1;
+	}
+	SDL_BlitSurface(output, NULL, env->screen, &dest);
+	SDL_UpdateRects(env->gui.keypad, 1, &env->win[WIN_KEYPAD].rect);
+	SDL_FreeSurface(output);
+	return 0;	/* success */
+static int video_geom(struct fbuf_t *b, const char *s);
+static void sdl_setup(struct video_desc *env);
+static int kp_match_area(const struct keypad_entry *e, int x, int y);
+ * Handle SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN type, finding the palette
+ * index value and calling the right callback.
+ *
+ * x, y are referred to the upper left corner of the main SDL window.
+ */
+static void handle_button_event(struct video_desc *env, SDL_MouseButtonEvent button)
+	uint8_t index = KEY_OUT_OF_KEYPAD;	/* the key or region of the display we clicked on */
+	/* for each click we come back in normal mode */
+	env->gui.text_mode = 0;
+	/* define keypad boundary */
+	if (button.x < env->in.rem_dpy.w)
+		index = KEY_REM_DPY; /* click on remote video */
+	else if (button.x > env->in.rem_dpy.w + env->out.keypad_dpy.w)
+		index = KEY_LOC_DPY; /* click on local video */
+	else if (button.y > env->out.keypad_dpy.h)
+		index = KEY_OUT_OF_KEYPAD; /* click outside the keypad */
+	else if (env->gui.kp) {
+		int i;
+		for (i = 0; i < env->gui.kp_used; i++) {
+			if (kp_match_area(&env->gui.kp[i], button.x - env->in.rem_dpy.w, button.y)) {
+				index = env->gui.kp[i].c;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* exec the function */
+	if (index < 128) {	/* surely clicked on the keypad, don't care which key */
+		keypad_digit(env, index);
+		return;
+	}
+	switch (index) {
+	/* answer/close function */
+	case KEY_PICK_UP:
+		keypad_pick_up(env);
+		break;
+	case KEY_HANG_UP:
+		keypad_send_command(env, "console hangup");
+		break;
+	/* other functions */
+	case KEY_MUTE:
+		keypad_toggle(env, index);
+		break;
+		break;
+		break;
+		/* goes in text-mode */
+		env->gui.text_mode = 1;
+		break;
+	/* press outside the keypad. right increases size, center decreases, left drags */
+	case KEY_LOC_DPY:
+	case KEY_REM_DPY:
+		if (button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) {
+			if (index == KEY_LOC_DPY) {
+				/* store points where the drag start
+				* and switch in drag mode */
+				env->gui.x_drag = button.x;
+				env->gui.y_drag = button.y;
+				env->gui.drag_mode = 1;
+			}
+			break;
+		} else {
+			char buf[128];
+			struct fbuf_t *fb = index == KEY_LOC_DPY ? &env->out.loc_dpy : &env->in.rem_dpy;
+			sprintf(buf, "%c%dx%d", button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT ? '>' : '<',
+				fb->w, fb->h);
+			video_geom(fb, buf);
+			sdl_setup(env);
+		}
+		break;
+		break;
+		cleanup_sdl(env);
+		break;
+		break;
+	default:
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "function not yet defined %i\n", index);
+	}
+ * Handle SDL_KEYDOWN type event, put the key pressed
+ * in the dial buffer or in the text-message buffer,
+ * depending on the text_mode variable value.
+ *
+ * key is the SDLKey structure corresponding to the key pressed.
+ */
+static void handle_keyboard_input(struct video_desc *env, SDLKey key)
+	if (env->gui.text_mode) {
+		/* append in the text-message buffer */
+		if (key == SDLK_RETURN) {
+			/* send the text message and return in normal mode */
+			env->gui.text_mode = 0;
+			keypad_send_command(env, "send text");
+		} else {
+			/* accumulate the key in the message buffer */
+			append_char(env->gui.msgbuf, &env->gui.msgbuf_pos, key);
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		/* append in the dial buffer */
+		append_char(env->gui.inbuf, &env->gui.inbuf_pos, key);
+	}
+	return;
+ * Check if the grab point is inside the X screen.
+ *
+ * x represent the new grab value
+ * limit represent the upper value to use
+ */
+static int boundary_checks(int x, int limit)
+	return (x <= 0) ? 0 : (x > limit ? limit : x);
+/* implement superlinear acceleration on the movement */
+static int move_accel(int delta)
+	int d1 = delta*delta / 100;
+	return (delta > 0) ? delta + d1 : delta - d1;
+ * Move the source of the captured video.
+ *
+ * x_final_drag and y_final_drag are the coordinates where the drag ends,
+ * start coordinares are in the gui_info structure.
+ */
+static void move_capture_source(struct video_desc *env, int x_final_drag, int y_final_drag)
+	int new_x, new_y;		/* new coordinates for grabbing local video */
+	int x = env->out.loc_src.x;	/* old value */
+	int y = env->out.loc_src.y;	/* old value */
+	/* move the origin */
+#define POLARITY -1		/* +1 or -1 depending on the desired direction */
+	new_x = x + POLARITY*move_accel(x_final_drag - env->gui.x_drag) * 3;
+	new_y = y + POLARITY*move_accel(y_final_drag - env->gui.y_drag) * 3;
+#undef POLARITY
+	env->gui.x_drag = x_final_drag;	/* update origin */
+	env->gui.y_drag = y_final_drag;
+	/* check boundary and let the source to grab from the new points */
+	env->out.loc_src.x = boundary_checks(new_x, env->out.screen_width - env->out.loc_src.w);
+	env->out.loc_src.y = boundary_checks(new_y, env->out.screen_height - env->out.loc_src.h);
+	return;
+ * I am seeing some kind of deadlock or stall around
+ * SDL_PumpEvents() while moving the window on a remote X server
+ * (both xfree-4.4.0 and xorg 7.2)
+ * and windowmaker. It is unclear what causes it.
+ */
+/* grab a bunch of events */
+static void eventhandler(struct video_desc *env)
+#define N_EVENTS	32
+	int i, n;
+	SDL_Event ev[N_EVENTS];
+	while ( (n = SDL_PeepEvents(ev, N_EVENTS, SDL_GETEVENT, SDL_ALLEVENTS)) > 0) {
+		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+#if 0
+			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "------ event %d at %d %d\n",
+				ev[i].type,  ev[i].button.x,  ev[i].button.y);
+			switch (ev[i].type) {
+			case SDL_KEYDOWN:
+				handle_keyboard_input(env, ev[i].key.keysym.sym);
+				break;
+				if (env->gui.drag_mode != 0)
+					move_capture_source(env, ev[i].motion.x, ev[i].motion.y);
+				break;
+				handle_button_event(env, ev[i].button);
+				break;
+				if (env->gui.drag_mode != 0) {
+					move_capture_source(env, ev[i].button.x, ev[i].button.y);
+					env->gui.drag_mode = 0;
+				}
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (1) {
+		struct timeval b, a = ast_tvnow();
+		int i;
+		//SDL_Lock_EventThread();
+		SDL_PumpEvents();
+		b = ast_tvnow();
+		i = ast_tvdiff_ms(b, a);
+		if (i > 3)
+			fprintf(stderr, "-------- SDL_PumpEvents took %dms\n", i);
+		//SDL_Unlock_EventThread();
+	}
+static SDL_Surface *get_keypad(const char *file)
+	SDL_Surface *temp;
+	temp = IMG_Load(file);
+	temp = SDL_LoadBMP(file);
+	if (temp == NULL)
+		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load image %s: %s\n",
+			file, SDL_GetError());
+	return temp;
+/* TODO: consistency checks, check for bpp, widht and height */
+/* Init the mask image used to grab the action. */
+static int gui_init(struct video_desc *env)
+	/* initialize keypad status */
+	env->gui.text_mode = 0;
+	env->gui.drag_mode = 0;
+	/* initialize grab coordinates */
+	env->out.loc_src.x = 0;
+	env->out.loc_src.y = 0;
+	/* initialize keyboard buffer */
+	append_char(env->gui.inbuf, &env->gui.inbuf_pos, '\0');
+	append_char(env->gui.msgbuf, &env->gui.msgbuf_pos, '\0');
+#ifdef HAVE_SDL_TTF
+	/* Initialize SDL_ttf library and load font */
+	if (TTF_Init() == -1) {
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to init SDL_ttf, no output available\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+#define GUI_FONTSIZE 28
+	env->gui.font = TTF_OpenFont( env->keypad_font, GUI_FONTSIZE);
+	if (!env->gui.font) {
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to load font %s, no output available\n", env->keypad_font);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Loaded font %s\n", env->keypad_font);
+	env->gui.outfd = open ("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);	/* discard output, temporary */
+	if ( env->gui.outfd < 0 ) {
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable output fd\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+/* setup an sdl overlay and associated info, return 0 on success, != 0 on error */
+static int set_win(SDL_Surface *screen, struct display_window *win, int fmt,
+	int w, int h, int x, int y)
+	win->bmp = SDL_CreateYUVOverlay(w, h, fmt, screen);
+	if (win->bmp == NULL)
+		return -1;	/* error */
+	win->rect.x = x;
+	win->rect.y = y;
+	win->rect.w = w;
+	win->rect.h = h;
+	return 0;
+static int keypad_cfg_read(struct gui_info *gui, const char *val);
+static void keypad_setup(struct video_desc *env)
+	int fd = -1;
+	void *p = NULL;
+	off_t l = 0;
+	if (env->gui.keypad)
+		return;
+	env->gui.keypad = get_keypad(env->keypad_file);
+	if (!env->gui.keypad)
+		return;
+	env->out.keypad_dpy.w = env->gui.keypad->w;
+	env->out.keypad_dpy.h = env->gui.keypad->h;
+	/*
+	 * If the keypad image has a comment field, try to read
+	 * the button location from there. The block must be
+	 *	keypad_entry = token shape x0 y0 x1 y1 h
+	 *	...
+	 * (basically, lines have the same format as config file entries.
+	 * same as the keypad_entry.
+	 * You can add it to a jpeg file using wrjpgcom
+	 */
+	do { /* only once, in fact */
+		const char region[] = "region";
+		int reg_len = strlen(region);
+		const unsigned char *s, *e;
+		fd = open(env->keypad_file, O_RDONLY);
+		if (fd < 0) {
+			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "fail to open %s\n", env->keypad_file);
+			break;
+		}
+		l = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
+		if (l <= 0) {
+			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "fail to lseek %s\n", env->keypad_file);
+			break;
+		}
+		p = mmap(NULL, l, PROT_READ, 0, fd, 0);
+		if (p == NULL) {
+			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "fail to mmap %s size %ld\n", env->keypad_file, (long)l);
+			break;
+		}
+		e = (const unsigned char *)p + l;
+		for (s = p; s < e - 20 ; s++) {
+			if (!memcmp(s, region, reg_len)) { /* keyword found */
+				/* reset previous entries */
+				keypad_cfg_read(&env->gui, "reset");
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		for ( ;s < e - 20; s++) {
+			char buf[256];
+			const unsigned char *s1;
+			if (index(" \t\r\n", *s))	/* ignore blanks */
+				continue;
+			if (*s > 127)	/* likely end of comment */
+				break;
+			if (memcmp(s, region, reg_len)) /* keyword not found */
+				break;
+			s += reg_len;
+			l = MIN(sizeof(buf), e - s);
+			ast_copy_string(buf, s, l);
+			s1 = ast_skip_blanks(buf);	/* between token and '=' */
+			if (*s1++ != '=')	/* missing separator */
+				break;
+			if (*s1 == '>')	/* skip => */
+				s1++;
+			keypad_cfg_read(&env->gui, ast_skip_blanks(s1));
+			/* now wait for a newline */
+			s1 = s;
+			while (s1 < e - 20 && !index("\r\n", *s1) && *s1 < 128)
+				s1++;
+			s = s1;
+		}
+	} while (0);
+	if (p)
+		munmap(p, l);
+	if (fd >= 0)
+		close(fd);
+/* [re]set the main sdl window, useful in case of resize */
+static void sdl_setup(struct video_desc *env)
+	int dpy_fmt = SDL_IYUV_OVERLAY;	/* YV12 causes flicker in SDL */
+	int depth, maxw, maxh;
+	const SDL_VideoInfo *info = SDL_GetVideoInfo();
+	/* We want at least 16bpp to support YUV overlays.
+	 * E.g with SDL_VIDEODRIVER = aalib the default is 8
+	 */
+	depth = info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel;
+	if (depth < 16)
+		depth = 16;
+	/*
+	 * initialize the SDL environment. We have one large window
+	 * with local and remote video, and a keypad.
+	 * At the moment we arrange them statically, as follows:
+	 * - on the left, the remote video;
+	 * - on the center, the keypad
+	 * - on the right, the local video
+	 */
+	keypad_setup(env);
+#define BORDER	5	/* border around our windows */
+	maxw = env->in.rem_dpy.w + env->out.loc_dpy.w + env->out.keypad_dpy.w;
+	maxh = MAX( MAX(env->in.rem_dpy.h, env->out.loc_dpy.h), env->out.keypad_dpy.h);
+	maxw += 4 * BORDER;
+	maxh += 2 * BORDER;
+	env->screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(maxw, maxh, depth, 0);
+	if (!env->screen) {
+		ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "SDL: could not set video mode - exiting\n");
+		goto no_sdl;
+	}
+	SDL_WM_SetCaption("Asterisk console Video Output", NULL);
+	if (set_win(env->screen, &env->win[WIN_REMOTE], dpy_fmt,
+			env->in.rem_dpy.w, env->in.rem_dpy.h, BORDER, BORDER))
+		goto no_sdl;
+	if (set_win(env->screen, &env->win[WIN_LOCAL], dpy_fmt,
+			env->out.loc_dpy.w, env->out.loc_dpy.h,
+			3*BORDER+env->in.rem_dpy.w + env->out.keypad_dpy.w, BORDER))
+		goto no_sdl;
+	/* display the skin, but do not free it as we need it later to
+	 * restore text areas and maybe sliders too.
+	 */
+	if (env->gui.keypad) {
+		struct SDL_Rect *dest = &env->win[WIN_KEYPAD].rect;
+		dest->x = 2*BORDER + env->in.rem_dpy.w;
+		dest->y = BORDER;
+		dest->w = env->gui.keypad->w;
+		dest->h = env->gui.keypad->h;
+		SDL_BlitSurface(env->gui.keypad, NULL, env->screen, dest);
+		SDL_UpdateRects(env->screen, 1, dest);
+	}
+	env->in.dec_in_cur = &env->in.dec_in[0];
+	env->in.dec_in_dpy = NULL;	/* nothing to display */
+	env->sdl_ok = 1;
+	if (env->sdl_ok == 0)	/* free resources in case of errors */
+		cleanup_sdl(env);
+ * Functions to determine if a point is within a region. Return 1 if success.
+ * First rotate the point, with
+ *	x' =  (x - x0) * cos A + (y - y0) * sin A
+ *	y' = -(x - x0) * sin A + (y - y0) * cos A
+ * where cos A = (x1-x0)/l, sin A = (y1 - y0)/l, and
+ *	l = sqrt( (x1-x0)^2 + (y1-y0)^2
+ * Then determine inclusion by simple comparisons i.e.:
+ *	rectangle: x >= 0 && x < l && y >= 0 && y < h
+ *	ellipse: (x-xc)^2/l^2 + (y-yc)^2/h2 < 1
+ */
+static int kp_match_area(const struct keypad_entry *e, int x, int y)
+	double xp, dx = (e->x1 - e->x0);
+	double yp, dy = (e->y1 - e->y0);
+	double l = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
+	int ret = 0;
+	if (l > 1) { /* large enough */
+		xp = ((x - e->x0)*dx + (y - e->y0)*dy)/l;
+		yp = (-(x - e->x0)*dy + (y - e->y0)*dx)/l;
+		if (e->type == KP_RECT) {
+			ret = (xp >= 0 && xp < l && yp >=0 && yp < l);
+		} else if (e->type == KP_CIRCLE) {
+			dx = xp*xp/(l*l) + yp*yp/(e->h*e->h);
+			ret = (dx < 1);
+		}
+	}
+#if 0
+	ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "result %d [%d] for match %d,%d in type %d p0 %d,%d p1 %d,%d h %d\n",
+		ret, e->c, x, y, e->type, e->x0, e->y0, e->x1, e->y1, e->h);
+	return ret;
+ * read a keypad entry line in the format
+ *	reset
+ *	token circle xc yc diameter
+ *	token circle xc yc x1 y1 h	# ellipse, main diameter and height
+ *	token rect x0 y0 x1 y1 h	# rectangle with main side and eight
+ * token is the token to be returned, either a character or a symbol
+ * as KEY_* above
+ */
+struct _s_k { const char *s; int k; };
+static struct _s_k gui_key_map[] = {
+        {"HANG_UP",	KEY_HANG_UP },
+        {"HANGUP",	KEY_HANG_UP },
+        {"MUTE",	KEY_MUTE },
+        {"GUI_CLOSE",	KEY_GUI_CLOSE },
+        {NULL, 0 } };
+static int keypad_cfg_read(struct gui_info *gui, const char *val)
+	struct keypad_entry e;
+	char s1[16], s2[16];
+	int i, ret = 0;
+	bzero(&e, sizeof(e));
+	i = sscanf(val, "%14s %14s %d %d %d %d %d",
+                s1, s2, &e.x0, &e.y0, &e.x1, &e.y1, &e.h);
+	switch (i) {
+	default:
+		break;
+	case 1:	/* only "reset" is allowed */
+		if (strcasecmp(s1, "reset"))	/* invalid */
+			break;
+		if (gui->kp) {
+			gui->kp_used = 0;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 5: /* token circle xc yc diameter */
+		if (strcasecmp(s2, "circle"))	/* invalid */
+			break;
+		e.h = e.x1;
+		e.y1 = e.y0;	/* map radius in x1 y1 */
+		e.x1 = e.x0 + e.h;	/* map radius in x1 y1 */
+		e.x0 = e.x0 - e.h;	/* map radius in x1 y1 */
+		/* fallthrough */
+	case 7: /* token circle|rect x0 y0 x1 y1 h */
+		if (e.x1 < e.x0 || e.h <= 0) {
+			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "error in coordinates\n");
+			e.type = 0;
+			break;
+		}
+		if (!strcasecmp(s2, "circle")) {
+			/* for a circle we specify the diameter but store center and radii */
+			e.type = KP_CIRCLE;
+			e.x0 = (e.x1 + e.x0) / 2;
+			e.y0 = (e.y1 + e.y0) / 2;
+			e.h = e.h / 2;
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(s2, "rect")) {
+			e.type = KP_RECT;
+		} else
+			break;
+		ret = 1;
+	}
+	// ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "reading [%s] returns %d %d\n", val, i, ret);
+	if (ret == 0)
+		return 0;
+	/* map the string into token to be returned */
+	i = atoi(s1);
+	if (i > 0 || s1[1] == '\0')	/* numbers or single characters */
+		e.c = (i > 9) ? i : s1[0];
+	else {
+		struct _s_k *p;
+		for (p = gui_key_map; p->s; p++) {
+			if (!strcasecmp(p->s, s1)) {
+				e.c = p->k;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (e.c == 0) {
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "missing token\n");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (gui->kp_size == 0) {
+		gui->kp = ast_calloc(10, sizeof(e));
+		if (gui->kp == NULL) {
+			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "cannot allocate kp");
+			return 0;
+		}
+		gui->kp_size = 10;
+	}
+	if (gui->kp_size == gui->kp_used) { /* must allocate */
+		struct keypad_entry *a = ast_realloc(gui->kp, sizeof(e)*(gui->kp_size+10));
+		if (a == NULL) {
+			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "cannot reallocate kp");
+			return 0;
+		}
+		gui->kp = a;
+		gui->kp_size += 10;
+	}
+	if (gui->kp_size == gui->kp_used)
+		return 0;
+	gui->kp[gui->kp_used++] = e;
+	return 1;

Propchange: trunk/channels/console_gui.c
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: trunk/channels/console_gui.c
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: trunk/channels/console_gui.c
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Modified: trunk/channels/console_video.c
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/trunk/channels/console_video.c?view=diff&rev=94774&r1=94773&r2=94774
--- trunk/channels/console_video.c (original)
+++ trunk/channels/console_video.c Wed Dec 26 04:14:11 2007
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 void console_video_start(struct video_desc *env, struct ast_channel *owner)
-	ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "console video support not present\n");
+	ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "voice only, console video support not present\n");
 void console_video_uninit(struct video_desc *env)
@@ -163,6 +163,9 @@
 	int	pix_fmt;
+static void my_scale(struct fbuf_t *in, AVPicture *p_in,
+	struct fbuf_t *out, AVPicture *p_out);
 struct video_codec_desc;	/* forward declaration */
  * Descriptor of the local source, made of the following pieces:
@@ -197,9 +200,10 @@
 	struct fbuf_t	keypad_dpy;	/* keypad source buffer, XXX */
 	struct video_codec_desc *enc;	/* encoder */
-	AVCodecContext	*enc_ctx;	/* encoding context */
+	void		*enc_ctx;	/* encoding context */
 	AVCodec		*codec;
-	AVFrame		*frame;	/* The initial part is an AVPicture */
+	AVFrame		*enc_in_frame;	/* enc_in mapped into avcodec format. */
+					/* The initial part of AVFrame is an AVPicture */
 	int		mtu;
 	struct timeval	last_frame;	/* when we read the last frame ? */
@@ -244,41 +248,6 @@
 	struct fbuf_t dec_in[N_DEC_IN];	/* incoming bitstream, allocated/extended in fbuf_append() */
 	struct fbuf_t dec_out;	/* decoded frame, no buffer (data is in AVFrame) */
 	struct fbuf_t rem_dpy;	/* display remote image, no buffer (it is in win[WIN_REMOTE].bmp) */
- * Each codec is defined by a number of callbacks
- */
-/*! \brief initialize the encoder */
-typedef int (*encoder_init_f)(struct video_out_desc *v);
-/*! \brief actually call the encoder */
-typedef int (*encoder_encode_f)(struct video_out_desc *v);
-/*! \brief encapsulate the bistream in RTP frames */
-typedef struct ast_frame *(*encoder_encap_f)(struct video_out_desc *out,
-		struct ast_frame **tail);
-/*! \brief inizialize the decoder */
-typedef int (*decoder_init_f)(struct video_in_desc *v);
-/*! \brief extract the bitstream from RTP frames and store in the fbuf.
- * return 0 if ok, 1 on error
- */
-typedef int (*decoder_decap_f)(struct fbuf_t *b, uint8_t *data, int len);
-/*! \brief actually call the decoder */
-typedef int (*decoder_decode_f)(struct video_in_desc *v, struct fbuf_t *b);
-struct video_codec_desc {
-	const char		*name;		/* format name */
-	int			format;		/* AST_FORMAT_* */
-	encoder_init_f		enc_init;
-	encoder_encap_f		enc_encap;
-	encoder_encode_f	enc_run;
-	decoder_init_f		dec_init;
-	decoder_decap_f		dec_decap;
-	decoder_decode_f	dec_run;
 /* our representation of a displayed window. SDL can only do one main
@@ -462,917 +431,8 @@
 	return f;
-/* some debugging code to check the bitstream:
- * declare a bit buffer, initialize it, and fetch data from it.
- */
-struct bitbuf {
-	const uint8_t *base;
-	int	bitsize;	/* total size in bits */
-	int	ofs;	/* next bit to read */
-static struct bitbuf bitbuf_init(const uint8_t *base, int bitsize, int start_ofs)
-	struct bitbuf a;
-	a.base = base;
-	a.bitsize = bitsize;
-	a.ofs = start_ofs;
-	return a;
-static int bitbuf_left(struct bitbuf *b)
-	return b->bitsize - b->ofs;
-static uint32_t getbits(struct bitbuf *b, int n)
-	int i, ofs;
-	const uint8_t *d;
-	uint8_t mask;
-	uint32_t retval = 0;
-	if (n> 31) {
-		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "too many bits %d, max 32\n", n);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (n + b->ofs > b->bitsize) {
-		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "bitbuf overflow %d of %d\n", n + b->ofs, b->bitsize);
-		n = b->bitsize - b->ofs;
-	}
-	ofs = 7 - b->ofs % 8;	/* start from msb */
-	mask = 1 << ofs;
-	d = b->base + b->ofs / 8;	/* current byte */
-	for (i=0 ; i < n; i++) {
-		retval += retval + (*d & mask ? 1 : 0);	/* shift in new byte */
-		b->ofs++;
-		mask >>= 1;
-		if (mask == 0) {
-			d++;
-			mask = 0x80;
-		}
-	}
-	return retval;
-static void check_h261(struct fbuf_t *b)
-	struct bitbuf a = bitbuf_init(b->data, b->used * 8, 0);
-	uint32_t x, y;
-	x = getbits(&a, 20);	/* PSC, 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 */
-	if (x != 0x10) {
-		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "bad PSC 0x%x\n", x);
-		return;
-	}
-	x = getbits(&a, 5);	/* temporal reference */
-	y = getbits(&a, 6);	/* ptype */
-	if (0)
-	ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "size %d TR %d PTY spl %d doc %d freeze %d %sCIF hi %d\n",
-		b->used,
-		x,
-		(y & 0x20) ? 1 : 0,
-		(y & 0x10) ? 1 : 0,
-		(y & 0x8) ? 1 : 0,
-		(y & 0x4) ? "" : "Q",
-		(y & 0x2) ? 1:0);
-	while ( (x = getbits(&a, 1)) == 1)
-		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "PSPARE 0x%x\n", getbits(&a, 8));
-	// ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "PSPARE 0 - start GOB LAYER\n");
-	while ( (x = bitbuf_left(&a)) > 0) {
-		// ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "GBSC %d bits left\n", x);
-		x = getbits(&a, 16); /* GBSC 0000 0000 0000 0001 */
-		if (x != 0x1) {
-			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "bad GBSC 0x%x\n", x);
-			break;
-		}
-		x = getbits(&a, 4);	/* group number */
-		y = getbits(&a, 5);	/* gquant */
-		if (x == 0) {
-			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "  bad GN %d\n", x);
-			break;
-		}
-		while ( (x = getbits(&a, 1)) == 1)
-			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "GSPARE 0x%x\n", getbits(&a, 8));
-		while ( (x = bitbuf_left(&a)) > 0) { /* MB layer */
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-void dump_buf(struct fbuf_t *b);
-void dump_buf(struct fbuf_t *b)
-	int i, x, last2lines;
-	char buf[80];
-	last2lines = (b->used - 16) & ~0xf;
-	ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "buf size %d of %d\n", b->used, b->size);
-	for (i = 0; i < b->used; i++) {
-		x = i & 0xf;
-		if ( x == 0) {	/* new line */
-			if (i != 0)
-				ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "%s\n", buf);
-			bzero(buf, sizeof(buf));
-			sprintf(buf, "%04x: ", i);
-		}
-		sprintf(buf + 6 + x*3, "%02x ", b->data[i]);
-		if (i > 31 && i < last2lines)
-			i = last2lines - 1;
-	}
-	if (buf[0])
-		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "%s\n", buf);
- * Here starts the glue code for the various supported video codecs.
- * For each of them, we need to provide routines for initialization,
- * calling the encoder, encapsulating the bitstream in ast_frames,
- * extracting payload from ast_frames, and calling the decoder.
- */
-/*--- h263+ support --- */
-/*! \brief initialization of h263p */
-static int h263p_enc_init(struct video_out_desc *v)
-	/* modes supported are
-	- Unrestricted Motion Vector (annex D)
-	- Advanced Prediction (annex F)
-	- Advanced Intra Coding (annex I)
-	- Deblocking Filter (annex J)
-	- Slice Structure (annex K)
-	- Alternative Inter VLC (annex S)
-	- Modified Quantization (annex T)
-	*/
-	v->enc_ctx->flags |=CODEC_FLAG_H263P_UMV; /* annex D */
-	v->enc_ctx->flags |=CODEC_FLAG_AC_PRED; /* annex f ? */
-	v->enc_ctx->flags |=CODEC_FLAG_H263P_SLICE_STRUCT; /* annex k */
-	v->enc_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_H263P_AIC; /* annex I */
-	v->enc_ctx->gop_size = v->fps*5; // emit I frame every 5 seconds
-	return 0;
- * Create RTP/H.263 fragments to avoid IP fragmentation. We fragment on a
- * PSC or a GBSC, but if we don't find a suitable place just break somewhere.
- * Everything is byte-aligned.
- */
-static struct ast_frame *h263p_encap(struct video_out_desc *out,
-	struct ast_frame **tail)
-	struct ast_frame *cur = NULL, *first = NULL;
-	uint8_t *d = out->enc_out.data;
-	int len = out->enc_out.used;
-	int l = len; /* size of the current fragment. If 0, must look for a psc */
-	for (;len > 0; len -= l, d += l) {
-		uint8_t *data;
-		struct ast_frame *f;
-		int i, h;
-		if (len >= 3 && d[0] == 0 && d[1] == 0 && d[2] >= 0x80) {
-			/* we are starting a new block, so look for a PSC. */
-			for (i = 3; i < len - 3; i++) {
-				if (d[i] == 0 && d[i+1] == 0 && d[i+2] >= 0x80) {
-					l = i;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (l > out->mtu || l > len) { /* psc not found, split */
-			l = MIN(len, out->mtu);
-		}
-		if (l < 1 || l > out->mtu) {
-			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "--- frame error l %d\n", l);
-			break;
-		}
-		if (d[0] == 0 && d[1] == 0) { /* we start with a psc */
-			h = 0;
-		} else { /* no psc, create a header */
-			h = 2;
-		}
-		f = create_video_frame(d, d+l, AST_FORMAT_H263_PLUS, h, cur);
-		if (!f)
-			break;
-		data = f->data;
-		if (h == 0) {	/* we start with a psc */
-			data[0] |= 0x04;	// set P == 1, and we are done
-		} else {	/* no psc, create a header */
-			data[0] = data[1] = 0;	// P == 0
-		}
-		if (!cur)
-			first = f;
-		cur = f;
-	}
-	if (cur)
-		cur->subclass |= 1; // RTP Marker
-	*tail = cur;	/* end of the list */
-	return first;
-/*! \brief extract the bitstreem from the RTP payload.
- * This is format dependent.
- * For h263+, the format is defined in RFC 2429
- * and basically has a fixed 2-byte header as follows:
- * 5 bits	RR	reserved, shall be 0
- * 1 bit	P	indicate a start/end condition,
- *			in which case the payload should be prepended
- *			by two zero-valued bytes.
- * 1 bit	V	there is an additional VRC header after this header
- * 6 bits	PLEN	length in bytes of extra picture header
- * 3 bits	PEBIT	how many bits to be ignored in the last byte
- *
- * XXX the code below is not complete.
- */
-static int h263p_decap(struct fbuf_t *b, uint8_t *data, int len)
-	int PLEN;
-	if (len < 2) {
-		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "invalid framesize %d\n", len);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	PLEN = ( (data[0] & 1) << 5 ) | ( (data[1] & 0xf8) >> 3);
-	if (PLEN > 0) {
-		data += PLEN;
-		len -= PLEN;
-	}
-	if (data[0] & 4)	/* bit P */
-		data[0] = data[1] = 0;
-	else {
-		data += 2;
-		len -= 2;
-	}
-	return fbuf_append(b, data, len, 0, 0);	/* ignore trail bits */
- * generic encoder, used by the various protocols supported here.
- * We assume that the buffer is empty at the beginning.
- */
-static int ffmpeg_encode(struct video_out_desc *v)
-	struct fbuf_t *b = &v->enc_out;
-	int i;
-	b->used = avcodec_encode_video(v->enc_ctx, b->data, b->size, v->frame);
-	i = avcodec_encode_video(v->enc_ctx, b->data + b->used, b->size - b->used, NULL); /* delayed frames ? */
-	if (i > 0) {
-		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "have %d more bytes\n", i);
-		b->used += i;
-	}
-	return 0;
- * Generic decoder, which is used by h263p, h263 and h261 as it simply
- * invokes ffmpeg's decoder.
- * av_parser_parse should merge a randomly chopped up stream into
- * proper frames. After that, if we have a valid frame, we decode it
- * until the entire frame is processed.
- */
-static int ffmpeg_decode(struct video_in_desc *v, struct fbuf_t *b)
-	uint8_t *src = b->data;
-	int srclen = b->used;
-	int full_frame = 0;
-	if (srclen == 0)	/* no data */
-		return 0;
-	if (0)
-		check_h261(b);
-	// ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "rx size %d\n", srclen);
-	while (srclen) {
-		uint8_t *data;
-		int datalen, ret;
-		int len = av_parser_parse(v->parser, v->dec_ctx, &data, &datalen, src, srclen, 0, 0);
-		src += len;
-		srclen -= len;
-		/* The parser might return something it cannot decode, so it skips
-		 * the block returning no data
-		 */
-		if (data == NULL || datalen == 0)
-			continue;
-		ret = avcodec_decode_video(v->dec_ctx, v->d_frame, &full_frame, data, datalen);
-		if (full_frame == 1)	/* full frame */
-			break;
-		if (ret < 0) {
-			ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Error decoding\n");
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (srclen != 0)	/* update b with leftover data */
-		bcopy(src, b->data, srclen);
-	b->used = srclen;
-	b->ebit = 0;
-	return full_frame;
-static struct video_codec_desc h263p_codec = {
-	.name = "h263p",
-	.format = AST_FORMAT_H263_PLUS,
-	.enc_init = h263p_enc_init,
-	.enc_encap = h263p_encap,
-	.enc_run = ffmpeg_encode,
-	.dec_init = NULL,
-	.dec_decap = h263p_decap,
-	.dec_run = ffmpeg_decode
-/*--- Plain h263 support --------*/
-static int h263_enc_init(struct video_out_desc *v)
-	/* XXX check whether these are supported */
-	v->enc_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_H263P_UMV;
-	v->enc_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_H263P_AIC;
-	v->enc_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_H263P_SLICE_STRUCT;
-	v->enc_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_AC_PRED;
-	v->enc_ctx->gop_size = v->fps*5;
-	return 0;
- * h263 encapsulation is specified in RFC2190. There are three modes
- * defined (A, B, C), with 4, 8 and 12 bytes of header, respectively.
- * The header is made as follows
- *     0.....................|.......................|.............|....31
- *	F:1 P:1 SBIT:3 EBIT:3 SRC:3 I:1 U:1 S:1 A:1 R:4 DBQ:2 TRB:3 TR:8
- * FP = 0- mode A, (only one word of header)
- * FP = 10 mode B, and also means this is an I or P frame
- * FP = 11 mode C, and also means this is a PB frame.
- * SBIT, EBIT nuber of bits to ignore at beginning (msbits) and end (lsbits)
- * SRC  bits 6,7,8 from the h263 PTYPE field
- * I = 0 intra-coded, 1 = inter-coded (bit 9 from PTYPE)
- * U = 1 for Unrestricted Motion Vector (bit 10 from PTYPE)
- * S = 1 for Syntax Based Arith coding (bit 11 from PTYPE)
- * A = 1 for Advanced Prediction (bit 12 from PTYPE)
- * R = reserved, must be 0
- * DBQ = differential quantization, DBQUANT from h263, 0 unless we are using
- *	PB frames
- * TRB = temporal reference for bframes, also 0 unless this is a PB frame
- * TR = temporal reference for P frames, also 0 unless PB frame.
- *
- * Mode B and mode C description omitted.
- *
- * An RTP frame can start with a PSC 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0

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