[asterisk-commits] nadi: branch nadi/trunk-cm r43976 - in /team/nadi/trunk-cm: include/asterisk/...

asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Fri Sep 29 05:37:20 MST 2006

Author: nadi
Date: Fri Sep 29 07:37:20 2006
New Revision: 43976

URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk?rev=43976&view=rev
configman now uses the hash implementation from hash.h.


Modified: team/nadi/trunk-cm/include/asterisk/configman.h
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/nadi/trunk-cm/include/asterisk/configman.h?rev=43976&r1=43975&r2=43976&view=diff
--- team/nadi/trunk-cm/include/asterisk/configman.h (original)
+++ team/nadi/trunk-cm/include/asterisk/configman.h Fri Sep 29 07:37:20 2006
@@ -112,6 +112,11 @@
  * Returns non-zero if next points to the id after prev, or zero if there
  * is no subsequent id.
+ * Example for KTYPE_INT:
+ *   int next, *prev = NULL;
+ *   for (; cm_get_next_id(mycm, mysec_id, prev, &next); prev = &next) {
+ *     .. <next> is your traversing id ..
+ *   }
 int      cm_get_next_id (cm_t *cm, int sec_id, void *prev, void *next);

Modified: team/nadi/trunk-cm/include/asterisk/hash.h
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/nadi/trunk-cm/include/asterisk/hash.h?rev=43976&r1=43975&r2=43976&view=diff
--- team/nadi/trunk-cm/include/asterisk/hash.h (original)
+++ team/nadi/trunk-cm/include/asterisk/hash.h Fri Sep 29 07:37:20 2006
@@ -42,6 +42,20 @@
 int eq_int (int a, int b);
 #define __AST_HASH(name, ktype, vtype)	\
+struct name {							\
+	struct {							\
+		char        _used;				\
+		ktype       _key;				\
+		vtype       _val;				\
+	} *_data;							\
+	size_t          _size;				\
+	size_t          _length;			\
+	ast_mutex_t     _lock;				\
+	int     (*_hash_f)(ktype, size_t);	\
+	int     (*_eq_f)  (ktype, ktype);	\
+#define __AST_HASH_NOLOCK(name, ktype, vtype)	\
 struct name {							\
 	struct {							\
 		ktype       _key;				\
@@ -50,7 +64,6 @@
 	} *_data;							\
 	size_t          _size;				\
 	size_t          _length;			\
-	ast_mutex_t     _lock;				\
 	int     (*_hash_f)(ktype, size_t);	\
 	int     (*_eq_f)  (ktype, ktype);	\
@@ -58,8 +71,14 @@
 #define AST_HASH_INT(name, type)		\
 	__AST_HASH(name, int, type)
+#define AST_HASH_INT_NOLOCK(name, type)	\
+	__AST_HASH_NOLOCK(name, int, type)
 #define AST_HASH_STR(name, type)		\
 	__AST_HASH(name, char*, type)
+#define AST_HASH_STR_NOLOCK(name, type)	\
+	__AST_HASH_NOLOCK(name, char*, type)
@@ -122,70 +141,76 @@
 #define AST_HASH_INSERT_NOLOCK(hash, key, val)	\
 ({												\
-	int pos = (hash)->_hash_f(key, (hash)->_size);	\
-	int end = pos;								\
- 	int re = -1;								\
+	int _pos = (hash)->_hash_f(key, (hash)->_size);	\
+	int _end = _pos;							\
+ 	int _re = -1;								\
 	do {										\
-		if (!(hash)->_data[pos]._used) {		\
-			(hash)->_data[pos]._key = key;		\
-			(hash)->_data[pos]._val = val;		\
-			(hash)->_data[pos]._used = 1;		\
+		if (!(hash)->_data[_pos]._used) {		\
+			(hash)->_data[_pos]._key = key;		\
+			(hash)->_data[_pos]._val = val;		\
+			(hash)->_data[_pos]._used = 1;		\
 			++(hash)->_length;					\
- 			re = 0;								\
+ 			_re = 0;							\
 			break;								\
 		}										\
-		pos = (pos + 1) % (hash)->_size;		\
-	} while (pos != end);						\
-	re;											\
+		_pos = (_pos + 1) % (hash)->_size;		\
+	} while (_pos != _end);						\
+	_re;										\
 #define AST_HASH_INSERT(hash, key, val)			\
 ({												\
- 	int re;										\
-	AST_HASH_LOCK((hash));						\
-	re = AST_HASH_INSERT_NOLOCK(hash, key, val);\
+ 	int _re;									\
+	AST_HASH_LOCK((hash));						\
+	_re = AST_HASH_INSERT_NOLOCK(hash, key, val);\
 	AST_HASH_UNLOCK((hash));					\
-	re;											\
+	_re;										\
 #define AST_HASH_LOOKUP_NOLOCK(hash, key, val)	\
 ({												\
-	int pos = (hash)->_hash_f(key, (hash)->_size);	\
-	int end = pos;								\
- 	int re = -1;								\
+	int _pos = (hash)->_hash_f(key, (hash)->_size);	\
+	int _end = _pos;							\
+ 	int _re = -1;								\
 	do {										\
-		if ((hash)->_data[pos]._used &&			\
-			(hash)->_eq_f((hash)->_data[pos]._key, key)) {	\
-			val = (hash)->_data[pos]._val;		\
-			re = 0;								\
+		if ((hash)->_data[_pos]._used &&		\
+			(hash)->_eq_f((hash)->_data[_pos]._key, key)) {	\
+			val = (hash)->_data[_pos]._val;		\
+			_re = 0;							\
  		}										\
-		pos = (pos + 1) % (hash)->_size;		\
-	} while (pos != end);						\
-	re;											\
+		_pos = (_pos + 1) % (hash)->_size;		\
+	} while (_pos != _end);						\
+	_re;										\
 #define AST_HASH_LOOKUP(hash, key, val)			\
 ({												\
- 	int re;										\
-	AST_HASH_LOCK((hash));						\
-	re = AST_HASH_LOOKUP_NOLOCK(hash, key, val);\
+ 	int _re;									\
+	AST_HASH_LOCK((hash));						\
+	_re = AST_HASH_LOOKUP_NOLOCK(hash, key, val);\
 	AST_HASH_UNLOCK((hash));					\
-	re;											\
+	_re;										\
 #define AST_HASH_REMOVE_NOLOCK(hash, key)		\
 do {											\
-	int pos = (hash)->_hash_f((key), (hash)->_size);	\
-	int end = pos;								\
+	int _pos = (hash)->_hash_f((key), (hash)->_size);	\
+	int _end = _pos;							\
 	do {										\
-		if ((hash)->_data[pos]._used &&			\
-			(hash)->_eq_f((hash)->_data[pos]._key, (key))) {	\
-			(hash)->_data[pos]._used = 0;		\
+		if ((hash)->_data[_pos]._used &&		\
+			(hash)->_eq_f((hash)->_data[_pos]._key, (key))) {	\
+			(hash)->_data[_pos]._used = 0;		\
 			--(hash)->_length;					\
  			break;								\
  		}										\
-		pos = (pos + 1) % (hash)->_size;		\
-	} while (pos != end);						\
+		_pos = (_pos + 1) % (hash)->_size;		\
+	} while (_pos != _end);						\
 } while (0)										\
 #define AST_HASH_REMOVE(hash, key)				\

Modified: team/nadi/trunk-cm/main/configman.c
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/nadi/trunk-cm/main/configman.c?rev=43976&r1=43975&r2=43976&view=diff
--- team/nadi/trunk-cm/main/configman.c (original)
+++ team/nadi/trunk-cm/main/configman.c Fri Sep 29 07:37:20 2006
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 /* TODO:
- *  - get rid of the hash code by implementing ast_hash or similar.
  *  - write macros for easier variable access (cm_get_bool, cm_get_int, cm_get_strlist, cm_get_intlist, ...)
  *  - handle return values for *alloc, strdup, ast_cli_register
@@ -83,8 +82,8 @@
 #define ERROR_CMF(cm,fmt,...) \
 	ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "%s [%s]: " fmt, (cm)->modname, (cm)->filename, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LOCK(cm)    ast_mutex_lock(&((cm)->lock))
-#define UNLOCK(cm)  ast_mutex_unlock(&((cm)->lock))
+#define LOCK(cm)         ast_mutex_lock(&((cm)->lock))
+#define UNLOCK(cm)       ast_mutex_unlock(&((cm)->lock))
 #define HASHSIZE         512
@@ -95,25 +94,16 @@
 static char              VALUES[] = "values";
 typedef union {
-	char               * c;
-	int                  i;
-} cm_hash_key_t;
+} cm_hash_t;
 typedef union {
-	int                  i;
-	void               * p;
-} cm_hash_value_t;
-typedef struct {
-	int                  used;
-	cm_hash_key_t        key;
-	cm_hash_value_t      val;
-} cm_hash_entry_t;
-typedef struct {
-	cm_hash_entry_t      data[HASHSIZE];
-	size_t               length;
-} cm_hash_t;
+	int    i;
+	char * c;
+} cm_key_t;
+static AST_HASH_STR(cm_obj_hash_t, cm_t *) cm_obj_hash;
 enum cm_state {
 	CM_NULL = 0,
@@ -137,96 +127,9 @@
 	const cm_section_t * secs;
 	cm_matrix_t        * vals;
 	cm_hash_t         ** hashes;
-	cm_hash_key_t     ** key_lists;
+	cm_key_t          ** key_arrays;
 	struct ast_cli_entry clis[3];
-static AST_HASH_STR(cm_obj_hash_t, cm_t *) cm_obj_hash;
-static inline int __joaat_hash (char *key, size_t len)
-	int hash = 0;
-	size_t i;
-	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
-		hash += key[i];
-		hash += (hash << 10);
-		hash ^= (hash >> 6);
-	}
-	hash += (hash << 3);
-	hash ^= (hash >> 11);
-	hash += (hash << 15);
-	hash %= HASHSIZE;
-	if (hash < 0)
-		hash *= -1;
-	return hash;
-static inline int __hash_insert (cm_hash_t *hash, int pos, cm_hash_key_t key, cm_hash_value_t val)
-	int end = pos;
-	do {
-		if (!hash->data[pos].used) {
-			hash->data[pos].key = key;
-			hash->data[pos].val = val;
-			hash->data[pos].used = 1;
-			++hash->length;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		pos = (pos + 1) % HASHSIZE;
-	} while (pos != end);
-	return -1;
-static int __hash_insert_int (cm_hash_t *hash, int key, cm_hash_value_t val)
-	int pos = __joaat_hash((char *)&key, sizeof(int));
-	return __hash_insert(hash, pos, (cm_hash_key_t)key, val);
-static int __hash_insert_string (cm_hash_t *hash, char *key, cm_hash_value_t val)
-	int pos = __joaat_hash(key, strlen(key));
-	return __hash_insert(hash, pos, (cm_hash_key_t)key, val);
-static int __hash_lookup_int (cm_hash_t *hash, int key, cm_hash_value_t *val)
-	int pos = __joaat_hash((char *)&key, sizeof(int));
-	int end = pos;
-	do {
-		if (hash->data[pos].used && hash->data[pos].key.i == key) {
-			*val = hash->data[pos].val;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		pos = (pos + 1) % HASHSIZE;
-	} while (pos != end);
-	return -1;
-static int __hash_lookup_string (cm_hash_t *hash, char *key, cm_hash_value_t *val)
-	int pos = __joaat_hash(key, strlen(key));
-	int end = pos;
-	do {
-		if (hash->data[pos].used && !strcmp(hash->data[pos].key.c, key)) {
-			*val = hash->data[pos].val;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		pos = (pos + 1) % HASHSIZE;
-	} while (pos != end);
-	return -1;
 static int __get_col (const cm_section_t *sec, char *name)
@@ -248,7 +151,7 @@
 	va_list           ap;
 	int               id_int;
 	char            * id_string;
-	cm_hash_value_t   val;
+	int               val;
 	if (!cm)
 		goto err1;
@@ -267,7 +170,7 @@
 		if (!cm->hashes[sec_id])
 			goto err2;
-		if (__hash_lookup_int(cm->hashes[sec_id], id_int, &val))
+		if (AST_HASH_LOOKUP_NOLOCK(&cm->hashes[sec_id]->i, id_int, val))
 			goto err2;
@@ -276,7 +179,7 @@
 		if (!cm->hashes[sec_id])
 			goto err2;
-		if (__hash_lookup_string(cm->hashes[sec_id], id_string, &val))
+		if (AST_HASH_LOOKUP_NOLOCK(&cm->hashes[sec_id]->c, id_string, val))
 			goto err2;
@@ -294,10 +197,10 @@
 int cm_get (cm_t *cm, char *buf, size_t size, int sec_id, int elem_id, ...)
 	va_list           ap;
-	int               id_int;
+	int               id_int,
+					  row = 0;
 	char            * val,
 		            * id_string;
-	cm_hash_value_t   row;
 	if (!cm)
 		goto err1;
@@ -325,7 +228,7 @@
 		if (!cm->hashes[sec_id])
 			goto err2;
-		if (__hash_lookup_int(cm->hashes[sec_id], id_int, &row))
+		if (AST_HASH_LOOKUP_NOLOCK(&cm->hashes[sec_id]->i, id_int, row))
 			goto err2;
@@ -334,12 +237,12 @@
 		if (!cm->hashes[sec_id])
 			goto err2;
-		if (__hash_lookup_string(cm->hashes[sec_id], id_string, &row))
+		if (AST_HASH_LOOKUP_NOLOCK(&cm->hashes[sec_id]->c, id_string, row))
 			goto err2;
-	val = cm->vals[sec_id].rows[row.i][elem_id];
+	val = cm->vals[sec_id].rows[row][elem_id];
 	if (!val)
 		val = cm->vals[sec_id].rows[0][elem_id];
 	if (!val || !memccpy(buf, val, 0, size)) {
@@ -425,8 +328,10 @@
 	switch (sec->key_type) {
-		if (!*hash)
+		if (!*hash) {
 			*hash = calloc(1, sizeof(cm_hash_t));
+		}
 		pos = __get_col(sec, sec->key_field);
 		if (pos < 0)
 			ERROR_CM(cm, "missing key field \"%s\" in section structure!\n", sec->key_field);
@@ -443,11 +348,11 @@
 						if (sscanf(token, "%d-%d", &start, &end) >= 2) {
 							for (; start <= end; start++) {
-								if (__hash_insert_int(*hash, start, (cm_hash_value_t)i))
+								if (AST_HASH_INSERT_NOLOCK(&(*hash)->i, start, i))
 									WARNING_CMF(cm, "failed to hash integer key: %d\n", start);
 						} else if (sscanf(token, "%d", &start)) {
-							if (__hash_insert_int(*hash, start, (cm_hash_value_t)i))
+							if (AST_HASH_INSERT_NOLOCK(&(*hash)->i, start, i))
 								WARNING_CMF(cm, "failed to hash integer key: %d\n", start);
 						} else
 							WARNING_PARSE_NV(cm, sec->directives[pos].name, matrix->rows[i][pos], sec->section_name);
@@ -457,8 +362,10 @@
-		if (!*hash)
+		if (!*hash) {
 			*hash = calloc(1, sizeof(cm_hash_t));
+		}
 		pos = __get_col(sec, sec->key_field);
 		if (pos < 0)
 			ERROR_CM(cm, "missing key field \"%s\" in section structure!\n", sec->key_field);
@@ -469,8 +376,8 @@
 								matrix->rows[i][0] ? matrix->rows[i][0] : sec->section_name);
 				else {
-					if (__hash_insert_string(*hash, matrix->rows[i][pos], (cm_hash_value_t)i))
-						WARNING_CMF(cm, "failed to hash string key: %s\n", matrix->rows[matrix->num_rows - 1][pos]);
+					if (AST_HASH_INSERT_NOLOCK(&(*hash)->c, matrix->rows[i][pos], i))
+						WARNING_CMF(cm, "failed to hash string key: %s\n", matrix->rows[i][pos]);
@@ -495,63 +402,65 @@
 		matrix->rows[0][0] = sec->default_name ? strdup(sec->default_name) : strdup(sec->section_name);
 	for (i = 1; i < sec->num_directives; ++i)
-		if (!matrix->rows[0][i] && sec->directives[i].def && *sec->directives[i].def)
+		if (!matrix->rows[0][i] && sec->directives[i].def)
 			matrix->rows[0][i] = strdup(sec->directives[i].def);
-static inline void __key_list_insert_sorted_int (cm_hash_key_t *key_list, cm_hash_key_t key)
+static inline void __keys_insert_sorted_int (cm_key_t *keys, int key)
 	int i,
-	for (i = 0; key_list[i].i != -1 && key_list[i].i <= key.i; ++i);
-	b = key_list[i].i;
-	key_list[i].i = key.i;
+	for (i = 0; keys[i].i != -1 && keys[i].i <= key; ++i);
+	b = keys[i].i;
+	keys[i].i = key;
 	for (++i; b != -1; ++i) {
-		a = key_list[i].i;
-		key_list[i].i = b;
+		a = keys[i].i;
+		keys[i].i = b;
 		b = a;
-static inline void __key_list_insert_sorted_string (cm_hash_key_t *key_list, cm_hash_key_t key)
+static inline void __keys_insert_sorted_string (cm_key_t *keys, char *key)
 	int    i;
 	char * a,
 		 * b;
-	for (i = 0; key_list[i].c && strcasecmp(key_list[i].c, key.c) <= 0; ++i);
-	b = key_list[i].c;
-	key_list[i].c = key.c;
+	for (i = 0; keys[i].c && strcasecmp(keys[i].c, key) <= 0; ++i);
+	b = keys[i].c;
+	keys[i].c = key;
 	for (++i; b; ++i) {
-		a = key_list[i].c;
-		key_list[i].c = b;
+		a = keys[i].c;
+		keys[i].c = b;
 		b = a;
-static void __init_key_list (cm_t *cm, cm_hash_t *hash, cm_hash_key_t **key_list, enum ktype type)
-	int i;
-	*key_list = calloc(hash->length, sizeof(key_list));
-	if (type == KTYPE_INTEGER)
-		for (i = 0; i < hash->length; ++i)
-			(*key_list)[i].i = -1;
-	for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; ++i) {
-		if (hash->data[i].used) {
-			if (type == KTYPE_INTEGER)
-				__key_list_insert_sorted_int(*key_list, hash->data[i].key);
-			else
-				__key_list_insert_sorted_string(*key_list, hash->data[i].key);
-		}
+static void __init_keys (cm_t *cm, cm_hash_t *hash, cm_key_t **keys, enum ktype type)
+	int    i,
+		   id_int,
+		   val;
+	char * id_string;
+	if (type == KTYPE_INTEGER) {
+		*keys = calloc(AST_HASH_LENGTH_NOLOCK(&hash->i), sizeof(cm_key_t));
+		for (i = 0; i < AST_HASH_LENGTH_NOLOCK(&hash->i); ++i)
+			(*keys)[i].i = -1;
+		AST_HASH_TRAVERSE_NOLOCK(&hash->i, id_int, val, i)
+			__keys_insert_sorted_int(*keys, id_int);
+	}
+	if (type == KTYPE_STRING) {
+		*keys = calloc(AST_HASH_LENGTH_NOLOCK(&hash->c), sizeof(cm_key_t));
+		AST_HASH_TRAVERSE_NOLOCK(&hash->c, id_string, val, i)
+			__keys_insert_sorted_string(*keys, id_string);
@@ -559,7 +468,7 @@
 	int             i,
 					retval = 0;
-	cm_hash_key_t * key_list;
+	cm_key_t      * keys;
 	cm_hash_t     * hash;
 	if (!cm)
@@ -571,9 +480,9 @@
 		goto err2;
 	hash = cm->hashes[sec_id];
-	key_list = cm->key_lists[sec_id];
+	keys = cm->key_arrays[sec_id];
-	if (!hash->length)
+	if (!AST_HASH_LENGTH_NOLOCK(&hash->i))
 		goto err2;
 	switch (cm->secs[sec_id].key_type) {
@@ -581,23 +490,23 @@
 		goto err2;
 		if (!prev || *(int *)prev < 0) {
-			*(int *)next = key_list[0].i;
+			*(int *)next = keys[0].i;
 		} else {
-			for (i = 0; i < hash->length && key_list[i].i != *(int *)prev; ++i);
-			if (i >= (hash->length - 1))
+			for (i = 0; i < AST_HASH_LENGTH_NOLOCK(&hash->i) && keys[i].i != *(int *)prev; ++i);
+			if (i >= (AST_HASH_LENGTH_NOLOCK(&hash->i) - 1))
 				goto err2;
-			*(int *)next = key_list[i + 1].i;
+			*(int *)next = keys[i + 1].i;
 		retval = 1;
 		if (!prev || !*(char **)prev) {
-			*(char **)next = key_list[0].c;
+			*(char **)next = keys[0].c;
 		} else {
-			for (i = 0; i < hash->length && strcasecmp(key_list[i].c, *(char **)prev); ++i);
-			if (i >= (hash->length - 1))
+			for (i = 0; i < AST_HASH_LENGTH_NOLOCK(&hash->c) && strcasecmp(keys[i].c, *(char **)prev); ++i);
+			if (i >= (AST_HASH_LENGTH_NOLOCK(&hash->c) - 1))
 				goto err2;
-			*(char **)next = key_list[i + 1].c;
+			*(char **)next = keys[i + 1].c;
 		retval = 1;
@@ -670,12 +579,12 @@
 static char * __complete_keys (cm_t *cm, const cm_section_t *sec, const char *word, int state)
-	cm_hash_key_t  * key_list;
-	int              which = 0,
-					 wordlen = strlen(word),
-					 len,
-					 i;
-	char             buf[32];
+	cm_key_t * keys;
+	int        which = 0,
+			   wordlen = strlen(word),
+			   len,
+			   i;
+	char       buf[32];
 	for (i = 0; i < cm->num_secs; ++i)
 		if (&cm->secs[i] == sec)
@@ -683,14 +592,14 @@
 	if (i == cm->num_secs)
 		return NULL;
-	len = cm->hashes[i]->length;
-	key_list = cm->key_lists[i];
+	len = AST_HASH_LENGTH_NOLOCK(&cm->hashes[i]->i);
+	keys = cm->key_arrays[i];
 	if (sec->key_type == KTYPE_STRING) {
 		for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
-			if (!wordlen || !strncmp(word, key_list[i].c, wordlen)) {
+			if (!wordlen || !strncmp(word, keys[i].c, wordlen)) {
 				if (++which > state) {
-					return strdup(key_list[i].c);
+					return strdup(keys[i].c);
@@ -698,11 +607,11 @@
 		if (!wordlen) {
 			if (state >= len)
 				return NULL;
-			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", key_list[state].i);
+			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", keys[state].i);
 			return strdup(buf);
 		for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
-			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", key_list[i].i);
+			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", keys[i].i);
 			if (!strncmp(word, buf, wordlen)) {
 				if (++which > state) {
 					return strdup(buf);
@@ -896,11 +805,11 @@
 static void __show_config_values_list (int fd, cm_t *cm, int sec_id)
-	cm_hash_key_t * key_list;
-	cm_hash_value_t row;
-	int             len,
-					i;
-	char            id[128];
+	cm_key_t * keys;
+	int        len,
+			   row = 0,
+			   i;
+	char       id[128];
 	switch (cm->secs[sec_id].key_type) {
 	case KTYPE_NONE:
@@ -908,23 +817,23 @@
 		__show_config_values(fd, cm, sec_id, 0);
-		len = cm->hashes[sec_id]->length;
-		key_list = cm->key_lists[sec_id];
+		len = AST_HASH_LENGTH_NOLOCK(&cm->hashes[sec_id]->i);
+		keys = cm->key_arrays[sec_id];
 		for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
-			if (!__hash_lookup_int(cm->hashes[sec_id], key_list[i].i, &row)) {
-				snprintf(id, sizeof(id), "%d", key_list[i].i);
+			if (!AST_HASH_LOOKUP_NOLOCK(&cm->hashes[sec_id]->i, keys[i].i, row)) {
+				snprintf(id, sizeof(id), "%d", keys[i].i);
 				__show_config_values_header(fd, id);
-				__show_config_values(fd, cm, sec_id, row.i);
+				__show_config_values(fd, cm, sec_id, row);
-		len = cm->hashes[sec_id]->length;
-		key_list = cm->key_lists[sec_id];
+		len = AST_HASH_LENGTH_NOLOCK(&cm->hashes[sec_id]->c);
+		keys = cm->key_arrays[sec_id];
 		for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
-			if (!__hash_lookup_string(cm->hashes[sec_id], key_list[i].c, &row)) {
-				__show_config_values_header(fd, key_list[i].c);
-				__show_config_values(fd, cm, sec_id, row.i);
+			if (!AST_HASH_LOOKUP_NOLOCK(&cm->hashes[sec_id]->c, keys[i].c, row)) {
+				__show_config_values_header(fd, keys[i].c);
+				__show_config_values(fd, cm, sec_id, row);
@@ -933,12 +842,12 @@
 static int cli_show_config_values (int fd, int argc, char *argv[])
-	cm_t          * cm;
-	int             err = RESULT_SHOWUSAGE,
-					i,
-					sec_id = -1,
-					id_int;
-	cm_hash_value_t row;
+	cm_t * cm;
+	int    err = RESULT_SHOWUSAGE,
+		   i,
+		   sec_id = -1,
+		   id_int,
+		   row = 0;
 	if (argc < 4 || argc > 6)
 		return err;
@@ -968,20 +877,20 @@
 			goto out;
 			if (sscanf(argv[5], "%d", &id_int) != 1 ||
-				__hash_lookup_int(cm->hashes[sec_id], id_int, &row)) {
+				AST_HASH_LOOKUP_NOLOCK(&cm->hashes[sec_id]->i, id_int, row)) {
 				ast_cli(fd, "Unknown ID: %s\n", argv[5]);
 				goto out;
-			if (__hash_lookup_string(cm->hashes[sec_id], argv[5], &row)) {
+			if (AST_HASH_LOOKUP_NOLOCK(&cm->hashes[sec_id]->c, argv[5], row)) {
 				ast_cli(fd, "Unknown ID: %s\n", argv[5]);
 				goto out;
 		__show_config_values_header(fd, argv[5]);
-		__show_config_values(fd, cm, sec_id, row.i);
+		__show_config_values(fd, cm, sec_id, row);
 	if (argc == 5)
@@ -1065,7 +974,7 @@
 		__fill_defaults(cm, &cm->secs[i], &cm->vals[i]);
 		if (cm->secs[i].key_type == KTYPE_INTEGER || cm->secs[i].key_type == KTYPE_STRING) {
 			__hash_categories(cm, &cm->secs[i], &cm->vals[i], &cm->hashes[i]);
-			__init_key_list(cm, cm->hashes[i], &cm->key_lists[i], cm->secs[i].key_type);
+			__init_keys(cm, cm->hashes[i], &cm->key_arrays[i], cm->secs[i].key_type);
@@ -1143,14 +1052,16 @@
 		for (i = 0; i < cm->num_secs; ++i) {
 			__destroy_matrix(&cm->vals[i], cm->secs[i].num_directives);
-			if (cm->hashes[i])
+			if (cm->hashes[i]) {
+				AST_HASH_DESTROY_NOLOCK(&cm->hashes[i]->i);
-			if (cm->key_lists[i])
-				free(cm->key_lists[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	free(cm->key_lists);
+			}
+			if (cm->key_arrays[i])
+				free(cm->key_arrays[i]);
+		}
+	}
+	free(cm->key_arrays);
@@ -1189,8 +1100,8 @@
 	if (!cm->hashes)
 		goto err5;
-	cm->key_lists = calloc(cm->num_secs, sizeof(cm_hash_entry_t *));
-	if (!cm->key_lists)
+	cm->key_arrays = calloc(cm->num_secs, sizeof(cm_hash_t *));
+	if (!cm->key_arrays)
 		goto err6;
 	cm->clis[0].cmda[0] = cm->modname;
@@ -1269,7 +1180,7 @@
 int ast_configman_init (void)
-	AST_HASH_INIT_STR(&cm_obj_hash, 512);
+	AST_HASH_INIT_STR(&cm_obj_hash, HASHSIZE);
 	ast_cli_register_multiple(configman_clis, sizeof(configman_clis) / sizeof(struct ast_cli_entry));

Modified: team/nadi/trunk-cm/main/hash.c
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/nadi/trunk-cm/main/hash.c?rev=43976&r1=43975&r2=43976&view=diff
--- team/nadi/trunk-cm/main/hash.c (original)
+++ team/nadi/trunk-cm/main/hash.c Fri Sep 29 07:37:20 2006
@@ -40,9 +40,10 @@
 int joaat_hash (char *key, size_t size)
 	int hash = 0;
+	int len = strlen(key);
 	size_t i;
-	for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
 		hash += key[i];
 		hash += (hash << 10);
 		hash ^= (hash >> 6);

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