[asterisk-commits] trunk r33890 - in /trunk: channel.c channels/chan_sip.c

asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Tue Jun 13 11:35:53 MST 2006

Author: mogorman
Date: Tue Jun 13 13:35:53 2006
New Revision: 33890

URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk?rev=33890&view=rev
adds support for t38 pass through patch brought up to trunk from
bug 5090 by josh colp.  Thanks to everyone who help get this patch through
especially to the author Steven Underwood.


Modified: trunk/channel.c
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/trunk/channel.c?rev=33890&r1=33889&r2=33890&view=diff
--- trunk/channel.c (original)
+++ trunk/channel.c Tue Jun 13 13:35:53 2006
@@ -2383,6 +2383,10 @@
 		res = (chan->tech->write_video == NULL) ? 0 :
 			chan->tech->write_video(chan, fr);
+		res = (chan->tech->write == NULL) ? 0 :
+			chan->tech->write(chan, fr);
+		break;
 		if (chan->tech->write == NULL)
 			break;	/*! \todo XXX should return 0 maybe ? */

Modified: trunk/channels/chan_sip.c
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/trunk/channels/chan_sip.c?rev=33890&r1=33889&r2=33890&view=diff
--- trunk/channels/chan_sip.c (original)
+++ trunk/channels/chan_sip.c Tue Jun 13 13:35:53 2006
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@
 #include "asterisk/sched.h"
 #include "asterisk/io.h"
 #include "asterisk/rtp.h"
+#include "asterisk/udptl.h"
 #include "asterisk/acl.h"
 #include "asterisk/manager.h"
 #include "asterisk/callerid.h"
@@ -718,9 +719,13 @@
 #define SIP_PAGE2_ALLOWOVERLAP		(1 << 11)	/*!< Allow overlap dialing ? */
 #define SIP_PAGE2_SUBSCRIBEMWIONLY	(1 << 12)	/*!< Only issue MWI notification if subscribed to */
 #define SIP_PAGE2_INC_RINGING		(1 << 13)	/*!< Did this connection increment the counter of in-use calls? */
+#define SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT		(7 << 14)	/*!< T38 Fax Passthrough Support */
+#define SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_UDPTL	(1 << 14)	/*!< 14: T38 Fax Passthrough Support */
+#define SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_RTP	(2 << 14)	/*!< 15: T38 Fax Passthrough Support */
+#define SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_TCP	(4 << 14)	/*!< 16: T38 Fax Passthrough Support */
 /* SIP packet flags */
 #define SIP_PKT_DEBUG		(1 << 0)	/*!< Debug this packet */
@@ -729,9 +734,54 @@
 #define SIP_PKT_IGNORE_RESP	(1 << 3)	/*!< Resp ignore - ??? */
 #define SIP_PKT_IGNORE_REQ	(1 << 4)	/*!< Req ignore - ??? */
+/* T.38 set of flags */
+#define T38FAX_FILL_BIT_REMOVAL		(1 << 0)	/*!< Default: 0 (unset)*/
+#define T38FAX_TRANSCODING_MMR			(1 << 1)	/*!< Default: 0 (unset)*/
+#define T38FAX_TRANSCODING_JBIG		(1 << 2)	/*!< Default: 0 (unset)*/
+/* Rate management */
+#define T38FAX_RATE_MANAGEMENT_LOCAL_TCF	(1 << 3)	/*!< Unset for transferredTCF (UDPTL), set for localTCF (TPKT) */
+/* UDP Error correction */
+#define T38FAX_UDP_EC_NONE			(0 << 4)	/*!< two bits, if unset NO t38UDPEC field in T38 SDP*/
+#define T38FAX_UDP_EC_FEC			(1 << 4)	/*!< Set for t38UDPFEC */
+#define T38FAX_UDP_EC_REDUNDANCY		(2 << 4)	/*!< Set for t38UDPRedundancy */
+/* T38 Spec version */
+#define T38FAX_VERSION				(3 << 6)	/*!< two bits, 2 values so far, up to 4 values max */
+#define T38FAX_VERSION_0			(0 << 6)	/*!< Version 0 */
+#define T38FAX_VERSION_1			(1 << 6)	/*!< Version 1 */
+/* Maximum Fax Rate */
+#define T38FAX_RATE_2400			(1 << 8)	/*!< 2400 bps t38FaxRate */
+#define T38FAX_RATE_4800			(1 << 9)	/*!< 4800 bps t38FaxRate */
+#define T38FAX_RATE_7200			(1 << 10)	/*!< 7200 bps t38FaxRate */
+#define T38FAX_RATE_9600			(1 << 11)	/*!< 9600 bps t38FaxRate */
+#define T38FAX_RATE_12000			(1 << 12)	/*!< 12000 bps t38FaxRate */
+#define T38FAX_RATE_14400			(1 << 13)	/*!< 14400 bps t38FaxRate */
+/*!< This is default: NO MMR and JBIG trancoding, NO fill bit removal, transferredTCF TCF, UDP FEC, Version 0 and 9600 max fax rate */
+static int global_t38_capability = T38FAX_VERSION_0 | T38FAX_RATE_2400 | T38FAX_RATE_4800 | T38FAX_RATE_7200 | T38FAX_RATE_9600;
 #define sipdebug		ast_test_flag(&global_flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_DEBUG)
 #define sipdebug_config		ast_test_flag(&global_flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_DEBUG_CONFIG)
 #define sipdebug_console	ast_test_flag(&global_flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_DEBUG_CONSOLE)
+/*! \brief T38 Sates for a call */
+enum t38state {
+	T38_DISABLED = 0,		/*! Not enabled */
+	T38_LOCAL_DIRECT,		/*! Offered from local */
+	T38_LOCAL_REINVITE,		/*! Offered from local - REINVITE */
+	T38_PEER_DIRECT,		/*! Offered from peer */
+	T38_PEER_REINVITE,		/*! Offered from peer - REINVITE */
+	T38_ENABLED			/*! Negotiated (enabled) */
+/*! \brief T.38 channel settings (at some point we need to make this alloc'ed */
+struct t38properties {
+	struct ast_flags t38support;	/*!< Flag for udptl, rtp or tcp support for this session */
+	int capability;			/*!< Our T38 capability */
+	int peercapability;		/*!< Peers T38 capability */
+	int jointcapability;		/*!< Supported T38 capability at both ends */
+	enum t38state state;		/*!< T.38 state */
 /*! \brief Parameters to know status of transfer */
 enum referstatus {
@@ -837,6 +887,9 @@
 	int noncodeccapability;			/*!< DTMF RFC2833 telephony-event */
 	int redircodecs;			/*!< Redirect codecs */
 	int maxcallbitrate;			/*!< Maximum Call Bitrate for Video Calls */	
+	struct t38properties t38;		/*!< T38 settings */
+	struct sockaddr_in udptlredirip;	/*!< Where our T.38 UDPTL should be going if not to us */
+	struct ast_udptl *udptl;		/*!< T.38 UDPTL session */
 	int callingpres;			/*!< Calling presentation */
 	int authtries;				/*!< Times we've tried to authenticate */
 	int expiry;				/*!< How long we take to expire */
@@ -1409,8 +1462,14 @@
 static struct ast_rtp *sip_get_rtp_peer(struct ast_channel *chan);
 static struct ast_rtp *sip_get_vrtp_peer(struct ast_channel *chan);
 static int sip_get_codec(struct ast_channel *chan);
-static struct ast_frame *sip_rtp_read(struct ast_channel *ast, struct sip_pvt *p);
+static struct ast_frame *sip_rtp_read(struct ast_channel *ast, struct sip_pvt *p, int *faxdetect);
+/*------ T38 Support --------- */
+static int sip_handle_t38_reinvite(struct ast_channel *chan, struct sip_pvt *pvt, int reinvite); /*!< T38 negotiation helper function */
+static int transmit_response_with_t38_sdp(struct sip_pvt *p, char *msg, struct sip_request *req, int retrans);
+static int transmit_reinvite_with_t38_sdp(struct sip_pvt *p);
+static struct ast_udptl *sip_get_udptl_peer(struct ast_channel *chan);
+static int sip_set_udptl_peer(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_udptl *udptl);
 /*! \brief Definition of this channel for PBX channel registration */
 static const struct ast_channel_tech sip_tech = {
@@ -1452,6 +1511,13 @@
 	get_codec: sip_get_codec,
+/*! \brief Interface structure with callbacks used to connect to UDPTL module*/
+static struct ast_udptl_protocol sip_udptl = {
+	type: "SIP",
+	get_udptl_info: sip_get_udptl_peer,
+	set_udptl_peer: sip_set_udptl_peer,
 /*! \brief Convert transfer status to string */
 static char *referstatus2str(enum referstatus rstatus)
@@ -2387,6 +2453,24 @@
 		r->vrtp = NULL;
 	r->prefs = peer->prefs;
+	if (ast_test_flag(&r->flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT)) {
+		r->t38.capability = global_t38_capability;
+		if (r->udptl) {
+			if (ast_udptl_get_error_correction_scheme(r->udptl) == UDPTL_ERROR_CORRECTION_FEC )
+				r->t38.capability |= T38FAX_UDP_EC_FEC;
+			else if (ast_udptl_get_error_correction_scheme(r->udptl) == UDPTL_ERROR_CORRECTION_REDUNDANCY )
+				r->t38.capability |= T38FAX_UDP_EC_REDUNDANCY;
+			else if (ast_udptl_get_error_correction_scheme(r->udptl) == UDPTL_ERROR_CORRECTION_NONE )
+				r->t38.capability |= T38FAX_UDP_EC_NONE;
+			r->t38.capability |= T38FAX_RATE_MANAGEMENT_TRANSFERED_TCF;
+			if (option_debug > 1)
+				ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"Our T38 capability (%d)\n", r->t38.capability);
+		}
+		r->t38.jointcapability = r->t38.capability;
+	} else if (r->udptl) {
+		ast_udptl_destroy(r->udptl);
+		r->udptl = NULL;
+	}
 	natflags = ast_test_flag(&r->flags[0], SIP_NAT) & SIP_NAT_ROUTE;
 	if (r->rtp) {
 		if (option_debug)
@@ -2399,6 +2483,11 @@
 			ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Setting NAT on VRTP to %s\n", natflags ? "On" : "Off");
 		ast_rtp_setnat(r->vrtp, natflags);
 		ast_rtp_setdtmf(r->vrtp, 0);
+	}
+	if (r->udptl) {
+		if (option_debug)
+			ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Setting NAT on UDPTL to %s\n", natflags ? "On" : "Off");
+		ast_udptl_setnat(r->udptl, natflags);
 	ast_string_field_set(r, peername, peer->username);
 	ast_string_field_set(r, authname, peer->username);
@@ -2563,7 +2652,12 @@
 		} else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current),"SIPTRANSFER_REPLACES")) {
 			/* We're replacing a call. */
 			p->options->replaces = ast_var_value(current);
-		}
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current),"T38CALL")) {
+			p->t38.state = T38_LOCAL_DIRECT;
+			if (option_debug)
+				ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"T38State change to %d on channel %s\n", p->t38.state, ast->name);
+		}
 	res = 0;
@@ -2588,6 +2682,9 @@
 	if ( res != -1 ) {
 		p->callingpres = ast->cid.cid_pres;
 		p->jointcapability = p->capability;
+		p->t38.jointcapability = p->t38.capability;
+		if (option_debug)
+			ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"Our T38 capability (%d), joint T38 capability (%d)\n", p->t38.capability, p->t38.jointcapability);
 		transmit_invite(p, SIP_INVITE, 1, 2);
 		if (p->maxtime) {
 			/* Initialize auto-congest time */
@@ -2655,6 +2752,8 @@
 	if (p->vrtp)
+	if (p->udptl)
+		ast_udptl_destroy(p->udptl);
 	if (p->refer)
 	if (p->route) {
@@ -3182,7 +3281,14 @@
 		ast_setstate(ast, AST_STATE_UP);
 		if (option_debug)
 			ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "SIP answering channel: %s\n", ast->name);
-		res = transmit_response_with_sdp(p, "200 OK", &p->initreq, XMIT_CRITICAL);
+		if (p->t38.state == T38_PEER_DIRECT) {
+			p->t38.state = T38_ENABLED;
+			if (option_debug > 1)
+				ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"T38State change to %d on channel %s\n", p->t38.state, ast->name);
+			res = transmit_response_with_t38_sdp(p, "200 OK", &p->initreq, XMIT_CRITICAL);
+		} else {
+			res = transmit_response_with_sdp(p, "200 OK", &p->initreq, XMIT_CRITICAL);
+		}
 	return res;
@@ -3236,6 +3342,21 @@
 		return 0;
+		break;
+		if (p) {
+			ast_mutex_lock(&p->lock);
+			if (p->udptl) {
+				if ((ast->_state != AST_STATE_UP) &&
+					!ast_test_flag(&p->flags[0], SIP_PROGRESS_SENT) && 
+				    !ast_test_flag(&p->flags[0], SIP_OUTGOING)) {
+					transmit_response_with_t38_sdp(p, "183 Session Progress", &p->initreq, XMIT_RELIABLE);
+					ast_set_flag(&p->flags[0], SIP_PROGRESS_SENT);
+				}
+				res = ast_udptl_write(p->udptl, frame);
+			}
+			ast_mutex_unlock(&p->lock);
+		}
 		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't send %d type frames with SIP write\n", frame->frametype);
@@ -3503,6 +3624,9 @@
 	if (needvideo && i->vrtp) {
 		tmp->fds[2] = ast_rtp_fd(i->vrtp);
 		tmp->fds[3] = ast_rtcp_fd(i->vrtp);
+	}
+	if (i->udptl) {
+		tmp->fds[5] = ast_udptl_fd(i->udptl);
 	if (state == AST_STATE_RING)
 		tmp->rings = 1;
@@ -3697,7 +3821,7 @@
 /*! \brief Read RTP from network */
-static struct ast_frame *sip_rtp_read(struct ast_channel *ast, struct sip_pvt *p)
+static struct ast_frame *sip_rtp_read(struct ast_channel *ast, struct sip_pvt *p, int *faxdetect)
 	/* Retrieve audio/etc from channel.  Assumes p->lock is already held. */
 	struct ast_frame *f;
@@ -3720,6 +3844,9 @@
 	case 3:
 		f = ast_rtcp_read(p->vrtp);	/* RTCP Control Channel for video */
+	case 5:
+		f = ast_udptl_read(p->udptl);	/* UDPTL for T.38 */
+		break;
 		f = &ast_null_frame;
@@ -3740,8 +3867,15 @@
 			if ((ast_test_flag(&p->flags[0], SIP_DTMF) == SIP_DTMF_INBAND) && p->vad) {
 				f = ast_dsp_process(p->owner, p->vad, f);
-				if (option_debug && f && (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_DTMF)) 
-					ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "* Detected inband DTMF '%c'\n", f->subclass);
+				if (f && f->frametype == AST_FRAME_DTMF) {
+					if (ast_test_flag(&p->t38.t38support, SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_UDPTL) && f->subclass == 'f') {
+						if (option_debug)
+							ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Fax CNG detected on %s\n", ast->name);
+						*faxdetect = 1;
+					} else if (option_debug) {
+						ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "* Detected inband DTMF '%c'\n", f->subclass);
+					}
+				}
@@ -3753,10 +3887,31 @@
 	struct ast_frame *fr;
 	struct sip_pvt *p = ast->tech_pvt;
+	int faxdetected = 0;
-	fr = sip_rtp_read(ast, p);
+	fr = sip_rtp_read(ast, p, &faxdetected);
 	p->lastrtprx = time(NULL);
+	/* If we are NOT bridged to another channel, and we have detected fax tone we issue T38 re-invite to a peer */
+	/* If we are bridged then it is the responsibility of the SIP device to issue T38 re-invite if it detects CNG or fax preamble */
+	if (faxdetected && ast_test_flag(&p->t38.t38support, SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_UDPTL) && (p->t38.state == T38_DISABLED) && !(ast_bridged_channel(ast))) {
+		if (!ast_test_flag(&p->flags[0], SIP_GOTREFER)) {
+			if (!p->pendinginvite) {
+				if (option_debug > 2)
+					ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Sending reinvite on SIP (%s) for T.38 negotiation.\n",ast->name);
+				p->t38.state = T38_LOCAL_REINVITE;
+				transmit_reinvite_with_t38_sdp(p);
+				if (option_debug > 1)
+					ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "T38 state changed to %d on channel %s", p->t38.state, ast->name);
+			}
+		} else if (!ast_test_flag(&p->flags[0], SIP_PENDINGBYE)) {
+			if (option_debug > 2)
+				ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Deferring reinvite on SIP (%s) - it will be re-negotiated for T.38\n", ast->name);
+			ast_set_flag(&p->flags[0], SIP_NEEDREINVITE);
+		}
+	}
 	return fr;
@@ -3850,6 +4005,8 @@
 		/* If the global videosupport flag is on, we always create a RTP interface for video */
 		if (ast_test_flag(&p->flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_VIDEOSUPPORT))
 			p->vrtp = ast_rtp_new_with_bindaddr(sched, io, 1, 0, bindaddr.sin_addr);
+		if (ast_test_flag(&p->flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT))
+			p->udptl = ast_udptl_new_with_bindaddr(sched, io, 0, bindaddr.sin_addr);
 		if (!p->rtp || (ast_test_flag(&p->flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_VIDEOSUPPORT) && !p->vrtp)) {
 			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to create RTP audio %s session: %s\n",
 				ast_test_flag(&p->flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_VIDEOSUPPORT) ? "and video" : "", strerror(errno));
@@ -3866,6 +4023,9 @@
 		if (p->vrtp) {
 			ast_rtp_settos(p->vrtp, global_tos_video);
 			ast_rtp_setdtmf(p->vrtp, 0);
+		}
+		if (p->udptl) {
+			ast_udptl_settos(p->udptl, global_tos_audio);
 		p->rtptimeout = global_rtptimeout;
 		p->rtpholdtimeout = global_rtpholdtimeout;
@@ -3883,6 +4043,8 @@
 			ast_rtp_setnat(p->rtp, natflags);
 		if (p->vrtp)
 			ast_rtp_setnat(p->vrtp, natflags);
+		if (p->udptl)
+			ast_udptl_setnat(p->udptl, natflags);
 	if (p->method != SIP_REGISTER)
@@ -3899,6 +4061,17 @@
 	if ((ast_test_flag(&p->flags[0], SIP_DTMF) == SIP_DTMF_RFC2833) ||
 	    (ast_test_flag(&p->flags[0], SIP_DTMF) == SIP_DTMF_AUTO))
 		p->noncodeccapability |= AST_RTP_DTMF;
+	if (p->udptl) {
+		p->t38.capability = global_t38_capability;
+		if (ast_udptl_get_error_correction_scheme(p->udptl) == UDPTL_ERROR_CORRECTION_REDUNDANCY)
+			p->t38.capability |= T38FAX_UDP_EC_REDUNDANCY;
+		else if (ast_udptl_get_error_correction_scheme(p->udptl) == UDPTL_ERROR_CORRECTION_FEC)
+			p->t38.capability |= T38FAX_UDP_EC_FEC;
+		else if (ast_udptl_get_error_correction_scheme(p->udptl) == UDPTL_ERROR_CORRECTION_NONE)
+			p->t38.capability |= T38FAX_UDP_EC_NONE;
+		p->t38.capability |= T38FAX_RATE_MANAGEMENT_TRANSFERED_TCF;
+		p->t38.jointcapability = p->t38.capability;
+	}
 	ast_string_field_set(p, context, default_context);
 	/* Add to active dialog list */
@@ -4256,6 +4429,10 @@
 	int len = -1;
 	int portno = -1;		/*!< RTP Audio port number */
 	int vportno = -1;		/*!< RTP Video port number */
+	int udptlportno = -1;
+	int peert38capability = 0;
+	char s[256];
+	int old = 0;
 	/* Peer capability is the capability in the SDP, non codec is RFC2833 DTMF (101) */	
 	int peercapability, peernoncodeccapability;
@@ -4366,6 +4543,20 @@
 					ast_verbose("Found RTP video format %d\n", codec);
 				ast_rtp_set_m_type(newvideortp, codec);
+		} else if (p->udptl && (sscanf(m, "image %d udptl t38 %n", &x, &len) == 1)) {
+			if (debug)
+				ast_verbose("Got T.38 offer in SDP\n");
+			udptlportno = x;
+			if (p->owner && p->lastinvite) {
+				p->t38.state = T38_PEER_REINVITE; /* T38 Offered in re-invite from remote party */
+				if (option_debug > 1)
+					ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "T38 state changed to %d on channel %s\n", p->t38.state, p->owner ? p->owner->name : "<none>" );
+			} else {
+				p->t38.state = T38_PEER_DIRECT; /* T38 Offered directly from peer in first invite */
+				if (option_debug > 1)
+					ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "T38 state changed to %d on channel %s\n", p->t38.state, p->owner ? p->owner->name : "<none>");
+			}
 		} else 
 			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unsupported SDP media type in offer: %s\n", m);
 		if (numberofports > 1)
@@ -4388,7 +4579,7 @@
-	if (portno == -1 && vportno == -1)
+	if (portno == -1 && vportno == -1 && udptlportno == -1)
 		/* No acceptable offer found in SDP  - we have no ports */
 		/* Do not change RTP or VRTP if this is a re-invite */
 		return -2;
@@ -4404,12 +4595,35 @@
 	if (vhp)
 		memcpy(&vsin.sin_addr, vhp->h_addr, sizeof(vsin.sin_addr));
-	/* Setup audio port number */
-	sin.sin_port = htons(portno);
+	if (p->rtp) {
+		if (portno > 0) {
+			sin.sin_port = htons(portno);
+			ast_rtp_set_peer(p->rtp, &sin);
+			if (debug)
+				ast_verbose("Peer audio RTP is at port %s:%d\n", ast_inet_ntoa(iabuf,sizeof(iabuf), sin.sin_addr), ntohs(sin.sin_port));
+		} else {
+			ast_rtp_stop(p->rtp);
+			if (debug)
+				ast_verbose("Peer doesn't provide audio\n");
+		}
+	}
 	/* Setup video port number */
 	if (vportno != -1)
 		vsin.sin_port = htons(vportno);
+	/* Setup UDPTL port number */
+	if (p->udptl) {
+		if (udptlportno > 0) {
+			sin.sin_port = htons(udptlportno);
+			ast_udptl_set_peer(p->udptl, &sin);
+			if (debug)
+				ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"Peer T.38 UDPTL is at port %s:%d\n",ast_inet_ntoa(iabuf, sizeof(iabuf), sin.sin_addr), ntohs(sin.sin_port));
+		} else {
+			ast_udptl_stop(p->udptl);
+			if (debug)
+				ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Peer doesn't provide T.38 UDPTL\n");
+		}
+	}
 	/* Next, scan through each "a=rtpmap:" line, noting each
 	 * specified RTP payload type (with corresponding MIME subtype):
@@ -4474,6 +4688,123 @@
 		if (p->vrtp)
 			ast_rtp_set_rtpmap_type(newvideortp, codec, "video", mimeSubtype);
+	if (udptlportno != -1) {
+		int found = 0, x;
+		old = 0;
+		/* Scan trough the a= lines for T38 attributes and set apropriate fileds */
+		iterator = req->sdp_start;
+		while ((a = get_sdp_iterate(&iterator, req, "a"))[0] != '\0') {
+			if ((sscanf(a, "T38FaxMaxBuffer:%d", &x) == 1)) {
+				found = 1;
+				if (option_debug > 2)
+					ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"MaxBufferSize:%d\n",x);
+			}
+			if ((sscanf(a, "T38MaxBitRate:%d", &x) == 1)) {
+				found = 1;
+				if (option_debug > 2)
+					ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"T38MaxBitRate: %d\n",x);
+				switch (x) {
+				case 14400:
+					peert38capability |= T38FAX_RATE_14400 | T38FAX_RATE_12000 | T38FAX_RATE_9600 | T38FAX_RATE_7200 | T38FAX_RATE_4800 | T38FAX_RATE_2400;
+					break;
+				case 12000:
+					peert38capability |= T38FAX_RATE_12000 | T38FAX_RATE_9600 | T38FAX_RATE_7200 | T38FAX_RATE_4800 | T38FAX_RATE_2400;
+					break;
+				case 9600:
+					peert38capability |= T38FAX_RATE_9600 | T38FAX_RATE_7200 | T38FAX_RATE_4800 | T38FAX_RATE_2400;
+					break;
+				case 7200:
+					peert38capability |= T38FAX_RATE_7200 | T38FAX_RATE_4800 | T38FAX_RATE_2400;
+					break;
+				case 4800:
+					peert38capability |= T38FAX_RATE_4800 | T38FAX_RATE_2400;
+					break;
+				case 2400:
+					peert38capability |= T38FAX_RATE_2400;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			if ((sscanf(a, "T38FaxVersion:%d", &x) == 1)) {
+				found = 1;
+				if (option_debug > 2)
+					ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"FaxVersion: %d\n",x);
+				if (x == 0)
+					peert38capability |= T38FAX_VERSION_0;
+				else if (x == 1)
+					peert38capability |= T38FAX_VERSION_1;
+			}
+			if ((sscanf(a, "T38FaxMaxDatagram:%d", &x) == 1)) {
+				found = 1;
+				if (option_debug > 2)
+					ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"FaxMaxDatagram: %d\n",x);
+				ast_udptl_set_far_max_datagram(p->udptl, x);
+				ast_udptl_set_local_max_datagram(p->udptl, x);
+			}
+			if ((sscanf(a, "T38FaxFillBitRemoval:%d", &x) == 1)) {
+				found = 1;
+				if (option_debug > 2)
+					ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"FillBitRemoval: %d\n",x);
+				if (x == 1)
+					peert38capability |= T38FAX_FILL_BIT_REMOVAL;
+			}
+			if ((sscanf(a, "T38FaxTranscodingMMR:%d", &x) == 1)) {
+				found = 1;
+				if (option_debug > 2)
+					ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"Transcoding MMR: %d\n",x);
+				if (x == 1)
+					peert38capability |= T38FAX_TRANSCODING_MMR;
+			}
+			if ((sscanf(a, "T38FaxTranscodingJBIG:%d", &x) == 1)) {
+				found = 1;
+				if (option_debug > 2)
+					ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"Transcoding JBIG: %d\n",x);
+				if (x == 1)
+					peert38capability |= T38FAX_TRANSCODING_JBIG;
+			}
+			if ((sscanf(a, "T38FaxRateManagement:%s", s) == 1)) {
+				found = 1;
+				if (option_debug > 2)
+					ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"RateMangement: %s\n", s);
+				if (!strcasecmp(s, "localTCF"))
+					peert38capability |= T38FAX_RATE_MANAGEMENT_LOCAL_TCF;
+				else if (!strcasecmp(s, "transferredTCF"))
+					peert38capability |= T38FAX_RATE_MANAGEMENT_TRANSFERED_TCF;
+			}
+			if ((sscanf(a, "T38FaxUdpEC:%s", s) == 1)) {
+				found = 1;
+				if (option_debug > 2)
+					ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"UDP EC: %s\n", s);
+				if (!strcasecmp(s, "t38UDPRedundancy")) {
+					peert38capability |= T38FAX_UDP_EC_REDUNDANCY;
+					ast_udptl_set_error_correction_scheme(p->udptl, UDPTL_ERROR_CORRECTION_REDUNDANCY);
+				} else if (!strcasecmp(s, "t38UDPFEC")) {
+					peert38capability |= T38FAX_UDP_EC_FEC;
+					ast_udptl_set_error_correction_scheme(p->udptl, UDPTL_ERROR_CORRECTION_FEC);
+				} else {
+					peert38capability |= T38FAX_UDP_EC_NONE;
+					ast_udptl_set_error_correction_scheme(p->udptl, UDPTL_ERROR_CORRECTION_NONE);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (found) { /* Some cisco equipment returns nothing beside c= and m= lines in 200 OK T38 SDP */
+			p->t38.peercapability = peert38capability;
+			p->t38.jointcapability = (peert38capability & 255); /* Put everything beside supported speeds settings */
+			peert38capability &= (T38FAX_RATE_14400 | T38FAX_RATE_12000 | T38FAX_RATE_9600 | T38FAX_RATE_7200 | T38FAX_RATE_4800 | T38FAX_RATE_2400);
+			p->t38.jointcapability |= (peert38capability & p->t38.capability); /* Put the lower of our's and peer's speed */
+		}
+		if (debug)
+			ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"Our T38 capability = (%d), peer T38 capability (%d), joint T38 capability (%d)\n",
+				p->t38.capability,
+				p->t38.peercapability,
+				p->t38.jointcapability);
+	} else {
+		p->t38.state = T38_DISABLED;
+		if (option_debug > 1)
+			ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "T38 state changed to %d on channel %s\n", p->t38.state, p->owner ? p->owner->name : "<none>");
+	}
 	/* Now gather all of the codecs that we are asked for: */
 	ast_rtp_get_current_formats(newaudiortp, &peercapability, &peernoncodeccapability);
@@ -5209,6 +5540,142 @@
 		ast_build_string(a_buf, a_size, "a=fmtp:%d annexb=no\r\n", rtp_code);
+/*! \brief Get Max T.38 Transmision rate from T38 capabilities */
+static int t38_get_rate(int t38cap)
+	int maxrate = (t38cap & (T38FAX_RATE_14400 | T38FAX_RATE_12000 | T38FAX_RATE_9600 | T38FAX_RATE_7200 | T38FAX_RATE_4800 | T38FAX_RATE_2400));
+	if (maxrate & T38FAX_RATE_14400) {
+		if (option_debug > 1)
+			ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "T38MaxFaxRate 14400 found\n");
+		return 14400;
+	} else if (maxrate & T38FAX_RATE_12000) {
+		if (option_debug > 1)
+			ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "T38MaxFaxRate 12000 found\n");
+		return 12000;
+	} else if (maxrate & T38FAX_RATE_9600) {
+		if (option_debug > 1)
+			ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "T38MaxFaxRate 9600 found\n");
+		return 9600;
+	} else if (maxrate & T38FAX_RATE_7200) {
+		if (option_debug > 1)
+			ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "T38MaxFaxRate 7200 found\n");
+		return 7200;
+	} else if (maxrate & T38FAX_RATE_4800) {
+		if (option_debug > 1)
+			ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "T38MaxFaxRate 4800 found\n");
+		return 4800;
+	} else if (maxrate & T38FAX_RATE_2400) {
+		if (option_debug > 1)
+			ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "T38MaxFaxRate 2400 found\n");
+		return 2400;
+	} else {
+		if (option_debug > 1)
+			ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Strange, T38MaxFaxRate NOT found in peers T38 SDP.\n");
+		return 0;
+	}
+/*! \brief Add T.38 Session Description Protocol message */
+static int add_t38_sdp(struct sip_request *resp, struct sip_pvt *p)
+	int len = 0;
+	int x = 0;
+	struct sockaddr_in udptlsin;
+	char v[256] = "";
+	char s[256] = "";
+	char o[256] = "";
+	char c[256] = "";
+	char t[256] = "";
+	char m_modem[256];
+	char a_modem[1024];
+	char *m_modem_next = m_modem;
+	size_t m_modem_left = sizeof(m_modem);
+	char *a_modem_next = a_modem;
+	size_t a_modem_left = sizeof(a_modem);
+	char iabuf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
+	struct sockaddr_in udptldest = { 0, };
+	int debug;
+	debug = sip_debug_test_pvt(p);
+	len = 0;
+	if (!p->udptl) {
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No way to add SDP without an UDPTL structure\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (!p->sessionid) {
+		p->sessionid = getpid();
+		p->sessionversion = p->sessionid;
+	} else
+		p->sessionversion++;
+	/* Our T.38 end is */
+	ast_udptl_get_us(p->udptl, &udptlsin);
+	/* Determine T.38 UDPTL destination */
+	if (p->udptlredirip.sin_addr.s_addr) {
+		udptldest.sin_port = p->udptlredirip.sin_port;
+		udptldest.sin_addr = p->udptlredirip.sin_addr;
+	} else {
+		udptldest.sin_addr = p->ourip;
+		udptldest.sin_port = udptlsin.sin_port;
+	}
+	if (debug) {
+		ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "T.38 UDPTL is at %s port %d\n", ast_inet_ntoa(iabuf, sizeof(iabuf), p->ourip), ntohs(udptlsin.sin_port));
+	}
+	/* We break with the "recommendation" and send our IP, in order that our
+	   peer doesn't have to ast_gethostbyname() us */
+	if (debug) {
+		ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Our T38 capability (%d), peer T38 capability (%d), joint capability (%d)\n",
+			p->t38.capability,
+			p->t38.peercapability,
+			p->t38.jointcapability);
+	}
+	snprintf(v, sizeof(v), "v=0\r\n");
+	snprintf(o, sizeof(o), "o=root %d %d IN IP4 %s\r\n", p->sessionid, p->sessionversion, ast_inet_ntoa(iabuf, sizeof(iabuf), udptldest.sin_addr));
+	snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "s=session\r\n");
+	snprintf(c, sizeof(c), "c=IN IP4 %s\r\n", ast_inet_ntoa(iabuf, sizeof(iabuf), udptldest.sin_addr));
+	snprintf(t, sizeof(t), "t=0 0\r\n");
+	ast_build_string(&m_modem_next, &m_modem_left, "m=image %d udptl t38\r\n", ntohs(udptldest.sin_port));
+	if ((p->t38.jointcapability & T38FAX_VERSION) == T38FAX_VERSION_0)
+		ast_build_string(&a_modem_next, &a_modem_left, "a=T38FaxVersion:0\r\n");
+	if ((p->t38.jointcapability & T38FAX_VERSION) == T38FAX_VERSION_1)
+		ast_build_string(&a_modem_next, &a_modem_left, "a=T38FaxVersion:1\r\n");
+	if ((x = t38_get_rate(p->t38.jointcapability)))
+		ast_build_string(&a_modem_next, &a_modem_left, "a=T38MaxBitRate:%d\r\n",x);
+	ast_build_string(&a_modem_next, &a_modem_left, "a=T38FaxFillBitRemoval:%d\r\n", (p->t38.jointcapability & T38FAX_FILL_BIT_REMOVAL) ? 1 : 0);
+	ast_build_string(&a_modem_next, &a_modem_left, "a=T38FaxTranscodingMMR:%d\r\n", (p->t38.jointcapability & T38FAX_TRANSCODING_MMR) ? 1 : 0);
+	ast_build_string(&a_modem_next, &a_modem_left, "a=T38FaxTranscodingJBIG:%d\r\n", (p->t38.jointcapability & T38FAX_TRANSCODING_JBIG) ? 1 : 0);
+	ast_build_string(&a_modem_next, &a_modem_left, "a=T38FaxRateManagement:%s\r\n", (p->t38.jointcapability & T38FAX_RATE_MANAGEMENT_LOCAL_TCF) ? "localTCF" : "transferredTCF");
+	x = ast_udptl_get_local_max_datagram(p->udptl);
+	ast_build_string(&a_modem_next, &a_modem_left, "a=T38FaxMaxBuffer:%d\r\n",x);
+	ast_build_string(&a_modem_next, &a_modem_left, "a=T38FaxMaxDatagram:%d\r\n",x);
+	if (p->t38.jointcapability != T38FAX_UDP_EC_NONE)
+		ast_build_string(&a_modem_next, &a_modem_left, "a=T38FaxUdpEC:%s\r\n", (p->t38.jointcapability & T38FAX_UDP_EC_REDUNDANCY) ? "t38UDPRedundancy" : "t38UDPFEC");
+	if (p->udptl)
+		len = strlen(m_modem) + strlen(a_modem);
+	add_header(resp, "Content-Type", "application/sdp");
+	add_header_contentLength(resp, len);
+	add_line(resp, v);
+	add_line(resp, o);
+	add_line(resp, s);
+	add_line(resp, c);
+	add_line(resp, t);
+	add_line(resp, m_modem);
+	add_line(resp, a_modem);
+	/* Update lastrtprx when we send our SDP */
+	p->lastrtprx = p->lastrtptx = time(NULL);
+	return 0;
 /*! \brief Add RFC 2833 DTMF offer to SDP */
 static void add_noncodec_to_sdp(const struct sip_pvt *p, int format, int sample_rate,
 				char **m_buf, size_t *m_size, char **a_buf, size_t *a_size,
@@ -5306,6 +5773,11 @@
 		ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "** Our capability: %s Video flag: %s\n", ast_getformatname_multiple(codecbuf, sizeof(codecbuf), capability), ast_test_flag(&p->flags[0], SIP_NOVIDEO) ? "True" : "False");
 		ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "** Our prefcodec: %s \n", ast_getformatname_multiple(codecbuf, sizeof(codecbuf), p->prefcodec));
+	if ((ast_test_flag(&p->t38.t38support, SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_RTP))) {
+		ast_build_string(&m_audio_next, &m_audio_left, " %d", 191);
+		ast_build_string(&a_audio_next, &a_audio_left, "a=rtpmap:%d %s/%d\r\n", 191, "t38", 8000);
+	}
 	/* Check if we need video in this call */
 	if((capability & AST_FORMAT_VIDEO_MASK) && !ast_test_flag(&p->flags[0], SIP_NOVIDEO)) {
@@ -5494,6 +5966,26 @@
 	return 0;
+/*--- transmit_response_with_t38_sdp: Used for 200 OK and 183 early media ---*/
+static int transmit_response_with_t38_sdp(struct sip_pvt *p, char *msg, struct sip_request *req, int retrans)
+	struct sip_request resp;
+	int seqno;
+	if (sscanf(get_header(req, "CSeq"), "%d ", &seqno) != 1) {
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to get seqno from '%s'\n", get_header(req, "CSeq"));
+		return -1;
+	}
+	respprep(&resp, p, msg, req);
+	if (p->udptl) {
+		ast_udptl_offered_from_local(p->udptl, 0);
+		add_t38_sdp(&resp, p);
+	} else {
+		ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Can't add SDP to response, since we have no UDPTL session allocated. Call-ID %s\n", p->callid);
+	}
+	return send_response(p, &resp, retrans, seqno);
 /*! \brief copy SIP request (mostly used to save request for responses) */
 static void copy_request(struct sip_request *dst, const struct sip_request *src)
@@ -5588,6 +6080,31 @@
 	if (recordhistory)
 		append_history(p, "ReInv", "Re-invite sent");
 	add_sdp(&req, p);
+	/* Use this as the basis */
+	initialize_initreq(p, &req);
+	p->lastinvite = p->ocseq;
+	ast_set_flag(&p->flags[0], SIP_OUTGOING);
+	return send_request(p, &req, 1, p->ocseq);
+/*--- transmit_reinvite_with_t38_sdp: Transmit reinvite with T38 SDP ---*/
+/*     A re-invite is basically a new INVITE with the same CALL-ID and TAG as the
+       INVITE that opened the SIP dialogue
+       We reinvite so that the T38 processing can take place.
+       SIP Signalling stays with * in the path.
+static int transmit_reinvite_with_t38_sdp(struct sip_pvt *p)
+	struct sip_request req;
+	reqprep(&req, p, ast_test_flag(&p->flags[0], SIP_REINVITE_UPDATE) ?  SIP_UPDATE : SIP_INVITE, 0, 1);
+	add_header(&req, "Allow", ALLOWED_METHODS);
+	add_header(&req, "Supported", SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS);
+	if (sipdebug)
+		add_header(&req, "X-asterisk-info", "SIP re-invite (T38 switchover)");
+	ast_udptl_offered_from_local(p->udptl, 1);
+	add_t38_sdp(&req, p);
 	/* Use this as the basis */
 	initialize_initreq(p, &req);
 	p->lastinvite = p->ocseq;
@@ -5924,8 +6441,15 @@
-	if (sdp && p->rtp) {
-		add_sdp(&req, p);
+	if (sdp) {
+		if (p->udptl && p->t38.state == T38_LOCAL_DIRECT) {
+			ast_udptl_offered_from_local(p->udptl, 1);
+			if (option_debug)
+				ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "T38 is in state %d on channel %s\n", p->t38.state, p->owner ? p->owner->name : "<none>");
+			add_t38_sdp(&req, p);
+		} else if (p->rtp) {
+			add_sdp(&req, p);
+		}
 	} else {
 		add_header_contentLength(&req, 0);
@@ -8077,6 +8601,11 @@
 				ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Setting NAT on VRTP to %s\n", usenatroute ? "On" : "Off");
 			ast_rtp_setnat(p->vrtp, usenatroute);
+		if (p->udptl) {
+			if (option_debug)
+				ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Setting NAT on UDPTL to %s\n", usenatroute ? "On" : "Off");
+			ast_udptl_setnat(p->udptl, usenatroute);
+		}
 		if (!(res = check_auth(p, req, user->name, user->secret, user->md5secret, sipmethod, uri, reliable, ast_test_flag(req, SIP_PKT_IGNORE)))) {
 			ast_copy_flags(&p->flags[0], &user->flags[0], SIP_FLAGS_TO_COPY);
@@ -8123,7 +8652,8 @@
 				p->noncodeccapability |= AST_RTP_DTMF;
 				p->noncodeccapability &= ~AST_RTP_DTMF;
+			if (p->t38.peercapability)
+				p->t38.jointcapability &= p->t38.peercapability;
 			p->maxcallbitrate = user->maxcallbitrate;
 			/* If we do not support video, remove video from call structure */
 			if (!ast_test_flag(&p->flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_VIDEOSUPPORT) && p->vrtp) {
@@ -8183,6 +8713,10 @@
 			if (p->vrtp) {
 				ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Setting NAT on VRTP to %s\n", usenatroute ? "On" : "Off");
 				ast_rtp_setnat(p->vrtp, usenatroute);
+			}
+			if (p->udptl) {
+				ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Setting NAT on UDPTL to %s\n", usenatroute ? "On" : "Off");
+				ast_udptl_setnat(p->udptl, usenatroute);
 			ast_string_field_set(p, peersecret, peer->secret);
 			ast_string_field_set(p, peermd5secret, peer->md5secret);
@@ -8255,6 +8789,8 @@
 					p->noncodeccapability |= AST_RTP_DTMF;
 					p->noncodeccapability &= ~AST_RTP_DTMF;
+				if (p->t38.peercapability)
+					p->t38.jointcapability &= p->t38.peercapability;
 			ASTOBJ_UNREF(peer, sip_destroy_peer);
 		} else { 
@@ -9055,6 +9591,9 @@
 		ast_cli(fd, "  Insecure     : %s\n", insecure2str(ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[0], SIP_INSECURE_PORT), ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[0], SIP_INSECURE_INVITE)));
 		ast_cli(fd, "  Nat          : %s\n", nat2str(ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[0], SIP_NAT)));
 		ast_cli(fd, "  ACL          : %s\n", (peer->ha?"Yes":"No"));
+		ast_cli(fd, "  T38 pt UDPTL : %s\n", ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_UDPTL)?"Yes":"No");
+		ast_cli(fd, "  T38 pt RTP   : %s\n", ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_RTP)?"Yes":"No");
+		ast_cli(fd, "  T38 pt TCP   : %s\n", ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_TCP)?"Yes":"No");
 		ast_cli(fd, "  CanReinvite  : %s\n", ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[0], SIP_CAN_REINVITE)?"Yes":"No");
 		ast_cli(fd, "  PromiscRedir : %s\n", ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[0], SIP_PROMISCREDIR)?"Yes":"No");
 		ast_cli(fd, "  User=Phone   : %s\n", ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[0], SIP_USEREQPHONE)?"Yes":"No");
@@ -9324,6 +9863,9 @@
 	ast_cli(fd, "  IP ToS SIP:             %s\n", ast_tos2str(global_tos_sip));
 	ast_cli(fd, "  IP ToS RTP audio:       %s\n", ast_tos2str(global_tos_audio));
 	ast_cli(fd, "  IP ToS RTP video:       %s\n", ast_tos2str(global_tos_video));
+	ast_cli(fd, "  T38 fax pt UDPTL:       %s\n", ast_test_flag(&global_flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_UDPTL) ? "Yes" : "No");
+	ast_cli(fd, "  T38 fax pt RTP:         %s\n", ast_test_flag(&global_flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_RTP) ? "Yes" : "No");
+	ast_cli(fd, "  T38 fax pt TCP:         %s\n", ast_test_flag(&global_flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_TCP) ? "Yes" : "No");
 	if (!realtimepeers && !realtimeusers)
 		ast_cli(fd, "  SIP realtime:           Disabled\n" );
@@ -10476,6 +11018,11 @@
 		ast_copy_string(buf, p->useragent, len);
 	} else  if (!strcasecmp(data, "peername")) {
 		ast_copy_string(buf, p->peername, len);
+	} else if (!strcasecmp(data, "t38passthrough")) {
+		if (p->t38.state == T38_DISABLED)
+			ast_copy_string(buf, "0", sizeof("0"));
+		else    /* T38 is offered or enabled in this call */
+			ast_copy_string(buf, "1", sizeof("1"));
 	} else {
 		return -1;
@@ -10498,6 +11045,7 @@
 	"- uri                   The URI from the Contact: header.\n"
 	"- useragent             The useragent.\n"
 	"- peername              The name of the peer.\n"
+	"- t38passthrough        1 if T38 is offered or enabled in this channel, otherwise 0\n"
 /*! \brief Parse 302 Moved temporalily response */
@@ -10672,6 +11220,51 @@
 			build_route(p, req, 1);
+		if (p->owner && (p->owner->_state == AST_STATE_UP)) { /* if this is a re-invite */
+			struct ast_channel *bridgepeer = NULL;
+			struct sip_pvt *bridgepvt = NULL;
+			bridgepeer = ast_bridged_channel(p->owner);
+			if (!bridgepeer->tech) {
+				ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Ooooh.. no tech!  That's REALLY bad\n");
+				break;
+			}
+			if (!strcasecmp(bridgepeer->tech->type,"SIP")) {
+				bridgepvt = (struct sip_pvt*)(bridgepeer->tech_pvt);
+				if (bridgepvt->udptl) {
+					if (p->t38.state == T38_PEER_REINVITE) {
+						sip_handle_t38_reinvite(bridgepeer, p, 0);
+					} else if (p->t38.state == T38_DISABLED && bridgepeer && (bridgepvt->t38.state == T38_ENABLED)) {
+						ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "RTP re-inivte after T38 session not handled yet !\n");
+						/* Insted of this we should somehow re-invite the other side of the bridge to RTP */
+						ast_set_flag(&p->flags[0], SIP_NEEDDESTROY);
+					}
+				} else {
+					ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Strange... The other side of the bridge don't have udptl struct\n");
+					ast_mutex_lock(&bridgepvt->lock);
+					bridgepvt->t38.state = T38_DISABLED;
+					ast_mutex_unlock(&bridgepvt->lock);
+					if (option_debug)
+						ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"T38 state changed to %d on channel %s\n", bridgepvt->t38.state, bridgepeer->tech->type);
+					p->t38.state = T38_DISABLED;
+					if (option_debug > 1)
+						ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"T38 state changed to %d on channel %s\n", p->t38.state, p->owner ? p->owner->name : "<none>");
+				}
+			} else {
+				/* Other side is not a SIP channel */
+				ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Strange... The other side of the bridge is not a SIP channel\n");
+				p->t38.state = T38_DISABLED;
+				if (option_debug > 1)
+					ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"T38 state changed to %d on channel %s\n", p->t38.state, p->owner ? p->owner->name : "<none>");
+			}
+		}
+		if ((p->t38.state == T38_LOCAL_REINVITE) || (p->t38.state == T38_LOCAL_DIRECT)) {
+			/* If there was T38 reinvite and we are supposed to answer with 200 OK than this should set us to T38 negotiated mode */
+			p->t38.state = T38_ENABLED;
+			if (option_debug)
+				ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "T38 changed state to %d on channel %s\n", p->t38.state, p->owner ? p->owner->name : "<none>");
+		}
 		if (!ast_test_flag(req, SIP_PKT_IGNORE) && p->owner) {
 			if (!reinvite) {
 				ast_queue_control(p->owner, AST_CONTROL_ANSWER);
@@ -11163,6 +11756,10 @@
 				if (p->vrtp) {
 					/* Immediately stop VRTP */
+				}
+				if (p->udptl) {
+					/* Immediately stop UDPTL */
+					ast_udptl_stop(p->udptl);
 				/* XXX Locking issues?? XXX */
 				switch(resp) {
@@ -12280,8 +12877,74 @@
 		case AST_STATE_UP:
 			if (option_debug > 1)
 				ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: New call is UP.... \n", c->name);
-			transmit_response_with_sdp(p, "200 OK", req, XMIT_CRITICAL);
+			if (p->t38.state == T38_PEER_REINVITE) {
+				struct ast_channel *bridgepeer = NULL;
+				struct sip_pvt *bridgepvt = NULL;
+				if ((bridgepeer = ast_bridged_channel(p->owner))) {
+					/* We have a bridge, and this is re-invite to switchover to T38 so we send re-invite with T38 SDP, to other side of bridge*/
+					/*! XXX: we should also check here does the other side supports t38 at all !!! XXX */
+					if (!strcasecmp(bridgepeer->tech->type, "SIP")) { /* If we are bridged to SIP channel */
+						bridgepvt = (struct sip_pvt*)bridgepeer->tech_pvt;
+						if (bridgepvt->t38.state == T38_DISABLED) {

[... 316 lines stripped ...]

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