[asterisk-commits] branch murf/AEL2-1.2 r21780 - in /team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx: ./ ael-test/

asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Thu Apr 20 18:38:32 MST 2006

Author: murf
Date: Thu Apr 20 20:38:13 2006
New Revision: 21780

URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk?rev=21780&view=rev
Committed the same fix I implemented in the trunk to this branch, 
but none of the 'upgrades' implemented to replace AEL with AEL2.

The fixes cover syntax errors in goto statements with variable refs that
contain substring notation, and fixes to the pbx_ael2.c file in matching
pattern extension names.


Modified: team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx/ael-test/ref.ael-test1
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx/ael-test/ref.ael-test1?rev=21780&r1=21779&r2=21780&view=diff
--- team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx/ael-test/ref.ael-test1 (original)
+++ team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx/ael-test/ref.ael-test1 Thu Apr 20 20:38:13 2006
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
 Executed ast_register_file_version();
-LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3372 func: pbx_load_module  Starting AEL2 load process.
-LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3379 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: calculated config file name './extensions.ael2'.
-LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3382 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: parsed config file name './extensions.ael2'.
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1845 func: check_switch_expr  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 54-60: switch with expression(${DIALSTATUS}) does not handle the case of DONTCALL !
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1845 func: check_switch_expr  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 54-60: switch with expression(${DIALSTATUS}) does not handle the case of CANCEL !
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1845 func: check_switch_expr  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 54-60: switch with expression(${DIALSTATUS}) does not handle the case of ANSWER !
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1845 func: check_switch_expr  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 54-60: switch with expression(${DIALSTATUS}) does not handle the case of NOANSWER !
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1845 func: check_switch_expr  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 54-60: switch with expression(${DIALSTATUS}) does not handle the case of CONGESTION !
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1845 func: check_switch_expr  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 54-60: switch with expression(${DIALSTATUS}) does not handle the case of CHANUNAVAIL !
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1878 func: check_switch_expr  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 54-60: Couldn't find an application call in this extension that sets the  expression (${DIALSTATUS}) value!
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:853 func: check_dow  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 67-67: The day (m0n) must be one of 'sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', or 'sat'!
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:811 func: check_timerange  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 78-78: The end time (25:00) is out of range!
-LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3385 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: checked config file name './extensions.ael2'.
-LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3387 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: compiled config file name './extensions.ael2'.
-LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3390 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: merged config file name './extensions.ael2'.
-LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3393 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: verified config file name './extensions.ael2'.
+LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3389 func: pbx_load_module  Starting AEL2 load process.
+LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3396 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: calculated config file name './extensions.ael2'.
+LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3399 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: parsed config file name './extensions.ael2'.
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1862 func: check_switch_expr  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 54-60: switch with expression(${DIALSTATUS}) does not handle the case of DONTCALL !
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1862 func: check_switch_expr  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 54-60: switch with expression(${DIALSTATUS}) does not handle the case of CANCEL !
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1862 func: check_switch_expr  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 54-60: switch with expression(${DIALSTATUS}) does not handle the case of ANSWER !
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1862 func: check_switch_expr  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 54-60: switch with expression(${DIALSTATUS}) does not handle the case of NOANSWER !
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1862 func: check_switch_expr  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 54-60: switch with expression(${DIALSTATUS}) does not handle the case of CONGESTION !
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1862 func: check_switch_expr  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 54-60: switch with expression(${DIALSTATUS}) does not handle the case of CHANUNAVAIL !
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1895 func: check_switch_expr  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 54-60: Couldn't find an application call in this extension that sets the  expression (${DIALSTATUS}) value!
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:870 func: check_dow  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 67-67: The day (m0n) must be one of 'sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', or 'sat'!
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:828 func: check_timerange  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 78-78: The end time (25:00) is out of range!
+LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3402 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: checked config file name './extensions.ael2'.
+LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3404 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: compiled config file name './extensions.ael2'.
+LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3407 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: merged config file name './extensions.ael2'.
+LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3410 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: verified config file name './extensions.ael2'.
 LOG: lev:4 file:ael2_parse  line:259 func: main  5 contexts, 13 extensions, 156 priorities

Modified: team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx/ael-test/ref.ael-test2
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx/ael-test/ref.ael-test2?rev=21780&r1=21779&r2=21780&view=diff
--- team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx/ael-test/ref.ael-test2 (original)
+++ team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx/ael-test/ref.ael-test2 Thu Apr 20 20:38:13 2006
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
 Executed ast_register_file_version();
-LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3372 func: pbx_load_module  Starting AEL2 load process.
-LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3379 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: calculated config file name './extensions.ael2'.
+LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3389 func: pbx_load_module  Starting AEL2 load process.
+LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3396 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: calculated config file name './extensions.ael2'.
 LOG: lev:2 file:ael.flex  line:465 func: ael_yylex    --Read in included file ./apptest.ael2, 3474 chars
-LOG: lev:3 file:ael.y  line:391 func: ael_yyparse  ==== File: ./apptest.ael2, Line 46, Cols: 8-11: Suggestion: Use the goto statement instead of the Goto() application call in AEL.
-LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3382 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: parsed config file name './extensions.ael2'.
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 5-5: The j option in the AddQueueMember application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 14-14: The j option in the Authenticate application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 19-19: The j option in the ChanIsAvail application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 22-22: The j option in the ControlPlayback application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 27-27: The j option in the Dial application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 32-32: The j option in the DUNDiLookup application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2033 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 35-35: application call to EndWhile needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2033 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 37-37: application call to ExecIf needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1062 func: check_goto  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 46-46: goto:  no context cont could be found that matches the goto target!
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2033 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 47-47: application call to GotoIf needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2033 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 48-48: application call to GotoIfTime needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 50-50: The j option in the HasNewVoicemail application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 51-51: The j option in the HasVoicemail application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 56-56: The j option in the LookupBlacklist application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 61-61: The j option in the MailboxExists application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 78-78: The j option in the PauseQueueMember application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 80-80: The j option in the Playback application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 82-82: The j option in the PrivacyManager application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2033 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 85-85: application call to Random needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 91-91: The j option in the RemoveQueueMember application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 104-104: The j option in the SendText application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 127-127: The j option in the Transfer application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 130-130: The j option in the UnpauseQueueMember application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 134-134: The j option in the VoiceMail application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2033 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 141-141: application call to While needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3395 func: pbx_load_module  Sorry, but 0 syntax errors and 19 semantic errors were detected. It doesn't make sense to compile.
+LOG: lev:3 file:ael.y  line:396 func: ael_yyparse  ==== File: ./apptest.ael2, Line 46, Cols: 8-11: Suggestion: Use the goto statement instead of the Goto() application call in AEL.
+LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3399 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: parsed config file name './extensions.ael2'.
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 5-5: The j option in the AddQueueMember application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 14-14: The j option in the Authenticate application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 19-19: The j option in the ChanIsAvail application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 22-22: The j option in the ControlPlayback application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 27-27: The j option in the Dial application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 32-32: The j option in the DUNDiLookup application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2050 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 35-35: application call to EndWhile needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2050 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 37-37: application call to ExecIf needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1079 func: check_goto  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 46-46: goto:  no context cont could be found that matches the goto target!
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2050 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 47-47: application call to GotoIf needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2050 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 48-48: application call to GotoIfTime needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 50-50: The j option in the HasNewVoicemail application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 51-51: The j option in the HasVoicemail application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 56-56: The j option in the LookupBlacklist application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 61-61: The j option in the MailboxExists application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 78-78: The j option in the PauseQueueMember application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 80-80: The j option in the Playback application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 82-82: The j option in the PrivacyManager application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2050 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 85-85: application call to Random needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 91-91: The j option in the RemoveQueueMember application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 104-104: The j option in the SendText application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 127-127: The j option in the Transfer application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 130-130: The j option in the UnpauseQueueMember application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 134-134: The j option in the VoiceMail application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2050 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 141-141: application call to While needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3412 func: pbx_load_module  Sorry, but 0 syntax errors and 19 semantic errors were detected. It doesn't make sense to compile.
 LOG: lev:4 file:ael2_parse  line:259 func: main  0 contexts, 0 extensions, 0 priorities

Modified: team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx/ael-test/ref.ael-test3
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx/ael-test/ref.ael-test3?rev=21780&r1=21779&r2=21780&view=diff
--- team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx/ael-test/ref.ael-test3 (original)
+++ team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx/ael-test/ref.ael-test3 Thu Apr 20 20:38:13 2006
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
 Executed ast_register_file_version();
-LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3372 func: pbx_load_module  Starting AEL2 load process.
-LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3379 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: calculated config file name './extensions.ael2'.
+LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3389 func: pbx_load_module  Starting AEL2 load process.
+LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3396 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: calculated config file name './extensions.ael2'.
 LOG: lev:2 file:ael.flex  line:465 func: ael_yylex    --Read in included file ./include1.ael2, 78 chars
 LOG: lev:2 file:ael.flex  line:465 func: ael_yylex    --Read in included file ./include2.ael2, 98 chars
 LOG: lev:2 file:ael.flex  line:465 func: ael_yylex    --Read in included file ./include3.ael2, 57 chars
 LOG: lev:2 file:ael.flex  line:465 func: ael_yylex    --Read in included file ./include5.ael2, 56 chars
 LOG: lev:2 file:ael.flex  line:465 func: ael_yylex    --Read in included file ./include4.ael2, 87 chars
 LOG: lev:2 file:ael.flex  line:465 func: ael_yylex    --Read in included file /etc/asterisk/telemarket_torture.ael2, 28036 chars
-LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3382 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: parsed config file name './extensions.ael2'.
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2136 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 5-5: expression Console/dsp has operators, but no variables. Interesting...
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2136 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 8-8: expression "Joe-Worker" has operators, but no variables. Interesting...
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2136 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 10-10: expression Zap/6  has operators, but no variables. Interesting...
-LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3385 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: checked config file name './extensions.ael2'.
-LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3387 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: compiled config file name './extensions.ael2'.
-LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3390 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: merged config file name './extensions.ael2'.
-LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3393 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: verified config file name './extensions.ael2'.
+LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3399 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: parsed config file name './extensions.ael2'.
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2153 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 5-5: expression Console/dsp has operators, but no variables. Interesting...
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2153 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 8-8: expression "Joe-Worker" has operators, but no variables. Interesting...
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2153 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./extensions.ael2, line 10-10: expression Zap/6  has operators, but no variables. Interesting...
+LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3402 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: checked config file name './extensions.ael2'.
+LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3404 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: compiled config file name './extensions.ael2'.
+LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3407 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: merged config file name './extensions.ael2'.
+LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3410 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: verified config file name './extensions.ael2'.
 LOG: lev:4 file:ael2_parse  line:259 func: main  172 contexts, 858 extensions, 2326 priorities

Modified: team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx/ael-test/ref.ael-test4
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx/ael-test/ref.ael-test4?rev=21780&r1=21779&r2=21780&view=diff
--- team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx/ael-test/ref.ael-test4 (original)
+++ team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx/ael-test/ref.ael-test4 Thu Apr 20 20:38:13 2006
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
 Executed ast_register_file_version();
-LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3372 func: pbx_load_module  Starting AEL2 load process.
-LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3379 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: calculated config file name './extensions.ael2'.
+LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3389 func: pbx_load_module  Starting AEL2 load process.
+LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3396 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: calculated config file name './extensions.ael2'.
 LOG: lev:2 file:ael.flex  line:465 func: ael_yylex    --Read in included file ./apptest.ael2, 3474 chars
-LOG: lev:3 file:ael.y  line:391 func: ael_yyparse  ==== File: ./apptest.ael2, Line 46, Cols: 8-11: Suggestion: Use the goto statement instead of the Goto() application call in AEL.
-LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3382 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: parsed config file name './extensions.ael2'.
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 5-5: The j option in the AddQueueMember application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 14-14: The j option in the Authenticate application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 19-19: The j option in the ChanIsAvail application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 22-22: The j option in the ControlPlayback application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 27-27: The j option in the Dial application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 32-32: The j option in the DUNDiLookup application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2033 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 35-35: application call to EndWhile needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2033 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 37-37: application call to ExecIf needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1062 func: check_goto  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 46-46: goto:  no context cont could be found that matches the goto target!
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2033 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 47-47: application call to GotoIf needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2033 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 48-48: application call to GotoIfTime needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 50-50: The j option in the HasNewVoicemail application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 51-51: The j option in the HasVoicemail application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 56-56: The j option in the LookupBlacklist application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 61-61: The j option in the MailboxExists application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 78-78: The j option in the PauseQueueMember application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 80-80: The j option in the Playback application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 82-82: The j option in the PrivacyManager application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2033 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 85-85: application call to Random needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 91-91: The j option in the RemoveQueueMember application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 104-104: The j option in the SendText application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 127-127: The j option in the Transfer application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 130-130: The j option in the UnpauseQueueMember application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1636 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 134-134: The j option in the VoiceMail application call is not appropriate for AEL!
-LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2033 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 141-141: application call to While needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
-LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3395 func: pbx_load_module  Sorry, but 0 syntax errors and 19 semantic errors were detected. It doesn't make sense to compile.
+LOG: lev:3 file:ael.y  line:396 func: ael_yyparse  ==== File: ./apptest.ael2, Line 46, Cols: 8-11: Suggestion: Use the goto statement instead of the Goto() application call in AEL.
+LOG: lev:2 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3399 func: pbx_load_module  AEL2 load process: parsed config file name './extensions.ael2'.
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 5-5: The j option in the AddQueueMember application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 14-14: The j option in the Authenticate application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 19-19: The j option in the ChanIsAvail application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 22-22: The j option in the ControlPlayback application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 27-27: The j option in the Dial application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 32-32: The j option in the DUNDiLookup application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2050 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 35-35: application call to EndWhile needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2050 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 37-37: application call to ExecIf needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1079 func: check_goto  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 46-46: goto:  no context cont could be found that matches the goto target!
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2050 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 47-47: application call to GotoIf needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2050 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 48-48: application call to GotoIfTime needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 50-50: The j option in the HasNewVoicemail application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 51-51: The j option in the HasVoicemail application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 56-56: The j option in the LookupBlacklist application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 61-61: The j option in the MailboxExists application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 78-78: The j option in the PauseQueueMember application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 80-80: The j option in the Playback application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 82-82: The j option in the PrivacyManager application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2050 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 85-85: application call to Random needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 91-91: The j option in the RemoveQueueMember application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 104-104: The j option in the SendText application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 127-127: The j option in the Transfer application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 130-130: The j option in the UnpauseQueueMember application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:1653 func: option_matches_j  Error: file ./apptest.ael2, line 134-134: The j option in the VoiceMail application call is not appropriate for AEL!
+LOG: lev:3 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:2050 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file ./apptest.ael2, line 141-141: application call to While needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
+LOG: lev:4 file:pbx_ael2.c  line:3412 func: pbx_load_module  Sorry, but 0 syntax errors and 19 semantic errors were detected. It doesn't make sense to compile.
 LOG: lev:4 file:ael2_parse  line:259 func: main  0 contexts, 0 extensions, 0 priorities

Modified: team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx/ael.tab.c
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx/ael.tab.c?rev=21780&r1=21779&r2=21780&view=diff
--- team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx/ael.tab.c (original)
+++ team/murf/AEL2-1.2/pbx/ael.tab.c Thu Apr 20 20:38:13 2006
@@ -402,16 +402,16 @@
 /* YYFINAL -- State number of the termination state. */
 #define YYFINAL  17
 /* YYLAST -- Last index in YYTABLE.  */
-#define YYLAST   557
+#define YYLAST   584
 /* YYNTOKENS -- Number of terminals. */
 #define YYNTOKENS  42
 /* YYNNTS -- Number of nonterminals. */
-#define YYNNTS  51
+#define YYNNTS  52
 /* YYNRULES -- Number of rules. */
-#define YYNRULES  148
+#define YYNRULES  151
 /* YYNRULES -- Number of states. */
-#define YYNSTATES  349
+#define YYNSTATES  354
 /* YYTRANSLATE(YYLEX) -- Bison symbol number corresponding to YYLEX.  */
 #define YYUNDEFTOK  2
@@ -466,15 +466,16 @@
      127,   131,   134,   136,   138,   141,   144,   146,   148,   150,
      152,   154,   155,   161,   164,   166,   171,   175,   180,   188,
      197,   199,   202,   205,   206,   212,   213,   219,   234,   245,
-     247,   250,   252,   255,   259,   260,   267,   271,   272,   278,
-     282,   286,   289,   290,   291,   292,   305,   306,   313,   316,
-     320,   324,   327,   330,   331,   337,   340,   343,   346,   349,
-     354,   357,   362,   365,   370,   372,   374,   378,   382,   388,
-     394,   400,   406,   408,   412,   418,   422,   428,   432,   433,
-     439,   443,   444,   448,   452,   455,   457,   458,   462,   465,
-     467,   470,   475,   479,   484,   488,   491,   495,   497,   500,
-     502,   508,   513,   517,   522,   526,   529,   533,   536,   539,
-     554,   565,   569,   585,   597,   600,   602,   604,   609
+     247,   250,   252,   255,   259,   261,   264,   268,   269,   276,
+     280,   281,   287,   291,   295,   298,   299,   300,   301,   314,
+     315,   322,   325,   329,   333,   336,   339,   340,   346,   349,
+     352,   355,   358,   363,   366,   371,   374,   379,   381,   383,
+     387,   391,   397,   403,   409,   415,   417,   421,   427,   431,
+     437,   441,   442,   448,   452,   453,   457,   461,   464,   466,
+     467,   471,   474,   476,   479,   484,   488,   493,   497,   500,
+     504,   506,   509,   511,   517,   522,   526,   531,   535,   538,
+     542,   545,   548,   563,   574,   578,   594,   606,   609,   611,
+     613,   618
 /* YYRHS -- A `-1'-separated list of the rules' RHS. */
@@ -487,61 +488,62 @@
        4,     5,    -1,    23,     3,    41,     4,    53,     5,    -1,
       23,     3,    41,     4,     5,    -1,    23,     3,    36,     4,
       53,     5,    -1,    23,     3,    36,     4,     5,    -1,    15,
-      41,     6,    52,     7,     4,    85,     5,    -1,    15,    41,
+      41,     6,    52,     7,     4,    86,     5,    -1,    15,    41,
        6,    52,     7,     4,     5,    -1,    15,    41,     6,     7,
-       4,    85,     5,    -1,    15,    41,     6,     7,     4,     5,
+       4,    86,     5,    -1,    15,    41,     6,     7,     4,     5,
       -1,    16,     4,    49,     5,    -1,    16,     4,     5,    -1,
       50,    -1,    49,    50,    -1,    49,     1,    -1,    -1,    41,
        9,    51,    41,     8,    -1,    41,    -1,    52,    10,    41,
       -1,    52,     1,    -1,    54,    -1,     1,    -1,    53,    54,
-      -1,    53,     1,    -1,    57,    -1,    92,    -1,    87,    -1,
-      88,    -1,    56,    -1,    -1,    41,     9,    55,    41,     8,
+      -1,    53,     1,    -1,    57,    -1,    93,    -1,    88,    -1,
+      89,    -1,    56,    -1,    -1,    41,     9,    55,    41,     8,
       -1,    41,     1,    -1,     8,    -1,    17,    24,    41,     8,
-      -1,    41,    24,    68,    -1,    30,    41,    24,    68,    -1,
-      31,     6,    65,     7,    41,    24,    68,    -1,    30,    31,
-       6,    65,     7,    41,    24,    68,    -1,    68,    -1,    58,
-      68,    -1,    58,     1,    -1,    -1,    19,     6,    60,    64,
+      -1,    41,    24,    69,    -1,    30,    41,    24,    69,    -1,
+      31,     6,    65,     7,    41,    24,    69,    -1,    30,    31,
+       6,    65,     7,    41,    24,    69,    -1,    69,    -1,    58,
+      69,    -1,    58,     1,    -1,    -1,    19,     6,    60,    64,
        7,    -1,    -1,    22,     6,    62,    64,     7,    -1,    20,
        6,    65,    11,    65,    11,    65,    13,    65,    13,    65,
       13,    65,     7,    -1,    20,     6,    41,    13,    65,    13,
       65,    13,    65,     7,    -1,    41,    -1,    41,    41,    -1,
-      41,    -1,    41,    41,    -1,    41,    41,    41,    -1,    -1,
-      18,     6,    67,    41,     7,     4,    -1,     4,    58,     5,
-      -1,    -1,    41,     9,    69,    41,     8,    -1,    25,    75,
-       8,    -1,    26,    76,     8,    -1,    41,    11,    -1,    -1,
-      -1,    -1,    32,     6,    70,    41,     8,    71,    41,     8,
-      72,    41,     7,    68,    -1,    -1,    33,     6,    73,    41,
-       7,    68,    -1,    66,     5,    -1,    66,    83,     5,    -1,
-      12,    77,     8,    -1,    81,     8,    -1,    41,     8,    -1,
-      -1,    81,     9,    74,    41,     8,    -1,    28,     8,    -1,
-      27,     8,    -1,    29,     8,    -1,    61,    68,    -1,    61,
-      68,    21,    68,    -1,    59,    68,    -1,    59,    68,    21,
-      68,    -1,    63,    68,    -1,    63,    68,    21,    68,    -1,
-       8,    -1,    41,    -1,    41,    13,    41,    -1,    41,    10,
-      41,    -1,    41,    13,    41,    13,    41,    -1,    41,    10,
-      41,    10,    41,    -1,    36,    13,    41,    13,    41,    -1,
-      36,    10,    41,    10,    41,    -1,    41,    -1,    41,    10,
-      41,    -1,    41,    10,    41,    14,    41,    -1,    41,    14,
-      41,    -1,    41,    10,    41,    14,    36,    -1,    41,    14,
-      36,    -1,    -1,    41,     6,    78,    82,     7,    -1,    41,
-       6,     7,    -1,    -1,    41,    80,     6,    -1,    79,    82,
-       7,    -1,    79,     7,    -1,    64,    -1,    -1,    82,    10,
-      41,    -1,    82,    10,    -1,    84,    -1,    83,    84,    -1,
-      34,    41,    11,    58,    -1,    36,    11,    58,    -1,    35,
-      41,    11,    58,    -1,    34,    41,    11,    -1,    36,    11,
-      -1,    35,    41,    11,    -1,    86,    -1,    85,    86,    -1,
-      68,    -1,    37,    41,     4,    58,     5,    -1,    38,     4,
-      89,     5,    -1,    38,     4,     5,    -1,    39,     4,    89,
-       5,    -1,    39,     4,     5,    -1,    41,     8,    -1,    89,
-      41,     8,    -1,    89,     1,    -1,    91,     8,    -1,    91,
+      41,    -1,    41,    41,    -1,    41,    41,    41,    -1,    41,

[... 1587 lines stripped ...]

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