[asterisk-commits] branch murf/AAL r21450 - /team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/

asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com asterisk-commits at lists.digium.com
Wed Apr 19 06:39:17 MST 2006

Author: murf
Date: Wed Apr 19 08:39:12 2006
New Revision: 21450

URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk?rev=21450&view=rev
Copied these over from the AEL tree; set the props.

    team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/applist   (with props)
    team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/argdesc.l   (with props)
    team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/argdesc.tab.c   (with props)
    team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/argdesc.tab.h   (with props)
    team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/argdesc.y   (with props)
    team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/argdesc_lex.c   (with props)

Added: team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/applist
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/applist?rev=21450&view=auto
--- team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/applist (added)
+++ team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/applist Wed Apr 19 08:39:12 2006
@@ -1,0 +1,142 @@
+        AddQueueMember: "Dynamically adds queue members";  args=queuename|[interface]|[:penalty#i]|[:options]; options=j; Chanvars=AQMSTATUS:ADDED | MEMBERALREADY | NOSUCHQUEUE; 
+              ADSIProg: "Load Asterisk ADSI Scripts into phone";  args=scriptfile;
+    AgentCallbackLogin: "Call agent callback login"; args = [AgentNo]|[:options]|[:exten-at-context]; options=s;
+            AgentLogin: "Call agent login"; args = [AgentNo]|[:options]; options=s;
+  AgentMonitorOutgoing: "Record agent's outgoing call";  args=[options]; options=d,c,n;
+                   AGI: "Executes an AGI compliant application"; args = command|...;
+         AlarmReceiver: "Provide support for receving alarm reports from a burglar or fire alarm panel"; 
+                Answer: "Answer a channel if ringing";  args=[delay#i];
+    AppendCDRUserField: "Append to the CDR user field"; args = value;
+          Authenticate: "Authenticate a user"; args=password|[options]; options=a,d,j,m,r;
+            BackGround: "Play a file while awaiting extension"; args = filenames|[options]|[:langoverride]|[:context]; options=s,n,m;
+      BackgroundDetect: "Background a file with talk detect"; args=filename|[sil]|[:min]|[:max]; 
+                  Busy: "Indicate the Busy condition";  args=[timeout#i];
+         ChangeMonitor: "Change monitoring filename of a channel"; args=filenamebase;
+           ChanIsAvail: "Check channel availability"; args=Technology_resource|[options]; options=s,j; Chanvars=AVAILCHAN,AVAILORIGCHAN,AVAILSTATUS; 
+               ChanSpy: "Listen to the audio of an active channel"; args=[chanprefix]|[:options]; options=b,g(),q,r[()],v();
+            Congestion: "Indicate the Congestion condition"; args=[timeout#i];
+       ControlPlayback: "Play a file with fast forward and rewind"; args=file|[skipms]|[:ff]|[:rew]|[:stop]|[:pause]|[:restart]|[:options]; options=j; Chanvars=CPLAYBACKSTATUS:SUCCESS | USERSTOPPED | ERROR;
+              DateTime: "Says a specified time in a custom format"; args=[unixtime]|[:timezone]|[:format]; 
+                 DBdel: "Delete a key from the database"; args=family_key;
+             DBdeltree: "Delete a family or keytree from the database"; args=family_keytree;
+               DeadAGI: "Executes AGI on a hungup channel";  args = command|...;
+                  Dial: "Place a call and connect to the current channel"; args=Technology_resource|[timeout#i]|[:options]|[:URL]; options=A(),C,d,D(),f,g,G(),h,H,j,L(),m(),M(),n,N,o,p,P(),r,S(),t,T,w,W; Chanvars=DIALEDTIME,ANSWEREDTIME,DIALSTATUS:CHANUNAVAIL | CONGESTION | NOANSWER | BUSY | ANSWER | CANCEL | DONTCALL | TORTURE; 
+               Dictate: "Virtual Dictation Machine"; args=[base_dir]; 
+             Directory: "Provide directory of voicemail extensions"; args=vm-context|[dial-context]|[:options]; options=f;
+                  DISA: "DISA (Direct Inward System Access)"; args=numeric_passcode|[context]; 
+              DumpChan: "Dump Info About The Calling Channel"; args=[min_verbose_level];
+           DUNDiLookup: "Look up a number with DUNDi"; args=number|[context]|[:options]; options=b,j;
+                  EAGI: "Executes an AGI compliant application"; args = command|...;
+                  Echo: "Echo audio, video, or DTMF back to the calling party"; 
+              EndWhile: "End A While Loop"; 
+                  Exec: "Executes internal application"; args=appname|...;
+                ExecIf: "Conditional exec"; args=expr|app|data;
+            ExecIfTime: "Conditional application execution based on the current time"; args=times|weekdays|mdays|months_appname|...;
+           ExternalIVR: "Interfaces with an external IVR application"; args=command|...;
+              Festival: "Say text to the user"; args=text|[intkeys];
+                 Flash: "Flashes a Zap Trunk"; 
+               ForkCDR: "Forks the Call Data Record"; args=[options]; options=v;
+              GetCPEID: "Get ADSI CPE ID"; 
+                 Gosub: "Jump to label, saving return address"; args=[context]|[exten]|priority;
+               GosubIf: "Jump to label, saving return address"; args=condition_labels;
+                  Goto: "Jump to a particular priority, extension, or context"; args=[context]|[exten]|priority;
+                GotoIf: "Conditional goto"; args=condition_labels;
+            GotoIfTime: "Conditional Goto based on the current time"; args=times|weekdays|mdays|months_q_context|[exten]|priority;
+                Hangup: "Hang up the calling channel"; 
+       HasNewVoicemail: "Conditionally branches to priority + 101 with the right options set"; args=vmboxspec|[varname]|[:options]; options=j; Chanvars=HASVMSTATUS;
+          HasVoicemail: "Conditionally branches to priority + 101 with the right options set"; args=vmboxspec|[varname]|[:options]; options=j; Chanvars=HASVMSTATUS;
+         IAX2Provision: "Provision a calling IAXy with a given template"; args=[template];
+                  ICES: "Encode and stream using 'ices'"; args = config_xml;
+             ImportVar: "Import a variable from a channel into a new variable"; args=newvar_channelname|variable; 
+                   Log: "Send arbitrary text to a selected log level"; args=<level:ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, DEBUG, VERBOSE, DTMF>|message;
+       LookupBlacklist: "Look up Caller*ID name/number from blacklist database"; args=[options]; options=j; Chanvars=LOOKUPBLSTATUS:FOUND | NOTFOUND;
+         LookupCIDName: "Look up CallerID Name from local database"; 
+                 Macro: "Macro Implementation"; args=macroname|...; Chanvars=MACRO_EXTEN, MACRO_CONTEXT, MACRO_PRIORITY;
+             MacroExit: "Exit From Macro"; 
+               MacroIf: "Conditional Macro Implementation"; args=expr_macroname_a|[arg1]|[macroname_b]|[:arg1];
+         MailboxExists: "Check to see if Voicemail mailbox exists"; args=mailbox_context|[options]; options=j; Chanvars=VMBOXEXISTSSTATUS:SUCCESS | FAILED;
+                  Math: "Performs Mathematical Functions"; args=returnvar|simple_expr;
+                MeetMe: "MeetMe conference bridge"; args=[confno#i]|[:options]|[:pin]; options=a,A,b,c,d,D,e,E,i,m,M,p,P,q,r,s,t,T,o,v,w,x,X;
+           MeetMeAdmin: "MeetMe conference Administration"; args=confno#i|<command:e,k,K,l,L,m,M,n,N>|[user];
+           MeetMeCount: "MeetMe participant count"; args=confno|[var]; 
+             Milliwatt: "Generate a Constant 1000Hz tone at 0dbm (mu-law)"; 
+            MixMonitor: "Record a call and mix the audio during the recording"; args=file|[options]|[:command]; options=a,b,v(),V(),W(); Chanvars=MIXMONITOR_FILENAME;
+               Monitor: "Monitor a channel"; args=[file_format]|[:fname_base]|[:options]; options=m,b;
+             MP3Player: "Play an MP3 file or stream"; args=location; 
+           MusicOnHold: "Play Music On Hold indefinitely"; args=[class];
+                NBScat: "Play an NBS local stream"; 
+                 NoCDR: "Tell Asterisk to not maintain a CDR for the current call"; 
+                  NoOp: "Do Nothing"; args=...;
+                  Page: "Pages phones"; args=Technology_res|[options]; options=d,q;
+                  Park: "Park yourself"; args=exten; 
+       ParkAndAnnounce: "Park and Announce"; args=announce_templ|timeout#i|dial|[return_context]; 
+            ParkedCall: "Answer a parked call"; args=exten;
+      PauseQueueMember: "Pauses a queue member"; args={queuename}|interface|[options]; options=j; Chanvars=PQMSTATUS:PAUSED | NOTFOUND;
+                Pickup: "Directed Call Pickup"; args=extension_context; 
+              Playback: "Play a file"; args=filenames|[options]; options=skip,noanswer,j; Chanvars=PLAYBACKSTATUS:SUCCESS | FAILED;
+             PlayTones: "Play a tone list"; args=arg;
+        PrivacyManager: "Require phone number to be entered, if no CallerID sent"; args=[maxretries]|[:minlength]|[:options]; options=j; Chanvars=PRIVACYMGRSTATUS:SUCCESS | FAILED;
+              Progress: "Indicate progress"; 
+                 Queue: "Queue a call for a call queue"; args=queuename|[options]|[:URL]|[announceoverride]|[timeout#i]; options=d,h,H,n,r,t,T,w,W; Chanvars=QUEUESTATUS:TIMEOUT | FULL | JOINEMPTY | LEAVEEMPTY | JOINUNAVAIL | LEAVEUNAVAIL;
+                Random: "Conditionally branches, based upon a probability"; args=[probability]|[context]|[extension]|priority;
+                  Read: "Read a variable"; args=variable|[:filename]|[:maxdigits#i]|[:options]|[:attempts#i]|[:timeout#i]; options=s,i,n;
+              ReadFile: "ReadFile(varname=file,length)"; args=varname_file|length#i;
+              RealTime: "Realtime Data Lookup"; args=family|colmatch|value|[prefix]; Chanvars=REALTIMECOUNT;
+        RealTimeUpdate: "Realtime Data Rewrite"; args=family|colmatch|value|newcol|newval; Chanvars=REALTIMECOUNT;
+                Record: "Record to a file"; args=filename|[silence#i]|[:maxduration#i]|[options]; options=a,n,q,s,t; 
+     RemoveQueueMember: "Dynamically removes queue members"; args=queuename|[interface]|[:options]; options=j; Chanvars=RQMSTATUS:REMOVED|NOTINQUEUE| NOSUCHQUEUE;
+              ResetCDR: "Resets the Call Data Record"; args=[options]; options=w,a,v;
+             RetryDial: "Place a call, retrying on failure allowing optional exit extension."; args=announce|sleep|retries#i|...;
+                Return: "Return from gosub routine"; 
+               Ringing: "Indicate ringing tone"; 
+                 RxFAX: "Receive a FAX to a file"; args=filename|[caller]|[:debug]; Chanvars=REMOTESTATIONID, FAXPAGES, FAXBITRATE, FAXRESOLUTION;
+              SayAlpha: "Say Alpha"; args=string;
+             SayDigits: "Say Digits"; args=digits;
+             SayNumber: "Say Number"; args=digits|[gender];
+           SayPhonetic: "Say Phonetic"; args=string;
+           SayUnixTime: "Says a specified time in a custom format"; args=[unixtime]|[:timezone]|[:format];
+              SendDTMF: "Sends arbitrary DTMF digits"; args=digits|[timeout_ms#i];
+             SendImage: "Send an image file"; args=filename;
+              SendText: "Send a Text Message"; args=text|[options]; options=j; Chanvars=SENDTEXTSTATUS:SUCCESS|FAILURE|UNSUPPORTED; 
+               SendURL: "Send a URL"; args=URL|[option]; Chanvars=SENDURLSTATUS:SUCCESS | FAILURE | NOLOAD | UNSUPPORTED;
+                   Set: "Set channel variable(s) or function value(s)"; args=name1_value1|...|[options]; options=g;
+           SetAMAFlags: "Set the AMA Flags"; args=[flag];
+           SetCallerID: "Set CallerID"; args=clid|[a];
+         SetCallerPres: "Set CallerID Presentation"; args=<presentation:allowed_not_screened,allowed_passed_screen,allowed_failed_screen,allowed,prohib_not_screened,prohib_passed_screen,prohib_failed_screen,prohib,unavailable>;
+       SetCDRUserField: "Set the CDR user field"; args=value;
+          SetGlobalVar: "Set a global variable to a given value"; args=variable_value;
+        SetMusicOnHold: "Set default Music On Hold class"; args=class;
+  SetTransferCapability: "Set ISDN Transfer Capability"; args=<transfercapability:SPEECH,DIGITAL,RESTRICTED_DIGITAL,3K1AUDIO, DIGITAL_W_TONES,VIDEO>;
+          SIPAddHeader: "Add a SIP header to the outbound call"; args=Header_Content;
+           SIPDtmfMode: "Change the dtmfmode for a SIP call"; args=inband|info|rfc2833;
+          SIPGetHeader: "Get a SIP header from an incoming call"; args=var_headername;
+                   SMS: "Communicates with SMS service centres and SMS capable analogue phones"; args=name|[a]|[s];
+            SoftHangup: "Soft Hangup Application"; args=Technology_resource|[options]; options=a;
+              StackPop: "Remove one address from gosub stack"; 
+      StartMusicOnHold: "Play Music On Hold";  args=class;
+           StopMonitor: "Stop monitoring a channel"; 
+       StopMusicOnHold: "Stop Playing Music On Hold"; 
+         StopPlayTones: "Stop playing a tone list"; 
+                System: "Execute a system command"; args=command; Chanvars=SYSTEMSTATUS:FAILURE|SUCCESS;
+            TestClient: "Execute Interface Test Client"; args=testid;
+            TestServer: "Execute Interface Test Server"; 
+              Transfer: "Transfer caller to remote extension"; args=Tech_dest|[options]; options=j; Chanvars=TRANSFERSTATUS:SUCCESS|FAILURE|UNSUPPORTED; 
+             TrySystem: "Try executing a system command";  args=command; Chanvars=SYSTEMSTATUS:FAILURE|SUCCESS|APPERROR;
+                 TxFAX: "Send a FAX file"; args=filename|[caller]|[debug]; Chanvars=REMOTESTATIONID; 
+    UnpauseQueueMember: "Unpauses a queue member"; args=[queuename]|interface|[options]; options=j; Chanvars=UPQMSTATUS:UNPAUSED|NOTFOUND;
+             UserEvent: "Send an arbitrary event to the manager interface"; args=eventname|[body]; 
+               Verbose: "Send arbitrary text to verbose output"; args=[level#i]|message;
+        VMAuthenticate: "Authenticate with Voicemail passwords"; args=mailbox_context|[options]; options=s;
+             VoiceMail: "Leave a Voicemail message"; args=mailbox_context|[options]; options=b,g(),s,u,j; Chanvars=VMSTATUS:SUCCESS|USEREXIT|FAILED;
+         VoiceMailMain: "Check Voicemail messages"; args=[mailbox_context]|[:options]; options=p,g(),s;
+                  Wait: "Waits for some time"; args=seconds;
+             WaitExten: "Waits for an extension to be entered"; args=[seconds#i]|[options]; options=m[()];
+           WaitForRing: "Wait for Ring Application"; args=timeout#i;
+        WaitForSilence: "Waits for a specified amount of silence"; args=x#i|[y]; Chanvars=WAITSTATUS:SILENCE|TIMEOUT;
+       WaitMusicOnHold: "Wait, playing Music On Hold"; args=delay#i;
+                 While: "Start A While Loop"; args=expr; 
+            Zapateller: "Block telemarketers with SIT"; args=[answer]|[timeout#i]|[answer]|[timeout#i];
+              ZapBarge: "Barge in (monitor) Zap channel"; args=[channel];
+                ZapRAS: "Executes Zaptel ISDN RAS application"; args=arg;
+               ZapScan: "Scan Zap channels to monitor calls"; args=[group];
+  ZapSendKeypadFacility: "Send digits out of band over a PRI"; 

Propchange: team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/applist
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/applist
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/applist
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/argdesc.l
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/argdesc.l?rev=21450&view=auto
--- team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/argdesc.l (added)
+++ team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/argdesc.l Wed Apr 19 08:39:12 2006
@@ -1,0 +1,88 @@
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "asterisk/logger.h"
+#include "argdesc.tab.h"
+#include "asterisk/argdesc.h"
+struct argapp *argdesc_parse(char *filename, int *errors);
+int argdesc_my_lineno = 1;
+int argdesc_my_col = 0;
+int argdesc_yyget_column  (yyscan_t yyscanner);
+void argdesc_yyset_column (int  column_no , yyscan_t yyscanner);
+int argdesc_yyparse (void *);
+%option prefix="argdesc_yy"
+%option batch
+%option outfile="argdesc_lex.c"
+%option reentrant
+%option bison-bridge
+%option bison-locations
+%option yylineno
+%option noyywrap
+\{	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno; yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col;argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;return LC;}
+\}	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno; yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col;argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;return RC;}
+\(	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno; yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col;argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;return LP;}
+\)	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno; yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col;argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;return RP;}
+\[	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno; yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col;argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;return LB;}
+\]	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno; yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col;argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;return RB;}
+\<	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno; yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col;argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;return LAB;}
+\>	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno; yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col;argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;return RAB;}
+\;	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno; yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col;argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;return SEMI;}
+\=	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno; yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col;argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;return EQ;}
+\,	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno; yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col;argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;return COMMA;}
+\:	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno; yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col;argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;return COLON;}
+\|	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno; yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col;argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;return BAR;}
+\.\.\. {yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno; yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col;argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;return ELLIPSES;}
+options	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno; yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col;argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;return KW_OPTIONS;}
+args	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno; yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col;argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;return KW_ARGS;}
+Chanvars	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno; yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col;argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;return KW_CHANVARS;}
+\"[^"]*\"	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno;yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col; yylval->str = strdup(yytext);argdesc_my_col+=yyleng; return str1;}
+[-A-Za-z0-9_&/?]*	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno;yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col; yylval->str = strdup(yytext);argdesc_my_col+=yyleng; return word;}
+\#i	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno; yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col;argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;return intspec;}
+\#f	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno; yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col;argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;return fltspec;}
+\#s	{yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = argdesc_my_lineno; yylloc->last_column=argdesc_my_col+yyleng-1; yylloc->first_column=argdesc_my_col;argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;return strspec;}
+\n		{argdesc_my_lineno++;argdesc_my_col=0;}
+[ ]+	{/* nothing */ argdesc_my_col+=yyleng;}
+[	]+	{/* nothing */ int wid = 8-(argdesc_my_col%8); argdesc_my_col+=wid;}
+struct argapp *argdesc_parse(char *filename, int *errors)
+	struct argapp *apps;
+	struct parse_arginfo *io;
+	FILE *fin;
+	io = calloc(sizeof(struct parse_arginfo),1);
+	fin = fopen(filename,"r");
+	if (!fin) {
+		ast_log(LOG_ERROR,"File %s could not be opened\n", filename);
+		free(io);        
+		return 0;
+	}
+	argdesc_yylex_init(&io->scanner);
+	/* other way argdesc_yy_scan_string (buffer ,io->scanner); */
+	argdesc_yyset_in (fin , io->scanner);
+	argdesc_yyparse ((void *) io);
+	fclose(fin);
+	apps = io->apps;
+	*errors = io->syntax_error_count;
+	argdesc_yylex_destroy(io->scanner);
+	free(io);
+	return apps;

Propchange: team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/argdesc.l
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/argdesc.l
    svn:keywords = Author Date Id Revision

Propchange: team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/argdesc.l
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/argdesc.tab.c
URL: http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/argdesc.tab.c?rev=21450&view=auto
--- team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/argdesc.tab.c (added)
+++ team/murf/AAL/pbx/aal/argdesc.tab.c Wed Apr 19 08:39:12 2006
@@ -1,0 +1,1730 @@
+/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.0.  */
+/* Skeleton parser for Yacc-like parsing with Bison,
+   Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+   any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
+/* As a special exception, when this file is copied by Bison into a
+   Bison output file, you may use that output file without restriction.
+   This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation
+   in version 1.24 of Bison.  */
+/* Written by Richard Stallman by simplifying the original so called
+   ``semantic'' parser.  */
+/* All symbols defined below should begin with yy or YY, to avoid
+   infringing on user name space.  This should be done even for local
+   variables, as they might otherwise be expanded by user macros.
+   There are some unavoidable exceptions within include files to
+   define necessary library symbols; they are noted "INFRINGES ON
+   USER NAME SPACE" below.  */
+/* Identify Bison output.  */
+#define YYBISON 1
+/* Skeleton name.  */
+#define YYSKELETON_NAME "yacc.c"
+/* Pure parsers.  */
+#define YYPURE 1
+/* Using locations.  */
+#define YYLSP_NEEDED 1
+/* Substitute the variable and function names.  */
+#define yyparse argdesc_yyparse
+#define yylex   argdesc_yylex
+#define yyerror argdesc_yyerror
+#define yylval  argdesc_yylval
+#define yychar  argdesc_yychar
+#define yydebug argdesc_yydebug
+#define yynerrs argdesc_yynerrs
+#define yylloc argdesc_yylloc
+/* Tokens.  */
+   /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers
+      know about them.  */
+   enum yytokentype {
+     SEMI = 258,
+     COMMA = 259,
+     BAR = 260,
+     EQ = 261,
+     LP = 262,
+     RP = 263,
+     LB = 264,
+     RB = 265,
+     LAB = 266,
+     RAB = 267,
+     COLON = 268,
+     LC = 269,
+     RC = 270,
+     ELLIPSES = 271,
+     KW_ARGS = 272,
+     KW_OPTIONS = 273,
+     KW_CHANVARS = 274,
+     intspec = 275,
+     fltspec = 276,
+     strspec = 277,
+     word = 278,
+     str1 = 279
+   };
+#define SEMI 258
+#define COMMA 259
+#define BAR 260
+#define EQ 261
+#define LP 262
+#define RP 263
+#define LB 264
+#define RB 265
+#define LAB 266
+#define RAB 267
+#define COLON 268
+#define LC 269
+#define RC 270
+#define ELLIPSES 271
+#define KW_ARGS 272
+#define KW_OPTIONS 273
+#define KW_CHANVARS 274
+#define intspec 275
+#define fltspec 276
+#define strspec 277
+#define word 278
+#define str1 279
+/* Copy the first part of user declarations.  */
+#line 1 "argdesc.y"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "asterisk/argdesc.h"
+#include "asterisk/logger.h"
+#define YYPARSE_PARAM parseio
+#define YYLEX_PARAM ((struct parse_arginfo *)parseio)->scanner
+/* this stuff is included so I can declare the proto for yyerror */ 
+#if ! defined (YYLTYPE) && ! defined (YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
+typedef struct YYLTYPE
+  int first_line;
+  int first_column;
+  int last_line;
+  int last_column;
+# define yyltype YYLTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
+#if ! defined (YYSTYPE) && ! defined (YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
+typedef union YYSTYPE {
+	char *str;
+	struct argapp *argapp;
+	struct argdesc *argdesc;
+	struct appsetvar *appsetvar;
+	struct argchoice *argchoice;
+# define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
+ static int errcnt = 0;
+void yyerror(YYLTYPE *locp,void *nothing, char const *s);
+int argdesc_yylex (YYSTYPE * yylval_param, YYLTYPE * yylloc_param , void * yyscanner);
+void linkarg(struct argdesc *head, struct argdesc *tail);
+static void argdesc_destroy_argdesc(struct argdesc *desc);
+static void argdesc_destroy_appsetvar(struct appsetvar *var);
+static void argdesc_destroy_argchoice(struct argchoice *choice);
+static void argdesc_destroy_argapp(struct argapp *app);
+/* Enabling traces.  */
+#ifndef YYDEBUG
+# define YYDEBUG 0
+/* Enabling verbose error messages.  */
+#if ! defined (YYSTYPE) && ! defined (YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
+#line 52 "argdesc.y"
+typedef union YYSTYPE {
+	char *str;
+	struct argapp *argapp;
+	struct argdesc *argdesc;
+	struct appsetvar *appsetvar;
+	struct argchoice *argchoice;
+/* Line 190 of yacc.c.  */
+#line 190 "argdesc.tab.c"
+# define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
+#if ! defined (YYLTYPE) && ! defined (YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
+typedef struct YYLTYPE
+  int first_line;
+  int first_column;
+  int last_line;
+  int last_column;
+# define yyltype YYLTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
+/* Copy the second part of user declarations.  */
+/* Line 213 of yacc.c.  */
+#line 214 "argdesc.tab.c"
+#if ! defined (yyoverflow) || YYERROR_VERBOSE
+# ifndef YYFREE
+#  define YYFREE free
+# endif
+# ifndef YYMALLOC
+#  define YYMALLOC malloc
+# endif
+/* The parser invokes alloca or malloc; define the necessary symbols.  */
+#   ifdef __GNUC__
+#    define YYSTACK_ALLOC __builtin_alloca
+#   else
+#    define YYSTACK_ALLOC alloca
+#   endif
+#  endif
+# endif
+   /* Pacify GCC's `empty if-body' warning. */
+#  define YYSTACK_FREE(Ptr) do { /* empty */; } while (0)
+# else
+#  if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__cplusplus)
+#   include <stdlib.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
+#   define YYSIZE_T size_t
+#  endif
+# endif
+#endif /* ! defined (yyoverflow) || YYERROR_VERBOSE */
+#if (! defined (yyoverflow) \
+     && (! defined (__cplusplus) \
+             && defined (YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL) && YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL)))
+/* A type that is properly aligned for any stack member.  */
+union yyalloc
+  short int yyss;
+  YYSTYPE yyvs;
+    YYLTYPE yyls;
+/* The size of the maximum gap between one aligned stack and the next.  */
+# define YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM (sizeof (union yyalloc) - 1)
+/* The size of an array large to enough to hold all stacks, each with
+   N elements.  */
+# define YYSTACK_BYTES(N) \
+     ((N) * (sizeof (short int) + sizeof (YYSTYPE) + sizeof (YYLTYPE))	\
+/* Copy COUNT objects from FROM to TO.  The source and destination do
+   not overlap.  */
+# ifndef YYCOPY
+#  if defined (__GNUC__) && 1 < __GNUC__
+#   define YYCOPY(To, From, Count) \
+      __builtin_memcpy (To, From, (Count) * sizeof (*(From)))
+#  else
+#   define YYCOPY(To, From, Count)		\
+      do					\
+	{					\
+	  register YYSIZE_T yyi;		\
+	  for (yyi = 0; yyi < (Count); yyi++)	\
+	    (To)[yyi] = (From)[yyi];		\
+	}					\
+      while (0)
+#  endif
+# endif
+/* Relocate STACK from its old location to the new one.  The
+   local variables YYSIZE and YYSTACKSIZE give the old and new number of
+   elements in the stack, and YYPTR gives the new location of the
+   stack.  Advance YYPTR to a properly aligned location for the next
+   stack.  */
+# define YYSTACK_RELOCATE(Stack)					\
+    do									\
+      {									\
+	YYSIZE_T yynewbytes;						\
+	YYCOPY (&yyptr->Stack, Stack, yysize);				\
+	Stack = &yyptr->Stack;						\
+	yynewbytes = yystacksize * sizeof (*Stack) + YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM; \
+	yyptr += yynewbytes / sizeof (*yyptr);				\
+      }									\
+    while (0)
+#if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__cplusplus)
+   typedef signed char yysigned_char;
+   typedef short int yysigned_char;
+/* YYFINAL -- State number of the termination state. */
+#define YYFINAL  6
+/* YYLAST -- Last index in YYTABLE.  */
+#define YYLAST   66
+/* YYNTOKENS -- Number of terminals. */
+#define YYNTOKENS  25
+/* YYNNTS -- Number of nonterminals. */
+#define YYNNTS  16
+/* YYNRULES -- Number of rules. */
+#define YYNRULES  37
+/* YYNRULES -- Number of states. */
+#define YYNSTATES  71
+/* YYTRANSLATE(YYLEX) -- Bison symbol number corresponding to YYLEX.  */
+#define YYUNDEFTOK  2
+#define YYMAXUTOK   279
+#define YYTRANSLATE(YYX) 						\
+  ((unsigned int) (YYX) <= YYMAXUTOK ? yytranslate[YYX] : YYUNDEFTOK)
+/* YYTRANSLATE[YYLEX] -- Bison symbol number corresponding to YYLEX.  */
+static const unsigned char yytranslate[] =
+       0,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     1,     2,     3,     4,
+       5,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,    11,    12,    13,    14,
+      15,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,    21,    22,    23,    24
+/* YYPRHS[YYN] -- Index of the first RHS symbol of rule number YYN in
+   YYRHS.  */
+static const unsigned char yyprhs[] =
+       0,     0,     3,     5,     7,    10,    18,    19,    24,    26,
+      30,    32,    36,    41,    45,    47,    50,    53,    56,    58,
+      60,    66,    68,    72,    77,    78,    80,    84,    86,    90,
+      96,    97,   102,   104,   108,   110,   114,   116
+/* YYRHS -- A `-1'-separated list of the rules' RHS. */
+static const yysigned_char yyrhs[] =
+      26,     0,    -1,    27,    -1,    28,    -1,    27,    28,    -1,
+      23,    13,    24,     3,    29,    34,    37,    -1,    -1,    17,
+       6,    30,     3,    -1,    31,    -1,    30,     5,    31,    -1,
+      32,    -1,     9,    32,    10,    -1,     9,    13,    32,    10,
+      -1,    14,    32,    15,    -1,    23,    -1,    23,    20,    -1,
+      23,    22,    -1,    23,    21,    -1,    16,    -1,    18,    -1,
+      11,    23,    13,    33,    12,    -1,    23,    -1,    33,     4,
+      23,    -1,    18,     6,    35,     3,    -1,    -1,    36,    -1,
+      35,     4,    36,    -1,    23,    -1,    23,     7,     8,    -1,
+      23,     9,     7,     8,    10,    -1,    -1,    19,     6,    38,
+       3,    -1,    39,    -1,    38,     4,    39,    -1,    23,    -1,
+      23,    13,    40,    -1,    23,    -1,    40,     5,    23,    -1
+/* YYRLINE[YYN] -- source line where rule number YYN was defined.  */
+static const unsigned char yyrline[] =
+       0,    85,    85,    88,    89,    92,   102,   103,   106,   107,
+     110,   111,   112,   113,   115,   116,   117,   118,   119,   120,
+     121,   124,   125,   128,   129,   132,   133,   136,   137,   138,
+     142,   143,   146,   147,   150,   151,   154,   155
+/* YYTNME[SYMBOL-NUM] -- String name of the symbol SYMBOL-NUM.
+   First, the terminals, then, starting at YYNTOKENS, nonterminals. */
+static const char *const yytname[] =
+  "$end", "error", "$undefined", "SEMI", "COMMA", "BAR", "EQ", "LP", "RP",
+  "LB", "RB", "LAB", "RAB", "COLON", "LC", "RC", "ELLIPSES", "KW_ARGS",
+  "KW_OPTIONS", "KW_CHANVARS", "intspec", "fltspec", "strspec", "word",
+  "str1", "$accept", "file", "appentries", "appentry", "arglist",
+  "argdeclist", "argdec", "argspec", "choicelist", "optionslist",
+  "optionspeclist", "optionspec", "varlist", "varspeclist", "varspec",
+  "vallist", 0
+# ifdef YYPRINT
+/* YYTOKNUM[YYLEX-NUM] -- Internal token number corresponding to
+   token YYLEX-NUM.  */
+static const unsigned short int yytoknum[] =
+       0,   256,   257,   258,   259,   260,   261,   262,   263,   264,
+     265,   266,   267,   268,   269,   270,   271,   272,   273,   274,
+     275,   276,   277,   278,   279
+# endif
+/* YYR1[YYN] -- Symbol number of symbol that rule YYN derives.  */
+static const unsigned char yyr1[] =
+       0,    25,    26,    27,    27,    28,    29,    29,    30,    30,
+      31,    31,    31,    31,    32,    32,    32,    32,    32,    32,
+      32,    33,    33,    34,    34,    35,    35,    36,    36,    36,
+      37,    37,    38,    38,    39,    39,    40,    40
+/* YYR2[YYN] -- Number of symbols composing right hand side of rule YYN.  */
+static const unsigned char yyr2[] =
+       0,     2,     1,     1,     2,     7,     0,     4,     1,     3,
+       1,     3,     4,     3,     1,     2,     2,     2,     1,     1,
+       5,     1,     3,     4,     0,     1,     3,     1,     3,     5,
+       0,     4,     1,     3,     1,     3,     1,     3
+/* YYDEFACT[STATE-NAME] -- Default rule to reduce with in state
+   STATE-NUM when YYTABLE doesn't specify something else to do.  Zero
+   means the default is an error.  */
+static const unsigned char yydefact[] =
+       0,     0,     0,     2,     3,     0,     1,     4,     0,     6,
+       0,    24,     0,     0,    30,     0,     0,     0,    18,    19,
+      14,     0,     8,    10,     0,     0,     5,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,    15,    17,    16,     7,     0,    27,     0,    25,     0,
+       0,    11,     0,    13,     9,     0,     0,    23,     0,    34,
+       0,    32,    12,    21,     0,    28,     0,    26,     0,    31,
+       0,     0,    20,     0,    36,    35,    33,    22,    29,     0,
+      37
+static const yysigned_char yydefgoto[] =
+      -1,     2,     3,     4,    11,    21,    22,    23,    54,    14,
+      37,    38,    26,    50,    51,    65
+/* YYPACT[STATE-NUM] -- Index in YYTABLE of the portion describing
+   STATE-NUM.  */
+#define YYPACT_NINF -13
+static const yysigned_char yypact[] =
+     -12,     7,    26,   -12,   -13,    10,   -13,   -13,    32,    19,
+      31,    21,    -9,    34,    22,   -10,    15,    -1,   -13,   -13,
+       3,    16,   -13,   -13,    23,    36,   -13,    -1,    33,    35,
+      30,   -13,   -13,   -13,   -13,    -9,    20,    27,   -13,    24,
+      39,   -13,    28,   -13,   -13,    42,    37,   -13,    23,    40,
+      29,   -13,   -13,   -13,     0,   -13,    44,   -13,    38,   -13,
+      24,    41,   -13,    45,   -13,    49,   -13,   -13,   -13,    43,
+     -13
+static const yysigned_char yypgoto[] =
+     -13,   -13,   -13,    53,   -13,   -13,    25,     1,   -13,   -13,
+     -13,     9,   -13,   -13,    -2,   -13
+/* YYTABLE[YYPACT[STATE-NUM]].  What to do in state STATE-NUM.  If
+   positive, shift that token.  If negative, reduce the rule which
+   number is the opposite.  If zero, do what YYDEFACT says.
+   If YYTABLE_NINF, syntax error.  */
+#define YYTABLE_NINF -1
+static const unsigned char yytable[] =
+      15,    16,    16,    27,    61,    17,    18,    18,    19,    19,
+      16,     1,    62,    20,    20,    18,    28,    19,    30,    34,
+       5,    35,    20,    31,    32,    33,     6,    45,    40,    46,
+      47,    48,    59,    60,     8,     9,    10,    12,    29,    13,
+      24,    25,    39,    41,    56,    43,    36,    49,    42,    52,
+      55,    53,    63,    58,    69,    68,     7,    57,    66,     0,
+      44,    64,     0,     0,    67,     0,    70
+static const yysigned_char yycheck[] =
+       9,    11,    11,    13,     4,    14,    16,    16,    18,    18,

[... 3812 lines stripped ...]

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