<p>Sean Bright has uploaded this change for <strong>review</strong>.</p><p><a href="https://gerrit.asterisk.org/c/asterisk/+/19881">View Change</a></p><pre style="font-family: monospace,monospace; white-space: pre-wrap;">doxygen: Fix doxygen errors.<br><br>Change-Id: Ic50e95b4fc10f74ab15416d908e8a87ee8ec2f85<br>---<br>M apps/app_mf.c<br>M include/asterisk/channel.h<br>M include/asterisk/crypto.h<br>M include/asterisk/pbx.h<br>M include/asterisk/res_aeap.h<br>M include/asterisk/res_aeap_message.h<br>M include/asterisk/res_geolocation.h<br>M include/asterisk/res_pjsip.h<br>M include/asterisk/res_stir_shaken.h<br>M include/asterisk/time.h<br>M include/asterisk/xml.h<br>M main/bridge_basic.c<br>M res/res_aeap/transaction.h<br>M res/res_aeap/transport.h<br>M res/res_geolocation/geoloc_eprofile.c<br>M res/res_pjsip/pjsip_transport_events.c<br>M res/res_pjsip_pubsub.c<br>M res/res_rtp_asterisk.c<br>M res/res_speech_aeap.c<br>M res/res_stir_shaken.c<br>20 files changed, 110 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)<br><br></pre><pre style="font-family: monospace,monospace; white-space: pre-wrap;">git pull ssh://gerrit.asterisk.org:29418/asterisk refs/changes/81/19881/1</pre><pre style="font-family: monospace,monospace; white-space: pre-wrap;"><span>diff --git a/apps/app_mf.c b/apps/app_mf.c</span><br><span>index cd3320d..5840b56 100644</span><br><span>--- a/apps/app_mf.c</span><br><span>+++ b/apps/app_mf.c</span><br><span>@@ -235,6 +235,7 @@</span><br><span> * \param buflen Size of buffer</span><br><span> * \param timeout ms to wait for all digits before giving up</span><br><span> * \param features Any additional DSP features to use</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param laxkp Receive digits even if KP not received</span><br><span> * \param override Start over if we receive additional KPs</span><br><span> * \param no_kp Don't include KP in the output</span><br><span> * \param no_st Don't include start digits in the output</span><br><span>diff --git a/include/asterisk/channel.h b/include/asterisk/channel.h</span><br><span>index e5613df..0ee66a6 100644</span><br><span>--- a/include/asterisk/channel.h</span><br><span>+++ b/include/asterisk/channel.h</span><br><span>@@ -2255,8 +2255,8 @@</span><br><span> * \param chan channel to act upon</span><br><span> * \param digit the MF digit to send, encoded in ASCII</span><br><span> * \param duration the duration of a numeric digit ending in ms</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param duration the duration of a KP digit ending in ms</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param duration the duration of a ST, STP, ST2P, or ST3P digit ending in ms</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param durationkp the duration of a KP digit ending in ms</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param durationst the duration of a ST, STP, ST2P, or ST3P digit ending in ms</span><br><span> * \param is_external 1 if called by a thread that is not the channel's media</span><br><span> * handler thread, 0 if called by the channel's media handler</span><br><span> * thread.</span><br><span>diff --git a/include/asterisk/crypto.h b/include/asterisk/crypto.h</span><br><span>index 2a7ecf0..078711f 100644</span><br><span>--- a/include/asterisk/crypto.h</span><br><span>+++ b/include/asterisk/crypto.h</span><br><span>@@ -110,10 +110,10 @@</span><br><span> </span><br><span> /*!</span><br><span> * \brief Encrypt a message using a given private key</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param key a private key to use to encrypt</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param dst a pointer to a buffer of at least srclen * 1.5 bytes in which the encrypted</span><br><span> * \param src the message to encrypt</span><br><span> * \param srclen the length of the message to encrypt</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param dst a pointer to a buffer of at least srclen * 1.5 bytes in which the encrypted</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param key a private key to use to encrypt</span><br><span> * answer will be stored</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \retval length of encrypted data on success.</span><br><span>@@ -124,10 +124,10 @@</span><br><span> </span><br><span> /*!</span><br><span> * \brief Decrypt a message using a given private key</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param key a private key to use to decrypt</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param dst a pointer to a buffer of at least srclen bytes in which the decrypted</span><br><span> * \param src the message to decrypt</span><br><span> * \param srclen the length of the message to decrypt</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param dst a pointer to a buffer of at least srclen bytes in which the decrypted</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param key a private key to use to decrypt</span><br><span> * answer will be stored</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \retval length of decrypted data on success.</span><br><span>@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@</span><br><span> * \brief AES encrypt data</span><br><span> * \param in data to be encrypted</span><br><span> * \param out pointer to a buffer to hold the encrypted output</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param ctx address of an aes encryption context filled in with ast_aes_set_encrypt_key</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param key pointer to the ast_aes_encrypt_key to use for encryption</span><br><span> * \retval <= 0 failure</span><br><span> * \retval otherwise number of bytes in output buffer</span><br><span> */</span><br><span>@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@</span><br><span> * \brief AES decrypt data</span><br><span> * \param in encrypted data</span><br><span> * \param out pointer to a buffer to hold the decrypted output</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param ctx address of an aes encryption context filled in with ast_aes_set_decrypt_key</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param key pointer to the ast_aes_decrypt_key to use for decryption</span><br><span> * \retval <= 0 failure</span><br><span> * \retval otherwise number of bytes in output buffer</span><br><span> */</span><br><span>diff --git a/include/asterisk/pbx.h b/include/asterisk/pbx.h</span><br><span>index 593b186..7ef0dc7 100644</span><br><span>--- a/include/asterisk/pbx.h</span><br><span>+++ b/include/asterisk/pbx.h</span><br><span>@@ -271,9 +271,9 @@</span><br><span> /*!</span><br><span> * \brief Execute an application</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param c channel to execute on</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param app name of app to execute</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param data the data passed into the app</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param chan channel to execute on</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param app_name name of app to execute</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param app_args the data passed into the app</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * This application executes an application by name on a given channel.</span><br><span> * It is a wrapper around pbx_exec that will perform variable substitution</span><br><span>diff --git a/include/asterisk/res_aeap.h b/include/asterisk/res_aeap.h</span><br><span>index 0a1747e..b4b68cf 100644</span><br><span>--- a/include/asterisk/res_aeap.h</span><br><span>+++ b/include/asterisk/res_aeap.h</span><br><span>@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@</span><br><span> /*!</span><br><span> * \brief Retrieve codec capabilities from the configuration</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param config A configuration object</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param cfg A configuration object</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \returns The configuration's codec capabilities</span><br><span> */</span><br><span>@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@</span><br><span> /*!</span><br><span> * \brief Check a given protocol against that in an Asterisk external application configuration</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param config A configuration object</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param cfg A configuration object</span><br><span> * \param protocol The protocol to check</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \returns True if the configuration's protocol matches, false otherwise</span><br><span>@@ -294,7 +294,8 @@</span><br><span> * handler that [potentially] frees it the caller of this function must ensure</span><br><span> * it's done using the returned object before it's unregistered.</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param data A user data object</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param aeap An Asterisk external application object</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param id The look up id for the object</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \returns A user data object</span><br><span> */</span><br><span>@@ -359,7 +360,6 @@</span><br><span> * is specified in "params".</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \param aeap An Asterisk external application object</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param msg The message to send</span><br><span> * \param params (optional) Additional parameters to consider when sending. Heap allocation</span><br><span> * not required.</span><br><span> *</span><br><span>diff --git a/include/asterisk/res_aeap_message.h b/include/asterisk/res_aeap_message.h</span><br><span>index 294039e..1fd5329 100644</span><br><span>--- a/include/asterisk/res_aeap_message.h</span><br><span>+++ b/include/asterisk/res_aeap_message.h</span><br><span>@@ -241,7 +241,6 @@</span><br><span> * \param name The name of the message</span><br><span> * \param id Optional id</span><br><span> * \param error_msg Error message to set</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param params Other optional parameter(s) to possibly use</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \returns An ao2 reference counted AEAP response object, or NULL on error</span><br><span> */</span><br><span>@@ -315,7 +314,7 @@</span><br><span> * \note Case insensitive</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \param message A message object</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param message name The name to check against</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param name The name to check against</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \returns True if matched, false otherwise</span><br><span> */</span><br><span>diff --git a/include/asterisk/res_geolocation.h b/include/asterisk/res_geolocation.h</span><br><span>index 0a5a61d..2f88c80 100644</span><br><span>--- a/include/asterisk/res_geolocation.h</span><br><span>+++ b/include/asterisk/res_geolocation.h</span><br><span>@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@</span><br><span> * \brief Validate that the names of the variables in the list are valid codes or synonyms</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \param varlist Variable list to check.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param result[OUT] Pointer to char * to receive failing item.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param[out] result Pointer to char * to receive failing item.</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \return result code.</span><br><span> */</span><br><span>@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@</span><br><span> * \brief Validate that the variables in the list represent a valid GML shape</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \param varlist Variable list to check.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param result[OUT] Pointer to char * to receive failing item.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param[out] result Pointer to char * to receive failing item.</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \return result code.</span><br><span> */</span><br><span>diff --git a/include/asterisk/res_pjsip.h b/include/asterisk/res_pjsip.h</span><br><span>index 5b86d0f..599ec26 100644</span><br><span>--- a/include/asterisk/res_pjsip.h</span><br><span>+++ b/include/asterisk/res_pjsip.h</span><br><span>@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@</span><br><span> /*!</span><br><span> * \brief Fill a buffer with a pjsip transport's remote ip address and port</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param transport The pjsip_transport to use</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param dest The destination buffer of at least IP6ADDR_COLON_PORT_BUFLEN bytes</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param _transport The pjsip_transport to use</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param _dest The destination buffer of at least IP6ADDR_COLON_PORT_BUFLEN bytes</span><br><span> */</span><br><span> #define AST_SIP_MAKE_REMOTE_IPADDR_PORT_STR(_transport, _dest) \</span><br><span> snprintf(_dest, IP6ADDR_COLON_PORT_BUFLEN, \</span><br><span>@@ -1094,8 +1094,8 @@</span><br><span> /*!</span><br><span> * \brief Compare pjsip media types</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param pjsip_media_type a</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param pjsip_media_type b</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param a the first media type</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param b the second media type</span><br><span> * \retval 1 Media types are equal</span><br><span> * \retval 0 Media types are not equal</span><br><span> */</span><br><span>@@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@</span><br><span> /*!</span><br><span> * \brief Initialize security mechanism vector from string of security mechanisms.</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param security_mechanisms Pointer to vector of security mechanisms to initialize.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param security_mechanism Pointer to vector of security mechanisms to initialize.</span><br><span> * \param value String of security mechanisms as defined in RFC 3329.</span><br><span> * \retval 0 Success</span><br><span> * \retval non-zero Failure</span><br><span>@@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \param security_mechanism Pointer-pointer to the security mechanism to allocate.</span><br><span> * \param value The security mechanism string as defined in RFC 3329 (section 2.2)</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param ... in the form <mechanism_name>;q=<q_value>;<mechanism_parameters></span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param ... in the form \<mechanism_name>;q=\<q_value>;\<mechanism_parameters></span><br><span> * \retval 0 Success</span><br><span> * \retval non-zero Failure</span><br><span> */</span><br><span>@@ -3618,7 +3618,7 @@</span><br><span> * \param rdata</span><br><span> * \param id ID structure to fill</span><br><span> * \param default_id Default ID structure with data to use (for non-trusted endpoints)</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param trusted_inbound Whether or not the endpoint is trusted (controls whether PAI or RPID can be used)</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param trust_inbound Whether or not the endpoint is trusted (controls whether PAI or RPID can be used)</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \retval -1 on failure, 0 on success</span><br><span> */</span><br><span>@@ -3996,15 +3996,27 @@</span><br><span> const pj_str_t *ast_sip_pjsip_uri_get_hostname(pjsip_uri *uri);</span><br><span> </span><br><span> /*!</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \brief Get the other_param portion of the pjsip_uri</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \brief Find an 'other' SIP/SIPS URI parameter by name</span><br><span> * \since 16.28.0</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param uri The pjsip_uri to get hte other_param from</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * A convenience function to find a named parameter from a SIP/SIPS URI. This</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * function will not find the following standard SIP/SIPS URI parameters which</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * are stored separately by PJSIP:</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \li `user`</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \li `method`</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \li `transport`</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \li `ttl`</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \li `lr`</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \li `maddr`</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param uri The pjsip_uri to get the parameter from</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param param_str The name of the parameter to find</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \note This function will check what kind of URI it receives and return</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * the other_param based off of that</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * the parameter based off of that</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \return other_param or NULL if not present</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \return Find parameter or NULL if not present</span><br><span> */</span><br><span> struct pjsip_param *ast_sip_pjsip_uri_get_other_param(pjsip_uri *uri, const pj_str_t *param_str);</span><br><span> </span><br><span>diff --git a/include/asterisk/res_stir_shaken.h b/include/asterisk/res_stir_shaken.h</span><br><span>index ece99b5..540f988 100644</span><br><span>--- a/include/asterisk/res_stir_shaken.h</span><br><span>+++ b/include/asterisk/res_stir_shaken.h</span><br><span>@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@</span><br><span> * \param signature The payload signature</span><br><span> * \param algorithm The signature algorithm</span><br><span> * \param public_cert_url The public key URL</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param failure_code Additional failure information</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param failure Additional failure information</span><br><span> * \param profile The stir_shaken_profile</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \retval ast_stir_shaken_payload on success</span><br><span>diff --git a/include/asterisk/time.h b/include/asterisk/time.h</span><br><span>index 23ba18f..130084c 100644</span><br><span>--- a/include/asterisk/time.h</span><br><span>+++ b/include/asterisk/time.h</span><br><span>@@ -255,9 +255,9 @@</span><br><span> </span><br><span> /*!</span><br><span> * \brief Returns a double corresponding to the number of seconds</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * in the timeval _tv.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * in the timeval \c tv.</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param _tv A pointer to a timeval structure.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param tv A pointer to a timeval structure.</span><br><span> * \returns A double containing the number of seconds.</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * This is the inverse of ast_double2tv().</span><br><span>diff --git a/include/asterisk/xml.h b/include/asterisk/xml.h</span><br><span>index 5c2e9f9..1350444 100644</span><br><span>--- a/include/asterisk/xml.h</span><br><span>+++ b/include/asterisk/xml.h</span><br><span>@@ -191,10 +191,10 @@</span><br><span> </span><br><span> /*!</span><br><span> * \brief Find a direct child element by name.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param parent_node This is the parent node to search.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param name Node name to find.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param attrname attribute name to match (if NULL it won't be matched).</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param attrvalue attribute value to match (if NULL it won't be matched).</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param _parent_node This is the parent node to search.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param _name Node name to find.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param _attrname attribute name to match (if NULL it won't be matched).</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param _attrvalue attribute value to match (if NULL it won't be matched).</span><br><span> * \retval NULL if not found.</span><br><span> * \return The node on success.</span><br><span> */</span><br><span>@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@</span><br><span> * \brief Apply an XSLT stylesheet to an XML document</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \param xslt XSLT stylesheet to apply.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param xml XML document the stylesheet will be applied to.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param doc XML document the stylesheet will be applied to.</span><br><span> * \param params An array of name value pairs to pass as parameters</span><br><span> * The array must terminate with a NULL sentinel.</span><br><span> * Example: { "name1", "value1", "name2", "value2", NULL }</span><br><span>@@ -383,11 +383,11 @@</span><br><span> /*!</span><br><span> * \brief Save the results of applying a stylesheet to a string</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param buffer[out] A pointer to a char * to receive the address of the result string.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param[out] buffer A pointer to a char * to receive the address of the result string.</span><br><span> * The buffer must be freed with ast_xml_free_text().</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param length[out] A pointer to an int to receive the result string length.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param result The result document from ast_xslt_apply.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param xslt The stylesheet that was applied.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param[out] length A pointer to an int to receive the result string length.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param result The result document from ast_xslt_apply.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param xslt The stylesheet that was applied.</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \return 0 on success, any other value on failure.</span><br><span> */</span><br><span>diff --git a/main/bridge_basic.c b/main/bridge_basic.c</span><br><span>index c291fb2..2d3872d 100644</span><br><span>--- a/main/bridge_basic.c</span><br><span>+++ b/main/bridge_basic.c</span><br><span>@@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@</span><br><span> * \brief Determine the transfer extension to use.</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \param transferer Channel initiating the transfer.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param extension User supplied extension if available. May be NULL.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param exten User supplied extension if available. May be NULL.</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \return The extension to use for the transfer.</span><br><span> */</span><br><span>diff --git a/res/res_aeap/transaction.h b/res/res_aeap/transaction.h</span><br><span>index 973ba1a..6e48411 100644</span><br><span>--- a/res/res_aeap/transaction.h</span><br><span>+++ b/res/res_aeap/transaction.h</span><br><span>@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * Stops the transaction timer, but does not end/stop the transaction itself</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param transaction A transaction to cancel the timer on</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param tsx A transaction to cancel the timer on</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \returns 0 if canceled, non zero otherwise</span><br><span> */</span><br><span>@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@</span><br><span> /*!</span><br><span> * \brief Retrieve the user object associated with the transaction</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param transaction A transaction object</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param tsx A transaction object</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \returns A user object, or NULL if non associated</span><br><span> */</span><br><span>diff --git a/res/res_aeap/transport.h b/res/res_aeap/transport.h</span><br><span>index 622247e..1cd4997 100644</span><br><span>--- a/res/res_aeap/transport.h</span><br><span>+++ b/res/res_aeap/transport.h</span><br><span>@@ -166,8 +166,6 @@</span><br><span> * \brief Destroy a transport</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \param transport The transport to destroy</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \returns 0 on success, or -1 on error</span><br><span> */</span><br><span> void aeap_transport_destroy(struct aeap_transport *transport);</span><br><span> </span><br><span>diff --git a/res/res_geolocation/geoloc_eprofile.c b/res/res_geolocation/geoloc_eprofile.c</span><br><span>index 09a06c6..3d10d12 100644</span><br><span>--- a/res/res_geolocation/geoloc_eprofile.c</span><br><span>+++ b/res/res_geolocation/geoloc_eprofile.c</span><br><span>@@ -808,15 +808,15 @@</span><br><span> * \internal</span><br><span> * \brief Create an common, intermediate XML document to pass to the outgoing XSLT process</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param eprofile The eprofile</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param chan The channel to resolve variables against</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param ref_string A reference string for error messages</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \return An XML doc</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param element_name The name of the top-level XML element to create</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param eprofile The eprofile</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param chan The channel to resolve variables against</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param ref_string A reference string for error messages</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \return An XML doc</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \note Given that the document is simple and static, it was easier to just</span><br><span> * create the elements in a string buffer and call ast_xml_read_memory()</span><br><span> * at the end instead of creating</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- *</span><br><span> */</span><br><span> static struct ast_xml_node *geoloc_eprofile_to_intermediate(const char *element_name, struct ast_geoloc_eprofile *eprofile,</span><br><span> struct ast_channel *chan, const char *ref_string)</span><br><span>@@ -846,8 +846,8 @@</span><br><span> </span><br><span> pidf_node = ast_xml_new_node(element_name);</span><br><span> if (!pidf_node) {</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- SCOPE_EXIT_LOG_RTN_VALUE(NULL, LOG_ERROR, "%s: Unable to create 'pidf' XML node\n",</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- ref_string);</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ SCOPE_EXIT_LOG_RTN_VALUE(NULL, LOG_ERROR, "%s: Unable to create '%s' XML node\n",</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ ref_string, element_name);</span><br><span> }</span><br><span> </span><br><span> loc_node = ast_xml_new_child(pidf_node, "location-info");</span><br><span>diff --git a/res/res_pjsip/pjsip_transport_events.c b/res/res_pjsip/pjsip_transport_events.c</span><br><span>index 0e4705d..130e26c 100644</span><br><span>--- a/res/res_pjsip/pjsip_transport_events.c</span><br><span>+++ b/res/res_pjsip/pjsip_transport_events.c</span><br><span>@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@</span><br><span> </span><br><span> /*! \brief Structure for transport to be monitored */</span><br><span> struct transport_monitor {</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- /*! \brief Key <ipaddr>:<port> */</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ /*! \brief Key \<ipaddr>:\<port> */</span><br><span> char key[IP6ADDR_COLON_PORT_BUFLEN];</span><br><span> /*! \brief The underlying PJSIP transport */</span><br><span> pjsip_transport *transport;</span><br><span>diff --git a/res/res_pjsip_pubsub.c b/res/res_pjsip_pubsub.c</span><br><span>index 26b86cc..9ebd8c2 100644</span><br><span>--- a/res/res_pjsip_pubsub.c</span><br><span>+++ b/res/res_pjsip_pubsub.c</span><br><span>@@ -945,6 +945,8 @@</span><br><span> * \param resource The name of the resource for this tree node.</span><br><span> * \param visited The vector of resources that have been visited.</span><br><span> * \param full_state if allocating a list, indicate whether full state is requested in notifications.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param display_name the display name to include with this tree node.</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ *</span><br><span> * \retval NULL Allocation failure.</span><br><span> * \retval non-NULL The newly-allocated tree_node</span><br><span> */</span><br><span>diff --git a/res/res_rtp_asterisk.c b/res/res_rtp_asterisk.c</span><br><span>index bd4c1f7..9468ec6 100644</span><br><span>--- a/res/res_rtp_asterisk.c</span><br><span>+++ b/res/res_rtp_asterisk.c</span><br><span>@@ -6103,8 +6103,9 @@</span><br><span> * The tallied score is based upon recommendations and formulas from ITU-T G.107,</span><br><span> * ITU-T G.109, ITU-T G.113, and other various internet sources.</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param instance RTP instance</span><br><span> * \param normdevrtt The average round trip time</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param rxjitter The smoothed jitter</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param normdev_rxjitter The smoothed jitter</span><br><span> * \param stdev_rxjitter The jitter standard deviation value</span><br><span> * \param normdev_rxlost The average number of packets lost since last check</span><br><span> *</span><br><span>diff --git a/res/res_speech_aeap.c b/res/res_speech_aeap.c</span><br><span>index d81d6e5..1aa8041 100644</span><br><span>--- a/res/res_speech_aeap.c</span><br><span>+++ b/res/res_speech_aeap.c</span><br><span>@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@</span><br><span> * receiving a response the returned result is guaranteed to be pass/fail based upon</span><br><span> * a response handler's result.</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param aeap Pointer to an Asterisk external application object</span><br><span> * \param name The name of the request to send</span><br><span> * \param json The core json request data</span><br><span> * \param data Optional user data to associate with request/response</span><br><span>@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@</span><br><span> * \returns 0 on success, -1 on error</span><br><span> */</span><br><span> static int speech_aeap_send_request(struct ast_aeap *aeap, const char *name,</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- struct ast_json *json, void *obj)</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ struct ast_json *json, void *data)</span><br><span> {</span><br><span> /*</span><br><span> * Wait for a response. Also since we're blocking,</span><br><span>@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@</span><br><span> struct ast_aeap_tsx_params tsx_params = {</span><br><span> .timeout = 1000,</span><br><span> .wait = 1,</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- .obj = obj,</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ .obj = data,</span><br><span> };</span><br><span> </span><br><span> /* "steals" the json ref */</span><br><span>@@ -116,7 +117,9 @@</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * Basic structure of the JSON message to send:</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * { param: [<param>, ...] }</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ \verbatim</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ { param: [<param>, ...] }</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ \endverbatim</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \param speech The speech engine</span><br><span> * \param param The name of the parameter to retrieve</span><br><span>@@ -146,7 +149,9 @@</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * Basic structure of the JSON message to send:</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * { params: { <name> : <value> } }</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ \verbatim</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ { params: { <name> : <value> } }</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ \endverbatim</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \param speech The speech engine</span><br><span> * \param name The name of the parameter to set</span><br><span>@@ -238,13 +243,15 @@</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * Basic structure of the expected JSON message to received:</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * {</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * response: "get"</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * "params" : { <name>: <value> | [ <results> ] }</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * }</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ \verbatim</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ {</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ response: "get"</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ "params" : { <name>: <value> | [ <results> ] }</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ }</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ \endverbatim</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param speech The speech engine</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * \param param The name of the parameter to retrieve</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param aeap Pointer to an Asterisk external application object</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param message The received message</span><br><span> * \param data User data passed to the response handler</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \returns 0 on success, -1 on error</span><br><span>@@ -351,17 +358,19 @@</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * Basic structure of the JSON message to send:</span><br><span> *</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * {</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * "request": "setup"</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * "codecs": [</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * {</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * "name": <name>,</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * "attributes": { <name>: <value>, ..., }</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * },</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * ...,</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * ],</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * "params": { <name>: <value>, ..., }</span><br><span style="color: hsl(0, 100%, 40%);">- * }</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ \verbatim</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ {</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ "request": "setup"</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ "codecs": [</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ {</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ "name": <name>,</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ "attributes": { <name>: <value>, ..., }</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ },</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ ...,</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ ],</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ "params": { <name>: <value>, ..., }</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ }</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ \endverbatim</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \param speech The speech engine</span><br><span> * \param format The format codec to use</span><br><span>diff --git a/res/res_stir_shaken.c b/res/res_stir_shaken.c</span><br><span>index 52480ff..a4eae5b 100644</span><br><span>--- a/res/res_stir_shaken.c</span><br><span>+++ b/res/res_stir_shaken.c</span><br><span>@@ -604,6 +604,7 @@</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \param public_cert_url The public cert URL</span><br><span> * \param path The path to download the file to</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param acl The ACL to use for cURL (if not NULL)</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \retval NULL on failure</span><br><span> * \retval full path filename on success</span><br><span>@@ -641,6 +642,7 @@</span><br><span> * \param public_cert_url The public cert URL</span><br><span> * \param path The path to download the file to</span><br><span> * \param curl Flag signaling if we have run CURL or not</span><br><span style="color: hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">+ * \param acl The ACL to use for cURL (if not NULL)</span><br><span> *</span><br><span> * \retval NULL on failure</span><br><span> * \retval full path filename on success</span><br><span></span><br></pre><p>To view, visit <a href="https://gerrit.asterisk.org/c/asterisk/+/19881">change 19881</a>. To unsubscribe, or for help writing mail filters, visit <a href="https://gerrit.asterisk.org/settings">settings</a>.</p><div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/EmailMessage"><div itemscope itemprop="action" itemtype="http://schema.org/ViewAction"><link itemprop="url" href="https://gerrit.asterisk.org/c/asterisk/+/19881"/><meta itemprop="name" content="View Change"/></div></div>
<div style="display:none"> Gerrit-Project: asterisk </div>
<div style="display:none"> Gerrit-Branch: 20 </div>
<div style="display:none"> Gerrit-Change-Id: Ic50e95b4fc10f74ab15416d908e8a87ee8ec2f85 </div>
<div style="display:none"> Gerrit-Change-Number: 19881 </div>
<div style="display:none"> Gerrit-PatchSet: 1 </div>
<div style="display:none"> Gerrit-Owner: Sean Bright <sean@seanbright.com> </div>
<div style="display:none"> Gerrit-MessageType: newchange </div>