[Asterisk-code-review] func_groupcount.c: Adding Group Variables and additional Group functions (asterisk[18])
asteriskteam at digium.com
Wed May 18 08:31:57 CDT 2022
Attention is currently required from: Sean Bright, Mark Murawski.
N A has posted comments on this change. ( https://gerrit.asterisk.org/c/asterisk/+/17655 )
Change subject: func_groupcount.c: Adding Group Variables and additional Group functions
Patch Set 11:
(1 comment)
> Right, but then you wind up with a chicken/egg problem or whatever you want to call it. […]
The user would be in the best position to know what delimiter can be used or not used. For instance, perhaps he knows that ^ or | or ; will never appear in the data and can be used. Using Set/UNSHIFT/SHIFT, that can be accommodated. I don't see why we need to anticipate any particular delimiters.
Other dialplan functions don't do this; they rely on the user doing what I described, so to me it still seems out of place. Otherwise it gets messy as we could have a VOICEMAIL_BOX_START, VOICEMAIL_BOX_NEXT, CONFBRIDGE_CHANNELS_START, CONFBRIDGE_CHANNELS_NEXT, etc. etc.
If you're going to do something of this sort, it would make more sense to add some kind of channel container or queue from which you can dequeue items in the dialplan, and to do that as a separate, unrelated review.
To view, visit https://gerrit.asterisk.org/c/asterisk/+/17655
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Gerrit-Project: asterisk
Gerrit-Branch: 18
Gerrit-Change-Id: I23e48d1cdfc8adaffdfec2e936e56143603914f2
Gerrit-Change-Number: 17655
Gerrit-PatchSet: 11
Gerrit-Owner: Mark Murawski <markm at intellasoft.net>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Friendly Automation
Gerrit-Reviewer: N A <mail at interlinked.x10host.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Sean Bright <sean at seanbright.com>
Gerrit-Attention: Sean Bright <sean at seanbright.com>
Gerrit-Attention: Mark Murawski <markm at intellasoft.net>
Gerrit-Comment-Date: Wed, 18 May 2022 13:31:57 +0000
Gerrit-HasComments: Yes
Gerrit-Has-Labels: No
Comment-In-Reply-To: N A <mail at interlinked.x10host.com>
Comment-In-Reply-To: Mark Murawski <markm at intellasoft.net>
Gerrit-MessageType: comment
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