[Asterisk-code-review] CI: Create generic jenkinsfile (asterisk[13])
George Joseph
asteriskteam at digium.com
Fri Mar 13 08:37:31 CDT 2020
George Joseph has submitted this change. ( https://gerrit.asterisk.org/c/asterisk/+/13904 )
Change subject: CI: Create generic jenkinsfile
CI: Create generic jenkinsfile
This is a generic jenkinsfile to build Asterisk and optionally
perform one or more of the following:
* Publish the API docs to the wiki
* Run the Unit tests
* Run Testsuite Tests
This job can be triggered manually from Jenkins or be triggered
automatically on a schedule based on a cron string.
Change-Id: Id9d22a778a1916b666e0e700af2b9f1bacda0852
A tests/CI/universal-asterisk-nongerrit.jenkinsfile
1 file changed, 452 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
Joshua Colp: Looks good to me, but someone else must approve
Kevin Harwell: Looks good to me, but someone else must approve
George Joseph: Looks good to me, approved; Approved for Submit
diff --git a/tests/CI/universal-asterisk-nongerrit.jenkinsfile b/tests/CI/universal-asterisk-nongerrit.jenkinsfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9b0cef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/CI/universal-asterisk-nongerrit.jenkinsfile
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+ * This is a generic jenkinsfile to build Asterisk and optionally
+ * perform one or more of the following:
+ * * Publish the API docs to the wiki
+ * * Run the Unit tests
+ * * Run Testsuite Tests
+ *
+ * This job can be triggered manually from Jenkins or be triggered
+ * automatically on a schedule based on a cron string.
+ *
+ * To use this jenkinsfile, create a new "Multi-Branch Pipeline" job
+ * in Jenkins. For easier configuration, the job name should contain
+ * only letters, numbers, or the "-", "_" and "." special characters.
+ * Use the "by Jenkinsfile" "Build Configuration" mode and specify
+ * the path to this jenkinsfile.
+ *
+ * When you save this job definition, Jenkins will scan the git
+ * repository and find any branches with this Jenkinsfile and then try
+ * run the job. It's expected that the jobs will fail because you
+ * haven't create the config file yet.
+ *
+ * The job is configured from a Jenkins managed config file named
+ * "jobConfig". These files are created using the "Config Files"
+ * option of the base job and are unique to a job so you can create
+ * multiple jobs based on this Jenkinsfile without conflicts.
+ *
+ * Create the file as a "Json file" remembering to change the ID
+ * from the auto-generated UUID to "jobConfig".
+ *
+ * Example contents:
+ * {
+ * cronString: 'H H(0-4) * * *',
+ * jobTimeout: {
+ * timeout: 2,
+ * units: 'HOURS',
+ * },
+ * jobCleanup: {
+ * keepBuilds: 5,
+ * artifactKeepBuilds: 2
+ * },
+ * throttleCategories: [
+ * 'default'
+ * ],
+ * docker: [
+ * images: [
+ * 'asterisk/jenkins-agent-centos7'
+ * ]
+ * ],
+ * buildAsterisk: [
+ * build: true,
+ * env: [
+ * REF_DEBUG: true
+ * ]
+ * ],
+ * unitTests: [
+ * run: true,
+ * testCommand: 'test execute all'
+ * ]
+ * }
+ *
+ * NOTE: The JSON file can actually reference variables from the
+ * environment using string interpolation. For example, if you
+ * need to substitute the current branch in a value for some reason,
+ * you could use:
+ * mybranch: "${BRANCH}"
+ */
+ * All jobConfig parameters have defaults BUT if left that way,
+ * only an Asterisk build will be done.
+ *
+ * NOTE: Groovy syntax uses brackets "[]" for both arrays and
+ * maps/dictionaries where JSON uses brackets "[]" for arrays but
+ * braces "{}" for maps/dictionaries. Your jobConfig file is JSON
+ * but the defaults below are Groovy.
+ */
+def jobConfig = [
+ /* Must match a label assigned to agents. */
+ agentLabel: 'swdev-docker',
+ /*
+ * https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/syntax/#cron-syntax
+ * If empty, job will not be scheduled and must be triggered manually.
+ */
+ cronString: '',
+ /*
+ * An array of strings that name categories defined in Jenkins
+ * Global Settings under "Throttle Concurrent Builds". If you
+ * specify one or more categories, they MUST have been defined
+ * or the job will fail.
+ */
+ throttleCategories: [
+ ],
+ jobTimeout: [
+ /* How long should the job be allowed to run? */
+ timeout: 120,
+ /* Common valid units are "MINUTES", "HOURS", "DAYS". */
+ units: 'MINUTES'
+ ],
+ jobCleanup: [
+ /* The total number of past jobs to keep. */
+ keepBuilds: 14,
+ /* But only this number will have their artifacts saved. */
+ artifactKeepBuilds: 7,
+ /* Clean up the workspace on the agent when the job completes. */
+ cleanupWorkspace: true
+ ],
+ docker: [
+ /* The host and port of our Docker image registry. */
+ registry: 'swdev-docker0:5000',
+ /*
+ * An array of images that can be used for this job.
+ * One will be chosen from the list at random.
+ */
+ images: [
+ 'asterisk/jenkins-agent-centos7'
+ ],
+ ],
+ buildAsterisk: [
+ /* Build Asterisk */
+ build: true,
+ /* Additional envuronment variables to pass to buildAsterisk.sh */
+ env: [
+ ]
+ ],
+ unitTests: [
+ /* Run the Asterisk Unit Tests. */
+ run: false,
+ /* The Asterisk CLI command to run the tests. */
+ testCommand: 'test execute all'
+ ],
+ wikiDocs: [
+ /* Build and publish the wiki documentation? */
+ publish: false,
+ /* The URL to the "publish-docs" repository */
+ gitURL: "https://gerrit.asterisk.org/publish-docs",
+ /*
+ * Only for branches that match the regex.
+ * I.E. Only the base branches excluding master.
+ */
+ branchRegex: '^([0-9]+)$'
+ ],
+ testsuite: [
+ /* Run the Testsuite? */
+ run: false,
+ /* The URL to the "testsuite" repository */
+ gitURL: "https://gerrit.asterisk.org/testsuite",
+ /*
+ * The name of the testsuite config file.
+ * See the "Testsuite" stage below for more info.
+ */
+ configFile: 'testsuiteConfig',
+ ]
+ * The easiest way to process the above defaults is to merge the
+ * values from the jobConfig file over the defaults map. Groovy
+ * provides a standard way to do this but it's not a deep operation
+ * so we provide our own deep merge function.
+ */
+Map merge(Map onto, Map... overrides) {
+ if (!overrides)
+ return onto
+ else if (overrides.length == 1) {
+ overrides[0]?.each { k, v ->
+ if (v instanceof Map && onto[k] instanceof Map)
+ merge((Map) onto[k], (Map) v)
+ else
+ onto[k] = v
+ }
+ return onto
+ }
+ return overrides.inject(onto, { acc, override -> merge(acc, override ?: [:]) })
+ * The job setup steps such as reading the config file and merging the
+ * defaults can be done on the "master" node before we send the job off
+ * to an agent.
+ */
+node('master') {
+ def tempJobConfig
+ configFileProvider([configFile(fileId: 'jobConfig',
+ replaceTokens: true, variable: 'JOB_CONFIG_FILE')]) {
+ echo "Retrieved jobConfig file from ${env.JOB_CONFIG_FILE}"
+ tempJobConfig = readJSON file: env.JOB_CONFIG_FILE
+ }
+ script {
+ merge(jobConfig, tempJobConfig)
+ echo jobConfig.toString()
+ causeClasses = currentBuild.getBuildCauses()
+ causeClass = causeClasses[0]
+ echo "Build Cause: ${causeClass.toString()}"
+ }
+pipeline {
+ triggers {
+ /* If jobConfig.cronString is empty (the default), the trigger will be ignored */
+ cron jobConfig.cronString
+ }
+ options {
+ throttle(jobConfig.throttleCategories)
+ timeout(time: jobConfig.jobTimeout.timeout, unit: jobConfig.jobTimeout.units)
+ buildDiscarder(
+ logRotator(numToKeepStr: "${jobConfig.jobCleanup.keepBuilds}",
+ artifactNumToKeepStr: "${jobConfig.jobCleanup.artifactKeepBuilds}"))
+ }
+ agent {
+ label jobConfig.agentLabel
+ }
+ stages {
+ stage ("Setup") {
+ when {
+ /*
+ * When you make changes to the base job or a new branch is discovered
+ * Jenkins tries to run it the job. We probably don't want this to happen
+ * so if "BranchIndexing" was teh cause, don't run any of the steps.
+ */
+ not {
+ triggeredBy 'BranchIndexingCause'
+ }
+ }
+ steps { script {
+ createSummary(icon: "/plugin/workflow-job/images/48x48/pipelinejob.png", text: "Docker Host: ${NODE_NAME}")
+ sh "sudo chown -R jenkins:users ."
+ sh "printenv -0 | sort -z | tr '\\0' '\\n'"
+ sh "sudo tests/CI/setupJenkinsEnvironment.sh"
+ /* Find a docker image, setup parameters and pull image */
+ def r = currentBuild.startTimeInMillis % jobConfig.docker.images.size()
+ def ri = jobConfig.docker.images[(int)r]
+ echo "Docker Image: ${ri}"
+ def randomImage = jobConfig.docker.registry + "/" + ri
+ echo "Docker Path: ${randomImage}"
+ dockerOptions = "--privileged --ulimit core=0 --ulimit nofile=10240 " +
+ " --tmpfs /tmp:exec,size=1G -v /srv/jenkins:/srv/jenkins:rw -v /srv/cache:/srv/cache:rw " +
+ " --entrypoint=''"
+ buildTag = env.BUILD_TAG.replaceAll(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]/, '-')
+ dockerImage = docker.image(randomImage)
+ dockerImage.pull()
+ }}
+ }
+ stage ("Build") {
+ when {
+ expression { jobConfig.buildAsterisk.build }
+ not {
+ triggeredBy 'BranchIndexingCause'
+ }
+ }
+ steps { script {
+ dockerImage.inside(dockerOptions + " --name ${buildTag}-build") {
+ echo 'Building..'
+ withEnv(jobConfig.buildAsterisk.env) {
+ sh "./tests/CI/buildAsterisk.sh --branch-name=${BRANCH_NAME} --output-dir=tests/CI/output/Build --cache-dir=/srv/cache"
+ }
+ archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, defaultExcludes: false, fingerprint: false,
+ artifacts: "tests/CI/output/Build/*"
+ }
+ }}
+ }
+ stage ("WikiDocs") {
+ when {
+ expression { jobConfig.wikiDocs.publish }
+ not {
+ triggeredBy 'BranchIndexingCause'
+ }
+ }
+ steps { script {
+ dockerImage.inside(dockerOptions + " --name ${buildTag}-wikidocs") {
+ sh "sudo ./tests/CI/installAsterisk.sh --branch-name=${BRANCH_NAME} --user-group=jenkins:users"
+ checkout scm: [$class: 'GitSCM',
+ branches: [[name: "master"]],
+ extensions: [
+ [$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: "tests/CI/output/publish-docs"],
+ [$class: 'CloneOption',
+ noTags: true,
+ honorRefspec: true,
+ shallow: false
+ ],
+ ],
+ userRemoteConfigs: [[url: jobConfig.wikiDocs.gitURL]]
+ ]
+ sh "./tests/CI/publishAsteriskDocs.sh --user-group=jenkins:users --branch-name=${BRANCH_NAME} --wiki-doc-branch-regex=\"${jobConfig.wikiDocs.branchRegex}\""
+ }
+ }}
+ }
+ stage ("UnitTests") {
+ when {
+ expression { jobConfig.unitTests.run }
+ not {
+ triggeredBy 'BranchIndexingCause'
+ }
+ }
+ steps { script {
+ dockerImage.inside(dockerOptions + " --name ${buildTag}-unittests") {
+ def outputdir = "tests/CI/output/UnitTests"
+ def outputfile = "${outputdir}/unittests-results.xml"
+ sh "sudo ./tests/CI/installAsterisk.sh --uninstall-all --branch-name=${BRANCH_NAME} --user-group=jenkins:users"
+ sh "tests/CI/runUnittests.sh --user-group=jenkins:users --output-dir='${outputdir}' --output-xml='${outputfile}' --unittest-command='${jobConfig.unitTests.testCommand}'"
+ archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, defaultExcludes: false, fingerprint: true,
+ artifacts: "${outputdir}/**"
+ junit testResults: outputfile,
+ healthScaleFactor: 1.0,
+ keepLongStdio: true
+ }
+ }}
+ }
+ /* Testsuite Tests
+ *
+ * When jobConfig.testsuite.run is true, load the JSON file specified by
+ * jobConfig.testsuite.configFile (default "testsuiteConfig") and spin off a
+ * separate docker container for each testGroup contained therein that also
+ * has its "enabled" property set to true.
+ *
+ * If a testGroup has a customTests child, the specified custom tests repo
+ * will be cloned into "<groupDir>/tests/custom" and can be referenced as
+ * any other testsuite test.
+ *
+ * Example testsuiteConfig file:
+ *
+ * {
+ * testGroups: [
+ * {
+ * name: "ari1-mwi",
+ * enabled: false,
+ * dir: "tests/CI/output/ari1",
+ * runTestsuiteOptions: "--test-timeout=180",
+ * testcmd: "--test-regex=tests/rest_api --test-regex=tests/channels/pjsip/.*mwi"
+ * },
+ * {
+ * name: "custom1",
+ * enabled: false,
+ * dir: "tests/CI/output/custom1",
+ * runTestsuiteOptions: "--test-timeout=180",
+ * testcmd: "--test-regex=tests/custom/tests/stress",
+ * customTests: {
+ * branch: "master",
+ * gitURL: "http://somehost/private-tests"
+ * }
+ * }
+ * ]
+ * }
+ *
+ */
+ stage("Testsuite") {
+ when {
+ expression { jobConfig.testsuite.run }
+ }
+ steps { script {
+ testConfig = [
+ testGroups: [],
+ ]
+ def tempTestConfig
+ configFileProvider([configFile(fileId: jobConfig.testsuite.configFile, variable: 'TESTSUITE_CONFIG_FILE')]) {
+ echo "Retrieved test config file from ${env.TESTSUITE_CONFIG_FILE}"
+ tempTestConfig = readJSON file: env.TESTSUITE_CONFIG_FILE
+ }
+ merge(testConfig, tempTestConfig)
+ tasks = [ : ]
+ testConfig.testGroups.each {
+ def testGroup = it
+ tasks[testGroup.name] = {
+ dockerImage.inside("${dockerOptions} --name ${buildTag}-${testGroup.name}") {
+ lock("${JOB_NAME}.${NODE_NAME}.installer") {
+ sh "sudo ./tests/CI/installAsterisk.sh --uninstall-all --branch-name=${BRANCH_NAME} --user-group=jenkins:users"
+ }
+ sh "sudo rm -rf ${testGroup.dir} || : "
+ checkout scm: [$class: 'GitSCM',
+ branches: [[name: "${BRANCH_NAME}"]],
+ extensions: [
+ [$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: testGroup.dir],
+ [$class: 'CloneOption',
+ noTags: true,
+ depth: 100,
+ honorRefspec: true,
+ shallow: true
+ ],
+ ],
+ userRemoteConfigs: [[url: jobConfig.testsuite.gitURL]]
+ ]
+ echo "Test Custom Config: ${testGroup.customTests.toString()}"
+ if (testGroup.customTests && testGroup.customTests?.branch && testGroup.customTests?.gitURL) {
+ checkout scm: [$class: 'GitSCM',
+ branches: [[name: testGroup.customTests.branch]],
+ extensions: [
+ [$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: "${testGroup.dir}/tests/custom"],
+ [$class: 'CloneOption',
+ noTags: true,
+ depth: 100,
+ honorRefspec: true,
+ shallow: true
+ ],
+ ],
+ userRemoteConfigs: [[url: testGroup.customTests.gitURL]]
+ ]
+ }
+ sh "sudo tests/CI/runTestsuite.sh ${testGroup.runTestsuiteOptions} --testsuite-dir='${testGroup.dir}' --testsuite-command='${testGroup.testcmd}'"
+ echo "Group result d: ${currentBuild.currentResult}"
+ archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, defaultExcludes: false, fingerprint: true,
+ artifacts: "${testGroup.dir}/asterisk-test-suite-report.xml, ${testGroup.dir}/logs/**, ${testGroup.dir}/core*.txt"
+ junit testResults: "${testGroup.dir}/asterisk-test-suite-report.xml",
+ healthScaleFactor: 1.0,
+ keepLongStdio: true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ parallel tasks
+ }}
+ }
+ }
+ post {
+ cleanup {
+ script {
+ if (jobConfig.jobCleanup.cleanupWorkspace) {
+ cleanWs deleteDirs: true, notFailBuild: false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ success {
+ echo "Reporting ${currentBuild.currentResult} Passed"
+ }
+ failure {
+ echo "Reporting ${currentBuild.currentResult}: Failed: Fatal Error"
+ }
+ unstable {
+ echo "Reporting ${currentBuild.currentResult}: Failed: Tests Failed"
+ }
+ }
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Gerrit-Project: asterisk
Gerrit-Branch: 13
Gerrit-Change-Id: Id9d22a778a1916b666e0e700af2b9f1bacda0852
Gerrit-Change-Number: 13904
Gerrit-PatchSet: 2
Gerrit-Owner: George Joseph <gjoseph at digium.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Friendly Automation
Gerrit-Reviewer: George Joseph <gjoseph at digium.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Joshua Colp <jcolp at sangoma.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Kevin Harwell <kharwell at digium.com>
Gerrit-MessageType: merged
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