[Asterisk-code-review] res http websocket: respond to CLOSE opcode (asterisk[16])

Jeremy Lainé asteriskteam at digium.com
Tue Jan 15 17:25:31 CST 2019

Hello Friendly Automation, Sean Bright, Joshua C. Colp, 

I'd like you to reexamine a change. Please visit


to look at the new patch set (#3).

Change subject: res_http_websocket: respond to CLOSE opcode

res_http_websocket: respond to CLOSE opcode

This ensures that Asterisk responds properly to frames received from a
client with opcode 8 (CLOSE) by echoing back the status code in its own
CLOSE frame.

Handling of the CLOSE opcode is moved up with the rest of the opcodes so
that unmasking gets applied. The payload is no longer returned to the
caller, but neither ARI nor the chan_sip nor pjsip made use of the
payload, which is a good thing since it was masked.

ASTERISK-28231 #close

Change-Id: Icb1b60205fc77ee970ddc91d1f545671781344cf
M res/res_http_websocket.c
1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh://gerrit.asterisk.org:29418/asterisk refs/changes/61/10861/3
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Gerrit-Project: asterisk
Gerrit-Branch: 16
Gerrit-MessageType: newpatchset
Gerrit-Change-Id: Icb1b60205fc77ee970ddc91d1f545671781344cf
Gerrit-Change-Number: 10861
Gerrit-PatchSet: 3
Gerrit-Owner: Jeremy Lainé <jeremy.laine at m4x.org>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Friendly Automation (1000185)
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jeremy Lainé <jeremy.laine at m4x.org>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Joshua C. Colp <jcolp at digium.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Sean Bright <sean.bright at gmail.com>
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