[Asterisk-code-review] build: Improve handling of CHANGES and UPGRADE.txt for relea... (repotools[master])
Benjamin Keith Ford
asteriskteam at digium.com
Fri Feb 1 11:46:23 CST 2019
Benjamin Keith Ford has uploaded this change for review. ( https://gerrit.asterisk.org/10941
Change subject: build: Improve handling of CHANGES and UPGRADE.txt for releases.
build: Improve handling of CHANGES and UPGRADE.txt for releases.
The release script now handles the merging of the CHANGES and
UPGRADE.txt files for us! When a release is being done, the script will
go through the staging changes in the Asterisk working directory
(<asterisk-home>/doc/<file>-staging) and add each change to the
corresponding file. A separate script (process-staging-changes) has also
been added that can be used when creating a new version from master. It
takes 3 arguments: -l/--local-root, which is optional,
-s/--start-version, and -e/--end-version. You can use -h for more
information on each option.
This means that there's a new way to document our major changes. All
changes for CHANGES will go into doc/CHANGES-staging and all changes for
UPGRADE.txt will go into doc/UPGRADE-staging. Each of these files should
have a meaningful name related to what the change is. For example, if
you made a change to something in pjsip, your file might be called
"res_pjsip_relative_title", where "relative_title" will be something a
little more descriptive than that. Inside of each file, you will have a
subject line followed by a blank line, with the description of the
change following that. You can have multiple subject lines in one file.
For example, it may look something like this:
Subject: res_pjsip
This is a detailed description of what I changed.
You can have new lines in between as well, spacing is handled by the
release script!
Subject: res_pjsip
You can have another subject as well!
Subject: Core
The subjects don't have to be the same either!
The header lines (Subject:) are case sensative.
Fore more information, check out the wiki page:
Change-Id: I6dc084afedaeecaf36aaec66c3cf6a5a8ed4ef3c
M mkrelease.py
A process-staging-changes
A staging_changes.py
3 files changed, 227 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
git pull ssh://gerrit.asterisk.org:29418/repotools refs/changes/41/10941/1
diff --git a/mkrelease.py b/mkrelease.py
index 10e1a7e..fd9a272 100755
--- a/mkrelease.py
+++ b/mkrelease.py
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
from release_summary import ReleaseSummary, ReleaseSummaryOptions
from alembic_creator import create_db_script
from testsuite import update_testsuite
+from staging_changes import StagingChangesExtractor
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -692,6 +693,16 @@
create_tag(options, repo)
+ # At this point, we should be on the correct branch with everything ready except
+ # for the staging changes for CHANGES and UPGRADE.txt. Get those changes now
+ # before we push everything upstream.
+ extractor = StagingChangesExtractor(path=options.local_root, start_version=prev_version,
+ end_version=version)
+ ret = extractor.run()
+ if ret != 0:
+ print "Error while trying to get staging changes!"
+ sys.exit(1)
prompt_to_continue("Tag created, pushing changes to remote.")
diff --git a/process-staging-changes b/process-staging-changes
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..79e33f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/process-staging-changes
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Manually get the staging changes from <asterisk_home>/doc/<file>-staging
+and add them to <file>.
+Ben Ford <bford at digium.com>
+from staging_changes import StagingChangesExtractor
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = ArgumentParser(description="Processes changes in working tree and updates files")
+ parser.add_argument("-l", "--local-root", dest="path", help="The local root to work from", default="/tmp")
+ parser.add_argument("-s", "--start-version", dest="start", help="The version to start from", required=True)
+ parser.add_argument("-e", "--end-version", dest="end", help="The version to end on", required=True)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ sce = StagingChangesExtractor(ast_path=args.path, start_version=args.start, end_version=args.end)
+ ret = sce.run()
+ if ret == 0:
+ print "Done!"
+ else:
+ print "Uh oh - omething went wrong!"
diff --git a/staging_changes.py b/staging_changes.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..876bc2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging_changes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Used to extract information from <asterisk_home>/doc/<file>-staging/
+and add that information to <asterisk_home>/<file>
+Ben Ford <bford at digium.com>
+import logging
+import os
+import fileinput
+LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class StagingChangesExtractor:
+ '''
+ Holds all the information needed to update the target files.
+ Currently there is support for CHANGES and UPGRADE.txt
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, ast_path, start_version, end_version):
+ '''
+ Initializer
+ ast_path The location of the Asterisk directory we are working with
+ start_version The version we are starting from
+ end_version The version we are ending on
+ '''
+ if ast_path is None:
+ raise Exception("ast_path cannot be NULL")
+ if start_version is None:
+ raise Exception("start_version cannot be NULL")
+ if end_version is None:
+ raise Exception("end_version cannot be NULL")
+ self.data = dict()
+ # If the path doesn't end with '/', go ahead and add one for get_staging_changes
+ if ast_path.endswith('/') == False:
+ ast_path += '/'
+ self.ast_path = ast_path
+ self.start_version = start_version
+ self.end_version = end_version
+ def gen_separator(self, count):
+ '''
+ Generate a number of dashes to be used as a separator
+ count The number of dashes to generate
+ returns A string with <count> dash(es)
+ '''
+ ret = ""
+ for num in range(count):
+ ret += "-"
+ return ret
+ def gen_header(self, mode):
+ '''
+ Generate the header that will precede data in the target file
+ '''
+ if mode is "CHANGES":
+ header = "--- Functionality changes from Asterisk {0} to Asterisk {1} ".format(self.start_version, self.end_version)
+ remaining = FUNCTIONALITY_SEPARATOR_DASH_COUNT - len(header)
+ header += self.gen_separator(remaining)
+ separator = self.gen_separator(FUNCTIONALITY_SEPARATOR_DASH_COUNT)
+ header = separator + "\n" + header + "\n" + separator + "\n\n"
+ elif mode is "UPGRADE":
+ header = "From {0} to {1}:\n\n".format(self.start_version, self.end_version)
+ else:
+ return None
+ return header
+ def get_staging_changes(self, mode):
+ '''
+ Retrieve changes from <self.ast_path>/doc/<mode>-staging/
+ returns 0 on success
+ returns -1 on failure
+ '''
+ if mode is not "CHANGES" and mode is not "UPGRADE":
+ return -1
+ staging_path = "{0}/doc/{1}-staging".format(self.ast_path, mode)
+ try:
+ for filename in os.listdir(staging_path):
+ if not os.path.isfile(staging_path + "/" + filename) or filename == "README":
+ continue
+ with open(staging_path + "/" + filename, 'r') as f:
+ subject = ""
+ line = f.readline()
+ while line != "":
+ # Get the subject
+ if line.startswith("Subject:"):
+ if subject != "":
+ # In the case of trailing space of any kind, remove it. For example,
+ # double new line characters make the format mess up.
+ self.data.update({subject: self.data[subject].rstrip() + "\n"})
+ subject = line.split("Subject:")[1].lstrip()
+ if subject not in self.data:
+ self.data.update({subject: "{0}{1}\n".format(subject, self.gen_separator(CATEGORY_SEPARATOR_DASH_COUNT))})
+ else:
+ self.data.update({subject: self.data[subject] + "\n"})
+ f.readline()
+ line = f.readline()
+ self.data.update({subject: self.data[subject] + " * " + line})
+ elif line == "\n":
+ # This is a special case because if there is an empty line separating some
+ # text, we don't want to add 3 spaces and then a new line.
+ self.data.update({subject: self.data[subject] + "\n"})
+ else:
+ self.data.update({subject: self.data[subject] + " " + line})
+ line = f.readline()
+ # Clean up the staging directory as we cycle through the files
+ os.remove(os.path.join(staging_path, filename))
+ except:
+ LOGGER.debug("Could not extract data from {0}".format(staging_path))
+ return -1
+ return 0
+ def add_staging_changes(self, mode):
+ '''
+ Add the changes retrieved to <self.ast_path/<mode>(.txt)
+ returns 0 on success
+ returns -1 on failure
+ '''
+ if mode is not "CHANGES" and mode is not "UPGRADE":
+ return -1
+ if bool(self.data) is False:
+ # There was no data to retrieve during get_staging_changes
+ return 0
+ header = self.gen_header(mode)
+ if header is None:
+ return -1
+ file_path = "{0}/{1}".format(self.ast_path, mode)
+ if mode is "UPGRADE":
+ file_path += ".txt"
+ try:
+ insert = 0
+ for line in fileinput.FileInput(file_path, inplace = 1):
+ if insert is 0 and line in ["\n", "\r\n"]:
+ insert = 1
+ continue
+ if insert is 1:
+ for entry in self.data:
+ line = line.replace(line, self.data[entry] + "\n" + line)
+ line = line.replace(line, "\n" + header + line)
+ insert = 2
+ print line,
+ except:
+ LOGGER.debug("Could not add data to {0}".format(file_path))
+ return -1
+ return 0
+ def run(self):
+ '''
+ Put everything together and run it
+ returns 0 on success
+ returns -1 on failure
+ '''
+ for mode in MODES:
+ LOGGER.debug("Extracting changes for {0}".format(mode))
+ self.data.clear()
+ ret = self.get_staging_changes(mode)
+ if ret is not 0:
+ LOGGER.debug("Failed during {0} get_staging_changes step - aborting "
+ "(working directory probably needs to be reset!!!)".format(mode))
+ return -1
+ ret = self.add_staging_changes(mode)
+ if ret is not 0:
+ LOGGER.debug("Failed during {0} add_staging_changes step - aborting "
+ "(working directory probably needs to be reset!!!)".format(mode))
+ return -1
+ return 0
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Gerrit-Project: repotools
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I6dc084afedaeecaf36aaec66c3cf6a5a8ed4ef3c
Gerrit-Change-Number: 10941
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Owner: Benjamin Keith Ford <bford at digium.com>
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