[Asterisk-code-review] CI: Add Testsuite Gate (same as Unit Test) (testsuite[16.0])
George Joseph
asteriskteam at digium.com
Mon Jul 23 10:54:53 CDT 2018
George Joseph has uploaded this change for review. ( https://gerrit.asterisk.org/9604
Change subject: CI: Add Testsuite Gate (same as Unit Test)
CI: Add Testsuite Gate (same as Unit Test)
Change-Id: Idb2371f51d085aaf0e408bbcf1c28cc680cfaa47
A CI/gates.jenkinsfile
1 file changed, 203 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
git pull ssh://gerrit.asterisk.org:29418/testsuite refs/changes/04/9604/1
diff --git a/CI/gates.jenkinsfile b/CI/gates.jenkinsfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f5b4ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CI/gates.jenkinsfile
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+ * This pipeline is the "template" for the Testsuite Unit Tests multi-branch
+ * parent job. Jenkins will automatically scan the branches in the "testsuite"
+ * or "Security-testsuite" projects in Gerrit and automatically create a branch-
+ * specific job for each branch it finds this file in.
+ *
+ * This file starts as a declarative pipeline because with a declarative
+ * pipeline, you can define the trigger in the pipeline file. This keeps
+ * everything in one place. We transition to scripted pipeline later on because
+ * we need to dynamically determine which docker image we're going to use and
+ * you can't do that in a delcarative pipeline.
+ */
+pipeline {
+ triggers {
+ /*
+ * This trigger will match either the "asterisk" or "Security-asterisk"
+ * projects. The branch is taken from the branch this job was created
+ * for.
+ */
+ gerrit customUrl: '',
+ commentTextParameterMode: 'PLAIN',
+ commitMessageParameterMode: 'PLAIN',
+ gerritBuildSuccessfulVerifiedValue: 2,
+ gerritBuildFailedVerifiedValue: -1,
+ gerritBuildUnstableVerifiedValue: -1,
+ gerritProjects: [
+ [branches: [[compareType: 'PLAIN', pattern: "${BRANCH_NAME}"]],
+ compareType: 'REG_EXP',
+ disableStrictForbiddenFileVerification: false,
+ pattern: '^(Security-)?testsuite.*'
+ ]
+ ],
+ silentMode: false,
+ triggerOnEvents: [
+ commentAddedContains('^regate$'),
+ commentAdded(commentAddedTriggerApprovalValue: '+2', verdictCategory: 'Code-Review'),
+ ],
+ skipVote: [
+ onFailed: false,
+ onNotBuilt: true,
+ onSuccessful: false,
+ onUnstable: false
+ ]
+ }
+ agent {
+ /* All of the stages need to be performed on a docker host */
+ label "swdev-docker"
+ }
+ stages {
+ stage ("->") {
+ /*
+ * Jenkins will try to automatically rebuild this job when
+ * the jenkinsfile changes but since this job is dependent on
+ * Gerrit, we really don't want to do anything in that case.
+ */
+ when {
+ not { environment name: 'GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER', value: '' }
+ not { environment name: 'GERRIT_EVENT_ACCOUNT_NAME', value: 'Jenkins2' }
+ }
+ steps {
+ script {
+ stage ("Checkout") {
+ sh "sudo chown -R jenkins:users ."
+ env.GERRIT_PROJECT_URL = env.GERRIT_CHANGE_URL.replaceAll(/\/[0-9]+$/, "/${env.GERRIT_PROJECT}")
+ sh "printenv | sort"
+ /*
+ * Jenkins has already automatically checked out the base branch
+ * for this change but we now need to check out the change itself
+ * and rebase it on the current base branch. If the rebase fails,
+ * that's an indication to the user that they'll need to sort their
+ * change out.
+ *
+ * The Gerrit Trigger provides all the URLs and refspecs to
+ * check out the change.
+ */
+ checkout scm: [$class: 'GitSCM',
+ branches: [[name: env.GERRIT_BRANCH ]],
+ extensions: [
+ [$class: 'ScmName', name: env.GERRIT_NAME],
+ [$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckout'],
+ [$class: 'PreBuildMerge', options: [
+ mergeRemote: env.GERRIT_NAME,
+ fastForwardMode: 'NO_FF',
+ mergeStrategy: 'RECURSIVE',
+ mergeTarget: env.GERRIT_BRANCH]],
+ [$class: 'CloneOption',
+ honorRefspec: true,
+ noTags: true,
+ depth: 10,
+ shallow: true
+ ],
+ [$class: 'PruneStaleBranch'],
+ [$class: 'BuildChooserSetting',
+ buildChooser: [$class: 'GerritTriggerBuildChooser']
+ ]
+ ],
+ userRemoteConfigs: [
+ [name: env.GERRIT_NAME, refspec: env.GERRIT_REFSPEC, url: env.GERRIT_PROJECT_URL ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ sh "sudo CI/setupJenkinsEnvironment.sh --output-dir=CI/output"
+ }
+ def images = env.DOCKER_IMAGES.split(' ')
+ def r = currentBuild.startTimeInMillis % images.length
+ def ri = images[(int)r]
+ def randomImage = env.DOCKER_REGISTRY + "/" + ri;
+ def bt = env.BUILD_TAG.replaceAll(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]/, '-')
+ def dockerOptions = "--ulimit core=0 --ulimit nofile=10240 " +
+ " -v /srv/jenkins:/srv/jenkins:rw -v /srv/cache:/srv/cache:rw " +
+ " --entrypoint='' --name ${bt}-build"
+ def outputDir = "CI/output"
+ def astDir = "${outputDir}/asterisk"
+ def img = docker.image(randomImage)
+ img.pull()
+ img.inside(dockerOptions) {
+ def asteriskUrl = env.GERRIT_PROJECT_URL.replaceAll(/\/(Security-)?[^\/]+$/, "/\$1asterisk")
+ checkout scm: [$class: 'GitSCM',
+ branches: [[name: "${BRANCH_NAME}"]],
+ extensions: [
+ [$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: astDir],
+ [$class: 'CloneOption',
+ noTags: true,
+ depth: 10,
+ honorRefspec: true,
+ shallow: true
+ ],
+ ],
+ userRemoteConfigs: [[name: env.GERRIT_NAME, url: asteriskUrl]]
+ ]
+ stage ('Build') {
+ echo 'Building..'
+ sh """
+ cd ${astDir}
+ ./tests/CI/buildAsterisk.sh --output-dir=${env.WORKSPACE}/${outputDir} --cache-dir=/srv/cache
+ sudo ./tests/CI/installAsterisk.sh --user-group=jenkins:users
+ """
+ }
+ stage ('Test') {
+ sh "./self_test"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ post {
+ cleanup {
+ sh "sudo make distclean 2&>/dev/null || : "
+ sh "sudo rm -rf CI/output 2&>/dev/null || : "
+ }
+ /*
+ * The Gerrit Trigger will automatically post the "Verified" results back
+ * to Gerrit but the verification publisher publishes extra stuff in the
+ * "Code Review" section of the review.
+ */
+ always {
+ script {
+ def cat
+ def comment
+ def rvalue
+ switch (currentBuild.currentResult) {
+ case ~/^SUCCESS$/:
+ cat = "Passed"
+ comment = ""
+ rvalue = 1
+ break
+ case ~/^FAILURE$/:
+ cat = "Failed"
+ comment = "Fatal Error"
+ rvalue = -1
+ break
+ case ~/^UNSTABLE$/:
+ cat = "Failed"
+ comment = "Tests Failed"
+ rvalue = -1
+ break
+ }
+ gerritverificationpublisher verifyStatusValue: rvalue,
+ verifyStatusCategory: cat, verifyStatusURL: '',
+ verifyStatusComment: comment, verifyStatusName: '',
+ verifyStatusReporter: 'Jenkins2', verifyStatusRerun: 'regate'
+ }
+ }
+ success {
+ echo "Reporting ${currentBuild.currentResult} Passed"
+ }
+ failure {
+ echo "Reporting ${currentBuild.currentResult}: Failed: Fatal Error"
+ }
+ unstable {
+ echo "Reporting ${currentBuild.currentResult}: Failed: Tests Failed"
+ }
+ }
To view, visit https://gerrit.asterisk.org/9604
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Gerrit-Project: testsuite
Gerrit-Branch: 16.0
Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: Idb2371f51d085aaf0e408bbcf1c28cc680cfaa47
Gerrit-Change-Number: 9604
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Owner: George Joseph <gjoseph at digium.com>
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