[Asterisk-code-review] Initial commit for 13 testsuite branch (testsuite[13])
Kevin Harwell
asteriskteam at digium.com
Wed Jan 24 16:23:15 CST 2018
Kevin Harwell has uploaded this change for review. ( https://gerrit.asterisk.org/8042
Change subject: Initial commit for 13 testsuite branch
Initial commit for 13 testsuite branch
This patch removes all tests that are not supported by the current Asterisk 13
branch. Subsequently, this patch removes all tests that have a minversion
greater than 13.20.0 or a maxversion less than 13.20.0.
Change-Id: I5f0b4fd9383e01784c692c3b0c3a4b0bbaa9ae6a
D tests/apps/bridge/bridge_add/test-config.yaml
D tests/apps/control_playback/remote_uri/test-config.yaml
D tests/apps/playback/remote_uri/test-config.yaml
D tests/apps/statsd/nominal/test-config.yaml
D tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/empty_params/test-config.yaml
D tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/invalid_metric/test-config.yaml
D tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/invalid_sample_rate/test-config.yaml
D tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/invalid_value/test-config.yaml
D tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/invalid_variable/test-config.yaml
D tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/no_metric/test-config.yaml
D tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/no_value/test-config.yaml
D tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/no_variable/test-config.yaml
D tests/apps/waitdigit/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/SIP/redirecting_reason/v13.0.0/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/basic_calls/incoming/nominal/authed/md5/ident_by_header/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/basic_calls/incoming/nominal/authed/userpass/ident_by_header/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/basic_calls/incoming/nominal/unauthed/ident_by_header/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/publish/dialog_info_xml/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/publish/presence_pidf/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/publish/presence_xpidf/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/refer_send_to_vm/v12.2.0/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/a/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/aaaa/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/explicit_transport_configured/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/order/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/preference/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/preference_failover/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/restricted_transport/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/transport_tcp/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/transport_udp/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/transport_unspecified/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/explicit_transport_configured/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/in_dialog/timeout/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/in_dialog/transport_tcp/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/in_dialog/transport_udp/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/in_dialog/transport_unspecified/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/out_of_dialog/timeout/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/out_of_dialog/transport_tcp/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/out_of_dialog/transport_udp/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/out_of_dialog/transport_unspecified/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/priority/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/transport_tcp/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/transport_udp/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/transport_unspecified/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio-video/accept/bundled/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio-video/accept/multiple-audio/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio-video/accept/multiple-video/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio/accept/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio/add/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio/remove/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/video/accept/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/video/add/test-config.yaml
D tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/video/remove/test-config.yaml
D tests/manager/status_all_vars/test-config.yaml
D tests/pbx/autohints/test-config.yaml
D tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/bridge/bridge_after_answer/test-config.yaml
D tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/bridge/bridge_early_media/test-config.yaml
D tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/bridge/bridge_then_dial/test-config.yaml
D tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/bridge/bridge_while_ringing/test-config.yaml
D tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/create/nominal/test-config.yaml
D tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/create/off-nominal/test-config.yaml
D tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/dial/nominal/basic/test-config.yaml
D tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/dial/nominal/continue/test-config.yaml
D tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/dial/off-nominal/test-config.yaml
D tests/rest_api/channels/create_duplicate_id/test-config.yaml
D tests/rest_api/channels/playback/lists/basic/test-config.yaml
D tests/rest_api/channels/playback/lists/forward/test-config.yaml
D tests/rest_api/channels/playback/lists/reverse/test-config.yaml
D tests/rest_api/channels/playback/lists/stop/test-config.yaml
D tests/rest_api/events/variables/test-config.yaml
D tests/rest_api/recording/stored/file/test-config.yaml
D tests/sorcery/memory_cache_expire/test-config.yaml
D tests/sorcery/memory_cache_expire_object/test-config.yaml
D tests/sorcery/memory_cache_stale/test-config.yaml
D tests/sorcery/memory_cache_stale_object/test-config.yaml
75 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 5,173 deletions(-)
git pull ssh://gerrit.asterisk.org:29418/testsuite refs/changes/42/8042/1
diff --git a/tests/apps/bridge/bridge_add/test-config.yaml b/tests/apps/bridge/bridge_add/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 491be48..0000000
--- a/tests/apps/bridge/bridge_add/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Tests BridgeAdd application'
- description: |
- * We call alice
- * alice calls bob
- * bob answers and starts the AMD app
- * When bob enters the bridge, we call charlie
- * when charlie answers, bridgeadd is is called
- * bridgeadd calls BridgeAdd to alice's channel
- * charlie plays a human simulation
- * bob's AMD detects HUMAN
- * charlie's playback finishes and now he starts AMD
- * bob's AMD finishes and now he plays a human simulation
- * charlie's AMD detects HUMAN
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'test_case.TestCaseModule'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: 'ami-config'
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.EventActionModule'
- reactor-timeout: 15
- connect-ami: True
- stop-on-end: True
- -
- ami-start:
- ami-actions:
- action:
- Action: 'Originate'
- ActionID: '12345'
- Channel: 'Local/alice at default'
- Exten: 'bob'
- Context: 'default'
- Priority: '1'
- Codecs: 'gsm,ulaw'
- -
- ami-events:
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'BridgeEnter'
- BridgeTechnology: 'simple_bridge'
- Channel: 'Local/alice at default-00000000;2'
- count: 1
- ami-actions:
- action:
- Action: 'Originate'
- ActionID: '12345'
- Channel: 'Local/charlie at default'
- Exten: 'charlie_real'
- Context: 'default'
- Priority: '1'
- Codecs: 'gsm,ulaw'
- -
- ami-events:
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'VarSet'
- Variable: 'AMDSTATUS'
- Value: 'HUMAN'
- Channel: 'Local/bob at default-00000001;2'
- count: 1
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'VarSet'
- Variable: 'AMDSTATUS'
- Value: 'HUMAN'
- Channel: 'Local/charlie at default-00000002;1'
- count: 1
- stop_test:
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - asterisk : 'app_amd'
- - asterisk : 'app_bridgeaddchan'
- - asterisk : 'app_dial'
- - asterisk : 'app_playback'
- tags:
- - bridge
diff --git a/tests/apps/control_playback/remote_uri/test-config.yaml b/tests/apps/control_playback/remote_uri/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f8f6aae..0000000
--- a/tests/apps/control_playback/remote_uri/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test ControlPlayback of a remote media resource'
- description: |
- 'This tests playing back a remote media resource using the
- ControlPlayback application.'
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'test_case.SimpleTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: ami-config
- typename: 'ami.AMIEventModule'
- -
- config-section: http-server
- typename: 'http_static_server.HTTPStaticServer'
- spawn-after-hangup: True
- expected_events: 0
- test-iterations:
- -
- channel: 'Local/test at default'
- application: 'Echo'
- port: 8090
- root-directory: 'contrib/sounds'
- -
- type: 'headermatch'
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'UserEvent'
- UserEvent: 'Offset'
- requirements:
- match:
- Result: 'offset_pass'
- count: '1'
- -
- type: 'headermatch'
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'UserEvent'
- UserEvent: 'Status'
- requirements:
- match:
- Result: 'status_pass'
- count: '1'
- -
- type: 'headermatch'
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'TestEvent'
- State: 'PLAYBACK'
- Message: 'http://localhost:8090/talking.wav'
- count: '1'
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- tags:
- - playback
- - apps
- dependencies:
- - python : 'twisted'
- - python : 'starpy'
- - buildoption: 'TEST_FRAMEWORK'
- - asterisk : 'app_exec'
- - asterisk : 'app_controlplayback'
- - asterisk : 'app_userevent'
- - asterisk : 'pbx_config'
- - asterisk : 'res_http_media_cache'
diff --git a/tests/apps/playback/remote_uri/test-config.yaml b/tests/apps/playback/remote_uri/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dfd202..0000000
--- a/tests/apps/playback/remote_uri/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test Playback of a remote media resource'
- description: |
- 'This tests Playback of a media resource from a remote HTTP server.
- It includes both a single media resource playback, as well as when
- multiple resources are chained.'
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'test_case.SimpleTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: ami-config
- typename: 'ami.AMIEventModule'
- -
- config-section: http-server
- typename: 'http_static_server.HTTPStaticServer'
- spawn-after-hangup: True
- expected_events: 0
- reactor-timeout: 45
- test-iterations:
- -
- channel: 'Local/test at default'
- application: 'Echo'
- port: 8090
- root-directory: 'contrib/sounds'
- -
- type: 'headermatch'
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'UserEvent'
- requirements:
- match:
- Result: 'pass'
- count: '2'
- -
- type: 'headermatch'
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'TestEvent'
- State: 'PLAYBACK'
- Message: 'http://localhost:8090/talking.wav'
- count: '3'
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- tags:
- - playback
- - apps
- dependencies:
- - python : 'twisted'
- - python : 'starpy'
- - buildoption: 'TEST_FRAMEWORK'
- - asterisk : 'app_userevent'
- - asterisk : 'app_playback'
- - asterisk : 'res_http_media_cache'
diff --git a/tests/apps/statsd/nominal/test-config.yaml b/tests/apps/statsd/nominal/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f2653f..0000000
--- a/tests/apps/statsd/nominal/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- summary: |
- Test sending statistics to a StatsD server for the StatsD Dialplan
- Application
- description: |
- This test verifies that a user will be able to send statistics properly
- to StatsD through the StatsD Dialplan Application.
- test-object:
- config-section: 'test-object-config'
- typename: 'test_case.TestCaseModule'
- modules:
- -
- typename: 'mockd.MockDServer'
- config-section: 'statsd-config'
- -
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- config-section: 'originator-config'
- asterisk-instances: 1
- connect-ami: True
- reactor-timeout: 15
- prefix: nominal
- packets:
- -
- 'nominal.foo:1|g'
- -
- 'nominal.bar:2|s'
- -
- 'nominal.baz:3|ms'
- -
- 'nominal.last:4|c'
- channel: 'Local/start at default'
- context: default
- exten: start
- priority: 1
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- async: True
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'autobahn.websocket'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - asterisk: 'app_statsd'
- tags:
- - statsd
- - apps
diff --git a/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/empty_params/test-config.yaml b/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/empty_params/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ae53a63..0000000
--- a/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/empty_params/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- summary: |
- Test sending empty statistics to the StatsD Dialplan Application
- description: |
- This test verifies that the StatsD Dialplan Application will fail
- appropriately when no parameters are given.
- test-object:
- config-section: 'test-object-config'
- typename: 'test_case.TestCaseModule'
- modules:
- -
- typename: 'mockd.MockDServer'
- config-section: 'statsd-config'
- -
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- config-section: 'originator-config'
- asterisk-instances: 1
- connect-ami: True
- reactor-timeout: 15
- packets:
- -
- 'ReceiveNothing'
- channel: 'Local/start at default'
- context: default
- exten: start
- priority: 1
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- async: True
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'autobahn.websocket'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - asterisk: 'app_statsd'
- tags:
- - statsd
- - apps
diff --git a/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/invalid_metric/test-config.yaml b/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/invalid_metric/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 987c50d..0000000
--- a/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/invalid_metric/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- summary: |
- Test sending an invalid metric to the StatsD Dialplan Application
- description: |
- This test verifies that the StatsD Dialplan Application will fail
- appropriately when an invalid metric type is given.
- test-object:
- config-section: 'test-object-config'
- typename: 'test_case.TestCaseModule'
- modules:
- -
- typename: 'mockd.MockDServer'
- config-section: 'statsd-config'
- -
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- config-section: 'originator-config'
- asterisk-instances: 1
- connect-ami: True
- reactor-timeout: 15
- packets:
- -
- 'ReceiveNothing'
- channel: 'Local/start at default'
- context: default
- exten: start
- priority: 1
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- async: True
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'autobahn.websocket'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - asterisk: 'app_statsd'
- tags:
- - statsd
- - apps
diff --git a/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/invalid_sample_rate/test-config.yaml b/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/invalid_sample_rate/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b0f20f..0000000
--- a/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/invalid_sample_rate/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- summary: |
- Test sending an empty variable name to the StatsD Dialplan Application
- description: |
- This test verifies that the StatsD Dialplan Application will fail
- appropriately when a variable name is not given.
- test-object:
- config-section: 'test-object-config'
- typename: 'test_case.TestCaseModule'
- modules:
- -
- typename: 'mockd.MockDServer'
- config-section: 'statsd-config'
- -
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- config-section: 'originator-config'
- asterisk-instances: 1
- connect-ami: True
- reactor-timeout: 15
- packets:
- -
- 'ReceiveNothing'
- channel: 'Local/start at default'
- context: default
- exten: start
- priority: 1
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- async: True
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'autobahn.websocket'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - asterisk: 'app_statsd'
- tags:
- - statsd
- - apps
diff --git a/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/invalid_value/test-config.yaml b/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/invalid_value/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a49953f..0000000
--- a/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/invalid_value/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- summary: |
- Test sending an invalid value to the StatsD Dialplan Application
- description: |
- This test verifies that the StatsD Dialplan Application will fail
- appropriately when an invalid value is given.
- test-object:
- config-section: 'test-object-config'
- typename: 'test_case.TestCaseModule'
- modules:
- -
- typename: 'mockd.MockDServer'
- config-section: 'statsd-config'
- -
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- config-section: 'originator-config'
- asterisk-instances: 1
- connect-ami: True
- reactor-timeout: 15
- packets:
- -
- 'ReceiveNothing'
- channel: 'Local/start at default'
- context: default
- exten: start
- priority: 1
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- async: True
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'autobahn.websocket'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - asterisk: 'app_statsd'
- tags:
- - statsd
- - apps
diff --git a/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/invalid_variable/test-config.yaml b/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/invalid_variable/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ef5a8b1..0000000
--- a/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/invalid_variable/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- summary: |
- Test sending an invalid variable name to the StatsD Dialplan Application
- description: |
- This test verifies that the StatsD Dialplan Application will fail
- appropriately when an invalid variable name is given.
- test-object:
- config-section: 'test-object-config'
- typename: 'test_case.TestCaseModule'
- modules:
- -
- typename: 'mockd.MockDServer'
- config-section: 'statsd-config'
- -
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- config-section: 'originator-config'
- asterisk-instances: 1
- connect-ami: True
- reactor-timeout: 15
- packets:
- -
- 'ReceiveNothing'
- channel: 'Local/start at default'
- context: default
- exten: start
- priority: 1
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- async: True
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'autobahn.websocket'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - asterisk: 'app_statsd'
- tags:
- - statsd
- - apps
diff --git a/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/no_metric/test-config.yaml b/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/no_metric/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3216ad2..0000000
--- a/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/no_metric/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- summary: |
- Test sending an empty metric type to the StatsD Dialplan Application
- description: |
- This test verifies that the StatsD Dialplan Application will fail
- appropriately when a metric type is not given.
- test-object:
- config-section: 'test-object-config'
- typename: 'test_case.TestCaseModule'
- modules:
- -
- typename: 'mockd.MockDServer'
- config-section: 'statsd-config'
- -
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- config-section: 'originator-config'
- asterisk-instances: 1
- connect-ami: True
- reactor-timeout: 15
- packets:
- -
- 'ReceiveNothing'
- channel: 'Local/start at default'
- context: default
- exten: start
- priority: 1
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- async: True
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'autobahn.websocket'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - asterisk: 'app_statsd'
- tags:
- - statsd
- - apps
diff --git a/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/no_value/test-config.yaml b/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/no_value/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ef2dcd..0000000
--- a/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/no_value/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- summary: |
- Test sending an empty value to the StatsD Dialplan Application
- description: |
- This test verifies that the StatsD Dialplan Application will fail
- appropriately when a value is not given.
- test-object:
- config-section: 'test-object-config'
- typename: 'test_case.TestCaseModule'
- modules:
- -
- typename: 'mockd.MockDServer'
- config-section: 'statsd-config'
- -
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- config-section: 'originator-config'
- asterisk-instances: 1
- connect-ami: True
- reactor-timeout: 15
- packets:
- -
- 'ReceiveNothing'
- channel: 'Local/start at default'
- context: default
- exten: start
- priority: 1
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- async: True
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'autobahn.websocket'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - asterisk: 'app_statsd'
- tags:
- - statsd
- - apps
diff --git a/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/no_variable/test-config.yaml b/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/no_variable/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cfe4a6..0000000
--- a/tests/apps/statsd/off-nominal/no_variable/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- summary: |
- Test sending an empty variable name to the StatsD Dialplan Application
- description: |
- This test verifies that the StatsD Dialplan Application will fail
- appropriately when a variable name is not given.
- add-test-to-search-path: 'True'
- add-relative-to-search-path: ['../..']
- test-object:
- config-section: 'test-object-config'
- typename: 'test_case.TestCaseModule'
- modules:
- -
- typename: 'mockd.MockDServer'
- config-section: 'statsd-config'
- -
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- config-section: 'originator-config'
- asterisk-instances: 1
- connect-ami: True
- reactor-timeout: 15
- packets:
- -
- 'ReceiveNothing'
- channel: 'Local/start at default'
- context: default
- exten: start
- priority: 1
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- async: True
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'autobahn.websocket'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - asterisk: 'app_statsd'
- tags:
- - statsd
- - apps
diff --git a/tests/apps/waitdigit/test-config.yaml b/tests/apps/waitdigit/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 160c8b4..0000000
--- a/tests/apps/waitdigit/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test WaitDigit'
- description: |
- 'Basic testing of WaitDigit.'
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'test_case.SimpleTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: ami-config
- typename: 'ami.AMIEventModule'
- spawn-after-hangup: True
- expected_events: 4
- test-iterations:
- -
- channel: 'Local/test at default'
- context: 'caller'
- exten: 'test'
- priority: 1
- -
- type: 'headermatch'
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'UserEvent'
- requirements:
- match:
- Result: 'pass'
- count: '4'
- minversion: '15.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python : 'twisted'
- - python : 'starpy'
- - asterisk : 'app_userevent'
- - asterisk : 'app_senddtmf'
diff --git a/tests/channels/SIP/redirecting_reason/v13.0.0/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/SIP/redirecting_reason/v13.0.0/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 15bb36a..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/SIP/redirecting_reason/v13.0.0/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test that custom SIP redirecting reasons are accessible from the dialplan'
- description: |
- 'This test performs three calls.
- On the first call, an INVITE with a Diversion header arrives into Asterisk. We
- ensure that from the dialplan, the redirecting reason is what we expect it to be.
- On the second call, we place an outgoing call to a UAS that responds with a 302. In
- that 302, there is a Diversion header with a reason parameter. We again check in the
- dialplan to ensure that the redirecting reason has been set to this value.
- On the third call, we place an outgoing call to a UAS that responds with a 480, and
- with custom status text. We then ensure that the custom status text appears as the
- redirecting reason in the dialplan.'
- test-object:
- config-section: 'calls'
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: 'ami-config'
- typename: 'ami.AMIEventModule'
- fail-on-any: False
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': { 'scenario': 'uac-diversion.xml', '-s': 'test_diversion'} }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': { 'scenario': 'uas-redirect.xml', '-p': '5062'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'redir_target', 'test_diversion']}
- - { 'key-args': { 'scenario': 'uac-no-hangup.xml', '-d': '2000', '-s': 'diverter', '-p': '5061'} }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': { 'scenario': 'uas-480.xml', '-p': '5062'}}
- - { 'key-args': { 'scenario': 'uac-no-hangup.xml', '-d': '2000', '-s': 'unavailable', '-p': '5061'} }
- -
- type: 'headermatch'
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'UserEvent'
- UserEvent: 'RedirectReason'
- requirements:
- match:
- Result: 'Success'
- count: '3'
- minversion: '13.0.0'
- maxversion: '13.8.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'twisted'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - sipp:
- version: 'v3.1'
- - asterisk: 'app_dial'
- - asterisk: 'app_userevent'
- - asterisk: 'chan_sip'
- - asterisk: 'func_callerid'
- tags:
- - SIP
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/basic_calls/incoming/nominal/authed/md5/ident_by_header/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/basic_calls/incoming/nominal/authed/md5/ident_by_header/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0efed14..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/basic_calls/incoming/nominal/authed/md5/ident_by_header/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Tests incoming calls with authentication'
- description: |
- Run a SIPp scenario that sends various calls to res_pjsip,
- which should be authenticated.
- All calls are identified by a custom SIP header with a
- keyword that maps to an endpoint.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- memcheck-delay-stop: 7
- reactor-timeout: 80
- fail-on-any: False
- test-iterations:
- # IPv4 & UDP
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'e7657250-07fa-11e7-92f8-1b946c0c7e84'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5062', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'e7657250-07fa-11e7-92f8-1b946c0c7e84'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5063', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'e7657250-07fa-11e7-92f8-1b946c0c7e84'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5064', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'e7657250-07fa-11e7-92f8-1b946c0c7e84'] }
- # IPv4 & TCP
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5065', '-t': 't1', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '6589e618-081c-11e7-b9cd-97b9bfb99334'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5066', '-t': 't1', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '6589e618-081c-11e7-b9cd-97b9bfb99334'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5067', '-t': 't1', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '6589e618-081c-11e7-b9cd-97b9bfb99334'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5068', '-t': 't1', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '6589e618-081c-11e7-b9cd-97b9bfb99334'] }
- # IPv6 & UDP
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5071', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '664fa1be-081c-11e7-a079-c3d965562f3e'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5072', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '664fa1be-081c-11e7-a079-c3d965562f3e'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5073', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '664fa1be-081c-11e7-a079-c3d965562f3e'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5074', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '664fa1be-081c-11e7-a079-c3d965562f3e'] }
- # IPv6 & TCP
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5075', '-t': 't1', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'c2d29890-07fb-11e7-b3f4-3b8d2e8ef30d'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5076', '-t': 't1', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'c2d29890-07fb-11e7-b3f4-3b8d2e8ef30d'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5077', '-t': 't1', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'c2d29890-07fb-11e7-b3f4-3b8d2e8ef30d'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5078', '-t': 't1', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'c2d29890-07fb-11e7-b3f4-3b8d2e8ef30d'] }
- minversion: '14.4.0'
- dependencies:
- - sipp :
- version : 'v3.0'
- - asterisk : 'app_dial'
- - asterisk : 'app_echo'
- - asterisk : 'app_playback'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/basic_calls/incoming/nominal/authed/userpass/ident_by_header/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/basic_calls/incoming/nominal/authed/userpass/ident_by_header/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0efed14..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/basic_calls/incoming/nominal/authed/userpass/ident_by_header/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Tests incoming calls with authentication'
- description: |
- Run a SIPp scenario that sends various calls to res_pjsip,
- which should be authenticated.
- All calls are identified by a custom SIP header with a
- keyword that maps to an endpoint.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- memcheck-delay-stop: 7
- reactor-timeout: 80
- fail-on-any: False
- test-iterations:
- # IPv4 & UDP
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'e7657250-07fa-11e7-92f8-1b946c0c7e84'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5062', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'e7657250-07fa-11e7-92f8-1b946c0c7e84'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5063', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'e7657250-07fa-11e7-92f8-1b946c0c7e84'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5064', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'e7657250-07fa-11e7-92f8-1b946c0c7e84'] }
- # IPv4 & TCP
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5065', '-t': 't1', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '6589e618-081c-11e7-b9cd-97b9bfb99334'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5066', '-t': 't1', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '6589e618-081c-11e7-b9cd-97b9bfb99334'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5067', '-t': 't1', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '6589e618-081c-11e7-b9cd-97b9bfb99334'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5068', '-t': 't1', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '6589e618-081c-11e7-b9cd-97b9bfb99334'] }
- # IPv6 & UDP
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5071', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '664fa1be-081c-11e7-a079-c3d965562f3e'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5072', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '664fa1be-081c-11e7-a079-c3d965562f3e'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5073', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '664fa1be-081c-11e7-a079-c3d965562f3e'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5074', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '664fa1be-081c-11e7-a079-c3d965562f3e'] }
- # IPv6 & TCP
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5075', '-t': 't1', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'c2d29890-07fb-11e7-b3f4-3b8d2e8ef30d'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5076', '-t': 't1', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'c2d29890-07fb-11e7-b3f4-3b8d2e8ef30d'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5077', '-t': 't1', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'c2d29890-07fb-11e7-b3f4-3b8d2e8ef30d'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5078', '-t': 't1', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'c2d29890-07fb-11e7-b3f4-3b8d2e8ef30d'] }
- minversion: '14.4.0'
- dependencies:
- - sipp :
- version : 'v3.0'
- - asterisk : 'app_dial'
- - asterisk : 'app_echo'
- - asterisk : 'app_playback'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/basic_calls/incoming/nominal/unauthed/ident_by_header/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/basic_calls/incoming/nominal/unauthed/ident_by_header/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e0be7e7..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/basic_calls/incoming/nominal/unauthed/ident_by_header/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Tests incoming calls without authentication'
- description: |
- Run a SIPp scenario that sends various calls to res_pjsip,
- which should not be authenticated
- All calls are identified by a custom SIP header with a
- keyword that maps to an endpoint.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- memcheck-delay-stop: 7
- reactor-timeout: 80
- fail-on-any: False
- test-iterations:
- # IPv4 & UDP
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'e7657250-07fa-11e7-92f8-1b946c0c7e84'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5062', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'e7657250-07fa-11e7-92f8-1b946c0c7e84'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5063', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'e7657250-07fa-11e7-92f8-1b946c0c7e84'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5064', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'e7657250-07fa-11e7-92f8-1b946c0c7e84'] }
- # IPv4 & TCP
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5065', '-t': 't1', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '6589e618-081c-11e7-b9cd-97b9bfb99334'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5066', '-t': 't1', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '6589e618-081c-11e7-b9cd-97b9bfb99334'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5067', '-t': 't1', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '6589e618-081c-11e7-b9cd-97b9bfb99334'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5068', '-t': 't1', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '6589e618-081c-11e7-b9cd-97b9bfb99334'] }
- # IPv6 & UDP
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5071', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '664fa1be-081c-11e7-a079-c3d965562f3e'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5072', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '664fa1be-081c-11e7-a079-c3d965562f3e'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5073', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '664fa1be-081c-11e7-a079-c3d965562f3e'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5074', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', '664fa1be-081c-11e7-a079-c3d965562f3e'] }
- # IPv6 & TCP
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5075', '-t': 't1', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'c2d29890-07fb-11e7-b3f4-3b8d2e8ef30d'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_initial_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5076', '-t': 't1', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'c2d29890-07fb-11e7-b3f4-3b8d2e8ef30d'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'playback_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5077', '-t': 't1', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'c2d29890-07fb-11e7-b3f4-3b8d2e8ef30d'] }
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'echo_with_deferred_sdp.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5078', '-t': 't1', '-d': '5000', '-s': 'alice'},
- 'ordered-args': ['-key', 'ident_key', 'c2d29890-07fb-11e7-b3f4-3b8d2e8ef30d'] }
- minversion: '14.4.0'
- dependencies:
- - sipp :
- version : 'v3.0'
- - asterisk : 'app_dial'
- - asterisk : 'app_echo'
- - asterisk : 'app_playback'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/publish/dialog_info_xml/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/publish/dialog_info_xml/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 92b06a9..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/publish/dialog_info_xml/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Ensure that outgoing application/pidf+xml PUBLISH messages are sent.'
- description: |
- 'A single Asterisk instance is started and is configured to PUBLISH messages to
- a SIPp scenario using application/pidf+xml. Device state changes are queued up.
- If the PUBLISH messages are not received by the SIPp scenario then the test fails.'
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - sipp :
- version : 'v3.0'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - asterisk: 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk: 'res_pjsip_outbound_publish'
- - asterisk: 'res_pjsip_exten_state'
- tags:
- - pjsip
- test-object:
- config-section: sipp-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- reactor-timeout: 30
- fail-on-any: True
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'publish.xml', '-p': '5061'} }
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- id: '0'
- channel: 'Local/change_state at default'
- context: 'default'
- exten: 'dummy'
- priority: '1'
- async: 'True'
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/publish/presence_pidf/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/publish/presence_pidf/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 92b06a9..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/publish/presence_pidf/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Ensure that outgoing application/pidf+xml PUBLISH messages are sent.'
- description: |
- 'A single Asterisk instance is started and is configured to PUBLISH messages to
- a SIPp scenario using application/pidf+xml. Device state changes are queued up.
- If the PUBLISH messages are not received by the SIPp scenario then the test fails.'
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - sipp :
- version : 'v3.0'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - asterisk: 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk: 'res_pjsip_outbound_publish'
- - asterisk: 'res_pjsip_exten_state'
- tags:
- - pjsip
- test-object:
- config-section: sipp-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- reactor-timeout: 30
- fail-on-any: True
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'publish.xml', '-p': '5061'} }
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- id: '0'
- channel: 'Local/change_state at default'
- context: 'default'
- exten: 'dummy'
- priority: '1'
- async: 'True'
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/publish/presence_xpidf/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/publish/presence_xpidf/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 493f09a..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/publish/presence_xpidf/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Ensure that outgoing application/xpidf+xml PUBLISH messages are sent.'
- description: |
- 'A single Asterisk instance is started and is configured to PUBLISH messages to
- a SIPp scenario using application/xpidf+xml. Device state changes are queued up.
- If the PUBLISH messages are not received by the SIPp scenario then the test fails.'
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - sipp :
- version : 'v3.0'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - asterisk: 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk: 'res_pjsip_outbound_publish'
- - asterisk: 'res_pjsip_exten_state'
- tags:
- - pjsip
- test-object:
- config-section: sipp-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- reactor-timeout: 30
- fail-on-any: True
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'publish.xml', '-p': '5061'} }
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- id: '0'
- channel: 'Local/change_state at default'
- context: 'default'
- exten: 'dummy'
- priority: '1'
- async: 'True'
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/refer_send_to_vm/v12.2.0/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/refer_send_to_vm/v12.2.0/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0344df6..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/refer_send_to_vm/v12.2.0/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test the send to voicemail headers in a refer.'
- description: |
- 'When using a Digium phone depending on the configuration it is
- possible for a REFER to contain a diversion and/or custom header.
- This tests that the appropriate variables are set on the channel
- before entering the dialplan when those headers are present in
- a REFER.'
- minversion: '12.2.0'
- maxversion: '13.8.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'twisted'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - app: 'sipp'
- - asterisk: 'app_dial'
- - asterisk: 'app_userevent'
- - asterisk: 'func_callerid'
- - asterisk: 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk: 'res_pjsip_header_funcs'
- - asterisk: 'res_pjsip_refer'
- - asterisk: 'res_pjsip_send_to_voicemail'
- tags:
- - pjsip
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: ami-config
- typename: 'ami.AMIEventModule'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': { 'scenario':'refer.xml', '-p':'5062' } }
- - { 'key-args': { 'scenario':'invite.xml', '-p':'5061' } }
- -
- id: '0'
- type: 'headermatch'
- count: '1'
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'UserEvent'
- requirements:
- match:
- Status: 'passed'
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/a/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/a/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index d0e76af..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/a/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test resolution of an address using an A record'
- description: |
- This test verifies that an A record lookup successfully occurs using
- the resolver and that traffic is sent to the resulting address.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061'} }
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- ignore-originate-failure: 'no'
- id: '0'
- channel: 'Local/s at default'
- application: 'Echo'
- async: 'True'
- port: 10053
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/aaaa/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/aaaa/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f5182d9..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/aaaa/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test resolution of an address using an AAAA record'
- description: |
- This test verifies that an AAAA record lookup successfully occurs using
- the resolver and that traffic is sent to the resulting address.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas.xml', '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5061'} }
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- ignore-originate-failure: 'no'
- id: '0'
- channel: 'Local/s at default'
- application: 'Echo'
- async: 'True'
- port: 10053
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/explicit_transport_configured/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/explicit_transport_configured/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c0a045..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/explicit_transport_configured/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test NAPTR resolution when an explicit IPv6 transport is configured'
- description: |
- 'This test verifies that when an endpoint is configured with an explicit
- IPv6 transport that a NAPTR then SRV record and then AAAA lookup occurs.'
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator-ipv6
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas-ipv6.xml',
- '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5061'} }
- trigger: 'scenario_start'
- scenario-name: 'uas-ipv6.xml'
- ignore-originate-failure: 'no'
- id: '0'
- channel: 'Local/s-ipv6 at default'
- application: 'Echo'
- async: 'True'
- port: 10053
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.2.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/order/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/order/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a8766c2..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/order/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test NAPTR record order to ensure lowest order is used.'
- description: |
- 'This test verifies that when multiple NAPTR records exist with
- different order values, the record with the lowest order is used.
- A call is place to example.com without a transport specified resulting
- in a NAPTR lookup. If the record with the lowest order is used then the
- SRV record for the TCP transport is used. If the NAPTR record with the
- higher order is used then the SRV record for the UDP transport is used.
- Since the SIPp instance is only listening on TCP, the test will fail if
- UDP is used due to the wrong NAPTR record being used.'
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas.xml', '-i': '',
- '-p': '5061', '-t': 't1'} }
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- ignore-originate-failure: 'no'
- id: '0'
- channel: 'Local/s at default'
- application: 'Echo'
- async: 'True'
- port: 10053
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/preference/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/preference/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 63a491d..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/preference/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test NAPTR record order to ensure lowest order is used.'
- description: |
- 'This test verifies that when multiple NAPTR records exist with
- same order but different preference values, the record with the
- lowest preference is used.
- A call is placed to example.com without a transport specified resulting
- in a NAPTR lookup. If the record with the lowest preference is used then
- the SRV record for the TCP transport is used. If the NAPTR record with
- the higher preference is used then the SRV record for the UDP transport
- is used. Since the SIPp instance is only listening on TCP, the test will
- fail if UDP is used due to the wrong NAPTR record being used.'
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas.xml', '-i': '',
- '-p': '5061', '-t': 't1'} }
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- ignore-originate-failure: 'no'
- id: '0'
- channel: 'Local/s at default'
- application: 'Echo'
- async: 'True'
- port: 10053
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/preference_failover/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/preference_failover/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5475829..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/preference_failover/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test NAPTR record order to ensure lowest order is used.'
- description: |
- 'This test verifies that when a NAPTR record results in a failed SRV
- lookup, that Asterisk fails over to the NAPTR record with the next
- highest preference value.
- A call is placed to example.com without a transport specified resulting
- in a NAPTR lookup. The lowest preference record points to an SRV entry
- that does not exist. Asterisk should attempt to look up this SRV record,
- and fail. The next lowest preference NAPTR record points to an SRV entry
- that does exist, and that SRV record points to a UDP transport. A SIPp
- instance is listening on UDP, so the test will succeed if UDP is used.'
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas.xml', '-i': '',
- '-p': '5061'} }
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- ignore-originate-failure: 'no'
- id: '0'
- channel: 'Local/s at default'
- application: 'Echo'
- async: 'True'
- port: 10053
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/restricted_transport/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/restricted_transport/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c2483fc..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/restricted_transport/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test NAPTR record order to ensure lowest order is used.'
- description: |
- 'This test verifies that when a NAPTR record results in an unsupported
- transport, that Asterisk fails over to the NAPTR record with the next
- highest preference value.
- A call is placed to example.com without a transport specified resulting
- in a NAPTR lookup. The lowest preference record points to an SRV entry
- for a TCP transport. Asterisk should skip this SRV record since TCP is
- not supported. The next lowest preference NAPTR record points to an SRV
- entry for UDP. A SIPp instance is listening on UDP, so the test will
- succeed if UDP is used.'
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas.xml', '-i': '',
- '-p': '5061'} }
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- ignore-originate-failure: 'no'
- id: '0'
- channel: 'Local/s at default'
- application: 'Echo'
- async: 'True'
- port: 10053
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/transport_tcp/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/transport_tcp/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index b0e05be..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/transport_tcp/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test NAPTR resolution of an address with TCP transport specified'
- description: |
- This test verifies that a NAPTR and SRV record lookup successfully occurs using
- the resolver and that traffic is sent to the resulting address. Since the
- TCP transport is explicitly provided the only records that should be looked
- up and used are TCP. Since sipp is listening only on TCP if UDP records are used
- instead the call will fail.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061', '-t': 't1'} }
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- ignore-originate-failure: 'no'
- id: '0'
- channel: 'Local/s at default'
- application: 'Echo'
- async: 'True'
- port: 10053
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/transport_udp/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/transport_udp/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 682d29b..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/transport_udp/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test NAPTR resolution of an address with UDP transport specified'
- description: |
- This test verifies that a NAPTR and SRV record lookup successfully occurs using
- the resolver and that traffic is sent to the resulting address. Since the
- UDP transport is explicitly provided the only records that should be looked
- up and used are UDP. Since sipp is listening only on UDP if TCP records are used
- instead the call will fail.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061'} }
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- ignore-originate-failure: 'no'
- id: '0'
- channel: 'Local/s at default'
- application: 'Echo'
- async: 'True'
- port: 10053
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/transport_unspecified/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/transport_unspecified/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1927105..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/naptr/transport_unspecified/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test NAPTR resolution of an address with no transport specified'
- description: |
- This test verifies that a NAPTR and SRV record lookup successfully occurs using
- the resolver and that traffic is sent to the resulting address. Since no
- transport is explicitly provided the resolver will look up both TCP and UDP
- and favor TCP. Since sipp is listening only on TCP if UDP records are used instead
- the call will fail.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061', '-t': 't1'} }
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- ignore-originate-failure: 'no'
- id: '0'
- channel: 'Local/s at default'
- application: 'Echo'
- async: 'True'
- port: 10053
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/explicit_transport_configured/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/explicit_transport_configured/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index efdf668..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/explicit_transport_configured/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test SRV resolution when an explicit IPv6 transport is configured'
- description: |
- 'This test verifies that when an endpoint is configured with an explicit
- IPv6 transport that an SRV record lookup occurs and then an AAAA lookup
- occurs.'
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator-ipv6
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas-ipv6.xml',
- '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5061'} }
- trigger: 'scenario_start'
- scenario-name: 'uas-ipv6.xml'
- ignore-originate-failure: 'no'
- id: '0'
- channel: 'Local/s-ipv6 at default'
- application: 'Echo'
- async: 'True'
- port: 10053
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.2.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/in_dialog/timeout/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/in_dialog/timeout/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b3515b..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/in_dialog/timeout/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test in dialog SRV failover upon a timeout'
- description: |
- Using an in SIP message (in this case a SIP INVITE), this test
- verifies that an SRV record lookup resulting in multiple results
- will successfully fail over, after timing out, to other records if
- previous ones do not respond.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator-udp
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: originator-tcp
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- reactor-timeout: 60
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas-ignore.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5063', '-timeout': '60s'} }
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas-ignore.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5065', '-t': 't1', '-timeout': '60s'} }
- scenario-trigger-after: '2'
- channel: 'Local/udp at default'
- async: 'True'
- timeout: 60
- scenario-trigger-after: '2'
- channel: 'Local/tcp at default'
- async: 'True'
- timeout: 60
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/in_dialog/transport_tcp/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/in_dialog/transport_tcp/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 886c25f..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/in_dialog/transport_tcp/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test in-dialog SRV failover using a TCP transport'
- description: |
- Using an in-dialog SIP message (in this case a SIP INVITE) over a TCP
- transport, this test verifies that an SRV record lookup resulting in
- multiple results will successfully fail over to other records if
- previous ones do not respond.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas-503.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061', '-t': 't1'} }
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas-ignore.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5062', '-t': 't1'} }
- scenario-trigger-after: '2'
- channel: 'Local/s at default'
- async: 'True'
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/in_dialog/transport_udp/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/in_dialog/transport_udp/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f7e9c83..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/in_dialog/transport_udp/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test in-dialog SRV failover using a UDP transport'
- description: |
- Using an in-dialog SIP message (in this case a SIP INVITE) over a UDP
- transport, this test verifies that an SRV record lookup resulting in
- multiple results will successfully fail over to other records if
- previous ones do not respond.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas-503.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061'} }
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas-ignore.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5062'} }
- scenario-trigger-after: '2'
- channel: 'Local/s at default'
- async: 'True'
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/in_dialog/transport_unspecified/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/in_dialog/transport_unspecified/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c5c8f80..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/in_dialog/transport_unspecified/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test in-dialog SRV failover using an unspecified transport'
- description: |
- Using an in-dialog SIP message (in this case a SIP INVITE) with an
- unspecified transport, this test verifies that an SRV record lookup
- resulting in multiple results will successfully fail over to other
- records if previous ones do not respond.
- Since the transport is unspecified TCP is given priority and should
- be selected first. Once this fails the only option left is UDP, so it
- should then switch transport types when attempting the secondary
- failover address.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas-503.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5062', '-t': 't1'} }
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas-ignore.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5063'} }
- scenario-trigger-after: '2'
- channel: 'Local/s at default'
- async: 'True'
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/out_of_dialog/timeout/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/out_of_dialog/timeout/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 12a6c90..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/out_of_dialog/timeout/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test out of dialog SRV failover upon a timeout'
- description: |
- Using an out of dialog SIP message (in this case a SIP MESSAGE), this
- test verifies that an SRV record lookup resulting in multiple results
- will successfully fail over, after timing out, to other records if
- previous ones do not respond.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator-udp
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: originator-tcp
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- reactor-timeout: 60
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas-ignore.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5063', '-timeout': '60s'} }
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas-ignore.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5065', '-t': 't1', '-timeout': '60s'} }
- scenario-trigger-after: '2'
- channel: 'Local/udp at default'
- async: 'True'
- timeout: 60
- scenario-trigger-after: '2'
- channel: 'Local/tcp at default'
- async: 'True'
- timeout: 60
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/out_of_dialog/transport_tcp/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/out_of_dialog/transport_tcp/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ee873fd..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/out_of_dialog/transport_tcp/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test out of dialog SRV failover using a TCP transport'
- description: |
- Using an out of dialog SIP message (in this case a SIP MESSAGE) over a
- TCP transport, this test verifies that an SRV record lookup resulting in
- multiple results will successfully fail over to other records if
- previous ones do not respond.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas-503.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061', '-t': 't1'} }
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas-ignore.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5062', '-t': 't1'} }
- scenario-trigger-after: '2'
- channel: 'Local/s at default'
- async: 'True'
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/out_of_dialog/transport_udp/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/out_of_dialog/transport_udp/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index dbab4d5..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/out_of_dialog/transport_udp/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test out of dialog SRV failover using a UDP transport'
- description: |
- Using an out of dialog SIP message (in this case a SIP MESSAGE) over a
- UDP transport, this test verifies that an SRV record lookup resulting in
- multiple results will successfully fail over to other records if
- previous ones do not respond.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas-503.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061'} }
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas-ignore.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5062'} }
- scenario-trigger-after: '2'
- channel: 'Local/s at default'
- async: 'True'
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/out_of_dialog/transport_unspecified/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/out_of_dialog/transport_unspecified/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index cdfc6b3..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/failover/out_of_dialog/transport_unspecified/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test out of dialog SRV failover using an unspecified transport'
- description: |
- Using an out of dialog SIP message (in this case a SIP MESSAGE) with an
- unspecified transport, this test verifies that an SRV record lookup
- resulting in multiple results will successfully fail over to other
- records if previous ones do not respond.
- Since the transport is unspecified TCP is given priority and should
- be selected first. Once this fails the only option left is UDP, so it
- should then switch transport types when attempting the secondary
- failover address.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas-503.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5062', '-t': 't1'} }
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas-ignore.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5063'} }
- scenario-trigger-after: '2'
- channel: 'Local/s at default'
- async: 'True'
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/priority/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/priority/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3df9144..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/priority/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test SRV priority using a UDP transport'
- description: |
- 'This test verifies that an SRV record lookup resulting in multiple
- results with different priorities will use the record with the highest
- priority (lowest number).
- A call is placed to example.com over IPv4 & IPv6 resulting in a SRV
- lookup. If the highest priority SRV record is used for both calls then
- the IP address of main.example.com and port 5061 is used to reach the
- SIPp instances. Otherwise the IP address of backup.example.com and port
- 5062 is used and the test will fail to due a SIPp instance not
- receiving a call.'
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator-ipv4
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: originator-ipv6
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas-ipv4.xml', '-i': '',
- '-p': '5061'} }
- - { 'target': '[::1]', 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas-ipv6.xml',
- '-i': '[::1]', '-p': '5061'} }
- trigger: 'scenario_start'
- scenario-name: 'uas-ipv4.xml'
- ignore-originate-failure: 'no'
- id: '0'
- channel: 'Local/s-ipv4 at default'
- application: 'Echo'
- async: 'True'
- trigger: 'scenario_start'
- scenario-name: 'uas-ipv6.xml'
- ignore-originate-failure: 'no'
- id: '0'
- channel: 'Local/s-ipv6 at default'
- application: 'Echo'
- async: 'True'
- port: 10053
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/transport_tcp/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/transport_tcp/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 59fa0b3..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/transport_tcp/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test SRV resolution of an address with TCP transport specified'
- description: |
- This test verifies that an SRV record lookup successfully occurs using
- the resolver and that traffic is sent to the resulting address. Since the
- TCP transport is explicitly provided the only records that should be looked
- up and used are TCP. Since sipp is listening only on TCP if UDP records are used
- instead the call will fail.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061', '-t': 't1'} }
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- ignore-originate-failure: 'no'
- id: '0'
- channel: 'Local/s at default'
- application: 'Echo'
- async: 'True'
- port: 10053
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/transport_udp/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/transport_udp/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 06afcd9..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/transport_udp/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test SRV resolution of an address with UDP transport specified'
- description: |
- This test verifies that an SRV record lookup successfully occurs using
- the resolver and that traffic is sent to the resulting address. Since the
- UDP transport is explicitly provided the only records that should be looked
- up and used are UDP. Since sipp is listening only on UDP if TCP records are used
- instead the call will fail.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061'} }
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- ignore-originate-failure: 'no'
- id: '0'
- channel: 'Local/s at default'
- application: 'Echo'
- async: 'True'
- port: 10053
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/transport_unspecified/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/transport_unspecified/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 78228e4..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/resolver/srv/transport_unspecified/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test SRV resolution of an address with an unspecified transport'
- description: |
- This test verifies that an SRV record lookup successfully occurs using
- the resolver and that traffic is sent to the resulting address. Since no
- transport is specified the resolver should favor TCP despite UDP records
- being available. Since sipp is listening only on TCP if UDP records are used
- instead the call will fail.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: originator
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.Originator'
- -
- config-section: dns-server-config
- typename: 'dns_server.DNSServer'
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uas.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061', '-t': 't1'} }
- trigger: 'ami_connect'
- ignore-originate-failure: 'no'
- id: '0'
- channel: 'Local/s at default'
- application: 'Echo'
- async: 'True'
- port: 10053
- python-zones:
- -
- example.com
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - app : 'sipp'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk : 'res_resolver_unbound'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio-video/accept/bundled/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio-video/accept/bundled/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 51cf1e5..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio-video/accept/bundled/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test offers with multiple video streams/one audio stream and bundled'
- description: |
- This tests inbound offers that contain multiple video
- media streams and a single audio stream with bundle enabled.
- Asterisk should accept all the streams in a single bundle group.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- memcheck-delay-stop: 7
- fail-on-any: False
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uac-multiple-video-with-audio.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061', '-s': 'alice'} }
- minversion: '15.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - sipp :
- version : 'v3.0'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio-video/accept/multiple-audio/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio-video/accept/multiple-audio/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index bd7774d..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio-video/accept/multiple-audio/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test offers with multiple audio streams/one video stream'
- description: |
- This tests inbound offers that contain multiple audio
- media streams and a single video stream. Asterisk should
- accept all the streams.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- memcheck-delay-stop: 7
- fail-on-any: False
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uac-multiple-audio-with-video.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061', '-s': 'alice'} }
- minversion: '15.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - sipp :
- version : 'v3.0'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio-video/accept/multiple-video/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio-video/accept/multiple-video/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d4b113..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio-video/accept/multiple-video/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test offers with multiple video streams/one audio stream'
- description: |
- This tests inbound offers that contain multiple video
- media streams and a single audio stream. Asterisk should
- accept all the streams.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- memcheck-delay-stop: 7
- fail-on-any: False
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uac-multiple-video-with-audio.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061', '-s': 'alice'} }
- minversion: '15.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - sipp :
- version : 'v3.0'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio/accept/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio/accept/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7301ede..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio/accept/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test offers with multiple audio streams'
- description: |
- This tests inbound offers that contain multiple audio
- media streams. Asterisk should accept all of the audio
- streams.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- memcheck-delay-stop: 7
- fail-on-any: False
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uac-multiple-audio.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061', '-s': 'alice'} }
- minversion: '15.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - sipp :
- version : 'v3.0'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio/add/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio/add/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c677a8..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio/add/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test adding of multiple audio streams'
- description: |
- This tests the addition of multiple audio streams once
- a call has been established.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- memcheck-delay-stop: 7
- fail-on-any: False
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uac-multiple-audio.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061', '-s': 'alice'} }
- minversion: '15.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - sipp :
- version : 'v3.0'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio/remove/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio/remove/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c1703b1..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/audio/remove/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test removing of multiple audio streams'
- description: |
- This tests the removal of multiple audio streams once
- a call has been established.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- memcheck-delay-stop: 7
- fail-on-any: False
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uac-multiple-audio.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061', '-s': 'alice'} }
- minversion: '15.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - sipp :
- version : 'v3.0'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/video/accept/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/video/accept/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8eae8ed..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/video/accept/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test offers with multiple video streams'
- description: |
- This tests inbound offers that contain multiple video
- media streams. Asterisk should accept all the video
- streams.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- memcheck-delay-stop: 7
- fail-on-any: False
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uac-multiple-video.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061', '-s': 'alice'} }
- minversion: '15.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - sipp :
- version : 'v3.0'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/video/add/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/video/add/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a1c1f8..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/video/add/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test adding of multiple video streams'
- description: |
- This tests the addition of multiple video streams once
- a call has been established.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- memcheck-delay-stop: 7
- fail-on-any: False
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uac-multiple-video.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061', '-s': 'alice'} }
- minversion: '15.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - sipp :
- version : 'v3.0'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/video/remove/test-config.yaml b/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/video/remove/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index bc7c2db..0000000
--- a/tests/channels/pjsip/sdp_offer_answer/incoming/nominal/multiple-media-stream/video/remove/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test removing of multiple video streams'
- description: |
- This tests the removal of multiple video streams once
- a call has been established.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: 'sipp.SIPpTestCase'
- memcheck-delay-stop: 7
- fail-on-any: False
- test-iterations:
- -
- scenarios:
- - { 'key-args': {'scenario': 'uac-multiple-video.xml', '-i': '', '-p': '5061', '-s': 'alice'} }
- minversion: '15.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - sipp :
- version : 'v3.0'
- - asterisk : 'res_pjsip'
- tags:
- - pjsip
diff --git a/tests/manager/status_all_vars/test-config.yaml b/tests/manager/status_all_vars/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3732477..0000000
--- a/tests/manager/status_all_vars/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test AMI Status Action'
- description: |
- This test verifies the AMI Status Action AllVariables parameter.
- A Local channel is created and then the test runs the action for
- all channels on the system. Two events are expected, one for each
- of the Local channel pairs.
- add-test-to-search-path: 'True'
- test-object:
- config-section: test-config
- typename: 'test_case.SimpleTestCase'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: 'ami-config'
- typename: 'ami.AMIEventModule'
- spawn-after-hangup: True
- expected_events: 0
- test-iterations:
- -
- channel: 'Local/s at default'
- application: 'Echo'
- data: ''
- -
- type: 'callback'
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'Newexten'
- Exten: 's'
- Context: 'default'
- Priority: '4'
- Channel: 'Local/s at default-00000000;2'
- callbackModule: 'status'
- callbackMethod: 'exec_status'
- count: '1'
- -
- type: 'headermatch'
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'Status'
- Channel: 'Local/s at default-00000000;1'
- requirements:
- match:
- Privilege: 'Call'
- ChannelState: '6'
- ChannelStateDesc: 'Up'
- CallerIDNum: '<unknown>'
- CallerIDName: '<unknown>'
- ConnectedLineNum: '<unknown>'
- ConnectedLineName: '<unknown>'
- Accountcode: ''
- Context: 'default'
- Exten: 's'
- Priority: '1'
- Uniqueid: '.+'
- Type: 'Local'
- DNID: ''
- EffectiveConnectedLineNum: '<unknown>'
- EffectiveConnectedLineName: '<unknown>'
- TimeToHangup: '0'
- BridgeID: ''
- Linkedid: '.+'
- Application: 'Echo'
- Data: ''
- Nativeformats: '\(slin\)'
- Readformat: 'slin'
- Readtrans: ''
- Writeformat: 'slin'
- Writetrans: ''
- Callgroup: '0'
- Pickupgroup: '0'
- Seconds: '[0-9]'
- Variable: 'testuniqueid=.*'
- count: '1'
- -
- type: 'headermatch'
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'Status'
- Channel: 'Local/s at default-00000000;2'
- requirements:
- match:
- Privilege: 'Call'
- ChannelState: '6'
- ChannelStateDesc: 'Up'
- CallerIDNum: '<unknown>'
- CallerIDName: '<unknown>'
- ConnectedLineNum: '<unknown>'
- ConnectedLineName: '<unknown>'
- Accountcode: ''
- Context: 'default'
- Exten: 's'
- Priority: '4'
- Uniqueid: '.+'
- Type: 'Local'
- DNID: ''
- EffectiveConnectedLineNum: '<unknown>'
- EffectiveConnectedLineName: '<unknown>'
- TimeToHangup: '0'
- BridgeID: ''
- Linkedid: '.+'
- Application: 'Echo'
- Data: ''
- Nativeformats: '\(slin\)'
- Readformat: 'slin'
- Readtrans: ''
- Writeformat: 'slin'
- Writetrans: ''
- Callgroup: '0'
- Pickupgroup: '0'
- Seconds: '[0-9]'
- Variable: 'test_var=test_var_content|testuniqueid=.*'
- count: '1'
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python : 'twisted'
- - python : 'starpy'
diff --git a/tests/pbx/autohints/test-config.yaml b/tests/pbx/autohints/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 94f8d2f..0000000
--- a/tests/pbx/autohints/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test PBX autohints support'
- description: |
- Tests the PBX autohints support by using a custom device state to
- trigger the creation of a hint. Once the hint is created we should
- then receive an event about it.
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- test-object:
- config-section: object-config
- typename: 'test_case.TestCaseModule'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: 'ami-config'
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.EventActionModule'
- reactor-timeout: 15
- connect-ami: True
- -
- ami-start:
- ami-actions:
- action:
- Action: 'SetVar'
- Variable: 'DEVICE_STATE(Custom:alice)'
- Value: 'INUSE'
- -
- ami-events:
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'ExtensionStatus'
- Exten: 'alice'
- Context: 'hints'
- requirements:
- match:
- Hint: 'Custom:alice'
- Status: '1'
- StatusText: 'InUse'
- count: 1
- stop_test:
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/bridge/bridge_after_answer/test-config.yaml b/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/bridge/bridge_after_answer/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1559ac8..0000000
--- a/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/bridge/bridge_after_answer/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test channels create, dial and bridge after answer'
- description: |
- * Create channel 1 using channels/create with endpoint = Local/s at default
- which answers and plays tt-weasels (but not until dialed below).
- * Create bridge1.
- * Create channel 2 using channels/create with endpoint = Local/amd at default
- which just runs the AMD() app (but not until dialed below).
- * Dial channel 1.
- * Wait for answer
- * Add to bridge.
- * Dial channel 2.
- * Wait for answer
- * Add to bridge.
- * Make sure AMD detects HUMAN.
- * Wait for channel 2 to hang itself up after AMD returns.
- * Delete channel 1 and the bridge.
- * Stop.
- test-object:
- config-section: 'test-object-config'
- typename: 'ari.AriBaseTestObject'
- modules:
- - config-section: ami-uut
- typename: 'ami.AMIEventModule'
- - config-section: 'pluggable-config'
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.EventActionModule'
- apps: 'testsuite'
- reactor-timeout: 60
- stop-on-end: False
- -
- type: 'headermatch'
- id: '0'
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'VarSet'
- Variable: 'AMDSTATUS'
- Value: 'HUMAN'
- count: '1'
- -
- ari-start:
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/create'
- params:
- endpoint: 'Local/s at default'
- app: 'testsuite'
- channelId: 'channel1'
- expect: 200
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/create'
- params:
- 'endpoint': 'Local/amd at default'
- 'app': 'testsuite'
- 'appArgs': 'amd'
- 'channelId': 'channel2'
- expect: 200
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'bridges/bridge1'
- expect: 200
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'StasisStart'
- application: 'testsuite'
- args: [
- ]
- channel:
- id: 'channel1$'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/dial'
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'StasisStart'
- application: 'testsuite'
- 'args':
- - 'amd'
- channel:
- id: 'channel2$'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel2/dial'
- params:
- caller: 'channel1'
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'Dial'
- dialstatus: 'ANSWER'
- application: 'testsuite'
- peer:
- id: 'channel1'
- state: 'Up'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'bridges/bridge1/addChannel'
- params:
- channel: 'channel1'
- expect: 204
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'Dial'
- dialstatus: 'ANSWER'
- application: 'testsuite'
- peer:
- id: 'channel2'
- state: 'Up'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'bridges/bridge1/addChannel'
- params:
- channel: 'channel2'
- expect: 204
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'ChannelEnteredBridge'
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel[12]$'
- count: 2
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'ChannelLeftBridge'
- channel:
- id: 'channel2'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'delete'
- uri: 'channels/channel1'
- - method: 'delete'
- uri: 'bridges/bridge1'
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'BridgeDestroyed'
- count: 1
- stop_test:
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'autobahn.websocket'
- - python: 'requests'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - asterisk: 'res_ari_channels'
- - asterisk: 'app_amd'
- tags:
- - ARI
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/bridge/bridge_early_media/test-config.yaml b/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/bridge/bridge_early_media/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index d1431df..0000000
--- a/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/bridge/bridge_early_media/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test channels create, dial, bridge with early media'
- description: |
- * Create channel 1 using channels/create with endpoint = Local/s at default
- which sends ringing and plays a human style greeting (but not until dialed below).
- * Create channel 2 using channels/create with endpoint = Local/amd at default
- which just runs the AMD() app (but not until dialed below).
- * Create bridge1.
- * Dial channel 2.
- * Wait for Answer
- * Add channel2 to bridge.
- * Add channel1 to bridge.
- * Dial channel 1 (it will provide Ringing then the greeting but it won't answer).
- * Make sure AMD detects HUMAN.
- * Wait for channel 2 to hang itself up after AMD returns.
- * Delete channel 1 and the bridge.
- * Stop.
- test-object:
- config-section: 'test-object-config'
- typename: 'ari.AriBaseTestObject'
- modules:
- - config-section: ami-uut
- typename: 'ami.AMIEventModule'
- - config-section: 'pluggable-config'
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.EventActionModule'
- apps: 'testsuite'
- reactor-timeout: 60
- stop-on-end: False
- -
- type: 'headermatch'
- id: '0'
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'VarSet'
- Variable: 'AMDSTATUS'
- Value: 'HUMAN'
- count: '1'
- -
- ari-start:
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/create'
- params:
- endpoint: 'Local/s at default'
- app: 'testsuite'
- channelId: 'channel1'
- expect: 200
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/create'
- params:
- 'endpoint': 'Local/amd at default'
- 'app': 'testsuite'
- 'appArgs': 'amd'
- 'channelId': 'channel2'
- expect: 200
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'bridges/bridge1'
- expect: 200
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'StasisStart'
- application: 'testsuite'
- 'args':
- - 'amd'
- channel:
- id: 'channel2$'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel2/dial'
- expect: 204
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'Dial'
- dialstatus: 'ANSWER'
- application: 'testsuite'
- peer:
- id: 'channel2'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'bridges/bridge1/addChannel'
- params:
- channel: 'channel2'
- expect: 204
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'bridges/bridge1/addChannel'
- params:
- channel: 'channel1'
- expect: 204
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/dial'
- params:
- caller: 'channel2'
- expect: 204
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'ChannelEnteredBridge'
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel[12]$'
- count: 2
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'ChannelLeftBridge'
- channel:
- id: 'channel2'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'delete'
- uri: 'channels/channel1'
- - method: 'delete'
- uri: 'bridges/bridge1'
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'BridgeDestroyed'
- count: 1
- stop_test:
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'autobahn.websocket'
- - python: 'requests'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - asterisk: 'res_ari_channels'
- - asterisk: 'app_amd'
- tags:
- - ARI
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/bridge/bridge_then_dial/test-config.yaml b/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/bridge/bridge_then_dial/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 16f1ff5..0000000
--- a/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/bridge/bridge_then_dial/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test channels/create and channels/dial.'
- description: |
- * Create channel 1 using channels/create with endpoint = Local/s at default
- which answers and plays tt-weasels (but not until dialed below).
- * Create bridge1.
- * Add channel 1 to bridge 1.
- * Create channel 2 using channels/create with endpoint = Local/amd at default
- which just runs the AMD() app (but not until dialed below).
- * Add channel 2 to bridge 1.
- * Dial channel 1.
- * Dial channel 2.
- * Make sure AMD detects HUMAN.
- * Wait for channel 2 to hang itself up after AMD returns.
- * Delete channel 1 and the bridge.
- * Stop.
- test-object:
- config-section: 'test-object-config'
- typename: 'ari.AriBaseTestObject'
- modules:
- - config-section: ami-uut
- typename: 'ami.AMIEventModule'
- - config-section: 'pluggable-config'
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.EventActionModule'
- apps: 'testsuite'
- reactor-timeout: 60
- stop-on-end: False
- -
- type: 'headermatch'
- id: '0'
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'VarSet'
- Variable: 'AMDSTATUS'
- Value: 'HUMAN'
- count: '1'
- -
- ari-start:
- ari-requests:
- -
- method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/create'
- params:
- endpoint: 'Local/s at default'
- app: 'testsuite'
- channelId: 'channel1'
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'StasisStart'
- application: 'testsuite'
- args: [
- ]
- channel:
- id: 'channel1$'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'bridges/bridge1'
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'bridges/bridge1/addChannel'
- params:
- channel: 'channel1'
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'ChannelEnteredBridge'
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel1$'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/create'
- params:
- 'endpoint': 'Local/amd at default'
- 'app': 'testsuite'
- 'appArgs': 'amd'
- 'channelId': 'channel2'
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'StasisStart'
- application: 'testsuite'
- 'args':
- - 'amd'
- channel:
- id: 'channel2$'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'bridges/bridge1/addChannel'
- params:
- channel: 'channel2'
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'ChannelEnteredBridge'
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel2$'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/dial'
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel2/dial'
- params:
- caller: 'channel1'
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'ChannelStateChange'
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel[12]'
- state: 'Up'
- count: 2
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'ChannelLeftBridge'
- channel:
- id: 'channel2'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'delete'
- uri: 'channels/channel1'
- - method: 'delete'
- uri: 'bridges/bridge1'
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'BridgeDestroyed'
- count: 1
- stop_test:
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'autobahn.websocket'
- - python: 'requests'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - asterisk: 'res_ari_channels'
- - asterisk: 'app_amd'
- tags:
- - ARI
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/bridge/bridge_while_ringing/test-config.yaml b/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/bridge/bridge_while_ringing/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c1140d0..0000000
--- a/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/bridge/bridge_while_ringing/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test channels create, dial and bridge while ringing'
- description: |
- * Create channel 1 using channels/create with endpoint = Local/s at default
- which answers and plays tt-weasels (but not until dialed below).
- * Create bridge1.
- * Create channel 2 using channels/create with endpoint = Local/amd at default
- which just runs the AMD() app (but not until dialed below).
- * Dial channel 1.
- * Wait for ringing
- * Add to bridge.
- * Dial channel 2.
- * Wait for ringing
- * Add to bridge.
- * Make sure AMD detects HUMAN.
- * Wait for channel 2 to hang itself up after AMD returns.
- * Delete channel 1 and the bridge.
- * Stop.
- test-object:
- config-section: 'test-object-config'
- typename: 'ari.AriBaseTestObject'
- modules:
- - config-section: ami-uut
- typename: 'ami.AMIEventModule'
- - config-section: 'pluggable-config'
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.EventActionModule'
- apps: 'testsuite'
- reactor-timeout: 60
- stop-on-end: False
- -
- type: 'headermatch'
- id: '0'
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'VarSet'
- Variable: 'AMDSTATUS'
- Value: 'HUMAN'
- count: '1'
- -
- ari-start:
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/create'
- params:
- endpoint: 'Local/s at default'
- app: 'testsuite'
- channelId: 'channel1'
- expect: 200
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/create'
- params:
- 'endpoint': 'Local/amd at default'
- 'app': 'testsuite'
- 'appArgs': 'amd'
- 'channelId': 'channel2'
- expect: 200
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'bridges/bridge1'
- expect: 200
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'StasisStart'
- application: 'testsuite'
- args: [
- ]
- channel:
- id: 'channel1$'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/dial'
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'StasisStart'
- application: 'testsuite'
- 'args':
- - 'amd'
- channel:
- id: 'channel2$'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel2/dial'
- params:
- caller: 'channel1'
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'Dial'
- dialstatus: 'RINGING'
- application: 'testsuite'
- peer:
- id: 'channel1'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'bridges/bridge1/addChannel'
- params:
- channel: 'channel1'
- expect: 204
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'Dial'
- dialstatus: 'RINGING'
- application: 'testsuite'
- peer:
- id: 'channel2'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'bridges/bridge1/addChannel'
- params:
- channel: 'channel2'
- expect: 204
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'ChannelEnteredBridge'
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel[12]$'
- count: 2
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'ChannelLeftBridge'
- channel:
- id: 'channel2'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'delete'
- uri: 'channels/channel1'
- - method: 'delete'
- uri: 'bridges/bridge1'
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'BridgeDestroyed'
- count: 1
- stop_test:
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'autobahn.websocket'
- - python: 'requests'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - asterisk: 'res_ari_channels'
- - asterisk: 'app_amd'
- tags:
- - ARI
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/create/nominal/test-config.yaml b/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/create/nominal/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index b969927..0000000
--- a/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/create/nominal/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test channels/create.'
- description: |
- * Create channel 1 using channels/create with endpoint = Local/s at default
- * Do a get to make sure it's actually there
- * Delete the channel
- * Wait for ChannelHangupRequest
- * Do another get and test for 404
- * Wait for StasisEnd
- * Stop.
- test-object:
- config-section: 'test-object-config'
- typename: 'ari.AriBaseTestObject'
- modules:
- - config-section: 'pluggable-config'
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.EventActionModule'
- apps: 'testsuite'
- reactor-timeout: 15
- stop-on-end: False
- - ari-start:
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/create'
- params:
- endpoint: 'Local/s at default'
- app: 'testsuite'
- channelId: 'channel1'
- expect: 200
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'StasisStart'
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel1'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'get'
- uri: 'channels/channel1'
- expect: 200
- - method: 'delete'
- uri: 'channels/channel1'
- expect: 204
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'ChannelHangupRequest'
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel1'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'get'
- uri: 'channels/channel1'
- expect: 404
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'StasisEnd'
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel1'
- count: 1
- stop_test:
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'autobahn.websocket'
- - python: 'requests'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - asterisk: 'res_ari_channels'
- tags:
- - ARI
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/create/off-nominal/test-config.yaml b/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/create/off-nominal/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a3a2b12..0000000
--- a/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/create/off-nominal/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test channel operation failures on newly created channel'
- description: |
- * Create channel 1 using channels/create with endpoint = Local/s at default
- * Do a get to make sure it's actually there
- * Perform operations that should fail
- * Delete the channel
- * Wait for ChannelHangupRequest
- * Do another get and test for 404
- * Wait for StasisEnd
- * Stop.
- test-object:
- config-section: 'test-object-config'
- typename: 'ari.AriBaseTestObject'
- modules:
- - config-section: 'pluggable-config'
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.EventActionModule'
- apps: 'testsuite'
- reactor-timeout: 15
- stop-on-end: False
- - ari-start:
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/create'
- params:
- endpoint: 'Local/s at default'
- app: 'testsuite'
- channelId: 'channel1'
- expect: 200
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'StasisStart'
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel1'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'get'
- uri: 'channels/channel1'
- expect: 200
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/continue'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/redirect'
- params:
- endpoint: 'doesnt_matter'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/answer'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/dtmf'
- params:
- dtmf: '12345'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/ring'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'delete'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/ring'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/mute'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'delete'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/mute'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/hold'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'delete'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/hold'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/moh'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'delete'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/moh'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/silence'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'delete'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/silence'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/play'
- params:
- media: 'sound:silence/5'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'delete'
- uri: 'channels/channel1'
- expect: 204
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'ChannelHangupRequest'
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel1'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'get'
- uri: 'channels/channel1'
- expect: 404
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'StasisEnd'
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel1'
- count: 1
- stop_test:
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'autobahn.websocket'
- - python: 'requests'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - asterisk: 'res_ari_channels'
- tags:
- - ARI
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/dial/nominal/basic/test-config.yaml b/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/dial/nominal/basic/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f66714..0000000
--- a/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/dial/nominal/basic/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test channels/create then dial.'
- description: |
- * Create channel 1 using channels/create with endpoint = Local/s at default
- * Do a get to make sure it's actually there
- * Dial the channel
- * Wait for answer and dialplan Channel HangupRequest
- * Delete the channel
- * Wait for our ChannelHangupRequest
- * Stop.
- test-object:
- config-section: 'test-object-config'
- typename: 'ari.AriBaseTestObject'
- modules:
- - config-section: 'pluggable-config'
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.EventActionModule'
- apps: 'testsuite'
- reactor-timeout: 30
- stop-on-end: False
- - ari-start:
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/create'
- params:
- endpoint: 'Local/s at default'
- app: 'testsuite'
- channelId: 'channel1'
- expect: 200
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'StasisStart'
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel1'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'get'
- uri: 'channels/channel1'
- expect: 200
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/dial'
- expect: 204
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'Dial'
- dialstatus: 'ANSWER'
- application: 'testsuite'
- peer:
- id: 'channel1'
- state: 'Up'
- count: 1
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'ChannelHangupRequest'
- cause: 16
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel1'
- count: 1
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'StasisEnd'
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel1'
- count: 1
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'ChannelDestroyed'
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel1'
- count: 1
- stop_test:
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'autobahn.websocket'
- - python: 'requests'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - asterisk: 'res_ari_channels'
- tags:
- - ARI
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/dial/nominal/continue/test-config.yaml b/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/dial/nominal/continue/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a08d6f..0000000
--- a/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/dial/nominal/continue/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test continue on a channel created with separate dial.'
- description: |
- * Create channel 1 using channels/create with endpoint = Local/1000 at default
- * Do a get to make sure it's actually there
- * Dial the channel
- * Wait for answer
- * Send continue
- * Wait for StasisStart from new extension
- * Wait for Hangup app
- * Wait for ChannelHangupRequest with cause 99
- * Delete the channel
- * Wait for our ChannelHangupRequest
- * Wait for StasisEnd
- * Stop.
- test-object:
- config-section: 'test-object-config'
- typename: 'ari.AriBaseTestObject'
- modules:
- - config-section: 'pluggable-config'
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.EventActionModule'
- apps: 'testsuite'
- reactor-timeout: 30
- stop-on-end: False
- - ari-start:
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/create'
- params:
- endpoint: 'Local/1000 at default'
- app: 'testsuite'
- appArgs: 'extension_1000'
- channelId: 'channel1'
- expect: 200
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'StasisStart'
- application: 'testsuite'
- args: ['extension_1000']
- channel:
- id: 'channel1'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'get'
- uri: 'channels/channel1'
- expect: 200
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/dial'
- expect: 204
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'Dial'
- dialstatus: 'ANSWER'
- application: 'testsuite'
- peer:
- id: 'channel1'
- state: 'Up'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/continue'
- params:
- context: 'default'
- extension: '2000'
- priority: 1
- expect: 204
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'ChannelDialplan'
- dialplan_app: 'Hangup'
- channel:
- id: 'channel1'
- count: 1
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'ChannelDestroyed'
- cause: 99
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel1'
- count: 1
- stop_test:
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'autobahn.websocket'
- - python: 'requests'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - asterisk: 'res_ari_channels'
- tags:
- - ARI
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/dial/off-nominal/test-config.yaml b/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/dial/off-nominal/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bd3524..0000000
--- a/tests/rest_api/channels/create_dial_bridge/dial/off-nominal/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test invalid operations on channels/create then dial.'
- description: |
- * Create channel 1 using channels/create with endpoint = Local/s at default
- * Do a get to make sure it's actually there
- * Dial the channel
- * Wait for ringing
- * Run the invalid operations
- * Delete the channel
- * Wait for our ChannelHangupRequest
- * Stop.
- test-object:
- config-section: 'test-object-config'
- typename: 'ari.AriBaseTestObject'
- modules:
- - config-section: 'pluggable-config'
- typename: 'pluggable_modules.EventActionModule'
- apps: 'testsuite'
- reactor-timeout: 30
- stop-on-end: False
- - ari-start:
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/create'
- params:
- endpoint: 'Local/s at default'
- app: 'testsuite'
- channelId: 'channel1'
- expect: 200
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'StasisStart'
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel1'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'get'
- uri: 'channels/channel1'
- expect: 200
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/dial'
- expect: 204
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'Dial'
- dialstatus: 'RINGING'
- application: 'testsuite'
- peer:
- id: 'channel1'
- count: 1
- ari-requests:
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/continue'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/redirect'
- params:
- endpoint: 'doesnt_matter'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/answer'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/dtmf'
- params:
- dtmf: '12345'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/ring'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'delete'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/ring'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/mute'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'delete'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/mute'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/hold'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'delete'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/hold'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/moh'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'delete'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/moh'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/silence'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'delete'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/silence'
- expect: 412
- - method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/channel1/play'
- params:
- media: 'sound:silence/1'
- expect: 412
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'ChannelHangupRequest'
- cause: 0
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel1'
- count: 1
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'StasisEnd'
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel1'
- count: 1
- - ari-events:
- match:
- type: 'ChannelDestroyed'
- application: 'testsuite'
- channel:
- id: 'channel1'
- count: 1
- stop_test:
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'autobahn.websocket'
- - python: 'requests'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - asterisk: 'res_ari_channels'
- tags:
- - ARI
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/channels/create_duplicate_id/test-config.yaml b/tests/rest_api/channels/create_duplicate_id/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1779a6b..0000000
--- a/tests/rest_api/channels/create_duplicate_id/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Ensure that duplicate channel IDs are not allowed during channel creation.'
- description: |
- 'This test ensures that duplicate channel IDs are not allowed during channel
- creation. When a duplicate channel ID is used, ARI should return a 409 response.
- The test works as follows:
- * A channel is originated with ID "eggs". This will succeed with a 200 response
- and result in a StasisStart event.
- * Once we get the Stasis Start, we attempt to create a channel using the same ID
- in the following ways:
- * Create, specifying channelID "eggs"
- * Create, specifying otherChannelID "eggs"
- These should each fail with a 409 response and no corresponding StasisStart. The
- test fails if:
- * A create succeeds
- * A create fails with a non-409 status
- * A create fails with a non HTTP error
- * A StasisStart happens for a failed create
- * Hang up the channel.'
- add-test-to-search-path: True
- test-object:
- typename: ari.AriOriginateTestObject
- config-section: ari-config
- modules:
- -
- config-section: event-config
- typename: ari.WebSocketEventModule
- test-iterations:
- -
- endpoint: 'Local/echo at default'
- channelId: 'eggs'
- app: 'testsuite'
- apps: testsuite
- events:
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: StasisStart
- application: testsuite
- args: []
- count: 1
- callback:
- module: duplicate_id
- method: on_start
- minversion: '14.2.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'autobahn.websocket'
- - python: 'requests'
- - python: 'twisted'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - asterisk: 'res_ari_channels'
- - asterisk: 'res_stasis'
- tags:
- - ARI
- issues:
- - jira: 'ASTERISK-26241'
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/channels/playback/lists/basic/test-config.yaml b/tests/rest_api/channels/playback/lists/basic/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e7e235a..0000000
--- a/tests/rest_api/channels/playback/lists/basic/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test playback start and manipulation using IDs'
- description: |
- * Originate a channel
- * Playback a list of audio files
- * Pause it
- * Unpause it
- * Restart it
- * Delete the channel
- * Validate all the events
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python : autobahn.websocket
- - python : requests
- - python : twisted
- - python : starpy
- - asterisk : res_ari_channels
- - asterisk : res_ari_playbacks
- - asterisk : app_echo
- tags:
- - ARI
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: ari.AriOriginateTestObject
- modules:
- -
- config-section: ari-config
- typename: ari.WebSocketEventModule
- -
- config-section: ari-test-stopper
- typename: pluggable_modules.EventActionModule
- -
- config-section: asterisk-config
- typename: pluggable_modules.AsteriskConfigModule
- -
- src: 'tests/rest_api/channels/playback/lists/configs/extensions.conf'
- dst: 'extensions.conf'
- stop-on-end: False
- -
- ari-events:
- match:
- type: ChannelDestroyed
- application: testsuite
- channel:
- id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
- stop_test:
- apps: testsuite
- events:
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: 'ChannelStateChange'
- count: '>1'
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: StasisStart
- application: testsuite
- channel:
- id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
- count: 1
- requests:
- method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/testsuite-default-id/play/MyPlaybackId'
- params:
- media: 'sound:silence/1,sound:silence/2,sound:silence/3'
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackStarted
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: 'MyPlaybackId'
- media_uri: 'sound:silence/1'
- next_media_uri: 'sound:silence/2'
- target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
- state: 'playing'
- count: 1
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackContinuing
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: 'MyPlaybackId'
- media_uri: 'sound:silence/1'
- next_media_uri: 'sound:silence/2'
- target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
- state: 'continuing'
- count: 1
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackStarted
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: 'MyPlaybackId'
- media_uri: 'sound:silence/2'
- next_media_uri: 'sound:silence/3'
- target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
- state: 'playing'
- count: 1
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackContinuing
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: 'MyPlaybackId'
- media_uri: 'sound:silence/2'
- next_media_uri: 'sound:silence/3'
- target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
- state: 'continuing'
- count: 1
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackStarted
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: 'MyPlaybackId'
- media_uri: 'sound:silence/3'
- target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
- state: 'playing'
- count: 2
- requests:
- -
- instance: 1
- delay: 1
- method: 'post'
- uri: 'playbacks/MyPlaybackId/control'
- params:
- operation: pause
- # pause operation does not generate an event
- -
- instance: 1
- delay: 2
- method: 'post'
- uri: 'playbacks/MyPlaybackId/control'
- params:
- operation: unpause
- # unpause operation triggers PlaybackStarted instance #2
- -
- instance: 2
- method: 'post'
- uri: 'playbacks/MyPlaybackId/control'
- params:
- operation: restart
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackFinished
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: 'MyPlaybackId'
- media_uri: 'sound:silence/3'
- target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
- state: 'done'
- count: 1
- requests:
- # playback is already deleted
- method: 'delete'
- uri: 'channels/testsuite-default-id'
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: ChannelHangupRequest
- application: testsuite
- channel:
- id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
- count: 1
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: StasisEnd
- application: testsuite
- channel:
- id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
- count: 1
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/channels/playback/lists/forward/test-config.yaml b/tests/rest_api/channels/playback/lists/forward/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6feb7d5..0000000
--- a/tests/rest_api/channels/playback/lists/forward/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
- summary: Tests that the forward ARI playback command works on channels as intended
- description: |
- This test puts a local channel half into Stasis, and the other into the Echo
- application. Starts an ARI playback of tt-monkeys on a channel, and as soon
- as the playback starts, fastforwards the playback. Test passes if a playback
- FastForward TestEvent gets received.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: ari.AriOriginateTestObject
- modules:
- -
- config-section: ari-config
- typename: ari.WebSocketEventModule
- -
- config-section: ari-test-stopper
- typename: pluggable_modules.EventActionModule
- -
- config-section: asterisk-config
- typename: pluggable_modules.AsteriskConfigModule
- -
- config-section: ami-config
- typename: ami.AMIEventModule
- -
- src: 'tests/rest_api/channels/playback/lists/configs/extensions.conf'
- dst: 'extensions.conf'
- stop-on-end: False
- -
- ari-events:
- match:
- type: ChannelDestroyed
- application: testsuite
- channel:
- id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
- stop_test:
- apps: testsuite
- events:
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: StasisStart
- application: testsuite
- channel:
- id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
- count: 1
- requests:
- -
- method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/testsuite-default-id/play/list'
- params:
- media: 'sound:tt-monkeys,sound:tt-weasels'
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackStarted
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: 'list'
- target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
- media_uri: 'sound:tt-monkeys'
- count: 1
- requests:
- -
- method: 'post'
- uri: 'playbacks/list/control?operation=forward'
- -
- delay: 1
- method: 'post'
- uri: 'playbacks/list/control?operation=forward'
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackContinuing
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: 'list'
- target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
- media_uri: 'sound:tt-monkeys'
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackStarted
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: 'list'
- target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
- media_uri: 'sound:tt-weasels'
- count: 1
- requests:
- -
- method: 'post'
- uri: 'playbacks/list/control?operation=forward'
- -
- delay: 2
- method: 'delete'
- uri: 'playbacks/list'
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackFinished
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: 'list'
- target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
- media_uri: 'sound:tt-weasels'
- count: 1
- requests:
- -
- method: 'delete'
- uri: 'channels/testsuite-default-id'
- -
- type: 'headermatch'
- id: '0'
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'TestEvent'
- State: 'PLAYBACK'
- Control: 'FastForward'
- SkipMs: '3000'
- count: 3
- buildoption: 'TEST_FRAMEWORK'
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python : autobahn.websocket
- - python : requests
- - python : twisted
- - python : starpy
- - asterisk : res_ari_channels
- - asterisk : res_ari_playbacks
- tags:
- - ARI
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/channels/playback/lists/reverse/test-config.yaml b/tests/rest_api/channels/playback/lists/reverse/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 60ec322..0000000
--- a/tests/rest_api/channels/playback/lists/reverse/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
- summary: Tests that the forward ARI playback command works on channels as intended
- description: |
- This test puts a local channel half into Stasis, and the other into the Echo
- application. Starts an ARI playback of tt-monkeys on a channel, and as soon
- as the playback starts, fastforwards the playback. Test passes if a playback
- Reverse TestEvent gets received.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: ari.AriOriginateTestObject
- modules:
- -
- config-section: ari-config
- typename: ari.WebSocketEventModule
- -
- config-section: ari-test-stopper
- typename: pluggable_modules.EventActionModule
- -
- config-section: asterisk-config
- typename: pluggable_modules.AsteriskConfigModule
- -
- config-section: ami-config
- typename: ami.AMIEventModule
- -
- src: 'tests/rest_api/channels/playback/lists/configs/extensions.conf'
- dst: 'extensions.conf'
- stop-on-end: False
- -
- ari-events:
- match:
- type: ChannelDestroyed
- application: testsuite
- channel:
- id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
- stop_test:
- apps: testsuite
- events:
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: StasisStart
- application: testsuite
- channel:
- id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
- count: 1
- requests:
- -
- method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/testsuite-default-id/play/list'
- params:
- media: 'sound:tt-monkeys,sound:tt-weasels'
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackStarted
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: 'list'
- target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
- media_uri: 'sound:tt-monkeys'
- count: 1
- requests:
- -
- delay: 1
- method: 'post'
- uri: 'playbacks/list/control?operation=reverse'
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackContinuing
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: 'list'
- target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
- media_uri: 'sound:tt-monkeys'
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackStarted
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: 'list'
- target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
- media_uri: 'sound:tt-weasels'
- count: 1
- requests:
- -
- delay: 1
- method: 'post'
- uri: 'playbacks/list/control?operation=reverse'
- -
- delay: 3
- method: 'delete'
- uri: 'playbacks/list'
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackFinished
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: 'list'
- target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
- media_uri: 'sound:tt-weasels'
- count: 1
- requests:
- -
- method: 'delete'
- uri: 'channels/testsuite-default-id'
- -
- type: 'headermatch'
- id: '0'
- conditions:
- match:
- Event: 'TestEvent'
- State: 'PLAYBACK'
- Control: 'Rewind'
- SkipMs: '3000'
- count: 2
- buildoption: 'TEST_FRAMEWORK'
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python : autobahn.websocket
- - python : requests
- - python : twisted
- - python : starpy
- - asterisk : res_ari_channels
- - asterisk : res_ari_playbacks
- tags:
- - ARI
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/channels/playback/lists/stop/test-config.yaml b/tests/rest_api/channels/playback/lists/stop/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index d8e5d64..0000000
--- a/tests/rest_api/channels/playback/lists/stop/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Test playback stop of a playlist'
- description: |
- * Originate a channel
- * Playback a list of audio files
- * Before the list completes, stop the list
- * Verify that we don't receive any further events
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python : autobahn.websocket
- - python : requests
- - python : twisted
- - python : starpy
- - asterisk : res_ari_channels
- - asterisk : res_ari_playbacks
- - asterisk : app_echo
- tags:
- - ARI
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: ari.AriOriginateTestObject
- modules:
- -
- config-section: ari-config
- typename: ari.WebSocketEventModule
- -
- config-section: ari-test-stopper
- typename: pluggable_modules.EventActionModule
- -
- config-section: asterisk-config
- typename: pluggable_modules.AsteriskConfigModule
- -
- src: 'tests/rest_api/channels/playback/lists/configs/extensions.conf'
- dst: 'extensions.conf'
- stop-on-end: False
- -
- ari-events:
- match:
- type: ChannelDestroyed
- application: testsuite
- channel:
- id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
- stop_test:
- apps: testsuite
- events:
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: 'ChannelStateChange'
- count: '>1'
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: StasisStart
- application: testsuite
- channel:
- id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
- count: 1
- requests:
- method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/testsuite-default-id/play/MyPlaybackId'
- params:
- media: 'sound:silence/1,sound:silence/2,sound:silence/3'
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackStarted
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: 'MyPlaybackId'
- media_uri: 'sound:silence/1'
- next_media_uri: 'sound:silence/2'
- target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
- state: 'playing'
- count: 1
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackContinuing
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: 'MyPlaybackId'
- media_uri: 'sound:silence/1'
- next_media_uri: 'sound:silence/2'
- target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
- state: 'continuing'
- count: 1
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackStarted
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: 'MyPlaybackId'
- media_uri: 'sound:silence/2'
- next_media_uri: 'sound:silence/3'
- target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
- state: 'playing'
- count: 1
- requests:
- -
- instance: 1
- method: 'delete'
- uri: 'playbacks/MyPlaybackId'
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackContinuing
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: 'MyPlaybackId'
- media_uri: 'sound:silence/2'
- next_media_uri: 'sound:silence/3'
- target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
- state: 'continuing'
- count: 0
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackStarted
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: 'MyPlaybackId'
- media_uri: 'sound:silence/3'
- target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
- state: 'playing'
- count: 0
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackFinished
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: 'MyPlaybackId'
- media_uri: 'sound:silence/2'
- target_uri: 'channel:testsuite-default-id$'
- state: 'done'
- count: 1
- requests:
- # playback is already deleted
- method: 'delete'
- uri: 'channels/testsuite-default-id'
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: ChannelHangupRequest
- application: testsuite
- channel:
- id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
- count: 1
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: StasisEnd
- application: testsuite
- channel:
- id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
- count: 1
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/events/variables/test-config.yaml b/tests/rest_api/events/variables/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ba628a..0000000
--- a/tests/rest_api/events/variables/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
- summary: Test adding variables to ARI events
- description: |
- With some configuration in ari.conf, we:
- 1. create a channel
- 2. add it in a bridge
- 3. remove it from the bridge
- 4. hangup the channel
- In each associated ARI event, check that the channel variables are still
- present inside the event.
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: ari.AriOriginateTestObject
- modules:
- -
- config-section: ari-config
- typename: ari.WebSocketEventModule
- -
- config-section: ari-test-stopper
- typename: pluggable_modules.EventActionModule
- stop-on-end: False
- test-iterations:
- -
- endpoint: Local/s at default
- channelId: testsuite-default-id
- otherChannelId: testsuite-other-id
- app: testsuite
- json:
- variables:
- CHANNEL(language): gobbledegook
- -
- ari-events:
- match:
- type: StasisEnd
- application: testsuite
- stop_test:
- events:
- - conditions:
- match:
- type: StasisStart
- application: testsuite
- channel:
- id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
- channelvars:
- CHANNEL(language): gobbledegook
- args: []
- count: 1
- requests:
- -
- method: post
- uri: bridges
- params:
- bridgeId: testsuite-bridge-id
- expect: 200
- -
- method: post
- uri: bridges/testsuite-bridge-id/addChannel
- params:
- channel: testsuite-default-id
- - conditions:
- match:
- type: ChannelEnteredBridge
- channel:
- id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
- channelvars:
- CHANNEL(language): gobbledegook
- requests:
- method: post
- uri: bridges/testsuite-bridge-id/removeChannel
- params:
- channel: testsuite-default-id
- count: 1
- - conditions:
- match:
- type: ChannelLeftBridge
- channel:
- id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
- channelvars:
- CHANNEL(language): gobbledegook
- requests:
- method: delete
- uri: channels/testsuite-default-id
- count: 1
- - conditions:
- match:
- type: StasisEnd
- application: testsuite
- channel:
- id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
- channelvars:
- CHANNEL(language): gobbledegook
- count: 1
- minversion: '14.2.0'
- dependencies:
- - python : autobahn.websocket
- - python : requests
- - python : twisted
- - python : starpy
- - asterisk : res_ari_channels
- tags:
- - ARI
diff --git a/tests/rest_api/recording/stored/file/test-config.yaml b/tests/rest_api/recording/stored/file/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f498ee9..0000000
--- a/tests/rest_api/recording/stored/file/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
- summary: Test downloading a stored recording
- description: |
- This test does the following:
- - Makes a recording
- - Retrieves the recording
- - Verifies that the recording was downloaded successfully
- add-test-to-search-path: True
- test-object:
- config-section: test-object-config
- typename: ari.AriOriginateTestObject
- modules:
- - config-section: ari-config
- typename: ari.WebSocketEventModule
- -
- config-section: asterisk-config
- typename: pluggable_modules.AsteriskConfigModule
- stop-on-end: False
- test-iterations:
- -
- endpoint: 'Local/s at default'
- channelId: 'testsuite-default-id'
- otherChannelId: 'testsuite-default-other-id'
- extension: 's'
- context: 'default'
- priority: 1
- -
- src: 'tests/rest_api/recording/stored/configs/extensions.conf'
- dst: 'extensions.conf'
- apps: testsuite
- events:
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: StasisStart
- application: testsuite
- channel:
- id: 'testsuite-default-id$'
- count: 1
- requests:
- method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/testsuite-default-id/record'
- params:
- name: 'superfly'
- format: 'wav'
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: StasisStart
- application: testsuite
- channel:
- id: 'testsuite-default-other-id'
- count: 1
- requests:
- method: 'post'
- uri: 'channels/testsuite-default-other-id/play/MyPlaybackId'
- params:
- media: 'sound:tt-monkeys'
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: PlaybackFinished
- application: testsuite
- playback:
- id: MyPlaybackId
- count: 1
- requests:
- method: 'post'
- uri: 'recordings/live/superfly/stop'
- -
- conditions:
- match:
- type: RecordingFinished
- recording:
- name: superfly
- count: 1
- callback:
- module: recording
- method: on_recording_finished
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python : autobahn.websocket
- - python : requests
- - python : twisted
- - python : starpy
- - asterisk : res_ari_channels
- - asterisk : res_ari_recordings
- - asterisk : app_echo
- tags:
- - ARI
diff --git a/tests/sorcery/memory_cache_expire/test-config.yaml b/tests/sorcery/memory_cache_expire/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 53086be..0000000
--- a/tests/sorcery/memory_cache_expire/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Sorcery Memory Cache AMI SorceryMemoryCacheExpire Test'
- description: |
- 'This tests that the SorceryMemoryCacheExpire AMI action successfully expires
- and removes an object from the cache upon invocation. The test works by doing
- the following:
- 1. PJSIP endpoints are configured with a memory cache and realtime.
- 2. A PJSIP endpoint is defined in realtime at the start of the test.
- 3. The PJSIPShowEndpoint AMI action is invoked which populates the memory cache.
- 4. The PJSIP endpoint is removed from realtime.
- 5. The PJSIPShowEndpoint AMI action is invoked to confirm the endpoint
- is retrieved from the cache.
- 6. The SorceryMemoryCacheExpire AMI action is invoked on the memory cache.
- 7. The PJSIPShowEndpoint AMI action is invoked to confirm the endpoint
- CAN NOT be retrieved as it does not exist in realtime or the cache.
- 8. The PJSIP endpoint is added back into realtime.
- 9. The PJSIPShowEndpoint AMI action is invoked to confirm the endpoint is
- retrieved from realtime.'
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'twisted'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - asterisk: 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk: 'res_config_curl'
- - asterisk: 'func_curl'
- - asterisk: 'res_sorcery_realtime'
- - asterisk: 'res_sorcery_memory_cache'
- tags:
- - realtime
- - pjsip
- add-test-to-search-path: 'True'
- test-object:
- config-section: test-case-config
- typename: 'test_case.TestCaseModule'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: 'realtime-config'
- typename: 'realtime_test_module.RealtimeTestModule'
- connect-ami: 'True'
- entry_module: 'memory_cache_expire'
- entry_method: 'check_it'
- data:
- endpoint:
- -
- id: 'test'
diff --git a/tests/sorcery/memory_cache_expire_object/test-config.yaml b/tests/sorcery/memory_cache_expire_object/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e2f62a..0000000
--- a/tests/sorcery/memory_cache_expire_object/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Sorcery Memory Cache AMI SorceryMemoryCacheExpireObject Test'
- description: |
- 'This tests that the SorceryMemoryCacheExpireObject AMI action successfully expires
- and removes an object from the cache upon invocation. The test works by doing
- the following:
- 1. PJSIP endpoints are configured with a memory cache and realtime.
- 2. A PJSIP endpoint is defined in realtime at the start of the test.
- 3. The PJSIPShowEndpoint AMI action is invoked which populates the memory cache.
- 4. The PJSIP endpoint is removed from realtime.
- 5. The PJSIPShowEndpoint AMI action is invoked to confirm the endpoint
- is retrieved from the cache.
- 6. The SorceryMemoryCacheExpireObject AMI action is invoked on the memory cache.
- 7. The PJSIPShowEndpoint AMI action is invoked to confirm the endpoint
- CAN NOT be retrieved as it does not exist in realtime or the cache.
- 8. The PJSIP endpoint is added back into realtime.
- 9. The PJSIPShowEndpoint AMI action is invoked to confirm the endpoint is
- retrieved from realtime.'
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'twisted'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - asterisk: 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk: 'res_config_curl'
- - asterisk: 'func_curl'
- - asterisk: 'res_sorcery_realtime'
- - asterisk: 'res_sorcery_memory_cache'
- tags:
- - realtime
- - pjsip
- add-test-to-search-path: 'True'
- test-object:
- config-section: test-case-config
- typename: 'test_case.TestCaseModule'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: 'realtime-config'
- typename: 'realtime_test_module.RealtimeTestModule'
- connect-ami: 'True'
- entry_module: 'memory_cache_expire_object'
- entry_method: 'check_it'
- data:
- endpoint:
- -
- id: 'test'
diff --git a/tests/sorcery/memory_cache_stale/test-config.yaml b/tests/sorcery/memory_cache_stale/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c0d8558..0000000
--- a/tests/sorcery/memory_cache_stale/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Sorcery Memory Cache AMI SorceryMemoryCacheStale Test'
- description: |
- 'This tests that the SorceryMemoryCacheStale AMI action successfully marks an
- object as stale and refreshes it upon the next retrieval. The test works by
- doing the following:
- 1. PJSIP endpoints are configured with a memory cache and realtime.
- 2. A PJSIP endpoint is defined in realtime at the start of the test.
- 3. The PJSIPShowEndpoint AMI action is invoked which populates the memory cache.
- 4. The PJSIP endpoint is removed from realtime.
- 5. The SorceryMemoryCacheStale AMI action is invoked on the memory cache.
- 6. The PJSIPShowEndpoint AMI action is invoked to force a refresh of the object.
- 7. The test waits for 5 seconds for the fresh to occur.
- 6. The PJSIPShowEndpoint AMI action is invoked to confirm the endpoint
- CAN NOT be retrieved as it should not exist in realtime or the cache.'
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'twisted'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - asterisk: 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk: 'res_config_curl'
- - asterisk: 'func_curl'
- - asterisk: 'res_sorcery_realtime'
- - asterisk: 'res_sorcery_memory_cache'
- tags:
- - realtime
- - pjsip
- add-test-to-search-path: 'True'
- test-object:
- config-section: test-case-config
- typename: 'test_case.TestCaseModule'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: 'realtime-config'
- typename: 'realtime_test_module.RealtimeTestModule'
- connect-ami: 'True'
- entry_module: 'memory_cache_stale'
- entry_method: 'check_it'
- data:
- endpoint:
- -
- id: 'test'
diff --git a/tests/sorcery/memory_cache_stale_object/test-config.yaml b/tests/sorcery/memory_cache_stale_object/test-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index d1743f8..0000000
--- a/tests/sorcery/memory_cache_stale_object/test-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- summary: 'Sorcery Memory Cache AMI SorceryMemoryCacheStaleObject Test'
- description: |
- 'This tests that the SorceryMemoryCacheStaleObject AMI action successfully marks an
- object as stale and refreshes it upon the next retrieval. The test works by
- doing the following:
- 1. PJSIP endpoints are configured with a memory cache and realtime.
- 2. A PJSIP endpoint is defined in realtime at the start of the test.
- 3. The PJSIPShowEndpoint AMI action is invoked which populates the memory cache.
- 4. The PJSIP endpoint is removed from realtime.
- 5. The SorceryMemoryCacheStaleObject AMI action is invoked on the memory cache.
- 6. The PJSIPShowEndpoint AMI action is invoked to force a refresh of the object.
- 7. The test waits for 5 seconds for the fresh to occur.
- 6. The PJSIPShowEndpoint AMI action is invoked to confirm the endpoint
- CAN NOT be retrieved as it should not exist in realtime or the cache.'
- minversion: '14.0.0'
- dependencies:
- - python: 'twisted'
- - python: 'starpy'
- - asterisk: 'res_pjsip'
- - asterisk: 'res_config_curl'
- - asterisk: 'func_curl'
- - asterisk: 'res_sorcery_realtime'
- - asterisk: 'res_sorcery_memory_cache'
- tags:
- - realtime
- - pjsip
- add-test-to-search-path: 'True'
- test-object:
- config-section: test-case-config
- typename: 'test_case.TestCaseModule'
- modules:
- -
- config-section: 'realtime-config'
- typename: 'realtime_test_module.RealtimeTestModule'
- connect-ami: 'True'
- entry_module: 'memory_cache_stale_object'
- entry_method: 'check_it'
- data:
- endpoint:
- -
- id: 'test'
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Gerrit-Project: testsuite
Gerrit-Branch: 13
Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I5f0b4fd9383e01784c692c3b0c3a4b0bbaa9ae6a
Gerrit-Change-Number: 8042
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Owner: Kevin Harwell <kharwell at digium.com>
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