[Asterisk-code-review] func channel: Reorganize documentation (asterisk[master])
Matt Jordan
asteriskteam at digium.com
Mon Aug 15 07:39:19 CDT 2016
Matt Jordan has uploaded a new change for review.
Change subject: func_channel: Reorganize documentation
func_channel: Reorganize documentation
* Following the example of the PJSIP channel driver, the channel
technology specific documentation has been moved to the respective
channel drivers that provide that functionality. This has the benefit
of locating the documentation of items with those modules that provide
* Examples of using the CHANNEL function for both standard items as well
as for PJSIP have been added.
* The 'max_forwards' standard item has been documented.
Change-Id: Ifaa79a232c8ac99cf8da6ef6cc7815d398b1b79b
M addons/chan_ooh323.c
M channels/chan_dahdi.c
M channels/chan_iax2.c
M channels/pjsip/dialplan_functions.c
M channels/sip/dialplan_functions.c
M doc/appdocsxml.dtd
M funcs/func_channel.c
7 files changed, 243 insertions(+), 193 deletions(-)
git pull ssh://gerrit.asterisk.org:29418/asterisk refs/changes/40/3540/1
diff --git a/addons/chan_ooh323.c b/addons/chan_ooh323.c
index 7e50bbf..127ba0c 100644
--- a/addons/chan_ooh323.c
+++ b/addons/chan_ooh323.c
@@ -22,6 +22,54 @@
+<info name="OOH323CHANNEL" language="en_US" tech="OOH323">
+ <enumlist>
+ <enum name="faxdetect">
+ <para>R/W Fax Detect</para>
+ <para>Returns 0 or 1</para>
+ <para>Write yes or no</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="t38support">
+ <para>R/W t38support</para>
+ <para>Returns 0 or 1</para>
+ <para>Write yes or no</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="h323id_url">
+ <para>R/0 Returns caller URL</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="caller_h323id">
+ <para>R/0 Returns caller h323id</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="caller_dialeddigits">
+ <para>R/0 Returns caller dialed digits</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="caller_email">
+ <para>R/0 Returns caller email</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="callee_email">
+ <para>R/0 Returns callee email</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="callee_dialeddigits">
+ <para>R/0 Returns callee dialed digits</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="caller_url">
+ <para>R/0 Returns caller URL</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="max_forwards">
+ <para>R/W Get or set the maximum number of call forwards for this channel.
+ This number describes the number of times a call may be forwarded by this channel
+ before the call fails. "Forwards" in this case refers to redirects by phones as well
+ as calls to local channels.
+ Note that this has no relation to the SIP Max-Forwards header.
+ </para>
+ </enum>
+ </enumlist>
+ ***/
#include "chan_ooh323.h"
#include <math.h>
diff --git a/channels/chan_dahdi.c b/channels/chan_dahdi.c
index 7a3c31f..cbe7dba 100644
--- a/channels/chan_dahdi.c
+++ b/channels/chan_dahdi.c
@@ -178,6 +178,60 @@
<para>This application will Accept the R2 call either with charge or no charge.</para>
+ <info name="DAHDICHANNEL" language="en_US" tech="DAHDI">
+ <enumlist>
+ <enum name="dahdi_channel">
+ <para>R/O DAHDI channel related to this channel.</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="dahdi_span">
+ <para>R/O DAHDI span related to this channel.</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="dahdi_type">
+ <para>R/O DAHDI channel type, one of:</para>
+ <enumlist>
+ <enum name="analog" />
+ <enum name="mfc/r2" />
+ <enum name="pri" />
+ <enum name="pseudo" />
+ <enum name="ss7" />
+ </enumlist>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="keypad_digits">
+ <para>R/O PRI Keypad digits that came in with the SETUP message.</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="reversecharge">
+ <para>R/O PRI Reverse Charging Indication, one of:</para>
+ <enumlist>
+ <enum name="-1"> <para>None</para></enum>
+ <enum name=" 1"> <para>Reverse Charging Requested</para></enum>
+ </enumlist>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="no_media_path">
+ <para>R/O PRI Nonzero if the channel has no B channel.
+ The channel is either on hold or a call waiting call.</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="buffers">
+ <para>W/O Change the channel's buffer policy (for the current call only)</para>
+ <para>This option takes two arguments:</para>
+ <para> Number of buffers,</para>
+ <para> Buffer policy being one of:</para>
+ <para> <literal>full</literal></para>
+ <para> <literal>immediate</literal></para>
+ <para> <literal>half</literal></para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="echocan_mode">
+ <para>W/O Change the configuration of the active echo
+ canceller on the channel (if any), for the current call
+ only.</para>
+ <para>Possible values are:</para>
+ <para> <literal>on</literal> Normal mode (the echo canceller is actually reinitalized)</para>
+ <para> <literal>off</literal> Disabled</para>
+ <para> <literal>fax</literal> FAX/data mode (NLP disabled if possible, otherwise
+ completely disabled)</para>
+ <para> <literal>voice</literal> Voice mode (returns from FAX mode, reverting the changes that were made)</para>
+ </enum>
+ </enumlist>
+ </info>
<manager name="DAHDITransfer" language="en_US">
Transfer DAHDI Channel.
diff --git a/channels/chan_iax2.c b/channels/chan_iax2.c
index 721da9a..1b3e287 100644
--- a/channels/chan_iax2.c
+++ b/channels/chan_iax2.c
@@ -212,6 +212,25 @@
<para>Gets or sets a variable that is sent to a remote IAX2 peer during call setup.</para>
+ <info name="IAXCHANNEL" language="en_US" tech="IAX">
+ <enumlist>
+ <enum name="osptoken">
+ <para>R/O Get the peer's osptoken.</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="peerip">
+ <para>R/O Get the peer's ip address.</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="peername">
+ <para>R/O Get the peer's username.</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="secure_signaling">
+ <para>R/O Get the if the IAX channel is secured.</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="secure_media">
+ <para>R/O Get the if the IAX channel is secured.</para>
+ </enum>
+ </enumlist>
+ </info>
<manager name="IAXpeers" language="en_US">
List IAX peers.
diff --git a/channels/pjsip/dialplan_functions.c b/channels/pjsip/dialplan_functions.c
index c1a3873..322f564 100644
--- a/channels/pjsip/dialplan_functions.c
+++ b/channels/pjsip/dialplan_functions.c
@@ -411,6 +411,19 @@
+<info name="PJSIPCHANNEL_EXAMPLES" language="en_US" tech="PJSIP">
+ <example title="PJSIP specific CHANNEL examples">
+ ; Log the current Call-ID
+ same => n,Log(NOTICE, ${CHANNEL(pjsip,call-id)})
+ ; Log the destination address of the audio stream
+ same => n,Log(NOTICE, ${CHANNEL(rtp,dest)})
+ ; Store the round-trip time associated with a
+ ; video stream in the CDR field video-rtt
+ same => n,Set(CDR(video-rtt)=${CHANNEL(rtcp,rtt,video)})
+ </example>
#include "asterisk.h"
diff --git a/channels/sip/dialplan_functions.c b/channels/sip/dialplan_functions.c
index 644da38..9883788 100644
--- a/channels/sip/dialplan_functions.c
+++ b/channels/sip/dialplan_functions.c
@@ -23,6 +23,88 @@
+<info name="SIPCHANNEL" language="en_US" tech="SIP">
+ <enumlist>
+ <enum name="peerip">
+ <para>R/O Get the IP address of the peer.</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="recvip">
+ <para>R/O Get the source IP address of the peer.</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="recvport">
+ <para>R/O Get the source port of the peer.</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="from">
+ <para>R/O Get the URI from the From: header.</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="uri">
+ <para>R/O Get the URI from the Contact: header.</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="useragent">
+ <para>R/O Get the useragent.</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="peername">
+ <para>R/O Get the name of the peer.</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="t38passthrough">
+ <para>R/O <literal>1</literal> if T38 is offered or enabled in this channel,
+ otherwise <literal>0</literal></para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="rtpqos">
+ <para>R/O Get QOS information about the RTP stream</para>
+ <para> This option takes two additional arguments:</para>
+ <para> Argument 1:</para>
+ <para> <literal>audio</literal> Get data about the audio stream</para>
+ <para> <literal>video</literal> Get data about the video stream</para>
+ <para> <literal>text</literal> Get data about the text stream</para>
+ <para> Argument 2:</para>
+ <para> <literal>local_ssrc</literal> Local SSRC (stream ID)</para>
+ <para> <literal>local_lostpackets</literal> Local lost packets</para>
+ <para> <literal>local_jitter</literal> Local calculated jitter</para>
+ <para> <literal>local_maxjitter</literal> Local calculated jitter (maximum)</para>
+ <para> <literal>local_minjitter</literal> Local calculated jitter (minimum)</para>
+ <para> <literal>local_normdevjitter</literal>Local calculated jitter (normal deviation)</para>
+ <para> <literal>local_stdevjitter</literal> Local calculated jitter (standard deviation)</para>
+ <para> <literal>local_count</literal> Number of received packets</para>
+ <para> <literal>remote_ssrc</literal> Remote SSRC (stream ID)</para>
+ <para> <literal>remote_lostpackets</literal>Remote lost packets</para>
+ <para> <literal>remote_jitter</literal> Remote reported jitter</para>
+ <para> <literal>remote_maxjitter</literal> Remote calculated jitter (maximum)</para>
+ <para> <literal>remote_minjitter</literal> Remote calculated jitter (minimum)</para>
+ <para> <literal>remote_normdevjitter</literal>Remote calculated jitter (normal deviation)</para>
+ <para> <literal>remote_stdevjitter</literal>Remote calculated jitter (standard deviation)</para>
+ <para> <literal>remote_count</literal> Number of transmitted packets</para>
+ <para> <literal>rtt</literal> Round trip time</para>
+ <para> <literal>maxrtt</literal> Round trip time (maximum)</para>
+ <para> <literal>minrtt</literal> Round trip time (minimum)</para>
+ <para> <literal>normdevrtt</literal> Round trip time (normal deviation)</para>
+ <para> <literal>stdevrtt</literal> Round trip time (standard deviation)</para>
+ <para> <literal>all</literal> All statistics (in a form suited to logging,
+ but not for parsing)</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="rtpdest">
+ <para>R/O Get remote RTP destination information.</para>
+ <para> This option takes one additional argument:</para>
+ <para> Argument 1:</para>
+ <para> <literal>audio</literal> Get audio destination</para>
+ <para> <literal>video</literal> Get video destination</para>
+ <para> <literal>text</literal> Get text destination</para>
+ <para> Defaults to <literal>audio</literal> if unspecified.</para>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="rtpsource">
+ <para>R/O Get source RTP destination information.</para>
+ <para> This option takes one additional argument:</para>
+ <para> Argument 1:</para>
+ <para> <literal>audio</literal> Get audio destination</para>
+ <para> <literal>video</literal> Get video destination</para>
+ <para> <literal>text</literal> Get text destination</para>
+ <para> Defaults to <literal>audio</literal> if unspecified.</para>
+ </enum>
+ </enumlist>
+ ***/
#include "asterisk.h"
diff --git a/doc/appdocsxml.dtd b/doc/appdocsxml.dtd
index 511930f..21f1b9d 100644
--- a/doc/appdocsxml.dtd
+++ b/doc/appdocsxml.dtd
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
<!ELEMENT field (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT info (para|note|warning|variablelist|enumlist|info|xi:include)*>
+ <!ELEMENT info (para|example|note|warning|variablelist|enumlist|info|xi:include)*>
<!ATTLIST info language CDATA #REQUIRED>
diff --git a/funcs/func_channel.c b/funcs/func_channel.c
index 39d7499..9831dd7 100644
--- a/funcs/func_channel.c
+++ b/funcs/func_channel.c
@@ -232,207 +232,41 @@
<enum name="linkedid">
<para>R/O returns the linkedid if available, otherwise returns the uniqueid.</para>
- </enumlist>
- <para><emphasis>chan_sip</emphasis> provides the following additional options:</para>
- <enumlist>
- <enum name="peerip">
- <para>R/O Get the IP address of the peer.</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="recvip">
- <para>R/O Get the source IP address of the peer.</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="recvport">
- <para>R/O Get the source port of the peer.</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="from">
- <para>R/O Get the URI from the From: header.</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="uri">
- <para>R/O Get the URI from the Contact: header.</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="useragent">
- <para>R/O Get the useragent.</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="peername">
- <para>R/O Get the name of the peer.</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="t38passthrough">
- <para>R/O <literal>1</literal> if T38 is offered or enabled in this channel,
- otherwise <literal>0</literal></para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="rtpqos">
- <para>R/O Get QOS information about the RTP stream</para>
- <para> This option takes two additional arguments:</para>
- <para> Argument 1:</para>
- <para> <literal>audio</literal> Get data about the audio stream</para>
- <para> <literal>video</literal> Get data about the video stream</para>
- <para> <literal>text</literal> Get data about the text stream</para>
- <para> Argument 2:</para>
- <para> <literal>local_ssrc</literal> Local SSRC (stream ID)</para>
- <para> <literal>local_lostpackets</literal> Local lost packets</para>
- <para> <literal>local_jitter</literal> Local calculated jitter</para>
- <para> <literal>local_maxjitter</literal> Local calculated jitter (maximum)</para>
- <para> <literal>local_minjitter</literal> Local calculated jitter (minimum)</para>
- <para> <literal>local_normdevjitter</literal>Local calculated jitter (normal deviation)</para>
- <para> <literal>local_stdevjitter</literal> Local calculated jitter (standard deviation)</para>
- <para> <literal>local_count</literal> Number of received packets</para>
- <para> <literal>remote_ssrc</literal> Remote SSRC (stream ID)</para>
- <para> <literal>remote_lostpackets</literal>Remote lost packets</para>
- <para> <literal>remote_jitter</literal> Remote reported jitter</para>
- <para> <literal>remote_maxjitter</literal> Remote calculated jitter (maximum)</para>
- <para> <literal>remote_minjitter</literal> Remote calculated jitter (minimum)</para>
- <para> <literal>remote_normdevjitter</literal>Remote calculated jitter (normal deviation)</para>
- <para> <literal>remote_stdevjitter</literal>Remote calculated jitter (standard deviation)</para>
- <para> <literal>remote_count</literal> Number of transmitted packets</para>
- <para> <literal>rtt</literal> Round trip time</para>
- <para> <literal>maxrtt</literal> Round trip time (maximum)</para>
- <para> <literal>minrtt</literal> Round trip time (minimum)</para>
- <para> <literal>normdevrtt</literal> Round trip time (normal deviation)</para>
- <para> <literal>stdevrtt</literal> Round trip time (standard deviation)</para>
- <para> <literal>all</literal> All statistics (in a form suited to logging,
- but not for parsing)</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="rtpdest">
- <para>R/O Get remote RTP destination information.</para>
- <para> This option takes one additional argument:</para>
- <para> Argument 1:</para>
- <para> <literal>audio</literal> Get audio destination</para>
- <para> <literal>video</literal> Get video destination</para>
- <para> <literal>text</literal> Get text destination</para>
- <para> Defaults to <literal>audio</literal> if unspecified.</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="rtpsource">
- <para>R/O Get source RTP destination information.</para>
- <para> This option takes one additional argument:</para>
- <para> Argument 1:</para>
- <para> <literal>audio</literal> Get audio destination</para>
- <para> <literal>video</literal> Get video destination</para>
- <para> <literal>text</literal> Get text destination</para>
- <para> Defaults to <literal>audio</literal> if unspecified.</para>
- </enum>
- </enumlist>
- <xi:include xpointer="xpointer(/docs/info[@name='PJSIPCHANNEL'])" />
- <para><emphasis>chan_iax2</emphasis> provides the following additional options:</para>
- <enumlist>
- <enum name="osptoken">
- <para>R/O Get the peer's osptoken.</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="peerip">
- <para>R/O Get the peer's ip address.</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="peername">
- <para>R/O Get the peer's username.</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="secure_signaling">
- <para>R/O Get the if the IAX channel is secured.</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="secure_media">
- <para>R/O Get the if the IAX channel is secured.</para>
- </enum>
- </enumlist>
- <para><emphasis>chan_dahdi</emphasis> provides the following additional options:</para>
- <enumlist>
- <enum name="dahdi_channel">
- <para>R/O DAHDI channel related to this channel.</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="dahdi_span">
- <para>R/O DAHDI span related to this channel.</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="dahdi_type">
- <para>R/O DAHDI channel type, one of:</para>
- <enumlist>
- <enum name="analog" />
- <enum name="mfc/r2" />
- <enum name="pri" />
- <enum name="pseudo" />
- <enum name="ss7" />
- </enumlist>
- </enum>
- <enum name="keypad_digits">
- <para>R/O PRI Keypad digits that came in with the SETUP message.</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="reversecharge">
- <para>R/O PRI Reverse Charging Indication, one of:</para>
- <enumlist>
- <enum name="-1"> <para>None</para></enum>
- <enum name=" 1"> <para>Reverse Charging Requested</para></enum>
- </enumlist>
- </enum>
- <enum name="no_media_path">
- <para>R/O PRI Nonzero if the channel has no B channel.
- The channel is either on hold or a call waiting call.</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="buffers">
- <para>W/O Change the channel's buffer policy (for the current call only)</para>
- <para>This option takes two arguments:</para>
- <para> Number of buffers,</para>
- <para> Buffer policy being one of:</para>
- <para> <literal>full</literal></para>
- <para> <literal>immediate</literal></para>
- <para> <literal>half</literal></para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="echocan_mode">
- <para>W/O Change the configuration of the active echo
- canceller on the channel (if any), for the current call
- only.</para>
- <para>Possible values are:</para>
- <para> <literal>on</literal> Normal mode (the echo canceller is actually reinitalized)</para>
- <para> <literal>off</literal> Disabled</para>
- <para> <literal>fax</literal> FAX/data mode (NLP disabled if possible, otherwise
- completely disabled)</para>
- <para> <literal>voice</literal> Voice mode (returns from FAX mode, reverting the changes that were made)</para>
- </enum>
- </enumlist>
- <para><emphasis>chan_ooh323</emphasis> provides the following additional options:</para>
- <enumlist>
- <enum name="faxdetect">
- <para>R/W Fax Detect</para>
- <para>Returns 0 or 1</para>
- <para>Write yes or no</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="t38support">
- <para>R/W t38support</para>
- <para>Returns 0 or 1</para>
- <para>Write yes or no</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="h323id_url">
- <para>R/0 Returns caller URL</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="caller_h323id">
- <para>R/0 Returns caller h323id</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="caller_dialeddigits">
- <para>R/0 Returns caller dialed digits</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="caller_email">
- <para>R/0 Returns caller email</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="callee_email">
- <para>R/0 Returns callee email</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="callee_dialeddigits">
- <para>R/0 Returns callee dialed digits</para>
- </enum>
- <enum name="caller_url">
- <para>R/0 Returns caller URL</para>
- </enum>
<enum name="max_forwards">
- <para>R/W Get or set the maximum number of call forwards for this channel.
- This number describes the number of times a call may be forwarded by this channel
- before the call fails. "Forwards" in this case refers to redirects by phones as well
- as calls to local channels.
- Note that this has no relation to the SIP Max-Forwards header.
- </para>
+ <para>R/W The maximum number of forwards allowed.</para>
+ <xi:include xpointer="xpointer(/docs/info[@name='SIPCHANNEL'])" />
+ <xi:include xpointer="xpointer(/docs/info[@name='PJSIPCHANNEL'])" />
+ <xi:include xpointer="xpointer(/docs/info[@name='IAXCHANNEL'])" />
+ <xi:include xpointer="xpointer(/docs/info[@name='DAHDICHANNEL'])" />
+ <xi:include xpointer="xpointer(/docs/info[@name='OOH323CHANNEL'])" />
<para>Gets/sets various pieces of information about the channel, additional <replaceable>item</replaceable> may
be available from the channel driver; see its documentation for details. Any <replaceable>item</replaceable>
requested that is not available on the current channel will return an empty string.</para>
+ <example title="Standard CHANNEL item examples">
+ ; Push a hangup handler subroutine existing at dialplan
+ ; location default,s,1 onto the current channel
+ same => n,Set(CHANNEL(hangup_handler_push)=default,s,1)
+ ; Set the current tonezone to Germany (de)
+ same => n,Set(CHANNEL(tonezone)=de)
+ ; Set the allowed maximum number of forwarding attempts
+ same => n,Set(CHANNEL(max_forwards)=10)
+ ; If this channel is ejected from its next bridge, and if
+ ; the channel is not hung up, begin executing dialplan at
+ ; location default,after-bridge,1
+ same => n,Set(CHANNEL(after_bridge_goto)=default,after-bridge,1)
+ ; Log the current state of the channel
+ same => n,Log(NOTICE, This channel is: ${CHANNEL(state)})
+ </example>
+ <xi:include xpointer="xpointer(/docs/info[@name='PJSIPCHANNEL_EXAMPLES'])" />
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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ifaa79a232c8ac99cf8da6ef6cc7815d398b1b79b
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: asterisk
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Matt Jordan <mjordan at digium.com>
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