[Asterisk-code-review] Scripts: check file versions of Asterisk and dependencies (asterisk[master])
Scott Griepentrog
asteriskteam at digium.com
Fri Sep 4 13:56:23 CDT 2015
Scott Griepentrog has uploaded a new change for review.
Change subject: Scripts: check file versions of Asterisk and dependencies
Scripts: check file versions of Asterisk and dependencies
To help in diagnosing mismatched modules and libraries, this
script scans for version, repository, and source information
and reports what is found.
ASTERISK-25376 #close
Reported by: Ashley Sanders
Change-Id: Ib0642d0fb96712476f59760d6d137a24633fe2d6
M Makefile
A contrib/scripts/astversion
2 files changed, 393 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
git pull ssh://gerrit.asterisk.org:29418/asterisk refs/changes/96/1196/1
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index f6a3d1f..bfa1ad9 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -578,6 +578,7 @@
bininstall: _all installdirs $(SUBDIRS_INSTALL) main-bininstall
+ $(INSTALL) -m 755 contrib/scripts/astversion "$(DESTDIR)$(ASTSBINDIR)/"
$(INSTALL) -m 755 contrib/scripts/astgenkey "$(DESTDIR)$(ASTSBINDIR)/"
$(INSTALL) -m 755 contrib/scripts/autosupport "$(DESTDIR)$(ASTSBINDIR)/"
if [ ! -f /sbin/launchd ]; then \
diff --git a/contrib/scripts/astversion b/contrib/scripts/astversion
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..81d1375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/scripts/astversion
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+# astversion - determine version/source of components
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Digium, Inc.
+# Written by Scott Griepentrog <sgriepentrog at digium.com>
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# libraries to provide the source/version of
+ $LIBDIR/libspandsp.so.2
+ $LIBDIR/libpjsip.so.2
+ $LIBDIR/libpri.so.*
+# binaries to provide the source/version of
+ /usr/sbin/asterisk
+ /usr/sbin/dahdi_cfg
+# condense list of files when more than X in a set
+ # insure that needed tools are present
+ TOOLS=(uname basename fgrep cut head)
+ # making assumption that rpm and dpkg always exist on their platforms
+ for TOOL in ${TOOLS[@]}
+ do
+ if ! which $TOOL > /dev/null
+ then
+ echo "ERROR: please install package for $TOOL utility"
+ exit
+ fi
+ done
+ sanity_check
+ echo "Checking Asterisk versions on $HOSTNAME at $(date)"
+ TMPFILE="/tmp/astversion.$$"
+ locate_asterisk
+ locate_libdir
+ check_asterisk_version
+ check_dahdi_version
+ gather_packages
+ gather_files
+ search_packages
+ search_source
+ show_unknown_files
+ ASTPATH="/usr/sbin/asterisk"
+ if [ ! -f $ASTPATH ]
+ then
+ # maybe it's installed in another path?
+ if ! which asterisk > $TMPFILE
+ then
+ echo "Error: asterisk is not installed"
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f $ASTPATH ]
+ then
+ echo "Error: unable to locate alternate binary path"
+ exit
+ fi
+ echo "Using alternate executable path: $ASTPATH"
+ fi
+ LIBDIR="/usr/lib"
+ if [ `uname -m` = "x86_64" -a -d /usr/lib64 ]
+ then
+ LIBDIR="/usr/lib64"
+ fi
+ # get the version that the executable says it is
+ ASTEXEC=$(asterisk -V)
+ if [ -z "$ASTEXEC" ]
+ then
+ echo "### ERROR: Unable to find Asterisk version from executable"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ "${ASTEXEC:0:9}" != "Asterisk " ]
+ then
+ echo "### ERROR: Unexpected version from executable: $ASTEXEC"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # compare with the version that is running
+ if ! asterisk -rx "core show version" > $TMPFILE 2>/dev/null
+ then
+ echo "Installed version: $ASTEXEC"
+ echo "Asterisk is not running - repeat command with it running for more details."
+ else
+ ASTLIVE=$(grep '^Asterisk [^e][^n][^d]' < $TMPFILE)
+ if [ -z "$ASTLIVE" ]
+ then
+ echo "### ERROR: Unable to find Asterisk version from running instance"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # is it running the same version? (note: space is significant!)
+ if ! fgrep "$ASTEXEC " < $TMPFILE > /dev/null
+ then
+ echo "Installed version: $ASTEXEC"
+ echo "### WARNING: Asterisk is running different version:"
+ fi
+ echo "$ASTLIVE"
+ fi
+ if [ "$ASTEXEC" = "Asterisk SVN--r75026M" ]
+ then
+ echo "### WARNING: version 'SVN--r75026M' is not accurate - appears across multiple builds"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f /sys/module/dahdi/version ]
+ then
+ echo "Dahdi kernel module is not installed"
+ else
+ DAHDI_KERNEL=$(cat /sys/module/dahdi/version)
+ echo "Dahdi kernel module version: $DAHDI_KERNEL"
+ fi
+ if ! which dahdi_cfg >&/dev/null
+ then
+ echo "Dahdi tools are not installed"
+ else
+ DAHDI_TOOLS=$(dahdi_cfg -v |& head -1)
+ echo "$DAHDI_TOOLS"
+ fi
+ if asterisk -rx "dahdi show version" > $TMPFILE 2>/dev/null
+ then
+ # may be empty if dahdi not installed
+ if [ ! -z "$DAHDI_CLI" ]
+ then
+ echo "Asterisk reports: $DAHDI_CLI"
+ fi
+ fi
+ PKGNAME="$1"
+ if ! rpm -q $PKGNAME > /tmp/astversion-$PKGNAME-version
+ then
+ rm -f /tmp/astversion-$PKGNAME-version
+ return 2
+ fi
+ rpm -ql $PKGNAME > /tmp/astversion-$PKGNAME-files
+ rpm -V $PKGNAME > /tmp/astversion-$PKGNAME-verify
+ return 0
+ PKGNAME="$1"
+ if ! dpkg -s asterisk > $TMPFILE
+ then
+ rm -f /tmp/astversion-$PKGNAME-version
+ return 2
+ fi
+ # prefix the version with the package name to mimic rpm
+ echo -n "$PKGNAME " > /tmp/astversion-$PKGNAME-version
+ cat $TMPFILE | fgrep Version |cut -d ' ' -f2 >> /tmp/astversion-$PKGNAME-version
+ dpkg -L $PKGNAME > /tmp/astversion-$PKGNAME-files
+ dpkg -V $PKGNAME > /tmp/astversion-$PKGNAME-verify
+ PKGNAME="$1"
+ PKGFILE="$2"
+ if [ ! -f /tmp/astversion-$PKGNAME-version ]
+ then
+ return 2
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f /tmp/astversion-$PKGNAME-files ]
+ then
+ return 2
+ fi
+ if ! fgrep "$PKGFILE" /tmp/astversion-$PKGNAME-files >/dev/null
+ then
+ # package doesn't have that file
+ return 3
+ fi
+ #PKGVERIFY=$(rpm -V $PKGNAME | fgrep $PKGFILE)
+ if fgrep "$PKGFILE" /tmp/astversion-$PKGNAME-verify >/dev/null
+ then
+ # file does not match package
+ return 4
+ fi
+ return 0
+ # build a list of installed packages that are likely to contain components
+ SEARCH=(asterisk dahdi libpri pjproject spandsp)
+ if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]
+ then
+ DISTRO="redhat"
+ for NAME in ${SEARCH[@]}
+ do
+ PACKAGES+=($(rpm -qa |fgrep $NAME))
+ done
+ fi
+ if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]
+ then
+ DISTRO="debian"
+ for NAME in ${SEARCH[@]}
+ do
+ PACKAGES+=($(dpkg --get-selections |cut -f1 |fgrep $NAME))
+ done
+ fi
+ # build a list of files that need to be located
+ FILES=($LIBDIR/asterisk/modules/*.so)
+ # add libraries and binaries that exist to the files list
+ for LIBRARY in ${LIBRARIES[@]}
+ do
+ if [ -f $LIBRARY ]
+ then
+ fi
+ done
+ for BINARY in ${BINARIES[@]}
+ do
+ if [ -f $BINARY ]
+ then
+ fi
+ done
+ # scan each package and report files that match
+ for PACKAGE in ${PACKAGES[@]}
+ do
+ scan_package_$DISTRO "$PACKAGE"
+ PKGVERSION=$(cat /tmp/astversion-$PKGNAME-version)
+ FOUND=()
+ for FILE in ${FILES[@]}
+ do
+ if package_has_file "$PACKAGE" "$FILE"
+ then
+ FILES=(${FILES[@]/$FILE/})
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ ! -z "$FOUND" ]
+ then
+ if [ ${#FOUND[@]} -le $CONDENSE ]
+ then
+ for FILEFOUND in ${FOUND[@]}
+ do
+ echo "Found $FILEFOUND in package $PKGVERSION"
+ done
+ else
+ echo "Found ${#FOUND[@]} files in package $PKGVERSION"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ # look for source path locally (compiled on this machine)
+ # - scan elfs for compilation directory
+ # - compare the file to confirm match
+ if [ -z "$FILES" ]
+ then
+ return
+ fi
+ # skip this check on no readelf tool (fedora 22)
+ if ! which readelf >& /dev/null
+ then
+ echo "Warning: skipping source detection because readelf utility is not available"
+ return
+ fi
+ # build a list of possible source paths
+ DIRS=()
+ for FILE in ${FILES[@]}
+ do
+ DEBUG_ELF=$(readelf -wi $FILE |fgrep DW_AT_comp_dir |head -1)
+ DIR=${COMP_DIR//[[:space:]]/}
+ if [ -d $DIR ]
+ then
+ if ! [[ " ${DIRS[@]} " =~ " $DIR " ]]
+ then
+ DIRS+=($DIR)
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ # for each possible path, look for target file
+ for DIR in ${DIRS[@]}
+ do
+ FOUND=()
+ for FILE in ${FILES[@]}
+ do
+ BASENAME=$(basename $FILE)
+ if [ -f $DIR/$BASENAME ]
+ then
+ then
+ FILES=(${FILES[@]/$FILE/})
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ ! -z "$FOUND" ]
+ then
+ if [ ${#FOUND[@]} -le $CONDENSE ]
+ then
+ for FILEFOUND in ${FOUND[@]}
+ do
+ echo "Found $FILEFOUND compiled from $DIR"
+ done
+ else
+ echo "Found ${#FOUND[@]} files compiled from $DIR"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ # show a warning for any remaining files unaccounted for
+ if [ -z "$FILES" ]
+ then
+ echo "Success: all files accounted for."
+ else
+ echo ""
+ echo "WARNING: source of the following files was not found:"
+ for FILE in ${FILES[@]}
+ do
+ echo " ### $FILE"
+ done
+ fi
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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ib0642d0fb96712476f59760d6d137a24633fe2d6
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: asterisk
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Scott Griepentrog <sgriepentrog at digium.com>
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